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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  16:12:21  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Krafus
What I want to know? Why, everything, all tidbits are welcome. But most particularly, I want to know the ultimate fate of the main protagonists - how their expedition turns out, who lives and who dies (I really hope Pharaun lives and that [censored] Jeggred dies), who becomes Yor'thae and what happens to that character, and what happens in Menzoberranzan and with Kaanyr Vhok and Nimor and Gromph and Triel... you get the idea.

I'm only at 200, so the main protagonists and the Yor'thae situation won't get resolved until at least 100 more pages. And yes, it appears that both Vhok and Nimor will live to fight another day. Gromph is looking for the lich's phylactery in a clever disguise. Both he and his sister are as safe as any dark elf in Menzo can be. Did you really see them possibly killing off either of those characters during the series? I never did.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  16:28:40  Show Profile  Visit Ethriel's Homepage Send Ethriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
With how this is going, Sirius, you think we may get another series regarding the dark elves? They've established some pretty awesome stuff in this saga...
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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  16:37:01  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ethriel

With how this is going, Sirius, you think we may get another series regarding the dark elves? They've established some pretty awesome stuff in this saga...

The sense I'm no. At least not in the next few years. And I'll have more to say on WOTC and dark elves when I unleash my full commentary.
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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  16:37:05  Show Profile  Visit Freakboy's Homepage Send Freakboy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ok, I have finished Ressurection. So before I go any further...


Ok, so lets start with what is going on with all the major characters. Gromph found and destroyed the Lichdrow's phylactery which was hidden in a Jade Spider Golem inside the temple of Lolth in House Dyrr. He accomplished this by shrinking his body very small and casting a trap the soul on Yasreana's daughter Larikal. He inhabited her body and cast a Tensor's Transformation on himself and battled the golem using the Battleaxe that stole souls that he got from the Illithid in book 4. After he shattered the Golem, it was amusing because the phylactery was surrounded by a prismatic sphere and Gromph needed to go through the spells to deactivate it but couldn't because of the Tensor's Transformation spell. When he finally got through and shattered the Phylactery with the axe, the axe absorbed the Lichdrow's spirit and expelled all the others implying the power of Dyrr even in incorporeal form. Dyrr had attached a powerful contingent master spell with his Phylactery as a sort of trigger. It caused this master spell to absorb every dweomer in the house from the outside in and turned the energy into a destructive blast akin to a shattered staff of power. Gromph sees this as a orange line of energy crawling towards the temple where the phylactery was and absorbing every spell in the house along the way. The best analogy I could think of was a trail of gunpowder burning to a stack of dynamite. When it blew, it leveled all of house Dyrr with Gromph trying to cast a teleportation just as the dimensional lock portion of the house defenses was absorbed. In the end gromph survived the blast and tricked Yasreana into imploding her own daughter by making her daughter look like him. Conveniently, Gromph wonders after the blast what happened to the Soulstealing Axe because he couldn't find it and Dyrr's spirit with it. Gromph concludes Dyrr must be dead but that is left open (possibly for Dyrr's return in a later book?).

Menzo is standing and the forces of duergar and tanurruk have fled with Horgar being murdered by Nimor and Vhok agreeing to be future allies with Nimor to assist in his reascension in the Jezzred Chaulssin.

Triel forces the remnants of House Dyrr to become a vassal house to house Baenre and life in Menzo begins returning to normal.

In the Demonweb Pits....

Halisstra loses her faith in Eilistraee and decides the Godess is weak going on to murder the surface elf Feliane after Jeggred feasts on her body but not killing her. She follows Quenthel and Danifae into the Pass of the SoulReaver. The SoulReaver is a primal evil from before the dawn of the World that Lolth uses to arbitrarily test her petitioners. Each of the three candidates is tested in which they experience a reality in which their worst nightmare comes true. It would require more detail that I want to go into right now to talk about each's individual nightmare, but they all "pass" and make it to the other side.

