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Date | Item |
31-DEC-2000 | 1) See the TSR Forgotten Realms product release
schedule for 2001!: The
Seige, Temple
Hill, Elminster
in Hell, Magic
of Faerun and the Neverwinter
Nights novel. 2) New stories in the 'Campaign Logs' section: Seasons by Jack Barnwell, A Candle's Last Flame by Tyson Bell and Rashid's Tale (a solo PBeM) by Brian Flood. 3) Also in the 'Campaign Logs' section: Latest chapters (59-63) of The Sunset Vale Saga by Brian Flood. This update includes more maps and player handouts. 4) Updated product information page for the Baldur's Gate II, The City of Ravens, The Shattered Mask and The Nether Scroll novels, and the Maztica adventures: Fires of Zatal, Endless Armies and City of Gold. 5) Latest article installments and new features on the Forgotten Realms section on the official TSR web site. |
06-DEC-2000 | 1) Story in the 'Campaign Logs' section, based on chapters
of Baldur's Gate II: Curse
You, Jaheira - by Arelius. 2) More excellent submissions to the 'Fellaren-Krae Project' by Robert V. Droz: Fentonford, Fenton Hall Ladies Adventuring Academy, Fentonford Inn, Baron Harold Fenton, Baroness Elspeth Fenton, Lady Summer Fenton and The Sunken Sunrise Fest Hall. 3) A new character entry in the 'Hall of Heroes': Peregrine. 4) Latest article installments and new features on the Forgotten Realms section on the official TSR web site. 5) More payable TSR product downloads available for $2.95, see the TSR Download section. |
12-NOV-2000 | 1) New characters in the 'Hall of Heroes': Kahl'
Astol, Erin
Talltankard and Sir
Nathaniel Gallathilial. 2) Product information page for the new Computer RPG expansion pack: Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter. 3) More artwork of the Svirfneblin, Plonix, by Ribeiro. See the 'Gallery of Faerun' for "Plo-Plo and his Noble Friend". 4) Review by Mike G Jordan of the Servant of the Shard novel. 5) Latest article installments on the Forgotten Realms section on the official TSR web site. 6) More TSR product downloads available, see the TSR Download section. |
29-OCT-2000 | 1) More new characters enter the 'Hall of Heroes':
War'khul and Erazan
Marqueel. |
15-OCT-2000 | 1) New characters in the 'Hall of Heroes': Renthar
Ashencloud, Raven
Whiteblade, Glindinfrod
Bloodgem and Talen
Whitemane. 2) Updated product information page for Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn computer game, updated new cover art and revised release date for The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Hardcover. 3) Included a list of all creatures featured in the Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerun book. 4) An extensive collection of adventuring equipment and numerous other goods compiled by Kris Metz - in the Travelers Notebook section. 5) Product information page for the Servant of the Shard magnet from TSR\Dragon magazine and the official Baldur's Gate II CPRG strategy guide. 6) Review of the Icewind Dale CRPG - reviewed by Logan. 7) Added a central location for listing and linking to TSR Forgotten Realms downloads. This can be found both in 'Tethtoril's Bookshelf' and 'Alaundo's Library'. (See also the Site Map). 8) Information on the review of the Candlekeep site in the 'Knights of the Dinner Table' comic. 9) The latest news and articles from TSR on the official Forgotten Realms pages on their site. Added pages for Elminster Speaks #11 & #12, Realms by Night #8. |
13-SEP-2000 | 1) New area of the Campaign
Journals section called Adventures
in Faerun. This area will contain Realms adventure modules
for download. Adventures from elsewhere on the site are now within this
area, and to lauch the new area an excellent addition to the site: a fan-created
