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Senior Scribe

596 Posts

Posted - 29 May 2008 :  21:35:43  Show Profile  Visit Sian's Homepage Send Sian a Private Message  Reply with Quote
started in a new group and a new campaign

as of yet

Thazudora Splendarrdauf (LG Shield Dwarven Fighter/Wizard 1/2) ... ME

Nim (can't remember last name), (NG Wood Elven Ranger/Druid 1/2)

Dexter Ironwood, (CG Human Rogue/Fighter 1/2, Dishonored nobleson)

Wilhem (no last name) (CG Human Rogue 3, former kitchen worker in Ironwoods Castle, able to win the prize as biggest coward, having used have the time in battle as of yet sitting in a corner hoping that the enimies didn't discover him, and fleeing from a traped door which we knew we had the right key for)

also going to have a cleric in the party but the player haven't been around yet so he isn't intoduced

what happened to the queen? she's much more hysterical than usual
She's a women, it happens once a month
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Nicolai Withander
Master of Realmslore

1093 Posts

Posted - 10 Jun 2008 :  14:19:35  Show Profile Send Nicolai Withander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As a joke I introduced our party for a king once in the beginning of our campaign, as A-Team, an for some reason it just stuck. People now know us a A-Team... which is a little corny especialy as it was never ment to be called that...

But as we never came up with a better name, our DM has used it ever sinse... So A-Team it is...
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Senior Scribe

947 Posts

Posted - 10 Jun 2008 :  14:48:43  Show Profile  Visit MerrikCale's Homepage Send MerrikCale a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

As a joke I introduced our party for a king once in the beginning of our campaign, as A-Team, an for some reason it just stuck. People now know us a A-Team... which is a little corny especialy as it was never ment to be called that...

But as we never came up with a better name, our DM has used it ever sinse... So A-Team it is...

Whose on the A-Team?

When hinges creak in doorless chambers and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls, whenever candlelights flicker where the air is deathly still, that is the time when ghosts are present, practicing their terror with ghoulish delight.
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Nicolai Withander
Master of Realmslore

1093 Posts

Posted - 10 Jun 2008 :  16:33:48  Show Profile Send Nicolai Withander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
"A-Team" consists of:

Melcar: lvl 15wiz/5 arcane avatar

Beregond: lvl 10 Pal/ 9 Lightbringer

Tristan: lvl 9Fgt/ 10 cleric

Wilhelm: lvl 10 cleric/8 exorcist

So we can sustain life for a very long time. Plus against undead we rule!
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36858 Posts

Posted - 10 Jun 2008 :  17:45:43  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by MerrikCale

Originally posted by Nicolai Withander

As a joke I introduced our party for a king once in the beginning of our campaign, as A-Team, an for some reason it just stuck. People now know us a A-Team... which is a little corny especialy as it was never ment to be called that...

But as we never came up with a better name, our DM has used it ever sinse... So A-Team it is...

Whose on the A-Team?

I'd rather know who fills the positions of Hannibal, Face, Murdock, and BA Baracus.

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Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Nicolai Withander
Master of Realmslore

1093 Posts

Posted - 11 Jun 2008 :  17:02:48  Show Profile Send Nicolai Withander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
He he...

We filled the possitions like this. I was the wizard, and because I was so inteligent, I took the role as Hannibal.

We had a rogue in the group at that time, who was face, because of disguise. Our now, fighter/cleric started of as fighter so natural he became BA. (Human 5'1" and always grumpy) He he... Then we had an archer who was always like doing these stupid and weird things.. Murduck... And we also had a Paladin... who was a knight, who always rode on his horse... so we also had "Knight Rider" (Name of horse= KITT) And every time he charged on his horse we played the theme song from the series... I was GREAT!!!

Melcar = Hannibal
Tristan= B.A.
Garret = Face
Wilhelm= Murduck
Beregond= Knight Rider

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Senior Scribe

947 Posts

Posted - 17 Jun 2008 :  03:47:43  Show Profile  Visit MerrikCale's Homepage Send MerrikCale a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

The Nogginknocker brothers? *chuckles* Now there's a name that's truly Salvatorian.

