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Master of Realmslore

1608 Posts

Posted - 16 Sep 2008 :  05:11:16  Show Profile  Visit Fillow's Homepage Send Fillow a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks Sage.
I just wanted to make this topic become more active, hoping that it would make some scribes say "I've just finished one or another novel and the area where it took place is not quoted here, So let's add it to the list."

"Today is a good day to smile",
Fillow Big'n'Book Mahlemiut 'Lead-dog', Son of Garl, Wanderer of the Masked Leaf and Namer of Oghma.

- Fight in the arena and have fun ! :
- Feel free to take part to these projects : Post-Spellplague bibliography ; 4E index project ; Taverns and inns of the Realms ; Dogs of the Realms ; Descriptions of places in the novels ; forums, RPG, FR Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Come and have a look at the already asked questions from the Forgotten Realms Trivia Challenge

I am a French FR fan, so please forgive my lapses in English language and do not hesitate to correct me. Thanks a lot.

Edited by - Fillow on 21 Sep 2008 07:23:42
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Master of Realmslore

1608 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2008 :  20:14:39  Show Profile  Visit Fillow's Homepage Send Fillow a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Fellow scribes, please help !
We always need information about these novels :

-?--1016 DR--In the Bleak Deepwinter--Lynn Abbey
-?--1100s DR--The First Notch--R.A. Salvatore
-?--1290s-1370 DR--Song of Chaos--Richard Lee Byers
-?--1335 DR--Family Business, The--Lowder, James
-?--1340-1347 DR--Sojourn--R.A. Salvatore
-?--1340-1347 DR--Sojourn--R.A. Salvatore
-?--1342 DR--Necessary Sacrifices--Lisa Smedman
-?--1350s DR--Walls of Midnight, The--Anthony, Mark
-?--1353 DR--A Virtue by Reflection--Ciencin, Scott
-?--1355 DR--Elminster at the Magefair--Greenwood, Ed
-?--1355 DR--Dark Legacy--Mel Odom
-?--1356 DR -- Lord of Lowhill, The--Niles, Douglas
-?--1357 DR--Dark Mirror--Salvatore, R.A.
-?--1357 DR--Gathering, The--Michael Fleisher
-?--1357 DR--Bounty Seekers of Manshaka, The--Michael Fleisher
-?--1357 DR--Secret of Selune's Eye, The--Michael Fleisher
-?--1357 DR--Sorcerer's Moon--Michael Fleisher
-?--1357 DR--Spirit of Myrrth, The--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Beneath the City of the Dead--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Showtime! or Revenge of the Living Monologue--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Die Laughing--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Night of the Moonpenguin--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Of Mirt and Mind Flayers--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--All Hades Breaks Loose--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Down In The Depths--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Shackles of the Past--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR --Shell Game--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Cat and Mouse--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Last Betrayal, The--Dan Mishkin
-?--1357 DR--Ogre's Paw, The--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Converging Lines--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Great Game, The--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Fools Rush In--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Dragon In the Dale, The--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Dragonspawn--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Dragonsmoker--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Dragons (And Other Beasts)--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Minder's Story: The Day After--Jeff Grubb
-?--1357 DR--Head Cheeeese--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Kyriani's Story: The Ostus Legacy--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Day of the Darkening--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--1st Quarter: Selune Rising--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--2nd Quarter: Dark of the Moon--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--3rd Quarter: Lunatics--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--4th Quarter: Total Eclipse--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Lawyers!--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Scavengers--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Predators--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Survivors--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Death and the Dragon's Eye--Dan Mishkin
