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Great Reader
4740 Posts |
Posted - 19 Apr 2004 : 06:34:36
quote: Originally posted by green knight
Well met,I hope this works (its my fist post). I have some magic items to share. Would the Sage of Perth prefer if I e-mail them to him first (I saw your addresss earlier in the thread) or just post them here? Green Knight
That, as the Lady Kazandra said, was a temporary arrangement between the Sage and myself. I wasn't very clear on how pricing and prerequisites were handled then; I'd just thought up some interesting items and gave them to him to evaluate. If you read further into it, I started posting on my own with my first three spells. Though in actuality, I only just got an understanding of proper pricing with 3.5e, which has slightly more streamlined rules for this. |
Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.
Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more. |
green knight

50 Posts |
Posted - 19 Apr 2004 : 12:40:13
well met all and thank you for the info I will definatly be posting some items then. I am not 100% sure of the pricing either I am still working our some of the details, and these were done in 3.0, I have some 3.5 material but my group uses 3.0 still.
quote: The Green Knight? . . . I wonder, are you the same 'Green Knight' of Bretonnia fame?.
sorry, I am not. |
Lady Kazandra
Senior Scribe
921 Posts |
Posted - 19 Apr 2004 : 13:03:04
Pricing is not a problem, just post your items here. I'm sure someone will be willing to help.
I myself have several items to post that I'm not too sure about, but both Shadowlord and the Bookwyrm have convinced me to post . . . we all have to start somewhere .
"Once upon a time the plural of 'wizard' was 'war'." -- The Last Continent, by Terry Pratchett |
green knight

50 Posts |
Posted - 20 Apr 2004 : 01:35:37
Here is another one ECLIPSE
This +2 large round mithril shield is adorned with the holy symbol of Selune on the face and is considered a blessed and sanctified holy symbol for the purpose of turning undead or spell casting. Its powers include light as full moonlight on command, and a number of times per day of 1 + wielders charisma modifier (but never less then once a day) the wielder can force lycanthropes to revert to their human form. On command a cone of moonlight springs from the shield, any lycanthropes caught in the cone must make a will save vs. a DC of 14 + wielders charisma modifier, if they make the save by more then 3 nothing happens if they save but by less than 3 they take -2 to attack (for 5 rounds) as they fight off the compulsion, if they fail the save they revert to their human form for 5 rounds. As a holy symbol of Selune the use of the shield by clerics and more devout worshipers of other deities may result in sanctions by their God ( DMs discretion). Being made out of mithril the shield only weighs 5 lbs, has no armor check penalty and no arcane spell failure chance. Caster level: 7th ; Prerequisites: craft magic arms and armor, greater moonbeam, bless, creator must have access to moon domain; Market price: 8,345 gp; cost to create: 4,672 gp & 335 xp
Greater Moonbeam spell Evocation [light] Level: Clr 4 Components: V,S,M/DF Casting time: 1 action Range: close (25 ft + 5 ft/ 2 levels) Area: cone Duration: 1 minute/level (D) Saving throw: none or will negates (see text) Spell resistance: no
A cone of moonlight springs from casters hand as bright as full moonlight. Each round caster may change direction light points. Lycanthropes caught in the cone must make a will save or revert to human form, if save succeeds by less than 3 lycanthrope attacks at -2 for as long as they remain bathed in the light but does not change. Lycanthropes forced to change cannot change form while bathed in the light. Undead caught in the cone attack at -2 while bathed in the light. Greater moonbeam dispels any darkness spell of equal or lesser level, Darkness spells of higher level block greater moonbeam. material component: a pinch of white powder |
Great Reader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 21 Apr 2004 : 06:16:20
Bookwyrm should get this one. 
Statuette of Illusionary Annoyance
Once per day, this statuette can be used to project an image of whatever creature the statuette represents. If this image is spoken to, the statuette says a simple, short answer(chosen at the time of creation).