Very true

When hinges creak in doorless chambers and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls, whenever candlelights flicker where the air is deathly still, that is the time when ghosts are present, practicing their terror with ghoulish delight.
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Senior Scribe

388 Posts

Posted - 11 Oct 2008 :  23:15:59  Show Profile  Visit Yasraena's Homepage Send Yasraena a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The party I'm currently in is based in the North, specifically in Silverymoon. We don't have a name, but we've been calling ourselves the Knights of Silver (Yes, we realize the city guard is called that already) due to the fact that we've constantly been involved with saving The North or Silverymoon in particular since we got here. Some of our adventures have been fighting a Balor and his minions - on the Abyss - for the Sword of Ages, facing off with a drow ruling house and their invading army, fighting a newly formed dracolich to prevent Sammaster of the Cult of the Dragon from being resurrected, facing Set himself and banishing him to his home plane, but not before he sends us to Sigil. We just left the Outlands of Sigil after taking place in one of the biggest battles any of us have ever heard of, let alone taken part in.
Anyway, here is the party.

Fleabus Gundarock - Male Dwarf N/G 16/16 Fighter/Cleric of Thor
Rensoverthierlos 'Renzo' - Male High Elf N/G 17th lvl Myrmidon (fighter)
Malaci Thornbird - Male half-elf C/N 17/9 Thief/Mage
Yasraena T'Sarran - Female Drow elf C/G 18/16 Fighter/Mage (Harper)
Daerrian Celevorn - Male high elf N/G 12th lvl Mage (Harper) 'henchman' to Yasraena

The we have the party from the game that my friend Shannon runs. Varied is an understatement.

Raxx - male C/G 10th lvl Minotaur (fighter)
Beren Snowmantle - Male high elf C/N 7/7 Thief/Mage
Jayselle Desann - Female half-elf C/G 7/7 Psion/Cleric of Sune
Jindall 'Oscar' Greenleaf - Male high elf C/N 14th lvl Mage

Raxx was a monster that had a spell cast on him that had his Int raised to 12 and is now Chaotic Good. He loves to eat live chickens; feather and all. Beren is a bitter but talented thief/mage on the run for killing his former guild master. Jayselle is a gorgeous half elf of 21 years who lives her life for Sune and happens to have some mental powers as well. Jindall is an almost decrepitly old high elf who used to be a fighter but inadvertently drank an aging potion that aged him 500 years. He took up magic as he couldn't lift his sword or don his armor anymore and is quite bitter about it. He constantly berates Raxx on his lack of fighting style and Jayselle about how she's just a child and knows nothing, etc, etc.
We have some interesting role playing let me tell you.

"Nindyn vel'uss malar verin z'klaen tlu kyone ulu naut doera nindel vel'bolen nind malar."
Yasraena T'Sarran
Harper of Silverymoon
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2 Posts

Posted - 12 Oct 2008 :  13:40:55  Show Profile  Visit Riyoukaze's Homepage Send Riyoukaze a Private Message  Reply with Quote
First of all, hey guys :P I'm new around here, but so far it's a great place.

At the moment I'm playing a solo campaign, but to make up with it I've got characters coming out the windows (seven that I actually have stats for, so far). We're playing with the knowledge of all the campaign settings, so a few are Realms, some are Mystara, some Dragonlance, etc...

The "active" characters are combined my characters and my DM's... These ones are just mine, and I usually only have two at a time in a fighting party with another two of my DM's. Colt is the main heroine, so it just comes down to rotating the rest of them around her to keep their levels about the same. Luckily, the DM is always open for new characters since it's just the two of us, or else I think he'd have capped the amount I'm allowed to have by now...

Colt Ballard (female human Ranger, Realms)
Mélodie Ballard (female human Bard, Realms)
Seie Karpe (female human Sorceress, Sosaria)
Tavariel Ashsong (female elven Cleric, Mystara)
Dices (male human Wizard, Illusionist, Mystara)
Lake Everdawn (male half-elven Fighter, Mystara)
Morning Aamir (male human Fighter/Knight of the Crown, Dragonlance)
Coreyenthia Rosewind (female elven Druid, Realms)

Every so often, another friend will join a session, and he's got two characters kicking around for when he does: Rurik (dwarven Cleric) and Ryuka (something-or-other Sorcerer).

It's a full house ;P

Edited by - Riyoukaze on 12 Oct 2008 13:48:09
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Senior Scribe

387 Posts

Posted - 12 Oct 2008 :  18:58:53  Show Profile  Visit Nerfed2Hell's Homepage Send Nerfed2Hell a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Haven't played in this group for awhile, but there's been talk of reviving our old 2e game...

