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Ecomancers must have a Intelligence of 16, Dexterity of 15 and a Wisdom of 14 to take this class. All races that can be regular mages can be Ecomancers, but elves are the most common. Half-elves and humans also fill the ranks of the Ecomancers, but are much less common.
Prime Requisites:
Intelligence and Wisdom.
Description and Overview:
The Ecomancers are mages with dominion over the plant kingdom. Trees, flowers, and fungus all bend to their will. They use both their magical power and massive knowledge of plants and herbs to serve and protect the forest and her children.
Ecomancers are the architects of the elvish city. Elves being the main petitioners of the craft of Ecomancy use their talents to grow, shape, and keep their cities of living trees healthy and safe. Ecomancers have the power to speed up the growth, and shape that growth, of plants. This is the major power of ecomancy. Ecomancers use this to shape the trees into houses, shops, temples, palaces, and other buildings, without killing the trees.
Ecomancy is not just for creation, destruction can be wrought by it too. During there apprenticeship, ecomancers shape "Whips of Leaf and Branch." These whips, their Ironwood handles covered in runes and their tails of living vines are the main weapons of the Ecomancer. Daggers and Hand Crossbows are also used by the Ecomancers. Daggers, an extension of the trimming knifes of gardens are useful tools and potent self-defense. Hand Crossbows, are used to deliver poisons to all who would harm the woods.
Lastly, Ecomancers are master herbalists. They keep personal gardens of herbs to make cures and brew potions. Their gardens are protected by numerous enchantments and wards, to keep the wondrous plants safe and healthy. If an ecomancer would lose their garden, it would be a personal disgrace, and if anyone would destroy such a garden, even by mistake, they would be hunted down and slain by the ecomancer. Many a rabbit warren has been "relocated" to that big forest in the sky.
Ecomancers can be of any alignment, but their concerns center around nature, especially plants.
Good ecomancers see plants as god given gifts to society. They protect the strongholds of these gifts (Marshes, Forests, Jungles, etc ) like parents protect their children. They harvest the herbs and helpful plants to help people who deserve the gifts of nature.
Neutral ecomancers are like Druids in their view of nature, their greatest concern is for the continuation of the great natural cycle. They protect the forests ardently, and everything in it, but allow some people to take its riches, as long as they return it in kind. For example, Lumberjacks can take trees from the forest, as long as no person, demihuman or animal is harmed, and the trees are replanted. If the lumberjacks strip cut and plunder the wood, they will pay dearly for their sins.
Evil ecomancers consider plants to be more valuable than human life. Evil ecomancers hate everything not made of chlorophyll and vegetable matter, even themselves to a point. These are the fiercest defenders of the forest. They consider anyone who would harm a twig to be an enemy. They strive for a world of only plants. Many foramen of logging operations have been poisoned in their sleep. Even other ecomancers have been attacked with they were harvesting samples. Good and neutral ecomancers hate their misguided brethren and endeavor to stop them when ever possible. It is other ecomancers job and duty to keep these psychos under control and lead them back on the "primrose path."
Secondary Skills (Recommended):
Bowyer/Fletcher, Forester, Hunter, Leather worker, Woodworker/Carpenter.
Proficiencies (General, Priest, Wizard):
Bonus: Herbalism, Weaponsmithing (see below) Required: Reading/Writing
Recommended: Agriculture, Cooking, Leatherworking, Rope Use, Swimming, Weather
Sense, Spellcraft, Healing
Weapon Proficiencies/Combat:
Ecomancers use the Rogue chart for THAC0 and roll a d4+1die for hit points. This reflects their highly combative nature. They gain 3 weapon proficiency slots at character generation. These must be filled by Dagger, Hand Crossbow, and Whip. Ecomancers gain no another weapon proficiency for the rest of the characters life.
Common Ecomancer Tactics include, coating their Dagger and Hand Crossbow Bolts with poison,* using their whip to disarm opponents, and using their whip to trip, snare, and choke enemies.
Note:* With their herbalism proficiency ecomancers can make and use poisons. This is a common practice among ecomancers, even good ones. Typical poison types are: Paralytic, Sleep Inducing, Debilitative and Memory Loss. Simple damaging poisons are frowned upon, but many ecomancers use them just the same.