CL 11th; Prerequisites Craft Wondrous Item, magic mouth, permanency, programmed image. |
Great Reader
4740 Posts |
Posted - 21 Apr 2004 : 06:33:24
Oh, ha, ha, ha.  |
Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.
Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more. |
Great Reader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 21 Apr 2004 : 06:35:43
Feel free to create a thinly veiled jab at my technical references. |
Great Reader
4740 Posts |
Posted - 21 Apr 2004 : 07:37:46
If I think of something, I'll let you know. |
Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.
Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more. |
Lord Rad
Great Reader
United Kingdom
2080 Posts |
Posted - 21 Apr 2004 : 08:39:52
quote: Originally posted by Arivia
Bookwyrm should get this one. 
Statuette of Illusionary Annoyance
Once per day, this statuette can be used to project an image of whatever creature the statuette represents. If this image is spoken to, the statuette says a simple, short answer(chosen at the time of creation).
CL 11th; Prerequisites Craft Wondrous Item, magic mouth, permanency, programmed image.
::chuckle:: ::guffaw::  |
Lord Rad
"What? No, I wasn't reading your module. I was just looking at the pictures"
Great Reader
4740 Posts |
Posted - 21 Apr 2004 : 08:46:02
It's not what Arivia was refering to (it being something from a private conversation -- discussed moments before this item appeared here), but members of Candlekeep can consider this image to be repeating "Icewind Dale comes first!" |
Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.
Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more. |
Master of Realmslore
1298 Posts |
Posted - 21 Apr 2004 : 09:20:41
 I'm sure I'd understand better if I hadn't just come from a Neverwinter Nights PvP Server, and heard people play their voicesets over, and over, and over, and it never ended....    |
The Chosen of Vhaeraun "Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri. |
Learned Scribe
216 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2004 : 14:58:50
Armor of Convenience This armor is the same as plate mail +2 but has the additional property of being able to assemble or disassemble itself on command. At a magic command word the armor leaps into the frame of the the wearer and positions and buckles itself accordingly. Similarly at another magic command word the armor unfastens and removes itself from the wearer's body and stacks into a neat pile. Both assembly and disassembly take 1 round/turn. |
Life is like a box of chocolates. Once you eat the poisoned one you die. |
Learned Scribe
216 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2004 : 15:00:10
Shield of Protection This is a shield +1 but has the additional property of being able to cast a minor globe of invulnerability once per day as per the wizard spell. The spell is centered on the shield which must be relinquished to leave the globe. The globe can be dismissed by the shield wielder at any time.
Thieve's Armor This armor is leather armor +3. It also grants any thief who wears it a bonus of +5 on all thieve's skill checks and allows the thief to become invisible, as per the wizard spell, once per day |
Life is like a box of chocolates. Once you eat the poisoned one you die. |
Learned Scribe
216 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2004 : 15:05:29
The Shield of the Arctic The Shield of the Arctic was forged by Dwarven smiths and then bought by Eleven sorcerers. They imbued it with the powers of the Arctic. It is well made and of medium size, it has the symbol (in iron) of a polar bear. It is quite cold to the touch and often there is an unexpected chill breeze around it. When the user readies it for combat the wearer gains the ability to control its powers. The one power he cannot control is its natural defense. If the adventurer blocks a blow nothing happens, but if it is about to get past the shield then the shield grows in size by having ice form around its edges. Even if the wearer is attacked from behind it will instantly encapsulate him in ice. The ice pulls back until it is gone after 20 seconds of not being attacked. The shield is encased in this ice but the wearer will not be able to touch it, it will move out of his reach. If the user stops holding the shield it will drop the ice prematurely and he will be exposed. The wearer becomes immune to the cold while he is in possession of the shield. Twice a day he can cause a freezing wind of small intensity to burst from the shield. As an adventurer possesses the shield they become more reclusive and less talkative. They will slowly become Neutral/Neutral and more attached to the shield.
