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Errata - Forgotten Realms Project
Compiler: Tom Cullen
Original Compiler: Andrew Hackard
eMail-Address: cullen@ENTERACT.COM
The project collects misprints, typos, mislabelled pictures and charts - all the things that we find so annoying in our Realms stuff for the reference of Realms players and DMs forevermore. If you're reading an FR game product and you come across a mistake, please jot a note and eMail Project Officer Andrew Hackard with your discovery - and correction, if possible. If not, we'll email the TSR Realms team and get the answer straight from them.
The Realms Errata project is still going strong! If you're interested in contributing the mistakes you've found in your FR stuff--or, better yet, the solutions to those mistakes--email me at cullen@ENTERACT.COM . Please send correction to email addresses directly to me at the above email address.
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Table of Contents. Click the desired option:
A: FR campaign setting (either boxed set)
1"/30 mi map, eastern half
courtesy Erskine Fincher < fincher2@nettally.com >
1) The Standing Stone is shown north of the Moonsea Ride, but it should be south of that road and east of Rauthauvyr's Road.
2) Shadowdale is shown to be on the south bank of the River Ashaba, but it should be on the north bank.
Shadowdale booklet
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
p19, c1, par:
The notes on the Elventrees seem to be in error for the year 1368 DR. According
to FR7: Hall of Heroes Ilcurt and Lasha Elventree were killed in the battles
with Zhentil Keep. Since the old Cyclopedia to the Realms doesn't note their
deaths, it is left to the individual GM which text to follow. Also, Illistyl's
tutor was Jhessail Silvertree. Illistyl is a Knight of Myth Drannor, and is
described as a cg hf W6 in RoMD (released in the same year as the 2nd ed. Campaign
Cyclopedia of the Realms
%courtesy Brian D. Gute < bgute@wyle.nrri.umn.edu >
Page number: p. 27, Hill and Mountain Barbarians
Description of error: Hill and Mountain barbarians are noted to live in the
Earthrust Mountains. This should be the Earthfast Mountains.
Beneath the Twisted Tower adventure
courtesy Sam Stockdale < yraen@HOTMAIL.COM >
For area 8D4: Declining Returns, it looks like the read-aloud passage is missing. Is this common to all copies of the adventure? If not, can someone let me know what it says?
1. Forgotten Realms Adventures
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
In the spell descriptions of moonbeam and Nchaser's glowing globe, the casting
times are missing. They should be: moonbeam -7, Nchaser's glowing globe -3 (from
Dragon Magazine, issue #175, Sage Advice).
courtesy "Brian D. Gute" < bgute@wyle.nrri.umn.edu >
Page number: p. 88, Important Characters
Description of error: Diane Halistinar, a former priestess of Sune, has an alignment
of GN listed in her stat block. Most likely this should be CN (Chaotic Neutral).
Page number: p. 135, Moonstone
Description of error: Twice the word lycanthrope is misspelled as lycnathrope.
courtesy Mathieu Roy < matroy@abacom.com >
Page Number: 80
Description of Error: The high priestess of the temple of Selune is listed as
being 190th-level. While humans are supposed to have unlimited
level advancment, I suggest changing this to 19th level (the 0 is a typo, someone
forgot to press Shift).
courtesy Thatotherguy < dragonl@rocketmail.com >
In the Moonshaes the most obvious error is Jeff Grubb (I think it was him) confused firbolgs and formorians.
courtesy Scott L. Gibson < gib@thecore.com >
Description of error: The listed scale is incorrect. The map's legend says that
one inch is equal to 20 miles. That should be 30 miles.
4. FR6 Dreams of the Red Wizards
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
Velprintalar is labeled
Emmech is labeled Emmeth
Hlammach is labeled Hlammath
Sarshel is labeled Songhal (???)
courtesy Mark Oliva < SteigerwaldEDV@t-online.de >
Page number(s) of error (paragraph, too):
Throughout the book, starting on Page 3
Description of error:
The calendar is incorrect by a margin of -210 years throughout this book. Everytime that a date is shown, one must add 210 to the date to obtain the correct date in DR years. Author Rob Salvatore used a system known as FR years in this relatively early product, and TSR since has corrected Rob's timeline in other subsequent FR products. Thus, Zhengyi the Witch King appeared in Vaasa in 1347 DR, not 1137, as listed in the accessory, and he fell in 1359 DR, not 1149.