Forgotten Realms adventure module: 'Dead of Night' by Derek Chapman. 2) New artwork in the 'Gallery of Faerun': Plonix Battle Modificado by Ribeiro. 3) Updated: An extensive collection of D&D character sheets and reference sheets for various classes, in MS-Word format - by Derek Chapman. Located in the Wondrous Treasures area of Alaundos Library. 4) Next installment of The Sunset Vale Saga: Chapters 54-58 of this excellent ongoing PBeM by Brian Flood. These latest installments also come with two player handouts of maps of the relevant areas. 5) Product information page updates for : Fires of Zatal, Endless Armies, Ochimo: The Spirit Warrior, Test of the Samaurai, Mad Monkey vs. The Dragon Claw, Death of the Dragon and the 'Songs and Swords Series' (novel re-releases): Elfshadow, Elfsong, Silver Shadows and Thornhold. 6) First releases of the Forgotten Realms product line by TSR are now shown in the 2001 Catalog. Product information pages for new products: The Legacy of the Drow Collectors Edition, The Floodgate, The Summoning. 7) Product information page for the Servant of the Shard Preview Book. 8) Updated: Forgotten Realms Bibliography download to reflect new products. 9) Product reviews from the 'Scribes Desk': Prince of Lies reviewed by Jonathan Burness, City of Splendors reviewed by Duniya and Silverfall reviewed by Mike G Jordan. 10) The Census Chamber in the Hall of Heroes is now taking entries for 3rd Edition Realms characters. 11) Latest additions to the TSR site for numerous Forgotten Realms downloads! and new site features. 12) System news regarding site status. |
14-AUG-2000 | 1) Product reviews: Canticle,
Sylvan Shadows and Night
Masks reviewed by Gaelan Kent and Death
of the Dragon reviewed by Mike G Jordan. 2) D&D character sheets and reference sheets for various classes, in MS-Word format - by Derek Chapman. Located in the Wondrous Treasures area of Alaundos Library. 3) Product information pages for the first two Realms products for the 3rd Edition of D&D: The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting hardcover and Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerun. 4) Images and text of the Azoun memorial card, included with Dragon Magazine. 5) Product information page for the second chapter of The Forbidden Sands of Anauroch. 6) News from TSR about the Forgotten Realms logo, the Realms encyclopedia database project and more Realms downloads coming soon at the WotC site.! |
06-AUG-2000 | 1) New characters enter the Hall
of Heroes: Vagazeal
Maveraxaspin, Azco,
of Tantras, Abbadon,
Stormwind, BeholderMage,
Sekemmis Vorcoth, Arazn
Blair, Darzen'Kennan,
Lightfoot and Sir
Rhondihir. 2) Latest installments in the Campaign Logs section of the Sunset Vale Saga: Chapters 49-53 plus extra information on the campaign PC's and NPC's - By Brian Flood. 3) New arwork submissions in the Gallery of Faerun: Rishara by Tiziano Barrachi and Unicorn and Treewitch by Nimrod Notea. 4) More articles for the Fellaren-Krae project: Leif Silvermoon and Natures Bounty - by Shea Silvermoon, and The Angry Gnome Inn, Mystra's Tears, Shrastahishra and Corwin Drakewood - by Adam Dabdoub. 5) Another version of D&D Character Sheets in the Wondrous Treasures section - designed by Rich Macleish. 6) Realms reviews of Beyond the High Road, Spellfire and Pool of Twilight - reviewed by Jonathan Burness, Baldur's Gate, Tangled Webs and Azure Bonds - reviewed by Mike G Jordan, and Evermeet: A Novel reviewed by Colin Fesser. See the Reviews Index Page for more product reviews. 7) Updated product information sheets for Icewind Dale (CRPG), The Halls of Stormweather, and Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate II. 8) Added new product information pages for The Shattered Mask, and Black Wolf (parts 3 and 4 of the Sembia Series) and the Icewind Dale Strategy Guide. Product info. pages for the new comic book: The Forbidden Sands of Anauroch and the old Forgotten Realms DC Comics (issues 5-17, 19, 24,25). 9) A List of Icewind Dale trading cards which were included with Dragon Magazine. located in the Miscellaneous section of Tethtoril's Bookshelf. 10) FR article list for Polyhedron UK Issue 7. 11) Information on new (and not so new!) FR articles and downloads now available on the official TSR Forgotten Realms site. 12) System Message on the status of the site. |
