The name means many different things to different people. To the humble
farmers surrounding the place, the merchants selling their wares and the many
varied beings within its boundaries, it is home.
To the bands of orcs, bandits and evil in the darker lands
beyond, it is an interfering and meddling obstacle of a city which poses both
an annoyance and a threat, and must be removed from the face of Faerun!!
is the main page for the Fellaren-Krae project.
overall layout and format of the pages for Fellaren-Krae are yet to be designed
and these are only basic and temporary pages until the project gets in full
swing. In the meantime, if you wish to help out on this project
then please contact
us as soon as possible.
are looking for the people to develop the following for Fellaren-Krae. Please contact us if you wish to help, notifying whether you can aid
by providing lore and information, AD&D stats, maps (state standard graphics format or
Campaign Mapper) or anything else:
Stablemasters |
Inns, Taverns and Festhalls |
Supplies Stores |
Temples |
Secret Societies |
The City Watch |
Harbormasters and dockside locations |
Navy |
Blacksmiths |
Various Guilds |
Noble NPC's and residential details |
Miscellaneous Lore |
Caravan masters and trading businesses |
Garrison, city gaol.and the militia |
Bakers, butchers and all businesses and features
of daily life. |
course, this is just for starters, there is so much more which will need to be created
before Fellaren-Krae can become a city.
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