Page number(s) of error (paragraph, too):
Many points throughout the book
Description of error:
At several places in FR9, it is stated that Sir Gareth Dragonsbane and his companions killed the goddess Tiamat during their journey into the Lower Planes, which also was the result of the Module H4 "Throne of Bloodstone." This information is not incorrect per se. In fact, it was official FR history for many years, but this history was officially changed in 1998 in the accessory "Powers and Pantheons" by Eric L. Boyd. Since FR9 was written, new FR rules have been established governing dealings between mortals and gods. It is now officially impossible for mortals like Sir Gareth to actually destroy a goddess like Tiamat, and in the revised history as of "Powers and Pantheons," Sir Gareth and company actually destroyed only an avatar of Tiamat and not the goddess herself.
courtesy Simon Gibbs < simon.gibbs@smtpgwy.agric.nsw.gov.au >
Map Errors (FR10 references)
The following are a list of inconsistencies and errors from the FR16 map, with regards to descriptions in the FR16 text, and from other maps and sources.
i) Placement of Veldorn: The text on FR16, p.67 specifically places Veldorn to the west of Durpar, not near Luiren as on the map. (I have redrawn Veldorn in what I assume is the right place if anyone wants a copy).
ii) The Wood of Dark Trees is called Aenlpar Forest (Land of the Korreds) in FR10 Old Empires. As this latter map seems to have fewer errors I would take this as canon and move the Wood of Dark Trees somewhere else (I moved it to northwest of Lastarr, across the river). Another thought is to say that the Aenlpar and the Wood of Dark Trees are one and the same (but I like the idea of a Land of Korred). Also the Wood of Dark Trees sounds just too dangerous to place right next to the main Durpari trade route to the north.
iii) The river flowing though Veldorn is called the Panka (and then the Pritan on page 53, which I called the river flowing into the sea near Kolapur, in case it is ever referenced) and inappropriate Madras: I changed the name of the southern branch to the River Darkulh, and the northern branch to the Liontongue (to match FR10 and the map on p.53). After the confluence the river is probably called either (depending on who you ask). Also Veldorn lies entirely west of the river, limiting in some way the movements of predatory monsters (unintelligent ones at least).
iv) The cities of Veldorn are not shown, but are stated in the FR16 text. In the FR16 adventure Dark as Dark, Vaelen is described as a rough two days walk from Lastarr. I thus placed it west of Lastarr (meaning the PC's must cross the river to get there). I placed the Beastlands plateau (lycanthrope haven) north of Vaelen and the giant-infested Bluetip Mtns as a northern spur of the Thrulaliels (great name). Xiltor is stated as being south of the Wood of Dark Trees, so could be somewhere around the confluence of the two rivers. As I have moved this forest, I instead place Xiltor NW of Lastarr, on the west bank of the Darkulh, east of theWood of Dark Trees. (so it fits in nicely with Pigel's comment on Xiltor being north of the PC's in Dark as Dark).
v) In Ulgarth the cities of Kellesar and Kasper should be swapped on the map. The description of Kaspar (p.79) is more appropriate this way: it is responsible for the defence of Ulgarth against the barbarians to the east. As most of the grass/steppeland lies to the southeast (see FR Atlas) it makes sense that Kaspar should be in the southeast, not northeast. Also it states that mingari farms surround the city and west of the city is the "breadbasket of Ulgarth", which concurs with the description of Kelazzan, that states the mingari farms are east of there. Also if Suormpar is mentioned as being under threat from the orcs of the Durparian mountains (the actual ranges are the Dustwall and the Mountains of War) why is this not mentioned in the desription of the nearby garrison of Kaspar?
v) In Ulgarth, the Nobles Road should be drawn as a road, not a trail.
vi) The mountains in southern Ulgarth are called the Silavuil Mountains (see map on p.53).
vii) In Durpar, no mention is made of the caravan town of Bralizzar from Desert of Desolation (I3-5). I placed it on the edge of Raurin directly north of Turelve, so it links in with the statement (p.63) that this caravan city is the jumping-off place for trade the north and west.