Taliesinn the Bard (NG human male Bard, lvl 13)
Shadow-Walker (LG human male Rogue 4/Fighter 8 --formerly paladin of Torm) **mine**
Tori Wandwielder NG half-elf female Mage 11)
Jazzmin (NG elf female Fighter 6/Rogue 7 --w/Bounty Hunter kit)

Shadow-Walker, aka Walker, aka "The One-Hit-Point Wonder"
Started his career as an adventuring rogue (removing traps, scouting, etc --no thieving). Along the way, the party had an ugly run-in with a bunch of Banites who had stolen a relic from a local church of Torm. Impressed with his scrappiness, a paladin in the temple offered to train Walker in more noble ways of battling evil. Quests were assigned, monsters were fought, and he became a dual-classed character. After reaching 6th level paladin, moral quandries started popping up, and his bardic companion kind of talked him out of his paladinhood, reminding him that he used to be able to decide for himself what could be done and what needed to be done in the fight against evil. With some regrets, Walker took the easy way out one time too many and renounced his strict code of honor, becoming a fighter thereafter. However, he still remains lawful good and faithful to Torm.

Last adventure we had together, we had a guest DM... and I think I ruined him. He had an adventure set up where we started out on our way toward Waterdeep from Elturel. Several days into our trip, we were ambushed and robbed by Cult of the Dragon members who then beat us and left us for dead (allowing the DM to start us into his new adventure without equipment as he'd planned). Instead, without healing and with no more than 6 hit points each, we were nudged into heading back to Elturel. The bounty hunter refused to leave her magical daggers behind and Walker was determined to see some justice done. The bard was on board for finding the bad guys since it would make a great story (turns out he was right).

The bounty hunter was able to track the cultists back to their nearby lair, a well-fortified house on a cliff, surrounded by a wall and plenty of traps. Walker volunteered to scout inside being both stealthy and healthiest of the bunch. Deciding that the trapped areas would be too slow and visible under the watchful eye of three guard towers, he circled around and climbed up the cliffside in the rain --suffering penalties for wetness and injury* (which was tacked on as an added measure to deter the foolhardy plan). Reaching the top, he stealthily reached the top of the watchtower and dispatched the guard inside while unarmed. (This prompted a decision to start studying unarmed combat specialization with the next available weapon prof. slot which we never got around to). Taking the guard's short sword and dagger, he climbed back down and into the courtyard. He managed to sneak up on a pair of guard dogs and backstabbed one to death, then took 3 points of damage from the other's bite before he killed it. The brief commotion and dead dogs led to a search of the area, but Walker made his hide checks again and again. At one point, the DM decided that my dice might be too lucky and asked me to start rolling his... the exceptional rolls kept coming and I snuck into the house, past guards (keeping track of how many and what they were armed with for later), and avoided traps and alarms all the while. Searching several rooms, Walker found their treasure chamber... their stolen equipment and treasure taken from others along the road in similar fashion. A successful saving throw had him taking only half damage from a gas trap he'd failed to notice. Now, with one hit point left, he heard guards rushing toward the room. He found his invisible sword (+1, becomes briefly visible when it strikes --nothing else) and killed the half dozen guards he'd passed on his way through the house. He gathered up everyone's gear and used dust of disappearance the elf had in her belt pouch, then made his escape silently out the front door and back to his awaiting companions. A handful of healing potions were available, everyone got one and Walker got two. We stormed the compound and took the cultists by surprise even though they knew trouble was wandering about.

A practically naked rogue/fighter saved the day with only but a hit point left. Most of the game session was taken up by watching me slip in and retrieve our equipment, but no one felt left out... rather it became a cheering session all the way. My bold victories inspired the others and we attacked heedless of danger, almost losing one (the wizard) in the process. Then, we nearly crapped our pants when we charged through a basement doorway to an underground cavern where we saw a wizard standing next to a skeletal dragon. The dragon lifted its head at the wizard's beckoning, and we were offered a chance to flee. We took it only to later (after the game was over) find out the dragon hadn't yet been turned to unlife, but rather the wizard had an illusion spell handy.

The DM didn't want to kill us, he just wanted to scare us away because he'd improvised the whole thing and just didn't know what to do next. When asked what he had planned for next week, he said he didn't know... his original adventure plan required us starting without equipment and that was shot to hell. He asked for a couple weeks to come up with something else, but we never got back to it.

Sheer dumb luck is fun.

Some people are like a slinky... not good for much, but when you push them down the stairs, it makes you smile.
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Senior Scribe

423 Posts

Posted - 12 Oct 2008 :  23:39:54  Show Profile  Visit Tyranthraxus's Homepage Send Tyranthraxus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The party I DM for have made a name for themselves as the Heroes of Hap.