Life is like a box of chocolates. Once you eat the poisoned one you die. |
Master of Realmslore
1298 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2004 : 16:10:43
I like the Thieves' Armor, but it seems that you can go into more detail with the description. You are also missing the price and caster level, but if you have trouble with figuring out the price, I'm sure some of the scribes will be happy to assist you, myself included.  |
The Chosen of Vhaeraun "Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri. |
Great Reader
4740 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2004 : 16:31:34
You forget, Shadowlord -- none of these items belong to Salabasha. |
Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.
Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more. |
Learned Scribe
216 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2004 : 17:57:36
quote: Originally posted by Bookwyrm
You forget, Shadowlord -- none of these items belong to Salabasha.
So? That doesn't mean I can't add to its description or add prices. |
Life is like a box of chocolates. Once you eat the poisoned one you die. |
Head Moderator

United Kingdom
5696 Posts |
Learned Scribe
216 Posts |
Posted - 23 Apr 2004 : 18:31:08
quote: Originally posted by Alaundo
Well met
I have given this shop some thought of late and must ask that only items developed by yourselves, are listed here. Please refrain from listing items collected from other sources. That way, all items herein will be unique 
Thank ye
Aye aye, Cap'n
Barbarians Caw This +2 greatsword enables those to slightly experience the raw power that the barbarian people posses. The formidable blade is sleek in design, a picture is always located on the hilt depicting what alignment the user is (If the posser is evil, then there is a screaming skull on the hilt. If the posser is neutral, then there is a golden sword on the hilt. If the posser is good, then there is a halo of gold with a fist through it. The hilt will change after a new owner posses it for 1 full day) Original created to train those in the barbaric way, people grew to realize that what was the point of training when all you had to do was wield the sword. For this reason, the majority of them were destroyed, or sold of to less then legal merchants. However some have been seen across the land, wielded by melee combatants alike, allowing even those with the weakest appearance to wreak havoc against there opponents. Anyone may wield this sword (still having the +2 bonus intact) but only those of chaotic alignment and with 16 Str will understand the true power that lies within the sword. (If the sword leaves the person hands, then they loose all attributes that the sword original gave to them. If they drop the sword while in rage, their rage ends, leaving them fatigued)
While being carried, the posser gains the following attributes. - They gain the feats fast movement and uncanny dodge. (If the player does meet the requirements to use such feats while possessing the sword, treat it as if they do) - They gain the ability Rage 2/day - They gain damage reduction 2/- - They get +1 to Str and +1 to Con |
Life is like a box of chocolates. Once you eat the poisoned one you die. |
Lady Kazandra
Senior Scribe
921 Posts |
Posted - 24 Apr 2004 : 07:20:56
quote: Originally posted by Alaundo
Well met
I have given this shop some thought of late and must ask that only items developed by yourselves, are listed here. Please refrain from listing items collected from other sources. That way, all items herein will be unique 
Thank ye
I would assume that the Sage would agree with you Alaundo. He told me previously that several scribes here at Candlekeep had contacted him via ethereal mail about posting items from other sites here in the Magic Shop. As I recall he told these scribes that the Magic Shop was for original creations only, and that bringing items from other sources could cause trouble for Candlekeep.
He also said that, if these scribes were still unsure about their items, then they should contact you personally to discuss the issue.
"Once upon a time the plural of 'wizard' was 'war'." -- The Last Continent, by Terry Pratchett |
green knight

50 Posts |
Posted - 24 Apr 2004 : 14:02:22
here is a useful item, It may seem overpowered at first but there are risks involved that a dm can use to avoid abuse by players.