Armor and Equipment:
Ecomancers cannot use metal objects. They are symbols of what would destroy the wilderness, the axe, the plow, the sword. Ecomancers must use natural materials. Their Dagger and Hand Crossbow are also included in the restriction. The Dagger is made of either bone or wood, and is just as strong and sharp but it wears out much quicker. The Hand Crossbow is completely made of wood, enchanted with anti-rotting and strength spells. They are no different from the normal hand crossbows. Ecomancers are considered to have a weaponsmithing proficiency in these two weapons. The Dagger takes three days to craft, and the Hand Crossbow two weeks. Note: The Whip of Leaf and Branch is irreplaceable.
Ecomancers tend to dress in simple clothes, A tunic, pantalons, hooded cloak, belt with pouches, and boots, made of deerskin, linen, and cotton. All of the belt buckles, buttons, brooches, and other things traditionally made of metal are made of either bone or wood. These clothes are made by hand, with bone needles, and thread made of plant roots. The whole outfit takes about two months to make by hand. Among Ecomancers, an outfit is a high valued gift.
Their spell books are made papyrus and bound of deerskins. The ink is a mixture of flower pigments and the quill is usually a sharpen stick, although bird feathers are popular.
Special Benefits:
Ecomancers are spellcasters and magic-users. They advance in their spellcasting ability as Mages (not specialists) and use the Wizard advancement table. Ecomancers can use all the schools of magic, except invocation/evocation and nercomancy (see below). Ecomancers are a tad tougher than regular mage stock. They have Rogue THAC0 and 1d4+1 for hit dice (They gain 2 hit points per level after 9th Level). In Combat, they use "Whips of Leaf and Branch." These whips have great power and are detailed below.
Ecomancers are masterful herbalists. They gain +1 to there herbalism proficiency every two levels (+1 at 1st Level, +2 at 3rd Level, etc). All fey and sylvan folk respect and befriend ecomancers. They are just as loved as Druids and Rangers are, maybe even more. They have a +3 bonus to reaction rolls with elves, faeries, and sylvan folk. Being Ecomancers they have access to the Ecomancy School, it has detail below.
Special Disadvantages:
Ecomancers cannot use the schools of Necromancy and Invocation/Evocation. These schools represent death and destruction on a massive scale and are not taught to aspiring Ecomancers by their tutors. Ecomancers are not taught to be mages in any mage school. Ecomancers cannot belong to a instructional school of mages. They required the unique teachings that only a master ecomancer, one on one, can provide. Even though this is so, Ecomancers are not specialist mages, and dont benefit from the extra spells or other advantages. As mentioned before, Ecomancers can only use natural materials. Coins and other metal currency is frowned upon, and ecomancers themselves prefer barter, it but necessary to survive in the world, so Ecomancers can only carry 100 pieces of coinage. Ecomancers cannot harm plants in anyway. They can only take what they need from it and move on. Ecomancers must keep a strictly vegetarian diet. Although is may seem ironic, considering they cannot harm plants, but the vegetable matter is the only thing that Ecomancers find filling and healthy. Ecomancers have poor relations with loggers and dwarves. The actions of evil ecomancers and the general tree hugging ideals of the ecomancers have permanently severed the connects between loggers and ecomancers. Dwarves are a race of smiths and warriors, two professions that can destroy the forest, and therefore they are the enemies of the ecomancers. With both of these groups ecomancers suffer a -3 reaction penalty There personal garden is like a child to them, the loss of it would be devastating to the Ecomancer. If it is ever destroyed then the Ecomancer suffers 2d6 damage,( if the damage reduces the Ecomancer to less then 0 then use the "Hovering and Deaths Door" rules.) and must make a saving throw vs. Spells. If he fails, he behaves as if he was hit with a feeblemind spell for the next 2d12 hours. Their "Whips of Leaf and Branch" arent replaceable.