10-JUN-2000 | 1) Another story of the dark elf, Rizzen, in
the World - by Carl R Cascone. 2) A personal spell and magical item for Ambrosia of the Riders of Elvenflow - by Jim Griffith. 3) New Characters to the 'Hall of Heroes': Cabe Arrakis, Riehari Kenchi and Ruu Toetickler. 4) Product reviews of The Magehound - by Mike G Jordan, Darkwalker on Moonshae - by Jonathan Burness and Baldurs Gate - by Andrew Garnett. See also the Reviews Index page. 5) Updated product information pages for Cloak and Dagger and Shadows Witness (updated cover art). 6) Added a link to the Profantasy FR Atlas site on the Links page. 7) System message regarding lost guessbook entries. |
26-MAY-2000 | 1) Excellent new piece of artwork in the Gallery
entitled 'Danger at Zhentil Keep' for the updated Black
Roses adventuring party by Tiziano Barrachi. 2) Updated Black Roses adventuring party page in the 'Hall of Heroes': new characters include: Brandimarte, Thalassia and Deianira. 3) More new characters to the 'Hall of Heroes': Fredrick Dragonslayer, Tamatha Dragonslayer, Scarter of Waterdeep and Sylvus Swiftblade. 4) Updated information for Seers Cove and Swordsrest temples for the Fellaren-Krae project - by Luke Fleeman. 5) Latest installments of The Sunset Vale - Chapters 45 - 48 are now available of the excellent saga! - By Brian Flood 6) Article in 'Travelers Notebook' section on a new 'plant mage' class: The Ecomancer - by Shea Silvermoon. 7) Product review by Gabriel Gabbardo of Villains Lorebook. 8) Minor character updates for Quasit Darkcloud and Brightmane. |
13-MAY-2000 | 1) Part 2 of the Call
of the Monkey God in the 'Campaign Logs' section - Chronicle
of the Raging Fools adventuring party - By Jason Niehaus. 2) The Meeting: A letter home, penned by Ama of the Black Roses adventuring party. In the 'Campaign Logs' section - By Marina Barrachi. 3) New characters to the 'Hall of Heroes': Quasit Darkcloud (of the Riders of Elvenflow), Shea Silvermoon, Brightmane and Kage Selden. 4) Two more members to the Fellaran-Krae Spellfilchers Guild: Kelsor Thelessar and Lyndir Leafwhisper - by Tiziana Barrachi. 5) Information on faiths and temples of Fellaren-Krae. Includes details on eight temples in the city - by Luke Fleeman. 6) Updated product pages for The Sea Devils Eye and The Dungeon of Death. 7) Reviews of Spellfire, Once Around the Realms and Cormyr: A novel - by Michael Jordan. 8) Added a link for 'The Company of the Silver Coin' on the Links page. |
23-APR-2000 | 1) Updated the TSR Forgotten Realms product
release schedule
for Q4 2000. |
12-APR-2000 | 1) Message
regarding the absorbtion of the FR-Zone web site from the REALMS-L
Mailing List. 2) Added new section to the Campaign Journals area for the Realms Projects of the REALMS-L List. This area includes the official FAQ, FR Atlas FAQ, Projects lists and guidelines. See also the FR Zone Navigation Menu. 3) Added the TSR Realms Product Errata to the site. This is a project of the REALMS-L List and will also be available in the Tethtoril's Bookshelf section. Updated product information pages to include link to the Errata where applicable. 4) Forgotten Realms Travel Calculator by Paul Young, is now available for download in the Travelers Notebooks section. 5) Added 18 new fonts to the Fonts area of the Wondrous Treasures section. 6) Details of more Forgotten Realms Mailing Lists and Newsgroup listed on the Links page. Also included LISTSERV reference and TSR Internet Policy. |
08-APR-2000 | 1) Message