Some corrections from FR16, p.53:
ix) The mountains east of Sezilinta is called Adama's Tooth.
x) The colour map misspells the Ajmer Forest (calling it Amjer) and neglects to place the town of Protain. In the Hordelands box, the Ajmer Forest is called the Scarlet Jungle.
xi) Between Sezilinta and Heldapan is a road not a trail. Likewise between the four cities of Var.
xii) Klionna lies on the Bay of Kings (p. 62).
xiii) In Luiren: (from FR Atlas, if memory serves me correctly) Hambone Bay is Luirenstrand, and Passion Island the Isle of Quelthiir. Much less childish.
xiv) In the excellent Dambrath, Guilmarl is a town not a ruin, the nearby coastline is probably called the Coast of Pearls, the Gate of the Iron Fang is a ruin not a town, the Forest of Amtar is unnamed. The cliffs along the southern shore are the Ramparts (p.34). Cathtyr lies on Melanith Bay (p.29).
xv) In Halruaa, omitted is the Bay of Azuth, the Bay of Taertal, Talath Pass, Martass, Credal (see the map on p.3); the northern mountains are the Nathaghal or North Wall, Azhal Pass through the town of Ahal to the SE, Acelar Pass in the east, the High Aluar north of Talathgard (see Geography and Climate, p.3).
xvi) The colour map neglects to place several features from the FR10 map: Sharawood (aka the Drakewood), the Riftwood and the Bloodlake in the Eastern Shaar. Also the lost realm of Eltabranar (P&P) and the ruined fortress of Al'hanar (F&A), both of which lie south of the Sharawood. It omits the trails across the Eastern Shaar (surprising considering the importance of Durpari trade to the Old Empire region), the towns of Beland, Buldamar, Azun, Hillgard, Balaj, Suldolphor, Teshmon; Midwinters Pass through the mountains west of Raurin. Omits the forest and plateau north of Channathgate. Left unnamed the Lake of Steam, the Scelptar River, the Bandit and Border Kingdoms (see Polyhedron, which I don't have).
xvii) FR16 also neglects to include a number of features referenced in the text of FR10, p 9. "Traders come to Veldorn on the Great Southern Road..." (called the Great Traders Way in FR16) "...and provide the Beast-Chieftains with goods and slaves at the city of Lastarr, a free city of (sic) the edge of Veldorn. The Beast-Chieftains have divided the kingdom into small city-states, each ruled by a different chieftain, with some enclaves of humanoids tolerated in the Bluetip Mountains and on the Beastlands Plateaus (home to many wild lycanthropes)."
xvii) Lastly, FR16 does not mention Thommar (referenced on FR10, p9), a realm that lies near Durpar (to the east?) and is shielded from Raurin by the Dustwall Mountains.
courtesy Erskine Fincher < fincher2@nettally.com >
1) The Tesh Trail is shown south of the River Tesh.
2) The River Ashaba is shown as having its source just south of Dagger Falls, while other maps show it beginning in the Dagger Hills.
3) The Dagger River is shown having its source east of the Tethymar Trail.
4) The Serpentsbridge is not shown.
5) The River Ashaba between Shadowdale and Mistledale follows an altered course, making almost a ninety degree turn to the south as it flows towards Ashabenford.
6) An unnamed river in Anauroch west of Aghazstamn's Lair is not shown.
7) The Glaun Bog is shown north of the Dun Hills.
8) The shape of the Dun Hills north and south of the River Ashaba is totally incorrect.
9) Lake Eredryie is not shown.
10) Hunter's Down is not shown.
11) An unnamed tributary of the River Ashaba just above Feather Falls is not shown.
12) Thunder Gap is referred to as Thunder Pass.
13) Treesedge in eastern Mistledale is not shown.
14) Plow Creek is not shown.
15) Yeven Trail is not shown.
16) Mistle Trail is unlabeled.
17) The Dark Road is unlabeled.
18) Glaun Barrow is not shown.
19) The Pool of Yeven and the River Ashaba where it flows into the pool are shown differently from the way they appear in the FR campaign setting map.
20) The Flaming Tower is shown northwest of Dagger Falls, where as the map in the FR campaign setting places it north of northeast.
21) The Moonsea coastline northwest of Hillsfar differs significantly from that shown in the FR campaign setting map and the Moonsea supplement map.
22) The Dragon Reach coastline south of Harrowdale shows a significant difference from what is shown in the FR campaign setting.
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
Maps of two towns, Archendale and Essembra, were missing from the product. They were printed in Dragon Magazine, issue #205. Available for download in the Maps section of Candlekeep.
courtesy Felspar < pdy@cwcom.net >
I was just reading through FRS1 The Dalelands, and noted that in the description of Highmoon, taken from the keyed map on p24 that the description of buildings 3-4, 6-9 and 13 were missing. was there ever a errata printed?
8. City of Splendors boxed set
Campaign Guide
courtesy Steven Schend < seschend@wizards.com >
and Jeremy Patrick < jpatrick@cscu.csc.edu >
Gemidan spells on p. 85-87
Here's something for your errata files, folks: It was originally written by me six years ago for City of Splendors and yes, Robert, all of those markings were supposed to have been inches, not feet. The WSC just duplicated the spell wholesale as printed, thus compounded my error. The spell as designed was a foulup that provided a brief respite when battling other spellcasters. After all, six cubic feet of ice is more than a little inconvenient wrapped around one's head and far more than a 2nd level spell should conjure up.....