Manikin of Arming This magical item appears as a featureless manikin such as might appear in a dressmakers shop when it is first created or not currently bonded to anyone. When bonded to someone it takes on the body type and size of the individual down to fingers and toes. The bonding ritual requires five hit points worth of blood (healed in any way) and two hundred experience points. Once bonded to someone it cannot be bonded to anyone else except upon death or willing release by the bonded individual. If a boded individual releases the bond then wishes to bond again it cost five more hit points and two hundred more xp. On command the bonded user can cause all of the items they are wearing to switch with all the items the manikin is wearing. With the proper support staff the uses of this item are limited only by the imagination of the user. Other than the obvious uses to quickly arm and armor oneself the item has found use by noble dandies of Waterdeep to change from one fabulous outfit to another in the blink of a eye. With the help of servants that change the clothing on the manikin this can happen several times at one event. Users beware of disgruntled staff witch could lead to embarrassing situations. It is also useful for more shady characters who wish to disguise themselves quickly or send away incriminating evidence as well as arm themselves if captured. Adventurers also can use it to send out treasure and resupply healing or food in the field if the have people to change out the manikin. Inexperienced users should beware of some more common mistakes in use, such as forgetting to put undergarments beneath their armor or putting boots on the wrong feet. Sending away useful magic rings, amulets etc can also be a problem. The manikin functions upon command unlimited times a day, but without someone to change the manikin the two outfits will just change back and forth. Upon command every item worn by the user is teleported onto the manikin and simultaneously every item worn by the manikin is teleported onto the user up to 650 lbs. If the user wishes to keep something with them they must drop it or take it off and hold in the hand. Held items are not changed, backpacks and scabbards are changed if worn. Any effect which prevents teleportation, either at the manikin or the user prevents the process from working. User and manikin must be on the same plane. Cursed items that require magic to remove will not teleport away but cursed items placed on the manikin will. Caster level: 9th; prerequisites: craft wondrous item, teleport or word of recall, arcane mark, Market price: 162,000 gp; Cost to create: 81,000 gp and 6,480 xp + 200 xp to bond
Lady Kazandra
Senior Scribe
921 Posts |
Posted - 24 Apr 2004 : 14:45:56
I like it. It reminds me alot of a character from Marvel Comics who had similar abilities which were the result of him being bonded with certain individuals.
It certainly has great potential for use as well, and not only in the ranks of Waterdeep's merchant nobility. With some modification it could become a rather effective decoy, or even a guardian of some sort.
"Once upon a time the plural of 'wizard' was 'war'." -- The Last Continent, by Terry Pratchett |
green knight

50 Posts |
Posted - 24 Apr 2004 : 16:47:21
here is a set of shields I hope they fit in one post
Lanceboard Shield Regalia of Red Knight
This set of sixteen shields was presented to the war college of the Red Knight in Tethyr by the estate of the great general Aelric of Breen. The cost of the set was almost two thirds of the entire value of his estate. He intended the set to be the basis for an elite unit of temple guards, a wish the leaders of the temple are interested in trying. Only one set of these items exist but if they are successfully used expect copies of the individual pieces to become more available. The inspiration for the set is the lance board game admired by the clergy of Red Knight, the set has been met with great enthusiasm. Each shield has a stylized representation of a lance board piece on the face. The six different designs are detailed below
Lancer (8 shields) The lancer shields are each large steel chevron shields with a black field, red border and red stylized symbol of a lancer (pawn) on the face. It is a +1 shield with the following abilities. The wielder has +2 bonus to initiative and on the first round of combat may make a double movement, either double full movement or double move equivalent and a standard action. Caster level: 5th; Prerequisites: craft magic arms and armor, cats grace or expeditious retreat; market price 4,170 gp
Rook (2 shields) The Rook shield is a steel tower shield with black field, red border and stylized red castle on it. It is a +2 shield with the following abilities. +2 to fortitude saves, three times a day on command it can send out a wave of force five feet wide and ten feet long that causes those in its path to make a reflex save (DC 19) or move back ten feet, if unable to move they fall to the ground. If the first save fails a second fortitude save is made (DC 19) or target is stunned for one round. Caster level: 9th; Prerequisites: craft magic arms and armor, repulsion, resistance; Market price: 37,580 gp