There the drow face off against the Yugoloth army. Quenthel summons a Kluriklir and I must say Paul described that beast with such majesty that I could really see it without having seen the picture in Fiend Folio. Danifae summoned a swarm of abyssal spiders numbering in the millions and their two summonings charge an army of nearly 800 Mezzoloths and Nycoloths. Phauran battles numerous Nycoloths and shows how to kill an Ultroloth Archgeneral in 3 spells while Danifae and Quenthel face each other. They are interrupted when Halisstra appears and stabs Danifae from behind. Danifae manipulates Halisstra again and impales her on her own sword through Danifae's body. Phauran is incapacitated save for his mental ability and seriously wounded by Nycoloths save for his ability to mentally command his ring of flight. Quenthel, Danifae, and Halisstra are interrupted by Lolth's tabernacle opening and Phauran comes to Quenthel for aid. She dispels the power of his ring and tells him he belongs to Lolth. Danifae then has Jeggred take Phauran to be left among the remaining Yugoloths after dispelling a contingent spell Phauran placed to protect himself from Jeggred touching him. Phauran's last sight is millions of arachnids swarming him and the realization that his final sensation will be unbearable pain.

The 3 priestess's fly to the tabernacle with Jeggred trying to flee the arachnids after the priestess's leave him to his fate. In the Tabernacle the 8 remaining spiders from Lolth's rebirth await the candidates and the largest of them consumes Danifae and is ripped apart by its fellows. As Halisstra and Quenthel lie on the floor Lolth is reborn as Danifae showing Danifae to be the true Yor'thae. Quenthel asks Lolth why she was brought back and put through everything if only to choose Danifae and Lolth says that is how Quenthel failed because Chaos doesn't have a purpose. She sends Quenthel back to Menzo to lead her faith there. She then takes Halisstra and whispers in her ear that she will never die and will forever be Lolth's/Danifae's battle captive and turns her into something she calls the "Lady Penitent" a creature who always feels pain and the guilt of failing Eilistraee while being consumed with the need to kill the followers of all other drow Gods. She has a new physical form that is very strong and has spider characteristics and she is consumed with hate and hunger to kill while all the while being horrified at her own avarice as the part of her that loved the life of Eilistraee watches in horror. She goes to the Velarswood to start her duties. Quenthel runs into Jeggred who is badly injured and finally subservient again. She lets him think he will return to serving Baenre and then kills him with a spell that erupts his body and leaves him to be eaten by the arachnids. After all this Alisza scours the battlefield and finds Phaurans intact finger with his Sorcere's Signet ring and takes it with her musing to herself that it would be good to feel Phauran's hands on her again. This leaves the door open that Phauran could return one day through Alisza's possesion of part of him. Quenthel returns to Menzo and we find out Valas is alive there and has asked Kimmuriel for an assignment far from Menzo while things cool down. The only Drow other than Valas to return to Menzo is Quenthel and Valas muses on the nature of Menzo and has a great monologue to that effect. We are left with the Ultraloth being reawakened in his clone and musing on the changes to the multiverse and the meaning of Lolth's newfound form and power.

Whew!!!! I have my thoughts on the book as a whole and the entire series but I need a break and what to give some others to catch up so we can all discuss. I will entertain specific questions but right now need to take a break.

Edited by - Freakboy on 16 Apr 2005 18:04:12
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  16:41:45  Show Profile  Visit Ethriel's Homepage Send Ethriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote

PHARAUN DIES?!?!?!?!? Well, damn! But the possibility is open he can come back, right? ...Right? Geez if SB didn't get that to nearly the, they left some open stuff, right?
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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  16:52:46  Show Profile  Visit Freakboy's Homepage Send Freakboy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes Phauran dies and it is left open that he could come back because Alisza has his finger and personal Signet ring. Dyrr's death is left open in that they don't find Axe containing his soul after the blast that leveled House Agrach Dyrr. Halisstra exists as some new creature that hopefully will be elaborated on later. Danifae became Lolth although only a fraction of Danifae remained as part of Lolth's greater consciousness.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  16:54:12  Show Profile  Visit Ethriel's Homepage Send Ethriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So...what were Pharaun's last words/Thoughts? Terror? Amusement?
And how much stronger IS Lolth now? What happened with Vhaeraun, Eilistraee and Selvetarm?
And if you had tow ager: Think we'll see some more books with this gang? I'd love Pharaun to return...I think he's my favorite character in FR
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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  17:02:36  Show Profile  Visit Freakboy's Homepage Send Freakboy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lolth's exact power is not really elaborated on. Inthraxis muses that she is more powerful but that is left open. I suspect we will have to wait for a game product to elaborate on Lolth's new "status". As for Phauran, his last thought is that his last sensation will be one of pain. Whether that was a thought of terror or a thought of amusement is not exactly clear. Perhaps Paul could elaborate on that a bit if he stops by the thread.