regarding the current system status of Candlekeep. 2) The Book of the Cathshee in the 'Travelers Notebook' section detailing Cathshee Bladesingers and the Bladesong, by Tyson Bell. 3) Latest installments from the ongoing PBeM: Chapters 41-44 of The Sunset Vale Saga, by Brian Flood. 4) Elven Dialects article in the 'Travelers Notebook' section detailing the various types of elven language, by Robert Sullivan. 5) Added new characters to the 'Hall of Heroes': Frekul Winterboone, Thorin Goblinstomper, Lordin Granderson, Helk Dermit and Grimnol Battlehund. 6) Review by Robert Sullivan of the new novel - The Magehound. 7) NPC for the Fellaren-Krae project - Thaldir Anaurin: Guildmaster of the Spellfilchers Guild - by Tiziano and Marina Barrachi. 8) Added link to 'The Forgotten Library' site on the Links page. 9) Updated character page for Leodin Umanyar. 10) Added a Census Statistics page for the 'Hall of Heroes'. 11) Use the new Feedback form to contact the Scribes with your opinions and suggestions for the site. |
26-MAR-2000 | 1) Three more members of The
Black Roses. Character pages for Lysanderlyn,
and Madmax. 2) Chapters 37 - 40 of the ongoing PBeM: The Sunset Vale Saga are now available in the 'Campaign Logs' section. 3) Article in the 'Bard's Rumors' section of 'Realmslore', by Ed Greenwood detailing the history and lore of Chondath. 4) Review of Stormlight by Justin E. Salisbury. See also the Reviews Index page. 5) Added 'The Keepers of the Eternal Flame' (English\French Realms site) to the Links page. |
13-MAR-2000 | 1) Important
System Message regarding recent site problems. 2) New fan artwork in the Gallery of Faerun: 'The Five Black Roses', and excellent picture of an adventuring party (see below), as painted by Tiziano Baracchi. 3) The characters in the afore mentioned picture form the adventuring band called The Black Roses, see their page in the 'Hall of Heroes'. 4) Yet more characters enter the 'Hall of Heroes': Sir Kyal Kastagiir, Justin Truelaris and Riezel Swordsinger. 5) New entry to the Chronicles of Jeiroth Ulondarr entitled Defenders of High Forest by Tyson Bell. 6) Character updates for Jeiroth Ulondarrand Darryel Blackhand. 7) Product information page for the novel preview: Summer Sneak Preview 2000, which features some Realms novel samples. 8) Notification of TSR Forgotten Realms site updates, including map updates to the Forgotten Realms Interactive Atlas CD-ROM and latest installments of the regular online Realms articles. |
27-FEB-2000 | 1) New Characters to the 'Hall of Heroes': Vesfious
Silver, Deathrall
Darkwater and Darryel
Blackhand. 2) A short story telling of Rizzen, his companions and a deadly encounter: URB by Carl R Cascone. 3) Notification of latest installments of TSR's Realms articles. |
22-FEB-2000 | Apologies for the lengthy period between updates as I was
on a well overdue skiing holiday\vacation. :-) 1) New Characters to the 'Hall of Heroes': Mordouin Goldtree Elorfindar and Druinor d'Yantra 2) Melancholy Engagement: A first-person short story in the Campaign Logs section of a drow's quest in an elven grove in the woods of Faerun, by Carl R Cascone. 3) Updated the product page for Secrets of the Magister 4) Review by Rebecca of the Daughter of the Drow novel. 5) Due to popular demand, all items in the Travelers Notebooks section have been formatted for viewing on the web, each article is still available for download in its original state on each page. The Credits section has also been updated for the authors of these articles. 6) Minor updates to the character page for Leodin Umanyar. 7) New Candlekeep site Banners page, accessed from the Links page. 8) Added link banner to 'Sorcerers Place' FR CRPG site on the Links page. 9) Notification of latest installments of the ongoing Realms articles on the TSR Forgotten Realms page. |
03-FEB-2000 | 1) The adventure continues in Chapters 33-36 of
Sunset Vale Sagain the Campaign