However, the adjustment in WSC Vol. 2 on Gemdian's
Paralytic Missile is correct -- It needs a negating saving throw or else the
spell is just too powerful at second level. Both spells are meant to delay enemies
so the caster can get away quickly, a skill that Gemidan has had to learn quite
Who's Who of Waterdeep
courtesy Eric L. Boyd < EricLBoyd@aol.com >
and Steven E. Schend < seschend@wizards.com >
Is it DulbraWan Anteos (CoS:WWW, p. 10) or DulbraVVan Anteos (CoS:WWW, p. 94)?
Well, the reference on p92 of WWW also makes him Dulbravvan, so let's go with that. Besides, it rolls off the tongue a tad easier, which is a plus given some of the names Ed & I come up with. I only purposefully make dragon names impossible to pronounce, thus demanding a short-form name.......
The Wilderness book
courtesy Mark Oliva < SteigerwaldEDV@t-online.de >
Page number(s) of error (paragraph, too):
Pages 18 and 58
Description of error: The problem is, that the product contradicts itself on the topic of the northern forest known as the Cold Wood/Coldwood.
Page 18, Red Tiger Tribe, Paragraph 1: "They (the tribe members) hunt in very small family groups and roam widely, primarily in the Cold Wood."
Page 58, The Coldwood, Paragraph 1: "This pine, birch and spruce forest is untouched by humankind. Snow cats (red tigers), ettin and orcs roam the wood. The Cold Wood is the usual site of Tulrun's Tent, a wizard's stronghold."
Resolution: There has been no official resolution from TSR that I'm aware of. Either the Red Tiger Tribe roams and hunts the wood and Talrun's Tent is there, or its untouched by humankind, but both can't be true.
Page number(s) of error (paragraph, too): All through the product (s. also above)
Description of error: slade never figured out whether the forest is the Cold Wood or the Coldwood. He switches back and forth, sometimes in the same place, as in the quote on Page 58 above.
Daggerford book
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
inner cover :
According to the text, only a few gnomes live in Daggerford. The random encounter
table lists 38 gnomes among slightly over 200 entries; that constitutes ca.
15 % of the random population, more than the total number of demihumans in Daggerford
(according to p4, paragraph 1). The numbers for the other demihumans are also
p4, par5 :
It is stated about Moon Elves that "Normally, this type of elf is in much
shorter supply than the gold elves." This is wrong, it's the other way
p14, c2, 7-1 :
Delisle is noted as a CG gnomish Mage. Solution: change class to F0 or race
to human.
p19, c1, 4-1 :
The description suggests that Nartan is a human, but his stats note his race
as dwarven. Solution: change race to human.
p21, c1, 1-1 :
The description notes Youatt's sex as male, his stats as female. Solution: change
sex to male.
p21, c1, 7-1 :
The stats note Garrick as a neutral evil gnomish specialty priest of Tymora.
Since such an abomination cannot possibly exist, change his stats to (CG half-m
p21, c2, 4-1 :
Quarenghi's stats note his class as specialty priest of Ao. Since Ao has no
true specialty priests, change class to F3. Also the sex in stats and descriptions
doesn't match.
p23, c1, 4-1 :
The stats for Ines describe her as LG thief. Since thieves cannot normaly be
lawful good, her alignment should be changed to NG. I've also changed her sex
from male to female to match her female name, but that's personal preference.
p23, c2, 5-9 :
Zarebor the Piercer is noted as being a "fm F1"; since "f"
is no known abbreviation for a race, I assume a typo. The race should be changed
to human.
p24, c2, 6-1 & p26, c2, 2-1 :
Maerovyna is noted as a LG druid of Chauntea. Change alignment to True Neutral.
p27, c1, 2-3 / 5-1 :
Description and name of Fulbar Hardcheese suggest a halfling, but his stats
note him as being a half-elf. Solution: change the stats.
p29, c2, 5-1 :
Falconer is another LG thief. Change alignment to LN.
p31, c1, paragraph 4 :
Just ignore the whole paragraph and you'll feel much better. :-)
p32, c2, 4-1 :
Elorshin is noted as a NG elven mage/specialty priest of Tyr. Neither can elves
be mage/priests, nor specialty priests of Tyr, nor are specialty priests of
Tyr allowed to be of neutral good alignment. Solution: change Elorshin into
a NG elven mage, and drop the reference that he is a "priest serving the
Mosque of Tyr" from his description.
courtesy Rick Pali < rpalilists@home.com >
My submission has to do with the poster-sized map of Daggerford and the accompanying booklet that are both included in The North box. Everywhere I've seen has either pictured or described the walled city of Daggerford on the south side of the Delimbiyr River. The Daggerford booklet and city map however, place the walled city on the North side.