I agree with you and Phauran is my favorite Realms character as well. I really hope we get to see him again someday, although I imagine after the scope of this series it will be a long time before we have another Drow focused book. Still, I am hopeful he will turn up again someday.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  17:07:40  Show Profile  Visit Ethriel's Homepage Send Ethriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
C'mon, it's Aliisza...she'd ressurect him just to bang him...come to think of it, where'd his soul go anyways?
And yeah, it could be a long, long while, but it'd be worth it...we've got Dyrr on the side, Pharaun's possible ressurection, demon thingy Halisstra, Nimor and Kaanyr...Eilistraee and Vhaeraun can't be too pleased with how things've gone, either. Here's hoping we see our favorite evil dark elf wizard back again
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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  17:38:28  Show Profile  Visit Askanipsion's Homepage Send Askanipsion a Private Message  Reply with Quote

YAY!!!! We is my favorite drow after Quenthel. I wish he would have more in the series though but at least he makes an appearance.

Thanks for the great spoilers! I enjoy the ending it seems - My Spider Queen survives!! YAHOO!!
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  17:39:14  Show Profile  Visit Ethriel's Homepage Send Ethriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Eh, I'd trade Lolth for Pharaun and Ryld in a second...
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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  17:59:53  Show Profile  Visit Freakboy's Homepage Send Freakboy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Askanipsion


YAY!!!! We is my favorite drow after Quenthel. I wish he would have more in the series though but at least he makes an appearance.

Thanks for the great spoilers! I enjoy the ending it seems - My Spider Queen survives!! YAHOO!!

He doesn't make an "appearance". Valas is thinking to himself and essentially says that he asked Kimmuriel for an assignment far from Menzo so that he wouldn't "disappear" like the rest of the drow that left Menzo to investigate Lolth's silence.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  18:01:19  Show Profile  Visit Ethriel's Homepage Send Ethriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey, FB, you have IM?
So, think we'll see Pharaun again eventually? Was Jeggred's death done well?
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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  18:14:39  Show Profile  Visit Freakboy's Homepage Send Freakboy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ethriel

Hey, FB, you have IM?
So, think we'll see Pharaun again eventually? Was Jeggred's death done well?

Unfortunately I don't have IM. Jeggred's death was especially sweet to me because he killed Ryld (my second favorite character) and carried Phauran to where he would be killed. Having him coldly murdered by Quenthel using Lolth's power even after Jeggred had backed the new "Lolth" was exactly the sort of irony that the Spider Queen is known for. In that sense, it was very well done.

As for Phauran I doubt we will see him anytime soon. As I already said, I doubt we will see another Drow focused book for a long time. That being said, it would be hard to bring Phauran back in anything but a book or series of book similar to the WotSQ. Anything can happen, and as I said, Paul left that door open. However, I don't see it happening anytime soon. Unfortunate really because the situation after Lolth's silence with the Characters is almost as interesting as before so I definately think the potential is there for future novels. Everything depends on WotC desire to do more Drow stuff and the willingness of the Authors to do more Drow books so soon after such a long and arduous project as WotSQ.

I really hope that some of the authors will now comment on some of the ideas that were rejected for the series and how some of the favorite moments came to be. Also I would like to know the author's perspective on what exactly Lolth's "transformation" means to her faith and the Drow in the Realms. At some level I think that it seems like Lolth did this just because it was unexpected and that is the essence of what she is. Still, Inthraxis makes it clear that Lolth is more powerful, but that will need to be explained down the road.