Dirk Ochtendstond: Male chondathan human LG Clr6/Pal1 of Lathander
Gildal: Male shield dwarf CG Bbn6/Ftr1/Bzk1*
Immin: Male shield dwarf CN Drd7
Legolas Liadon: Male moon elf CN Ftr6/Wiz1
Sitara: Female chondathan human CG Rog7

They're a chaotic bunch, but Dirk tries to keep an eye on them so they don't get in too much trouble and acts as the group's leader.

*Bezerker is a prestige class I found on the web
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Ashe Ravenheart
Great Reader

3247 Posts

Posted - 14 Oct 2008 :  19:07:31  Show Profile Send Ashe Ravenheart a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Recently DM'd the party through the Cormyr adventure. First time the rest of the group has been through the Realms and they want more!

Anyway, here's the party:

Chiodin: Male waterdhavian LG Knight 9
Weber: Male shou expatriate LG Samurai 9
Starwick Bullfrog: Male turmish CN Warlock 9
Monty: Male from Anauroch TN Druid 5/Master of Many Forms 4

We're doing an intermission piece I wrote for a bridge between Cormyr and Shadowdale, then we're on our way to defeating the Shades (ultimately).

I actually DO know everything. I just have a very poor index of my knowledge.

Ashe's Character Sheet

Alphabetized Index of Realms NPCs
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18 Posts

Posted - 15 Oct 2008 :  11:59:35  Show Profile  Visit lockdar's Homepage Send lockdar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
At the moment we are playing an Eberron campaign with 3 players and one DM, the composition:

Victor Cannith - Human Exhalted Monk 8 - Vow of Poverty
Allister D'Cannith - Human Artificer 8 - Greedy bastard
Shiny - Warforged Fighter 8 - Neutral but has likings for the Lord of Blades.

It's a strange mix of personalities but we are having a blast. None of us realise just how opposite our view of the world is compared to our fellow adventurers.

Save yourself a penny for the ferryman.
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Lord Lysander

25 Posts

Posted - 15 Oct 2008 :  20:33:44  Show Profile  Visit Lord Lysander's Homepage Send Lord Lysander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Anfenlian Anthoras ; Sun Elf Paladin of Sune lvl 2
Faelar Laelithar ; Half-elf Ranger of Mielikki lvl 2
Fergorian dur Firebeard ; Gold Dwarf Bard lvl 2
Thaval-Gar ; Half-Orc Druid of Silvanus lvl 2
Izufel Draan'e'Kaar ; Tiefling Wizard lvl 2
Mokha fer Razk ; Halfling Rogue lvl 2

-The storm gets closer...
-So beware...
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Senior Scribe

947 Posts

Posted - 18 Nov 2008 :  16:42:46  Show Profile  Visit MerrikCale's Homepage Send MerrikCale a Private Message  Reply with Quote
no 4e groups?

When hinges creak in doorless chambers and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls, whenever candlelights flicker where the air is deathly still, that is the time when ghosts are present, practicing their terror with ghoulish delight.
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9 Posts

Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  09:16:29  Show Profile  Visit BENTISTOS's Homepage Send BENTISTOS a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We had recently a 4e group, set in 3e Realms (around 1370), playing a 2e module (Desert of Desolation. I'm not sure what Edition it was originally, but the (badly translated) german version was AD&D 2).

Lut Khadas, male human Cleric of Tymora, from Procampur. Young lad (16) who was searching for his father.
Jahlan, female dragonborn Paladin of Helm. Despised humans, especially the unexperienced Lut.
Darandanion, male human Warlock. Quite a nice guy, but worshiped Cyric and became madder each day. Later he got the Multiclass Cleric feat.
Master Firewind (actually Meister Feuerwind), human male wizard, talked a lot about evil fey magic.
Cailean, male eladrin Swordmage, strong fighter with the astonishing ability to teleport...

The group worked quite well. We had 3 healers (Cleric, Paladin, Warlock w/ multiclass feat), so we didn't need to rest too often. That's the thing I like especially about 4e: you don't need to rest after 2 encounters. That was always a bit difficult to explain in-game.
Also, during the whole campaign (lvl 5-12 I think) only one character died. "The Hualim", a Robin-Hood-like desert rogue. That's remarkable, as our DM really has a knack for killing PCs. Not because he wants to, but because he's too lucky with the dice. I think the reason for survival was the 4e mechanics. We often were on the brink of death and the battles were dangerous though.
The roleplaying was great, too, but that had nothing to do with 4e.