This can be easily confirmed by checking building 110, The Sacred Cow. The description states, "This pleasant tavern stands just inside Daggerford's northern gate." On the opposite side of the city, pictured beside the river, building 4 is described thusly, "This is the third of the city's three gates and provides access to the Delimbiyr River and waterfront district." Either all the other maps are wrong, or this map and booklet are wrong.
I originally thought that this seeming discrepancy could be explained away without claiming an erratum by saying that the north side of the map is toward the bottom, but the entry for The Sacred Cow invalidates that.
I'm not sure if you recall, but I asked this question on the Realms list in August of 1997, and the definitive answer came from Ed Greenwood via Nick Meredith:
I received a clarification on the subject of Daggerford from an extremely reliable source... Ed Greenwood"
" Heh-heh. Realms discrepancies. {*Sigh*}
Here's the definitive line:
"Daggerford exists both north and south of the river, and on both sides of the road, due to recent urban sprawl. Originally it was a ford and flatboat 'heavy goods' ferry across the river, owned and operated by an innkeeper on the south side, east side of the road. 'Old Daggerford' grew around that inn, almost exclusively on the south side of the river, but eventually expnaded across the river (with a rival inn, etc.). That northerly extent has been wiped out twice by orc hordes/troll raids, but exists substantially in the present day, and for one long period in the past. The 'permanent' (i.e. fortified) Daggerford has always been on the south side of the river. The most modern building in the area has been of the 'separated villas, each with its own walled compound and fields/orchards separating it from its neighbours' -variety, in particular west off the road, both north > and south of the river. If goblinkin raids become a real problem again, the weakness of such a settlement pattern is likely to become immediately and grimly apparent."
Nick Meredith - nickm@discover.co.uk - Coventry, UK
The map of the walled portion of Daggerford contains no compass rose, but it should, and north is towards the bottom of the map. Also, any reference to the north being towards the top of map in the Daggerford booklet are all errata.
The ones I've found are:
Page number: p. 11, Map location 5, Delfen's
Description of error: The first two sentences state that Delfen's tower is located
in the north wall. It is in fact in the south wall.
Page number: p. 27, Map location 110, The Happy
Description of error: The first sentence puts the tavern just inside the northern
gate. It's actually inside the southern gate.
Page number: p. 31, Map location 145, Marketplace.
Description of error: Part of a sentence in the first paragraph reads, "...thanks
to the installation of the drill field near the southern wall." The drill
field is near the northern wall.
Page number: p. 32, Map location 146, Drill
The first sentence reads, "The drill field is the open area just south
of the Caravan Quarter." The drill field is north of the Caravan Quarter.
Presumably, if the map must be rotated 180 degrees to be properly oriented, the east and west references must be reversed as well. I haven't looked those up. If the map is 'mirrored' from top to bottom, the east and west references can stay as they are. I have no idea which way would be correct.
Cities book
courtesy Justin < radar@hcpd.com >
I wouldn't be able to supply the correct text, but while I was looking through some of my books, specifically, the Cities book from The North expansion set, I noticed that on pg 63, the last paragraph on the page appears to have the begining missing...
"iance intervention." That's up to
the first period in the paragraph starting from the first letter. I wondered
if you have had this made known
to you before, and might have the text for it... if not... I thought I'd bring
it up...
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
This product is so riddled with errors, that some work is neccessary to make it usable.
p20, c1, Room 3:
The iron grate isn't marked on the map. It should be placed at the entry to
the northwestern passage from the cavern where room #2 is located.
p20, c2, Room 4:
The description of this area doesn't match the location on the map. The iron
grate should be placed at the entry to the northern passage from the cavern
where room #2 is located.