The School of Ecomancy
Number of Spells: 38
*s mark new spells
(This school is for Ecomancers only)
1st Level Spells:
Charm Plant (Instead of Charm Person) Cantrip, Razor Leaf,* Entangle, Pass Without Trace, Locate Plants, Call Woodland Mount,*
2nd Level Spells:
Bind, Whispering Wind, Speak with Plants (Instead of Speak with Animals), Slow Poison, Barkskin, Warp Wood
3rd Level Spells:
Plant Growth, Water Gun,* Hold Plant (instead of Hold Person), Spike Growth, Tree, Animate Plant,*
4th Level Spells:
Improved Plant Growth,* Rainbow Pattern, Hallucinatory Forest, Plant Door, Sticks to Snakes, Call Woodland Beings, Shape Life (plant),* Water Ball,*
5th Level Spells:
Solarbeam,* Control Weather, Conjure Elemental (Plant), Commune with Nature, Anti-Plant Shell, Pass Plant
6th Level Spells:
Wall of Thorns, Liveoak, Transport Via Plants
7th Level Spells:
Changestaff, Transmute Metal to Wood
8th Level Spells: None,*
9th Level Spells: None, *
(8th and 9th Level Spells for Ecomancy have not been discovered yet.)
New Spells:
Razor Leaf
Range: 60 yards + 10 yards per Level
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures in a 10-cube
Saving Throw: None
Use of the Razor Leaf spell creates up to five missiles of razor sharp leafs that dart forth from the Ecomancers fingers and unerringly strike their target. This includes enemy creatures in a melee. The target creature must be seen or otherwise detected to be hit. The caster must be able to identify the target. He cannot direct a Razor Leaf to "Strike the commander of the legion, unless he can single out the commander from the rest of the soldiers. Specific parts of the creature cannot be singled out. This spell does 1d4+1 damage per Razor Leaf. For every two extra levels of experience, the ecomancer gains an additional leaf. He has two at 3rd level, three at 5th level, and up to a total of five leafs at 9th Level.
Call Woodland Mount
Range: 5 square miles from a wooded area
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Special
By means of this spell, the ecomancer calls for a mount from the woodlands. The mount will serve only the caller, and wont serve anyone else. This is the table to consult
Roll a 1d100
1-25: Deer
26-50: Horse
51-75: Giant Eagle
76-85: Moonhorse
86-90: Centaur
91-95: Pegasus
96-99: Unicorn
00: DMs Choice
Water Gun
Range: 10 yards + 10 yards/Level
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 target
Saving Throw: ½
The Water Gun spell is a response to the burners of the forest. It can combat both the fires and the fire starters. A powerful gush of water shoots from the ecomancers hand. It does 1d4+1 damage per level of caster to the target. Any fires in its path are doused. Although the spell produces an invocation like effect the spell is of the ecomancic school. The casting and invocation of the spell is so alien to evokers that they cannot learn the spell.
Animate Plant
Range: 10 yards
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1 round
Animate Plant is a spell similar to Animate Dead. It takes dead branches and leafs and animates it into a skeleton-like construct. It animates one "skeleton" per level of the ecomancer. The "skeletons" have the exact same stats as a normal skeleton. (The maximum number of "skeletons that an Ecomancer can control is 3x his own level)
Improved Plant Growth
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 hour
This spell gives ecomancers their power over the growth of plants. This spell
accelerates the growth of any plant or fungus. A complicated ritual has to be
performed over the course of one hour. During this time the ecomancer cannot
attempt not any other action or the spell fizzles. At the end of the hour, the
spell is released and the plants metabolic rate is sped up 10% per every two
levels of the caster, for a total of 100%, tenfold, at 20th Level. The ecomancer
can only perform this ritual once per day. The
spell slows down the process at the end of ten years, reducing the metabolic
rate by 10% per year, until it is back to normal.
Shape life (Plant)
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Time: 1 day
This spell gives Ecomancers there power over plant development. It literally shapes the plant into a new form, be it a house, temple, palace, or other building, or fortification, such as a wall or tower or some other construct. The Ecomancer can only work with the amount of material in the plant and cannot add any material. This spell can also join two trees together, making them one plant, so that is a common tactic for adding rooms to a palace. The ecomancer can only perform this spell once per day, and when he does it he can cast no other spells that day, because of the high amount of magic involved.