I will be doing my impressions of the book and series in the next couple of days as well as starting a thank you thread to all the authors so everyone please stop into the thanks thread and thank all of the WotSQ authors for their great job.

Edited by - Freakboy on 16 Apr 2005 19:02:41
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  18:40:43  Show Profile  Visit Krafus's Homepage Send Krafus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yay! Thanks for all the spoilers, Freakboy.

Hmm... My two favorite characters (Ryld and Pharaun) dead... At least that one-dimensional, boring psychopath Jeggred died, else I would certainly have waited for the paperback from bitterness...

As it is, I'm looking forward to your impressions (and anyone else's who would care to share them) to help me determine whether Resurrection is worth the cost of a hardcover. Was the writing itself good, btw?
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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  19:39:38  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ethriel

Eh, I'd trade Lolth for Pharaun and Ryld in a second...

You're not the only one. Getting close to finishing this tome. I think I'm going to have to write my review offline first as it's going to be quite extensive with all the notes I've been making.
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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  19:43:31  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Freakboy
At some level I think that it seems like Lolth did this just because it was unexpected and that is the essence of what she is.

The forward to book four summed it up best..."For beyond the hunger and the power came the need for the thrill, the true mark of Lady Lolth."

Why did she do this?

Because she could.

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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  20:02:15  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well met

Whilst this scrolls is for the main discussion of Resurrection, please direct any specific questions to the Questions for Paul S Kemp scroll. Thank ye.

One point, please don't ask Paul for direct spoilers as to the stories conclusion, for i'm sure he will not oblige

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  20:08:40  Show Profile  Visit Ethriel's Homepage Send Ethriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Am I ALSO the only one who feels Lolth's a really, really boring Goddess and her twin brats are about triply as intriguing? I'd like to see Vhaeraun gain control over the drow and see what he does with them. It was kinda like with Starlight and Shadows: Nisstyre was so much more interesting than Shakti. The day Corellon finally cuts her down will be a day I rejoice...
Come tot hink of it, what do you think'll happen to vhaeraun in the long run?
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  20:33:10  Show Profile  Visit khorne's Homepage Send khorne a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well.....Looks like my extreme dislike of Halisstra was justified. I hope she runs into Qilue and gets put down like a dog just as she deserves. As to Vhaeraun, he is probably not to pleased with these events. He`ll definitely be plotting a way to strike back at his mother. And Eilistraee.......She is most assuredly not happy.

If I were a ranger, I would pick NDA for my favorite enemy
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Posted - 16 Apr 2005 :  22:26:14  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ethriel

Am I ALSO the only one who feels Lolth's a really, really boring Goddess and her twin brats are about triply as intriguing? I'd like to see Vhaeraun gain control over the drow and see what he does with them. It was kinda like with Starlight and Shadows: Nisstyre was so much more interesting than Shakti. The day Corellon finally cuts her down will be a day I rejoice...
Come tot hink of it, what do you think'll happen to vhaeraun in the long run?

WOTC will have Vhaeraun will linger around in the background, an occassional punching bag like his sister for the Lolth drow.

And no, you aren't the only one tired of Lolth drow and who finds other dark elven deities more interesting. This series' story has done it for me. There is an old line from one of my favorite television shows. A character has listened to the same Doris Day record, over and over and over again because it reminds him of a special moment. But, at the end of the show, after hearing the same thing, again, and again, and again, he says flatly, "I can honestly say, I'm sick the death of Doris Day." Substitute Lolth drow for Doris Day and as I draw near the end of this novel, that's exactly how I feel.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 17 Apr 2005 :  00:07:56  Show Profile  Visit Ethriel's Homepage Send Ethriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We need to have a TRUE war of the Spider Queen...the new Lolth vs. the Seldarine's elves, with the drow going against the elves and Eilistraee and Vhaeraun taking on mommy. This may be my personal bias speaking, but Chaulssin and Vhok taken out in said war and Pharaun revived (Ok, YES, it's my personal bias, and him returning would be gratutious and fan service...but who cares, he rocked!)
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Posted - 17 Apr 2005 :  00:18:00  Show Profile  Visit Askanipsion's Homepage Send Askanipsion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes Lolth is one of the most written about dieties. She has made various personal appearances in novels. The same thing was said about Takhisis back when Dragonlance was extremely popular. They killed her off and now I think Dragonlance kinda suffered for it.