p21, c2 - p41, c2:
The room descriptions for rooms 7 to 43 seem to be completely unrelated to the
numeration of the areas on the map for this level. A suggestion that might work
(note that the directions given in the description still won't work in most
cases; these should be adjusted according to the new locations of the rooms):
* Room 7 : use the official placing, but remove
the southeastern door from the map, to match the description; in addition to
the archways
there are doors to the north (leading into the cavern) and to room #6
* Room 8 : place this room in the northeastern corner of the building complex, directly adjacent to room #7
* Room 9 : place this room to the south of room #8
* Room 12 : place this room directly to the west of room #7, north of room #6
* Room 10 : place this room directly to the west of room #10, change the southwestern door on the map into a secret door
* Room 11 : this room would be behind the new secret door
* Rooms 13-15 : these rooms should be placed together, a possible placement would be the three-room building in the west of the cavern
* Rooms 16-22 : these rooms can be used as is; rooms #16 and #17 describe the arrival of the characters via magical gates
* Room 23 : the described passage does not exist
on the map, the cavern described is the big one directly to the north of the
number 23 on the
* Room 24 : this room should have a door to the cavern, a possible location would be in the southeastern corner of the big building in the west of the cavern
* Room 25 : this room should be adjacent to room #27; I suggest placing it in the center of the three-room building
* Room 27 : place this directly to the west of room #25
* Room 26 : a possible location for this barrack would be the former location of room #25
* Room 28 : the "official" location seems to be a little bit too small for this room, and I already placed room #27 at this location; a possible location would be the room in the big building in the west of the cavern that can be entered directly from the cavern
* Rooms 29-34 : these rooms can be placed pretty much everywhere
* Rooms 35-39 : these rooms can be used as is
* Room 40 : obviously this treehouse should be somewhere where trees are, place it anywhere within the big forest
* Rooms 41 and 42 : these "rooms" can be used as is
* Room 43a : this location isn't marked on the
map, but if you follow the description it should be in the center of the southern
part of the
p43, c1:
The heading "Room 45: Caverns of Doom" should instead read "Room
46: Caverns of Doom".
p95, c2:
The heading "Rooms 76-78: The Slave Compound" should instead read
"Rooms 76-84: The Slave Compound".
p114, c1, par3, ln1:
Arlen of the Swiftstrike is noted as a fighter/mage/priest/thief. Since elves
(or anyone else) cannot combine four classes, one of them should
probably be dropped.
p116, c2, par5, ln9:
The comb of beauty should only add +2 to charisma, instead of +3 (see also:
p108). Thus Crisann's charisma would be "CHR 16 (18)" instead of "CHR
16 (19)".
p118, c1, par3, ln2 - and elsewhere:
All of the Malarite priests are missing the Combat sphere (see also: FRA).
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
The temple of Lathander wasn't marked on the maps, nor does the book give a clear location. Semi-official suggestion from 'The Sage': place the temple in the Westfields area, just south of the Burial Glen.
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
Book One:
p30, c2, 4-5 :
Instead of "Year of the Blessed Sleep (321 DR)" it should read "Year
of the Fearless King (361 DR)"
p30, c2, 5-2 :
Instead of "King Azoun I." it should read "Crown Prince Azoun"
p30, c2, 5-9 :
Instead of "Year of the Whipped Cur (336 DR)" it should read "Year
of the Leaping Hare (376 DR)"
...the above dates and facts were corrected in EoSS (p30)
Book Three & CoS, Book Two:
The stats for various members of the Knights of the Shields in these two products
(both by Steven Schend) don't match: Tuth of Baldur's Gate (CoS: CE hm T3/F7,
LoI: NE hm F14), Kestor (CoS: CE hem F0, LoI: NE hem T8), Bormul of Amn (CoS:
LE hm F0, LoI: NE hm F14). Solution: go by the later source.
13. Empires of the Shining Sea
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
page 11, column 2, paragraph 2, line 2 :
Instead of "the elves and dragons" it should read "the elves
and dwarves"
p15, c2, 4-1 & 4-6 :
Instead of "1,300 years" it should read "1,800 years"
p25, c2, 2-13 :
Instead of "Despite more than 11 decades of searching" it should read
"Despite more than 11 centuries of searching"
p50, c2, 1-3 :
Instead of "2,400,000 people" it should read "1,400,000 people"
(70 % of 70 % of 50 % of "six million" people [p50, c1, 2-17]
courtesy Panayiotis P. Gotsis < pgotsis@ceid.upatras.gr >
The Winds of Netheril booklet
Chronomancer is born in 1652, but his spell, Chronomancer's gravity reversal is used in 860 to create the first enclave.
p.107 and map
Palter is established in1257, but Halavar who lived there and was a reknown
arcanist died in 1068.
15. Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
In the chapter on coins and currency the Myth Drannan coins from RoMD weren't
mentioned (lionars, tsargans, and sheelbas). Possible solution (according to
Steven Schend): these coins were only minted between 650 and 714 by the ruling
council after the fall of the Coronal.
p95, c1, 4-13 & p104, c2, 7-3 :
A year (The Year of Chasms) is noted as 0 DR; such a year should not exist since
the Dale Reckoning uses the Year of Sunrise (1 DR), when the Standing Stone
was erected, as starting point [see also: p28, c1, 3-16 to 19]].
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@essen.netsurf.de
and Steven E. Schend < seschend@wizards.com >
I noticed--when reading the chapter discussing Myth Drannan coins and >currency--that the coins from 'Ruins of Myth Drannor' were missing. RoMD had golden 'lionars', bearing the rising sun on one face and a snarling lion's head on the other; silver, everbright and axehead-shaped 'tsargan'; and teardrop-shaped, platinum 'sheelbas'. [All this information can be found on the inside cover for Myth Drannor >Adventures.]
Question :
Was this omission on purpose or were these coins forgotten? Or were they only
minted during that short time between 650 and Myth Drannor's fall in 714? ;)
Ummm.....ok, you caught me. With all the other details to pull together, I just plain missed that reference entirely. Glad you caught it so I can note it.
As for working it into the continuity, I like your response that these were minted between 650 and 714. It even makes sense from the perspective of the ruling council (after the fall of Eltargrim) to create new coins to suit their points of view rather than the Coronal's old one. As far as I'm concerned, that will be our official respsonse to this little conundrum.
16. Volo's Guide to the Dalelands
courtesy Mark Oliva < SteigerwaldEDV@t-online.de >
Page number(s) of error (paragraph, too): Page 75, Footnote 2
Description of error: The footnote says Randal Morn regained Daggerdale in "the Year of the Serpent (1369 DR)." The Year of the Serpent was 1359 DR. The correct date is "Year of the Gauntlet (1369 DR). Source: Jim Butler of TSR, who wrote the Sword of the Dales trilogy in which Randal Morn regains Dagger Falls, in a posting to the Forgotten Realms Mailing List.
17. Elminster's Ecologies (including Appendices)
courtesy Thatotherguy < dragonl@rocketmail.com >
[Compiler's Note: This entry refers to the Mere of Dead Men module series when it says "similar problems".]
The Elminster's Ecology Appendix on the Serpent Hills would seem to have similar problems though it doesn't specifically go into it. I resolved this by saying that the normally hostile tribes of Semuanya and Sess'innek worshippers have been forced to ally against their more powerful naga led yuan-ti and ophidian enemies.
courtesy Erskine Fincher < fincher2@nettally.com >
Here's another one for EE, appendix II, in The High Moor:
p.14, c1, paragraph 3:
"Spruce flourish in great numbers in the Misty Forest, while redwoods are
common in the Forest of Wyrms." In both the "Woodlands of the Realms"
article (Dragon 125) and Volo's Guide to All Things Magical, we are told that
redwoods do not exist in the Realms. Solution: While nothing that Elminster
says is false, it ain't necessarily so. The druid in the High Moor sounds like
she knows her stuff, I certainly wouldn't want to argue with her. :)
Nothing really hinges on this, but the existence of this small forest of trees completely unique in the Realms, and so utterly impressive could be an interesting adventure hook. How did it get there? What do the elves and other woodland creatures believe about it? Is it sacred to them? And so on...
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
p. 33, map
The building with the code LH5 (The Thrown Gauntlet, Tavern) is marked twice on the map; once near the center of Lower Heart and once near Rumblecleft Pass. Obviously one of them is redundant, just drop the one location you like less ;) Or perhaps, The Thrown Gauntlet burned down at one time, and one of the two locations is the old one. Shrugs
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
p6, c2, par2, ln3:
As in CEotE, a year is noted as 0 DR (this time "The Year of the Rising
Flame"). A year 0 DR should not exist.
[Compiler's Note: On the official Roll of Years, given to me by Steven Schend, there is in fact a year 0 DR. I agree with Sascha that it shouldn't exist, but it does.]
courtesy Andrew J. Stott < shadowkeep@geocities.com >
Page number(s) of error (paragraph, too): p
104, 4th dot.
Description of error:
"At 5th level, pains are able to cast Touch of Loviatar (as the 2nd-level spell) once per day. They may cast an additional Touch of Loviatar for every two experience levels they gain above 5th level."