-? --1358 DR--Suspicion--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Dead of Night--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Burning Question--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Pillar of Gold--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Broken Pillars--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Wager that Saved Waterdeep, The--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Telling Lies--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Truth, The--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Finale--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Players--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Dwarves' Night Out--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--I, Connor--Dan Raspler
-?--1358 DR--Challenge of Timoth Eyesbright--Dan Mishkin
-?--1358 DR--Jasmine--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Rivals--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Trial--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Liches in Love--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Possessions--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Mad Gods and Paladins--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Divine Rights--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--On Earth as it is in Heaven--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Picking Up the Pieces--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Temptations--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Cannibal Girls (Won't You Come Out Tonight?)--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Cat Logic--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Unreal Estate--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Everybody Wants to Run the Realms--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Wake of the Realmsmaster, The--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--Waterdhavian Nights--Jeff Grubb
-?--1358 DR--How Wisdom Came to the Maimed Wizard--Ed Greenwood
-?--1360 DR--King's Tear--Anthony, Mark
-?--1362 DR--Greater Treasure, The--Erik Scott de Bie
-?--1362 DR--Patronage--Cook, David
-?--1362 DR--Grandfather's Toys--Rabe, Jean
-?--1366 DR--Prologue & Epilogue (Frame story)--Thomsen, Brian
-?--1366 DR--Nothing but Trouble--Ed Greenwood
-?--1366 DR--The Great Hunt--Elaine Cunningham
-?--1367 DR--Once Around the Realms--Brian Thomsen
-?--1367 DR--Thieves' Honor--Herbert, Mary H.
-?--1367 DR--Thieves' Reward--Herbert, Mary H.
-?--1368 DR--Reunification: Body & Soul--Jeff Grubb
-?--1368 DR--Stolen Dreams--Elaine Cunningham
-?--1369 DR--Hard Choices--Abbey, Lynn
-?--1369 DR--Messenger to Serôs--Archer, Peter
-?--1369 DR--The Place Where Guards Snore at their Posts--Greenwood, Ed
-?--1369 DR--Lost Cause--Byers, Richard Lee
-?--1369 DR--Forged in Fire--Emery, Clayton
-?--1369 DR--One who Swims with Sekolah--Odom, Mel
-?--1369 DR--The Crystal Reef--Denning, Troy
-?--1369 DR--The Patrol--Hobbs, Larry
-?--1369 DR--Persana's Blade--Schend, Steven E.
-?--1369 DR--And the Dark Tide Rises--Strohm, Keith Francis
-?--1369 DR--Honest and True--Troy Denning
-?--1369 DR--The Honor of Two Swords--Kate Novak-Grubb
-?--1369 DR--The Innkeeper's Secret--Troy Denning
-?--1370 DR--A Tall Tale--Collins, J.L.
-?--1370 DR--Living Forever--Ed Greenwood
-?--1371 DR--Comrades at Odds--R.A. Salvatore
-?--1373 DR--Topaz Dragon, The--Lebow, Jess
-?--1373 DR--Wickless in the Nether --Salvatore, R.A.
-?--1373 DR--Serpestrillvyth--Baker, Richard
-?--1373 DR--Standard Delving Procedure--Smedman, Lisa
-?--1373 DR--An Icy Heart--Whitney-Robinson, Voronica
-?--1373 DR--Penitential Rites--Strohm, Keith Francis
-?--1373 DR--How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth--Gross, Dave
-?--1373 DR--Beer with a Fat Dragon--Bassingthwaite, Don
-?--1373 DR--Prisoner of Hulburg, The--Byers, Richard Lee
-?--1373 DR--Faerie Ire--Tettensor, Erin
-?--1373 DR--Woman Who Drew Dragons, The--Jones, Rosemary
-?--1373 DR--Hunting Game, The--Scott de Bie, Erik
-?--1373 DR--Road Home, The--Stroh, Harley
-?--1373 DR--Queen of the Mountain--Johnson, Jaleigh
-?--1373 DR--Strength of the Jester, The--Leeder, Murray J.D.
-?--1373 DR--Rage, The--Richard Lee Byers
-?--1373 DR--Rite, The--Richard Lee Byers
-?--1373 DR--Ruin, The--Richard Lee Byers
-? --1374--That Time of the Tenday--Erik Scott de Bie
-?--1374 DR--Tears So White--Ed Greenwood
-?--1374 DR--Bladesinger’s Lesson, The--Richard Baker
-?--1374 DR--Final Gate--Richard Baker
-?--1377 DR--Uneasy Alliances--David Cook & Peter Archer
-?--1377 DR--Easy Betrayals--Richard Baker
-?--1377 DR--Diamond, The--J. Robert King & Ed Greenwood
-?--224 DR--Not the Most Successful of Feasts--Ed Greenwood
-?---25,090 DR--Traitors--Richard Lee Byers
-?--253 DR--Gwenhwyvar--Salvatore, R.A.