Water Ball
Range: 10 yards + 10 yards/Level
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting time: 5
Area of Effect: 20 foot radius (40 foot diameter)
Saving Throw: ½
Ecomancers have always respected and feared the spell Fireball. It can destroy enemies at range, and in a relatively large area. It can also destroy large amounts of forest in one casting. So, the master Ecomancers developed this spell, trying to recreate the effect, except with water. At the casting point, a blast a high pressured water explodes in a 20 foot radius, causing 1d6 damage per level (maximum 10d6). The spell still isnt as easy to cast as Fireball, and it takes more time to cast it, but Ecomancers can fight back against those fire mages. Although the spell produces an invocation like effect the spell is of the ecomancic school. The casting and invocation of the spell is so alien to evokers that they cannot learn the spell.
Range: 0 yards + 5 yards per level
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: All in the casting range, and trajectory
Saving Throw: ½
This spell is the trump card for the master (9th level and up) Ecomancers. For one round, the Ecomancer gains energy from the sun (If the sun isnt out the spell fizzles). This causes the body of the Ecomancer to illuminate, shining so brightly that all attacks on the Ecomancer have a -3 penalty imposed (Note: If any attacks do get though the spell fizzles). At the very beginning of the next round, the energy is released and does 1d8 damage per level of damage (up to 20d8 at 20 level) to anything in its path, to the maximum range of the beam (The Ecomancer can chose to shorten the beams length). Although the spell produces an invocation like effect the spell is of the ecomancic school. The casting and invocation of the spell is so alien to evokers that they cannot learn the spell.
Whips of Leaf and Branch
The Whip of Leaf and Branch is the first ecomancic creation during a young ecomancers training. They make every detail themselves, from carving the beautiful and arcane runes, to enchanting the weapon. The master can offer suggestions and criticism but cannot intervene. In the hands of a non-ecomancer the whip is just a 8 foot long, single tailed, non-magical, whip, that just happens to be made of vines and have an ironwood handle. In the hands of its ecomancer, the whip is a magical and powerful weapon. Ecomancers that use a whip not of there making use it at ½ their level in terms of the whips abilities. A whip takes six months of constant use by a new ecomancer to adapt and operate at the ecomancers level. By no means does this allow the use of two Whips of Leaf and Branch by an ecomancer. When an ecomancer dies a true death, his or her whip is buried and the whip grows into a strong and majestic ironwood tree.
Special Abilities and Combat:
The Whips grow with their ecomancers level. Ecomancers learn to use these whips and manipulate them with there ecomancic magic. Therefore they do (without magical bonuses) ever increasing damage per tail: 1d4 damage at first level, 2d4 damage at fifth level, 2d6 at ninth level, and 2d8 at fifteenth level. On a natural attack roll of a 18 or more, the whip has wrapped itself around the target, roll 1d6 to see what it has struck. 1: Neck, 2: Arms and Torso 3: Torso Only 4: One arm only (50% chance of each) 5: Leg only (50% chance of each) 6: Both legs. For each tail of the whip beyond the first the ecomancer gains an extra attack, at a -1 penalty to all other attack rolls.
At 1st level the whip is a +1 magical weapon and can detract to the hilt, and extend to a maximum of 20 feet.
At 3rd level the whip can break into two tails and extend to 25 feet in total length. The two tails can each only be 14.5 feet long, when used together.
At 5th level the whip is a +2 magical weapon and can extend to a maximum of 35 feet in length. The two tails can each only be 19.5 feet in length.
At 7th level the whip can break into three tails and can extend to a maximum of 55 feet in length. Two tails used together can only be 27.5 feet in length and the three tails used together can only be 18.3 feet in length.
At 9th level the whip is a +3 magical weapon and can extend to a maximum of 95 feet in length. Two tails used together can only be 47.5 feet in length and the three tails used together can only be 31.6 feet in length.
At 11th Level the whip can break into four tails and can extend to a maximum of 175 feet in length. Two tails used together are 87.5 feet in length, three tails used together are 58.3 feet in length, four tails used together are 43.75 feet in length.
At 13th level the whip is a +4 magical weapon and can extend to a maximum of 200 feet in length. two tails used together are 100 feet in length, three tails are 66 feet in length, and four tails are 50 feet in length
At 15th level the whip is a +5 magical weapon and can break into five tails. Five tails used together are 40 feet in length.