Eternal Might I Was Born To Wield
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36858 Posts

Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  14:34:54  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BENTISTOS

We had recently a 4e group, set in 3e Realms (around 1370), playing a 2e module (Desert of Desolation. I'm not sure what Edition it was originally, but the (badly translated) german version was AD&D 2).

A 4E group, set in 3E, playing a 2E module. Okay, so why no love for 1E?

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Learned Scribe

147 Posts

Posted - 21 Nov 2008 :  02:46:37  Show Profile  Visit GoCeraf's Homepage Send GoCeraf a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by BENTISTOS

We had recently a 4e group, set in 3e Realms (around 1370), playing a 2e module (Desert of Desolation. I'm not sure what Edition it was originally, but the (badly translated) german version was AD&D 2).

A 4E group, set in 3E, playing a 2E module. Okay, so why no love for 1E?

Just wait for the hobbit to kick one of 'em in the shins.

Being sarcastic can be more telling than simply telling.
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9 Posts

Posted - 21 Nov 2008 :  12:27:58  Show Profile  Visit BENTISTOS's Homepage Send BENTISTOS a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by BENTISTOS

We had recently a 4e group, set in 3e Realms (around 1370), playing a 2e module (Desert of Desolation. I'm not sure what Edition it was originally, but the (badly translated) german version was AD&D 2).

A 4E group, set in 3E, playing a 2E module. Okay, so why no love for 1E?

Does "I am too young" qualify as an excuse?

Eternal Might I Was Born To Wield
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5 Posts

Posted - 23 Dec 2008 :  04:46:28  Show Profile  Visit Harquebus's Homepage Send Harquebus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My party for an upcoming (3.5) game set in and around Waterdeep and Skullport pre Time of Troubles.

Taërn Coppershield*†# (Gold Dwarf, Fighter 5, Master Thrower 3)
Anadia† (Moon Elf, Swashbuckler 8)
Rhinnara† (Human, Rogue 8)
Leone Windriver (Human, Fighter 5, Dragon Slayer 3)
Abdel Fisher* (Human, Paladin [Torm] 5, Purple Dragon Knight 3)
Estelle (Drow, Favored Soul [Shaundakul] 3, Sorcerer 3)
Joachim* (Air Genasi, Battle Sorcerer 7)

* "Leveled Down" characters from a prior campaign set in the Dale-Lands and Cormyr. Abdel is (was) romantically involved with "lord" Winters.

†DMing is rotated between these players so one of these three is usually going to be off screen for any particular session.

Edited by - Harquebus on 23 Dec 2008 05:04:10
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Senior Scribe

428 Posts

Posted - 23 Dec 2008 :  16:45:37  Show Profile  Visit dwarvenranger's Homepage Send dwarvenranger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Started a game in Sigil, using the Pathfinder Beta. I'm at work so I don't have the character names but the races and clases are:

Human M/rogue/3 from Waterdeep
Human M/fighter/3 from Silverymoon
Dwelf M/ranger/2 from Silverymoon
Air mephling M/bard/2 from Sigil (Sensate)
Assimar M/paladin(Tyr)/2 from Sigil (Mercykiller)
Human M/monk/3 from the Free City of Greyhawk
Ghost elf F/cleric(Sarenrae)/2 from "somewhere on the Astral plane" (he's my special player)

If I waited till I knew what I was doing, I'd never get anything done.

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Ionik Knight
Learned Scribe

222 Posts

Posted - 23 Dec 2008 :  19:48:54  Show Profile  Visit Ionik Knight's Homepage Send Ionik Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In my just starting campaign.


Aengus O'Donovan: Human with Fey Heritage; Chaotic Good Barbarian Lvl 1

Lorcan O'Donovan: Human with Celestial Heritage; Lawful Good Monk Lvl 1

And their companion, a Cu Sith that can Cure Light Wounds by licking them.

Fools to right of them,
Jesters to left of them,
Clowns in front of them
Pun'd and parody'd.
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15 Posts

Posted - 24 Dec 2008 :  01:14:00  Show Profile Send Stormlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My group currently has two active games:

Game 1:
Company of the Raventusk Boar
The group is currently marching through the Mortik Swamp chasing after Ogre and Lizardfolk raiders that attacked and kidnapped several people from Chethel.