Personally I think Mystra gets the most spotlight.

Yes I do think they should write about more of the other gods but lets face it - drow are very VERY popular SO Lolth gets written about more.

I think the Lolth story was a long time coming though because of the makeup of Drow society and the fact she is a Goddess of Chaos. I would love to hear official word though how much her power increased.

I will always like the Queen of Spiders cause she is very active. She doesn't just like to sit there stagnant like most Gods.

I think the Seldarine need to get off their tree hugging butts and help save the Faerun elves cause they are just punching bags anymore.

Silly surface elves!!
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 17 Apr 2005 :  00:33:17  Show Profile  Visit Ethriel's Homepage Send Ethriel a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, Mystra is Ed's favorite, and prominent in El's history, not to mention a main character in a five book series
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Posted - 17 Apr 2005 :  04:16:53  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Askanipsion
Personally I think Mystra gets the most spotlight.

How do you come to that conclusion?


I think the Seldarine need to get off their tree hugging butts and help save the Faerun elves cause they are just punching bags anymore.

Silly surface elves!!

The silly surface elves seemed to do just fine when facing the Daemonfey in a novel last year.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 17 Apr 2005 :  04:22:06  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Three years and six hardcover books later, this passionate Forgotten Realms fan is left with…well, what am I left with upon finishing Resurrection? Here are my thoughts about this final novel in the War of the Spider Queen series and the series itself.

”I’ll leave you all to whatever silly dark elf games you intend to play…” (Insurrection, p. 306)

Characters over Plot: I think this series will be remembered more for the characters than the actual plot. The characters I mention below and the majority of others featured throughout the stories proved to be very vibrant and dynamic figures. In the hands of a skilled team of writers, WOTSQ often was very entertaining. But, if that’s true, I think it’s because of the characters more than the plot

After all, after six books, what really was changed with Lolth’s silence? No clear answer is given. She might be more powerful. She has a new Yor’thae. But, is the dark elf society that much changed from the one introduced at the start of the series? I don’t think so. Moreover, when I hear passionate responses from fans about this series, I often hear characters being mentioned. I very rarely hear the plot being commended.

”Gromph knew that each of the schools was scarred and burned by stonefire bombs, but he knew too that each stood.” (Resurrection, p. 43)

The Untouchables : The biggest disadvantage to the series and to Resurrection rests in the fact that there are a core of Untouchables within the series that this reader never forgot: Lolth, Menzoberranzan, Gromph, and House Baenre. Throughout Lolth’s silence, I never felt that any of these four elements were in danger. Thus, at times, key plot developments (the siege, Gromph versus the Lich, the Crescent Blade quest) were tedious because the end result was clearly already obvious in my opinion. Did any reader honestly believe that a novel or series with the name R.A. Salvatore in bold over the title was going to destroy any of the four untouchables I have mentioned? If so, I envy your suspension of disbelief.

”Pharaun appreciated Danifae’s subtlety. Quenthel’s first spell had made her large and strong but obviously so. Danifae had made herself stronger too but without it being apparent.” (Ressurection, p. 220)

Danifae versus Quenthel : The tension and subtle moves between these two deadly figures prove to be some of the best moments within Resurrection. In the end, I feel the Yor’thae was clearly hinted at in the prologue to Book V. Additional clues are scattered within that novel and within Resurrection. In the end, I feel an argument could be made that it is too convenient how often Quenthel has a chance, but doesn’t kill Danifae.

I like that Kemp has again shown Danifae using her sexual appeal to entice and distract. This ability is what kept her alive the first moment readers met her. After all, would Pharaun have risked his life to save her back in Book II if she were not physically appealing?