-?---390 DR--The Lady and the Shadow--Athans, Philip
-?---7628 DR--Staff of Valmaxian, The--Philip Athans
-?--892 DR--One Last Drink--Golden, Christie
-?--902 DR; Kythorn--The Whispering Crown--Greenwood, Ed
-?--During the Phaerimm War--Fallen Lands, The--Leeder, Murray J.D.
-?--Year:--Midnight's Mask--Paul S. Kemp
-?--Year:--Vanity's Brood--Lisa Smedman
-?--Year:--Frostfell--Sehestedt, Mark
-?--Year:--Prologue, Interlude, Epilogue --Wes Nicholson
-?--Year:--Wishing You Many More--David Cook
-?--Year:--Secrets of Blood, Spirits of the Sea--Cunningham, Elaine
-?--Year:--Bread Storm Rising--Dupree, Tom
-?--Year:--When Even Sky Cities Fall--King, J. Robert
-?--Year:--The Grotto of Dreams--Anthony, Mark
-?--Year:--A Narrowed Gaze--Cook, Monte
-?--Year:--Shadows of the Past--Thomsen, Brian
-?--Year:--Tertius and the Artifact--Grubb, Jeff
-?--Year:--Soulbound--Kemp, Paul S.
-?--Year:--First Flight--Bolme, Edward
-?--Year:--A Matter of Thorns--Ward, James M.
-?--Year:--Stolen Spells--Vitola, Denise
-?--Year:--Greatest Hero Who Ever Died, The--King, J. Robert
-?--Year:--Twilight--Denning, Troy
-?--Year:--And Wringing of Hands--Hong, Jane Cooper
-?--Year:--Laughter in the Flam--Lowder, James
-?--Year:--Vision--Moore, Roger E.
-?--Year:--Smoke Powder and Mirrors--Grubb, Jeff
-?--Year:--Magic Thief, The--Anthony, Mark
-?--Year:--Quiet Place, The--Golden, Christie
-?--Year:--Eye of the Dragon, The--Greenwood, Ed
-?--Year:--Every Dog His Day--Gross, Dave
-?--Year:--Common Spell, The--Novak-Grubb, Kate
-?--Year:--First Moonwell, The--Niles, Douglas
-?--Year:--Luck of Llewellyn the Loquacious, The--Kupfer, Allen C.
-?--Year:--Too Familiar--Cook, David
-?--Year:--Red Ambition--Rabe, Jean
-?--Year:--Six of Swords--Connors, William W.
-?--Year:--Wild Bunch, The--Dupree, Tom
-?--Year:--A Worm Too Soft--King, J. Robert
-?--Year:--Gunne Runner--Moore, Roger E.
-?--Year:-- Trial By Ordeal--Smedman, Lisa
-?--Year:--Assassin's Shadow--Lebow, Jess
-?--Year:--Too Long in the Dark--Kemp, Paul S.
-?--Year:--Darksword--Denning, Troy
-?--Year:--Liar's Game--Beaven, Jessica
-?--Year:--That Curious Sword--Salvatore, R.A.
-?--Year:--Astride the Wind--Athans, Philip
-?--Year:--When Shadows Come Seeking a Throne--Greenwood, Ed
-?--Year:--King Shadow--Byers, Richard Lee
-?--Year:--Shifting Sands, The--Archer, Peter
-?--Year:--Neversfall--Ed Gentry
-?--Year:-- …Songs of Death--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--Possessions--Elaine Cunningham
-?--Year:--Garden of Souls--Richard Lee Byers
-?--Year:--Cause and Effect--Paul S. Kemp
-?--Year:--New in Town--Richard Lee Byers
-?--Year:--Silverfish, The--Richard Lee Byers
-?--Year:--Depths of Madness, The--Erik Scott de Bie
-?--Year:--Howling Delve, The--Jaleigh Johnson
-?--Year:--Stardeep--Cordell, Bruce
-?--Year:--Crypt of the Moaning Diamond--Rosemary Jones
-?--Year:--Gossamer Plain, The--Thomas M. Reid
-?--Year:--Bladesinger--Keith Francis Strohm
-?--Year:--Swords of Eveningstar--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--Swords of Dragonfire--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--Sacrifice of the Widow--Lisa Smedman
-?--Year:--Game of the Ancients--Lisa Smedman
-?--Year:--Ascendancy of the Last--Lisa Smedman
-?--Year:--Windwalker--Elaine Cunningham
-?--Year:--Shadowbred--Paul S. Kemp
-?--Year:--Shadowstorm--Paul S. Kemp
-?--Year:--Shadowrealm--Paul S. Kemp
-?--Year:--Annihilation--Philip Athans
-?--Year:--Resurrection--Paul S. Kemp
-?--Year:--Darkvision--Bruce R. Cordell
-?--Year:--Bold as Brass--Clayton Emery
-?--Year:--The Dowry--R.A. Salvatore
-?--Year:--The Grand Tour--Jeff Grubb
-? --Year:--If Ever They Happened Upon My Lair--R. A. Salvatore
-?--Year:--Character Profile: Silverfall--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--Never a Warpig Born--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--Ladies Night at the Yawning Portal--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--Only a Woman Can Take This Sort of Abuse--Ed Greenwood
-?--Year:--The Night Tymora Sneezed--Ed Greenwood
-? --Year:--The Lady of the Mists--Ed Greenwood

"Today is a good day to smile",
Fillow Big'n'Book Mahlemiut 'Lead-dog', Son of Garl, Wanderer of the Masked Leaf and Namer of Oghma.

- Fight in the arena and have fun ! :
- Feel free to take part to these projects : Post-Spellplague bibliography ; 4E index project ; Taverns and inns of the Realms ; Dogs of the Realms ; Descriptions of places in the novels ; forums, RPG, FR Abbreviations and Acronyms
- Come and have a look at the already asked questions from the Forgotten Realms Trivia Challenge

I am a French FR fan, so please forgive my lapses in English language and do not hesitate to correct me. Thanks a lot.
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