Knight (2 shields) The Knight shield is large steel chevron with black field, red border and the holy symbol of the Red Knight on it. It is a +2 shield with the following abilities. +2 to reflex saves, three times a day on command wielder can dimension door this does not provoke an attack of opportunity and counts as a five foot step in combat. Caster level:9th ; Prerequisites: craft magic arms and armor, dimension door, resistance; Market price:26,770 gp
Bishop (2 shields) The Bishop shield is a large steel kite shield with black field, red border and red miter on the face. It is a +2 shield with the following abilities. +2 to will saves, three times a day on command it casts hold monster. Caster level:9th ; Prerequisites: craft magic arms and armor, hold monster, resistance; Market price: 32,170 gp
Queen (1 shield) The Queen shield is a large round steel shield with black field, red border and red diadem on the face. It is a +3 shield with the following abilities +1 to all saves and freedom of movement in constant effect. Caster level: 11th; Prerequisites: craft magic arms and armor, freedom of movement, resistance; Market price: 62,170 gp
King (1 shield) The King shield is a large steel chevron with black field, red border and red crown on the face. It is a +4 shield with the following abilities. +2 to all saves, bestow a dignified and commanding aura on wielder (+2 bonus to all charisma checks and turning checks), all bearers of shields from this set get a +1 morale bonus to attacks and saves verses fear when within 360 feet of the bearer of this shield. Caster level: 11th, Prerequisites: craft magic arms and armor, mass charm, resistance, bless; Market Price: 69,420 gp
Great Reader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 24 Apr 2004 : 16:52:36
Quite nice. Other than my normal comments about "you can eliminate x to reduce the word count by three, as y already applies that bonus", I've got nothing to say. |
Great Reader
4740 Posts |
Posted - 25 Apr 2004 : 05:59:58
I wholeheartedly agree with Arivia, on both points. The wording is a bit distracting, but it's far less important than a good item or concept. And this is very good.
Hmm . . . you know, this could be the start of a new chess varient. D&D Chess.  |
Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.
Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more. |
green knight

50 Posts |
Posted - 25 Apr 2004 : 14:05:13
I agree some of the text is redundant. I should have edited it better, I pasted it from a word file and when I make them up I like to use a standard format. I am probably a little OCD about it my group makes fun of me for rewriting my character sheet between every game. Glad people like the concept though. I think I want to put together the unit that uses them now. Green Knight |
Edited by - green knight on 25 Apr 2004 14:07:06 |
Learned Scribe
264 Posts |
Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 09:22:45
Say, is there some page out there where all of the contents of the magic shop are listed on? Would make a bit better overview... | - A Neverwinter Nights Persistent World |
Great Reader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 30 Apr 2004 : 09:29:35
quote: Originally posted by Darkheyr
Say, is there some page out there where all of the contents of the magic shop are listed on? Would make a bit better overview...
Here. |
Great Reader
4740 Posts |
Posted - 01 May 2004 : 09:45:39
Well, after a long time, I'm back with an item. 
Ring of the Foreigner
A boon to all who are far from home, this ring is a relatively common sight among well-traveled merchants and adventurers. In appearance, it is a plain copper ring with a semiprecious stone inset. Twisting the gem will activate a short-lived tongues effect on whomever is wearing it, lasting for ten minutes. This can be done five times per day.
Faint divination; CL 5th; Craft Ring, tongues; price 4,500 gp. |
Hell hath no fury like all of Candlekeep rising in defense of one of its own.
Download the brickfilm masterpiece by Leftfield Studios! See this page for more. |
The Sage
Procrastinator Most High
31799 Posts |
Posted - 01 May 2004 : 12:33:16
I like it . It has just the right amount of subtlety to be useful for those foreign diplomats visiting a court in another realm. It would be extraordinarily useful in any kind of high court-intrigue type adventure, and would also be welcome in any campaign set in the Birthright world.
Since I'm a little late with the anniversary items I promised, all I can ask is that those of you with an interest in such objects please wait a little longer...::dodges thrown wooden bar-stool:: 
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