”Can you imagine how it must be for me being around ‘staid and boring drow’ all the time?...No one ever appreciates my witticisms.”(Insurrection, p. 123)

Pharaun : Farewell Master Pharaun. You probably deserved a better fate, but alas, you are a dark elf. I believe from online observations that Pharaun stands as the most popular figure in this series among fans. I’m not surprised. He must have been a delight to write. After all, unlike us puny humans, Pharaun always had the retort in a situation or a spell/maneuver for a deadly encounter. I will miss him as I’m sure many others will. Yes, I know Aliisza has a part of him and that he could be resurrected. I hope she does. I hope somewhere in Faerun, the two are together right now, exchanging witticisms, spells, and other more intimate things. However, I certainly hope I never see such an event come to print. I’ve had enough of those that return from apparent death characters.

”The Spider Queen take your soul.” (Condemnation, p. 239)

Halisstra : Halisstra’s path has certainly been a diverse one. A daughter of a lost House by the end of a Book II, a dark elf with a crisis of faith by the end of Book III, to given a mission to kill a god by the end of Book IV. That might be a bit too much of a drastic change for some readers to take.

I enjoyed Halisstra’s path to Eilistraee. I think it showed one way that a dark elf could turn to Eilistraee. However, the moment Halisstra obtained the Crescent Blade and became chosen to kill Lolth, I feel this character was lost, literally and figuratively.

Resurrection’s weakest moments come whenever Halisstra shows up. In fact, her actions become so increasingly improbable and her thoughts so ludicrous that it is at times painful to read. I understand a new faith can cause doubts within a soul. I understand such changes in faith require validation from past associates. Yet, Halisstra’s continued hope/belief that Danifae might turn to Eilistraee or that she has strong feelings for Danifae are just inconceivable for this reader. Gone is the wise and observant Halisstra who realized she had to be careful when it came to Danifae and Quenthel in earlier books. I’ve mentioned before, but it’s worth repeating. Book V and VI seem to indicate that the moment a dark elf turns to Eilistraee, her intelligence and wisdom will plummet to levels lower than a retarded orc. How else does a reader explain an “I’m sorry,” from Danifae causing Halisstra to hesitate at a crucial moment despite Danifae attacking her and ordering Jeggred to kill one of her Eilistraee sisters?

Paul Kemp’s Lady Penitent conclusion for Halisstra is something different. But, this reader almost wishes Halisstra had simply been killed by the worm from Book IV than to have suffered through the disintegration of her character via improbable circumstances in the past two books.

”The things I do for lust…”(Ressurection, p. 340)

Aliisza: Not since Insurrection has Aliisza been as enjoyable as she is within this final book. Her final meeting with Pharaun is both entertaining, intriguing, and then as Pharaun realizes he misunderstood her intentions, quite sad. That scene and the final scene where Aliisza at last has a part of the wizard who so captured her attention are some fine pieces of writing.

“We had this one opportunity, and we took all there was to take. There will be other opportunities to take more.” (Annihilation, p. 337)

Nimor: In the end, I find myself enjoying Nimor and the Jaezrd Chaulssin more than I first thought I would. I recall Richard Baker on the WOTC boards first providing some hints at this group shortly after Book III’s cover was released. At the time I scoffed. Half-dragons, shadow magic, it sounded like some writer/designer’s attempts to combine the best of three fan favorites: dark elves, shadow magic, and dragons. Perhaps this group still is such a combination. But, they were very interesting at times throughout the series. Moreover, their transformation of Ched Nasad might stand as the most visible legacy to Lolth’s silence. I enjoyed Nimor’s appearances in Book VI even more than the other novels. Perhaps his loss of stature had something to do with that, after all as someone once reminded me about a certain musical group, everyone loves the story of someone who rises, falls, but then claws their way back to the top again.

”Another day of violence, infighting, murder, and betrayal.
Lolth and the city deserved each other, he decided…” (Resurrection, p. 342)

Valas: If Quenthel stands as the person who shall bear witness to what transpired with Lolth’s return, I feel Valas will stand as the best witness/source of information about the group that made the journey to the Goddess.

