Attack Bonus - + 1 bonus to attack rolls with hurled weapons.
Infravision [Halfling] - Infravision with 60' range, which indicated
some stout blood in the characters linage.
Mining detection abilities - A character with this skill is familiar
with mining, tunneling and stonework. By concentrating for
one round the character can:
Determine approximate direction underground, 1-3 on 1d6.
Detect any grade or slope in the passage they are passing through,
1-3 on 1d4.
Saving Throw bonuses - For every 3.5 points of a Halflings Constitution/Health,
they will receive a +1 to saves vs. wand, staves, rods and spells.
Stealth - When the halfling is alone and is not wearing metal armor,
he gains a bonus to surprise opponents. The opponent suffers
a -4 penalty, or a -2 if the halfling has to open a door or move
aside some other obstruction.