Player 1:
Tamilyn Gallowglass - NG Female Strongheart halfling Crusader 9/Warblade 1 of Arvoreen
A member of a long line of Lurien's defenders, she has taken up the life of an adventurer to proactively begin to turn the area into a place that does not have to fear the threat of monsters or Dambrathan raiders.

Player 2:
Jordy Boldstrider - CG Male Lightfoot halfling Rogue 6/Warblade 2/Merchant Prince 2 of Tymora
He dreams of glory and riches. Tales told to young hin with "Jordy the Bold" at their center. He possess an even keener mind for numbers than an average hin, and has begun to create a small enterprise of Caravan Guards.

Player 3:
Sephina Cobblestone - LG Female Strongheart halfling Cleric 5/Divine Oracle 5 of Savras
Blessed or cursed with a natural divinatory ability, she was drawn towards a elderly half-elf living in the Long Quarter of Chethel who taught her the ways of Savras. A vision of Artec has lead her to allying with him. She deeply cares for Artec and hopes to restore his memory and with him understand the meanings of her visions of him.

Player 4:
"Artec the Odd" - TN Male Ghostwise halfling Psion[Shaper] 6/Constructor 4
He has no recollection of his past prior to two years earlier when Jordy and Tamilyn found him laying in a muddy ravine at the border of the Southern Lluirwood. He refuses to voluntarily use his voice, instead relying on his natural telepathic ability. He also has an unnatural fear of all things snake-like.

Game 2:
The DM is player 1 from the first game. The group has not chosen a party name.
Set in 1365 DR, they are currently moving about the Stonelands looking for a large goblin tribe that has been attacking certain merchant trains moving north towards the Dales and west to the Heartlands. After many skirmishes the group has found evidence linking the goblins to the Zhentarim and possibly even noble houses of Cormyr.

Player 1:
Tesparn Hawklin - LG Male Tethyrian human Warblade 8/Highknight 5
He is a member of the noble house of Hawklin, and devoted to the Obarskyrs and Cormyr. With some of the evidence pointed towards his house, he feels great anger at the possible betrayal to the Crown and has become a man possessed to find out the truth.

Player 2:
Brueman "Shatterspells" Blasko - LG Male Chondathan human Wizard 1/Cleric 3/Mystic Theurge 9 of Azuth (Pathfinder prestige class, not the one from the DMG)
He is a member of the War Wizards, assigned to spy on the party by Vangerdahast, specicially, Tesparn and Penderghast. He is under orders to not slay them unless definitive proof of treachery. He sees Penderghast as a destructive force that has to be carefully monitored and has begun to try to curb his love of all things chaotic and random, in hopes to tame him and use him as a weapon against Cormyr's enemies.

Player 3:
Kethryllia - NG Female Half-moon elf Rogue 6/Royal Herald 7
This blue haired, violet eyed lady is a member of the Queen Filfaeril's spy network and through various channels has learned of Vangey's agent within their midst and takes careful steps to watch him. She hungers to find the the truth of the goblin attacks and continues to have full faith in Tesparn though others have begun to look at him in suspicion.

Player 4:
Penderghast - CN Male Tethyrian human Wizard 5/Wild Mage 8 of Malyk the Dark Mage
He is a natural talent with the Art but too reckless and young (16) for the amount of power he wields. He was denied entry to the War Wizards, instead, he was given a "special assignment" by Vangerdahast. He was sent with party to scout the outermost fringes of the country, to keep him as far from the populace of Cormyr and where his destructive magic can do the least damage. His eyes are ever constantly changing color, indepently of each other, that occured during one of his wild surges.

NPC Follower:
Soaring Leaf, Whose Grandfather, Long Jumper, Fought an Aranea During the Battle of Six-Sundered-Sticks, Whose Father, Skyflyer, Flew Across the "Dark Forest" and Back in One Day - CG Male Phanaton Cleric 9 of Lurue (Phanatons are normally found in the world of Mystara)
He was brought to Toril, accidently, when a botched spell cast by Penderghast opened a rift and sucked him through. Due to the botched spell, he believes himself to be the older "kit brother" of Penderghast and constantly scolds his "brother" for doing things he finds to be "naughty-bad".
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Posted - 28 Dec 2008 :  21:26:42  Show Profile Send Razz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, I'll go with the very first Forgotten Realms 3rd Edition group I ran as opposed to all of them. They eventually called their group The Crescent Moon (and certainly didn't enjoy learning about a particular religious order later on that goes by the same name with a group of humans and dwarves in service to both Selune and Clangeddin Silverbeard).