In essence, Valas’ feelings about in the above quote express my own when it comes to future dark elven novels. I am tired of the Underdark drow and can go a good number of years without seeing a novel devoted to them again. I doubt fans will ever see another race be given such a large series as this one. This series featured an immensely popular race with fans. I can’t think of any other race that would result in multiple titles (if I recall correctly) landing on the N.Y. Times best seller list. But, even with that success, I hope readers are given a good amount of time before any future novels return to the drow of the Underdark.

The Future : But, what is the future for dark elves at the end of the WOTSQ’s events? Will there be societal changes as Pharaun pondered in this last novel? I doubt it, but it will be interesting to see. Has Lolth grown more powerful? It doesn’t appear so. But no clear answer is given. I’m sure many readers will cry out: “But why did she [Lolth] do all this if she didn’t become more powerful or change?” Alas, to such a question I can only offer one more quote

“You seek reasons, daughter, purpose, and that is your failing. Do you not see? Chaos offers no reason, has no purpose. It is what it is and that is enough.”

Lolth explaining to Quenthel on why she was not chosen the Yor’thae (Resurrection, p. 332)

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Posted - 17 Apr 2005 :  05:49:43  Show Profile  Visit Askanipsion's Homepage Send Askanipsion a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Originally posted by SiriusBlack

Originally posted by Askanipsion
Personally I think Mystra gets the most spotlight.

How do you come to that conclusion?

Well Mystra has been in numerous books personally. Her 50,000 Chosen are in every book.


I think the Seldarine need to get off their tree hugging butts and help save the Faerun elves cause they are just punching bags anymore.

Silly surface elves!!

The silly surface elves seemed to do just fine when facing the Daemonfey in a novel last year.

Yeah about time! They FINALLY do something.

Edited by - Askanipsion on 17 Apr 2005 06:56:43
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Posted - 17 Apr 2005 :  06:52:50  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Askanipsion

Ugg delete the above post please. It was a website error that cleared my answers & posted w/o them. Sorry

You can delete the post yourself. Look for the icon with the trash can near the top of the message. If you have any trouble just PM Alaundo or someone else helpful.


Well Mystra has been in numerous books personally. Her 50,000 Chosen are in every book.

Has she really been in that many? What's the count?
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Posted - 17 Apr 2005 :  07:01:43  Show Profile  Visit Askanipsion's Homepage Send Askanipsion a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Thanks for the help! I didn't notice that cause I wasn't logged in consistently.


Has she really been in that many? What's the count?

I just can't believe she has so many Chosen. Most Gods only have one. Kinda diminshes the importance of being one if you share the title with so many others in the same clergy. At least there is only one Magister though he is just basically another Chosen I guess.

So did you feel "Resurrection" was a let down to such a big build-up?

I am guessing we will see in the in-game results to "Resurrection" in a few months after everyone has read the book though I can't see any of the future gaming books really dealing with Lolth or Gods anytime soon.

Edited by - Askanipsion on 17 Apr 2005 07:04:14
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Posted - 17 Apr 2005 :  07:07:39  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You're welcome for the help.

Originally posted by Askanipsion
So did you feel "Resurrection" was a let down to such a big build-up?

That depends upon how you looked upon the series.

If you thought that there was any chance of a change with drow society or the dark elven pantheon, then I feel the series is a let down.

If you are a realistic bastard like myself that knows the day Lolth dies or dark elven society changes is the day we see the President of WOTC dancing to "My Sharona" while wearing Drizzt underoos, then there is no let down at all.


I am guessing we will see in the in-game results to "Resurrection" in a few months after everyone has read the book though I can't see any of the future gaming books really dealing with Lolth or Gods anytime soon.

I'm trying to fathom what possible in game results/changes might there be besides her change of address. And doesn't she just have to fill out one of those forms with the Post Office of Ao and then she's set as far as that matter?

Edited by - SiriusBlack on 17 Apr 2005 07:08:40
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