Logs section. 2) An article giving information on the Moonblades of Abeir-Toril and their use in a home campaign by Shea Silvermoon in the Travelers Notebook section. 3) Updated the product information page for The Icewind Dale Trilogy Collectors Edition. Also updated details for the Kara-Tur series of adventures: (Swords of the Daimyo, Night of the Seven Swords, Ochimo, The Spirit Warrior, Blood of the Yakuza, Mad Monkey vs. The Dragon Claws, Ronin Challenge, Test of the Samurai and Ninja Wars) - Thanks to Ian R Malcomson for supplying the infomation. 4) Added the 'Grimspear' site banner link on the Links page. |
30-JAN-2000 | 1) Read the next installment of The
Huntsilver Chronicles. Deagan continues his travels in
8, by Carey Sauerbrun. 2) Yet more characters step into the 'Hall of Heroes': Rig, Stint Ironjaw and Gavin Trueblade. 3) Review of The Throne of Bloodstone by Marc Mayer. (This review refers to the whole Bloodstone Quartet adventures, see the Reviews Index Page. 4) Added the 'Unofficial Waterdeep: City of Splendors' banner link on the Links page. 5) Notification of new items available for download on the Forgotten Realms TSR web site and new Realms articles. |
23-JAN-2000 | 1) The Forgotten Realms Frequently-Asked-Questions
page (FAQ) is now on the site in Alaundo's
Library. The beginnings of a page of shared knowledge
and information on the Realms! Please feel free to contribute and
aid us to build up this knowledge base for fans of the Realms. 2) New characters to the Hall of Heroes: Tiryn and Taliesin . 3) Updated the Forgotten Realms 'Dragons Bestiary'. Available for download in the Realms Lore area of Alaundo's Library. 4) Notification of new articles on the official TSR Forgotten Realms web site. |
18-JAN-2000 | 1) New characters to the Hall
of Heroes: Vladamir
Blackblade, Scott
Sharp and Pariah. 2) Review of The Throne of Bloodstone by Jane Hammond. See the Reviews Index page for other product reviews. 3) Two comments from visitors of the site regarding the Forgotten Realms Top 10 Results. 4) Updated the Forgotten Realms Bibliography. |
15-JAN-2000 | 1) New to the Campaign
Logs section, the first seven chapters of Realms fiction
by Carey Sauerbrun, entitled The
Huntsilver Chronicles, tells the story of a Cormyrean
master-thief's quest. Excellent writing style and the beginning of
an intriguing story. 2) Information on Endroth'lic, the magical battle axe featured in 'The Huntsilver Chronicles'. Link also available from the Travelers Notebook area. 3) Hunter's Moon, An excellent short story in the Campaign Logs area, by Carey Sauerburn about a thief on a mission in the city of Waterdeep. 4) New character to the Hall of Heroes: Kain Longsword 5) Updated 'Cormyrean War Wizards' download with extra infomation - Go to the Travelers Notebook section. 6) See the Rumors section for information of a Forgotten Realms Out-Of-Print-Products CD-ROM. 7) Notification of new articles on the official TSR Forgotten Realms web site. |
09-JAN-2000 | 1) Message
regarding Web Server problems which affected the functionality of pages
on the site which contain forms. 2) New to the Campaign Logs section: A huge collection of campaign journals from a PBeM game entitled The Sunset Vale Saga. These logs make excellent reading and are very well detailed. - (Thanks to Brian Flood, the campaigns DM who submitted this work). 3) An extensive Excel worksheet listing all Cormyrean War Wizards, available in the Travelers Notebook area of 'Alaundo's Library' for download - (Thanks to Kris Metz who compiled and submitted this work). 4) Added the Q1-3 TSR Forgotten Realms 2000 catalog to Tethtoril's Bookshelf. Also included product pages for new Realms products of this year: The Dungeon of Death, Secrets of the Magister, Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate, Cloak and Dagger, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn novel, The Sea Devils Eye, Realms of the Deep, Halls of Stormweather, The Magehound, Death of the Dragon, Elfshadow, Elfsong, Canticle, In Sylvan Shadows, Night Masks, The Fallen Fortress, The Chaos Curse, Icewind Dale Trilogy Collectors Edition and the following computer games: Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, Pool of Radiance II, Baldur's Gate II. All these titles can be linked from the Novels, Products and Miscellaneous pages in the Tethtoril's Bookshelf section. 5) A new character enters the Hall of Heroes: Elrawyn Amadriel 6) Included links to official Forgotten Realms computer game web sites for titles listed above, on the Links page. 7) Minor character updates to Leodin Umanyar and Demor. 8) The official TSR Forgotten Realms web pages have been revamped on the Wizards web site. Still not much content but there is mention of future updates and a new column by Ed Greenwood called 'Elminster Speaks'. |