It originally composed of 5 players, the 6th (Seraph) was a permanent NPC of mine:

Orion Evereach - Tethyrian Human LG Paladin of Helm (twin to Seraph)

Seraph Evereach - Tethyrian Human LG Cleric of Helm (twin to Orion)

Gabriel Evereach - Tethyrian Human CG Ranger of Mielikki (older brother of Orion&Seraph)

Cyrus Silverbeard - Shield Dwarf LG Fighter/Cleric of Clangeddin Silverbeard

Trinton Dai'xian - Aasimar LG Monk of Ilmater, Broken Ones Monastic Order

Flinn Tarrenstri - Half-Moon Elf NG Conjurer of Mystra

Eventually, the player of Cyrus quit the game halfway through the Pool of Radiance quest and after having to NPC him through that quest and a side-trek in Kozakura (they were escaping Myth Drannor and entered a malfunctioned portal), he was replaced by:

Roedyn Telmar - Moon Elf CN Psychic Warrior of Shevarash

After a few quests, the player of Gabriel Evereach quit the game. He was a:


at this point in time. We had his character vanish at first, but when he decided to play again in the future the quest the original party was on had already finished and had placed them 8 levels beyond him. So we explained (story-wise) that he had teamed up with:

Kain Everblaze - Aasimar CG Ranger/Darkwood Sniper/Foe Hunter of Solonor Thelandira (another PC of the player of Orion)

in order to enter the Stormhorn Mountains to pay respect to Gabriel's deceased uncle with Kain, who knew him as a child and had just learned of the news. The two vowed to enter the very pits of the Nine Hells itself to drag his soul out (it was taken by a narzugon devil summoned by a priest of Cyric that had summoned it many adventures ago in response to them burning down the temple in Voonlar). However, he ended up quitting again and so I now NPC him and had it where he is corrupted by Shar and has become her servant.

As for the others, at the end of the City of the Spider Queen quest, they were:

Orion - Paladin 8/Fighter 2/Cavalier 11 of Helm
Seraph - Cleric 16/Divine Disciple 5 of Helm
Flinn - Conjurer 16/Archmage 5 of Mystra
Trinton - Monk 11/Student of the Dragon 10(from AEG's Dragons d20 sourcebook)
Roedyn - Psychic Warrior 11/Ancestral Avenger 10

The group has since retired, but they do want to play them again for an epic campaign. The player of Orion wants to be the next king of the Dalelands and wants to form the most powerful army under the church of Helm to protect the world against its evils. (thanks to Leadership, Extra Followers, and Epic Leadership feats) Trinton has been traveling the world and training, Seraph is with his twin brother aiding him in the church of Helm, Flinn left Faerun into the planes beyond to become a Cosmic Descryer, Roedyn is traveling the Underdark in search of drow elves to destroy and wishes to form an underground citadel for Shevrash servants to strike out against the drow on their own turf.

Edited by - Razz on 28 Dec 2008 21:27:31
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Senior Scribe

596 Posts

Posted - 29 Dec 2008 :  11:52:13  Show Profile  Visit Sian's Homepage Send Sian a Private Message  Reply with Quote
the current party i'm playing in, which is running around in circles in a homebrew world

Barahin: Human Fighter 6, big hulking African trader which recently had a clash with a tricky magic item which changed his color into an illuminant darkish green color ...

Harry: Human Cleric (Pelor) 5, slightly fat cleric which loves to make food and is interested in studying alchemy (complete with Alchamist lab disguised as a spare cooking set), fugitive on the run from the goverment due to buying illegal items

Grifin: Húman Sorcerer 6, (haven't played with him yet since the player wasn't around but had a clash with beforementioned magic item and is now sporting a bright light blue hair)

Rangor: Dwarven Barbarian 2/Fighter 3, triggerhappy dwarf which loves nothing more than killing people, and singing together with his intelligent greataxe Greta, though it usually fails to sound good, doesn't really respect anyone in the party short of Barahin due to the others being to weak (and for Harry's case, can't hold his liquor)

what happened to the queen? she's much more hysterical than usual
She's a women, it happens once a month
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Learned Scribe

330 Posts

Posted - 30 Dec 2008 :  03:46:59  Show Profile  Visit ErskineF's Homepage Send ErskineF a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't have an extant campaign in the Realms right now. Of the groups I've run, my favorite was the following:

Erik, CN hm P of Tempus (Battleguard)
Crowen, LG hm R (Justifier)
Bronzen of the Broken Haft, LG dm F/P of Clangeddin (Champion)
Lorelai NG hf Bard
Winnowil, NG sef F/T
Nali, CG dm F
Murdock, NG hm M
Gilain, NG dm F/T (Vermin Slayer)
Darylthalias Silverleaf, David CN sem T3

It was a large group when we started out. Then we lost a number of people on account of various personality conflicts, and in the end it was narrowed down to just the first three. We brought in another guy, and that ended up splitting the group again. Then third edition came along, so we just got some more players and rolled up all new characters. *sigh*

It was a fun campaign while it lasted. They started out in Waterdeep with the adventure "... And a Dozen Eggs." They ran afoul of some Loviatans, and ended up in Undermountain raiding the House of Pain. The last adventure involved freeing an old dwarven complex in UM from its goblin occupiers.

Erskine Fincher
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428 Posts

Posted - 04 Jan 2009 :  01:58:37  Show Profile  Visit dwarvenranger's Homepage Send dwarvenranger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dwarvenranger

Started a game in Sigil, using the Pathfinder Beta. I'm at work so I don't have the character names but the races and clases are:

Human M/rogue/3 from Waterdeep
Human M/fighter/3 from Silverymoon
Dwelf M/ranger/2 from Silverymoon
Air mephling M/bard/2 from Sigil (Sensate)
Assimar M/paladin(Tyr)/2 from Sigil (Mercykiller)
Human M/monk/3 from the Free City of Greyhawk
Ghost elf F/cleric(Sarenrae)/2 from "somewhere on the Astral plane" (he's my special player)

Ah the group has grown, add:
Dwarf Cleric/3 (Kord) from Greyhawk
Elf Wizard/3 from Everska
Tiefling Rogue/2 from Sigil (Taker)

If I waited till I knew what I was doing, I'd never get anything done.

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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
201 Posts

Posted - 02 Feb 2009 :  14:43:25  Show Profile  Visit Wrigs13's Homepage Send Wrigs13 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Not a current party but definately a favourite. Played in the Realms of course, from Waterdeep to Myth Drannor, fighting the forces of the Zhents and the occasional demon.

Started the campaign at 3rd and worked up to 12-13th level.

Party composition was:

Druid Half-elf & Paladin Half-elf twin brothers from Hillsfar,
Human Fighter from Thar,
Human Sorcerer from Waterdeep,
Elven Ranger from the High Forest,
Dwarf Fighter from the Great Rift,
Dwarf Barbarian from Thunderholme,
Human Fighter/Rogue from Arabel.

Big party that went by the name of 'The Men With No Fear', ended the campaign by founding the city of 'Fearless'.

Do not try to understand the 4th edition. Thats impossible. Instead...only try to realise the truth. There is no 4th edition.

Edited by - Wrigs13 on 02 Feb 2009 14:44:05
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6 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  00:23:36  Show Profile Send marc-end a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The DM just wiped out the entire party cause he didn't want to do any research for the characters. But the party was cool so here it is.

Erdommet an LG Dwarf Fighter/Dwarven Defender 9 Who was just a little girlie boy. He calls the Town Guards, instead of being a tough Dwarf and interrupting a Brawl in the Inn when Fedor starts one.

Fedor my CG Human Barbarian from Rashemi 9 He talked like Ahhnuld shwarzenegger but he was a better bodybuilder then Ahhnuld was. he recorded all his kills wrestling matches etc. Saved the party many times with his Rage.

Siritha NG Human Wizard/Hathran 9 Always standing behind Fedor's back so no one could Touch here. She basically was the leader and kept an eye an everyone in the party.

Sovelis CG Wood Elf Scout 9 He was the laziest one in the party, always wanted to sleep and to take a rest. But when he needed to do something he did it.

Apollo CG human Cleric of Tymora 9 Never said anything, never did anything. He was litterly or Healing Bot
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Learned Scribe

292 Posts

Posted - 13 Feb 2009 :  01:41:29  Show Profile Send ranger_of_the_unicorn_run a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The last game I played was with my little brothers and a bunch of their friends, so I can't remember all of their characters, but I played a half-elven bard. I was so pathetic in physical statistics that I didn't do anything other than cast light and play bardic music (this was a dungeon crawl, so it was short). However, my instrument of choice was a pan pipe, and just to spice things up a bit, I started playing Metallica on the pipes.
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