The error is that the spell Touch of Loviatar doesn't exist to my knowledge. I presume the spell should be Loviatar's Caress.
courtesy Steve Campey < scampey@sprint.ca
and Julia Martin < frdeity@wizards.com
Location of error: Under "Major Spheres"
in every case
Pages: 25, 67, 80, 89, 154, 160, 179
Akadi, Grumbar, Istishia and Kossuth specialty priests get major access to 'All'.
First print copies of F&A have this missing. Waukeen, Talona and Tempus
should all have major access to the 'All' sphere also.
courtesy Michel Berczeller < michelb@netexpress.cl >
Page: 13 , bottom of the first column
Description: Under Eilistraee's allies it says "Callarduaran Smoothhands."
It should say "Callarduran Smoothhands".
courtesy Brett L Lambrix < lambrixb@wzrd.com >
Sehanine Moonbow's entry; p 128; col 1; par
Paragraph heading: Adventuring Garb
Staffs of the moonlight should be staffs of the moonglow.
courtesy Andrew J. Stott < shadowkeep@geocities.com >
page 7, 1st column , third last line.
Description of error:
spelling error
First of Gond should be the spell Fist of Gond.
courtesy Sascha Kriewel < sascha.kriewel@home.ins.de >
page 9, 3rd paragraph, line 1:
Instead of some 4,000 years ago it should read some 400 years ago,
since Tyr is said in F&A to have appeared in the Realms "over a millenium
ago but after most other Realms powers had established themselves."
page 27, par 4, li 1:
Instead of until 1244 DR it should read until 1344 DR
courtesy Eric Boyd < EricLBoyd@aol.com >
[Compiler's Note: These are in reply to the error from page 9 given above.]
Actually I would recommend resolving this reference as follows:
circa 4,000 years ago humans in the South (i.e. Calimshan) worshiped Anachtyr.
circa 1,000 years ago Anachtyr was subsumed by a newly arisen northern deity of similar ethos named Tyr.
All references to Tyr dating back before his appearance in the Realms (i.e. more than 1,000 years ago) actually are co-opted myths and tales relating to Anachtyr.
1. FRQ3 The Doom of Daggerdale
courtesy Erskine Fincher < fincher2@nettally.com >
pp. 13, 19 and 32
The dwarven clan in the adventure is referred to as the Bladebright clan at
various times on each of these pages. Only twice are they called the Brightblade
clan, both in the first paragraph of the tale of Colderan and the dwarves on
page 32. Since Volo's Guide to the Dalelands uses the name Brightblade for the
descendents of these dwarves living in Anathar's Dale, that should be taken
as the correct name.
courtesy Christof Wuttke < cwuttke@baunetz.de >
p. 12, paragraph 7
Description of error:
Here the Serpentsbridge is described to lead over the River Ashaba, the map
in Volo's Guide to the Dalelands (p.79) labels the river Dagger River.
courtesy Christof Wuttke < cwuttke@baunetz.de >
p. 6, paragraph 17
Description of error:
Here the Serpentsbridge is described to lead over the River Ashaba, the map
in Volo's Guide to the Dalelands (p.79) labels the river Dagger River.
courtesy < longshot@voicenet.com >
and Steven E. Schend < seschend@wizards.com >
I'm thinking the mistake in the book is in the story of the Battle of Crownfrost Capture. It should say Fflar picks up Keryvian, not Faervian. and the History of Keryvian should not mention Faervian at all.
You're right---the Crownsfrost note should refer to Keryvian, not Faervian (which was buried months before in the Battle of Fallen Flight). That's entirely my fault--probably due to writing too late into the night. Good eye, Longshot, and thanks for catching and answering the conundrum!
5. Mere
of Dead Men modules
(Dungeon adventures)
courtesy Thatotherguy < dragonl@rocketmail.com >
Here's a couple. In two of the recent Dungeon Mere of Dead Men modules there were lizard men worshipping Semuanya in tribes run by lizard kings. Lizard kings are servants (not to mention creations) of Sess'innek, an enemy of Semuanya so this shouldn't be. Now a careful reading of Semuanya's priesthood in Monster Mythology led me to believe that because he's so disinterested this wouldn't be a problem for him but I'm sure Sess'innek would have something to say about it, after all, worshippers mean power.
courtesy Eric Boyd <EricLBoyd@aol.com >
If you read the "historical" passages set in -6048 DR (or something like that) there are many references to events and items that do not happen or are not created until after -6048 DR but which can be found in the history sections of LOI or EoSS. For example, there is a reference to the Staff of Shoon in -6048 DR when the item was not created till circa 400 DR.
The only other errata I noticed was a reference to the Twisted Rune by a street urchin in the modern day. I don't believe the name is that widely known, let alone at all.