Date | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
31-DEC-2000 | TSR Forgotten Realms Web Site Articles |
05-DEC-2000 | TSR Forgotten Realms Web Site Articles |
12-NOV-2000 | TSR Forgotten Realms Web Site Articles Forgotten Realms Product Downloads
29-OCT-2000 | Forgotten Realms Web Site Articles
Forgotten Realms Product Downloads
15-OCT-2000 | Forgotten Realms Product Downloads
Forgotten Realms Web Site Articles
A new weekly column on the site entitled 'Realmswatch' contains much information about the upcoming 3rd Edition Forgotten Realms, the current contents are as follows:
Dragon Magazine is also running a 5 month article entitled "Countdown to the Forgotten Realms" which will reveal much about the 3rd Edition Realms. Part one begins on page 30 of Dragon issue 276 |
13-SEP-2000 | Forgotten Realms Product Downloads
New Forgotten Realms Articles and Features Forgotten Realms Adventure Hook Generator: 3rd Edition D&D statistics for Drizzt Do'Urden: |
14-AUG-2000 | New Forgotten Realms Logo Forgotten Realms Encyclopedia Database Project Forgotten Realms Product Downloads |
06-AUG-2000 | Over the past few weeks, TSR have uploaded various items to the Forgotten Realms area of their site:
Full product download of the North: The Savage Frontier boxed set!:
Web exclusive download for 'Cloak and Dagger' detailing information
on Westgate, available at: Also for the 'Cloak and Dagger' sourcebook is the C&D Art Gallery,
located at: The complete Forgotten Realms Timeline!: The TSR Forgotten Realms Gallery, currently contains 12 images: |
13-MAR-2000 | New maps and updates for the Forgotten Realms Interactive
Atlas CD-ROM are available for download from the TSR site at: http://www.wizards.com/electronic/downloads.asp Latest installments of Realms articles on the TSR site:
27-FEB-2000 | Latest installments of Realms articles on the TSR site:
22-FEB-2000 | More new Realms material from TSR on their web site. The
latest installments on the ongoing online articles:
Also in the Download section are the following new fan submissions:
30-JAN-2000 | TSR have included new material on the Forgotten
Realms Downloads page on their site. Items available
for download are:
The latest installments of TSR's Realmslore articles have been posted on the site:
23-JAN-2000 | New Forgotten Realms articles on the TSR web site:
15-JAN-2000 | 1) TSR plan to release a CD-ROM set (around 5 CD's)
of all Out-Of-Print Forgotten Realms products produced by TSR, provisionally
entitled: The Candlekeep Scrolls. This is scheduled for release
late 2000 and should cost around the same as the Forgotten Realms Interactive
Atlas. All Realms source material and adventure modules which are
over a year old (as from July 2000) will be included. Kara-Tur, Maztica,
The Horde and Al-Qadim can also be expected to be included in the collection.
Articles from Dragon Magazine and Polyhedron will NOT be included.
It has been hinted at the as more products become out of print as time goes
on, they may be available as an upgrade, possibly via download on the TSR
web site. 2) New articles are available on the TSR Forgotten Realms web site:
09-JAN-2000 | The official TSR Forgotten Realms web pages have been revamped on the Wizards web site. Still not much content but there is mention of future updates and a new column by Ed Greenwood called 'Elminster Speaks'. |