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Knight of the Gate
Senior Scribe

624 Posts

Posted - 11 Mar 2009 :  03:56:32  Show Profile Send Knight of the Gate a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My Current Party:(I'm DMing)
Dame Sibyl (Aasim. F LG Pal9(Of Kelemvor)/Pious Temp.9)
Grigory (Damarran M LN Clr8(Kelemvor)/Doomguide 10)
Opal (shield Dw F N Drd18(Dumathoin))
Tanarin Durothil (gold Elf M NG Wiz5/Loremaster7/Paragnostic Apostle 1/Archmage5)
Lord Malachai Whitestar (Damarran M NG Ranger4(of Mystra)/Rogue12/Noble2) *'Noble' class adapted from Game of Thrones RPG

EDIT: Updated

How can life be so bountiful, providing such sublime rewards for mediocrity? -Umberto Ecco

Edited by - Knight of the Gate on 04 May 2009 07:22:26
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

1796 Posts

Posted - 12 Mar 2009 :  05:28:04  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Current party (I play the fighter):

Zim (Kobald Bard 2)
Elgan Falleaf (Elven Wizard 2)
Mogen Movenpoan (Human Rogue 2)
Chaine (Human Fighter 2)
Taub (Human Cleric 2)

We're playing in Golarion... Second Darkness adventure path.

Edited by - Purple Dragon Knight on 12 Mar 2009 05:29:29
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

1796 Posts

Posted - 19 Apr 2009 :  05:43:11  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Campaign updates, if anyone cares...

Go to a kobold...

Chapter One, "Intro"

Chapter Two, "Of vermin and other pests..."

Chapter Three, "Blood and Wine" (hey, this one features my PC... the one shown flying out of the window!)

Chapter Four, "Betrayal in the Boneyard"
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

1796 Posts

Posted - 20 Apr 2009 :  02:10:31  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
New player... Meet Thale, elf monk.
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32 Posts

Posted - 03 May 2009 :  19:27:14  Show Profile  Visit RedneckBadgerLord's Homepage Send RedneckBadgerLord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've been playin' with the same group for goin' on four years. My favorite party has to be from the first game I ran with them:

A zany FR/Redwall Crossover. They were the Knights Greencoat, sworn defenders of Redwall Abbey.

My Avatar Character: The Master Paladin, LG Male Badger Paladin/20, Badger Lord/10 of Mystra. Now, I was a regular pain to the characters sometimes. I'd disappear just as they asked a question. (Animated series, anyone?)

Aust Nailo: LG Half-Celestial Elf-turned-Squirrel Rgr/14, Pal/16. He eventually regained his elven form, but could Not get rid of that tail.

Drumm Hammerstrike: NG shield-Dwarf Druid/16, Master of Forms/4. He could not act in character! Sheesh!

Angelshadow: CN female Teifling Rogue/14, Ex-Assassin/4. Now she could act. Never got out of character.

Redwall. Drizzt. Kentucky. Enough said.

I was weaned on 2E Baldur's Gate. Learned 3.5E, and can't stand 4E WoF. (Though I try not to mess up canon too badly).
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13 Posts

Posted - 09 May 2009 :  21:37:35  Show Profile  Visit Fisk's Homepage Send Fisk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, I've been DMing two games off and on in 3e, when I'm not playing with other friends in 2e. I'll tell y'all about the first campaign that I started four years ago. I don't have that much time to play anymore, so that's why we're still in the lower levels...

1) One on one with a friend of mine (original D&D buddy).

-PC-Fisic Steelarm- Human Ftr 9/Clr Damocles 3(homemade god, look up Sword of Damocles for more info). Bent on spreading his religion, and has already set up several temples. Grew up with the Steelarm clan, after emissary parents were killed during a Lich War.

-PC-Agnon Steelarm- Dwarf Ftr 3/Clr Moradin 9. "Older brother" to Fisic. Watches out for Fisik.

-Henchman-Milo Wrongway- Halfling Brb 11. Fisic and Agnon refused to kill him in a tournament while taken as slaves. Milo, in appreciation, follows them through thick and thin.

-Henchman- Luctr Ramtin- Human Brb 10. Scout from barbarians in mountains, taken ill and left for dead, he warned our newly founded settlement about a horde of frost giants intent on destroying our budding town. Wields 'Mornir Hallowsmake', an intelligent maul given to him by an unknown god for the purpose of destroying the alter/portal that a Devourer and its cult had set up. Evidently some kind of agent of that god.

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Lodis Knight

16 Posts

Posted - 15 Jun 2009 :  12:53:12  Show Profile  Visit Lodis Knight's Homepage Send Lodis Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just started a new 3.x game Sunday. Starting them off with Into the Haunted Forest from Paizo.

Fasius Darkmagic(I know, not a very original surname)- N Male Air Genasi Evoker 1
From Thay and aiming to become a Red Wizard(changed requirements for PrC). Has wild white hair and blue skin. Feels a calling to travel to the High Ice and believes a visit will increase his arcane powers. The rest of the party is hired as bodyguards by his master from Thay. Worships Auril. His master also has three other Genasi as "projects in elemental magic."

Faile(fah-EEL)- LN Female Human Monk(Sun Soul) 1
Born near The Great Wild Wood of Murghom. She and her elder brother were horribly abused by there father and were later rescued by traveling monks of Sun Soul Order who were forced to kill there father. Unfortunately the monks arrived just shortly after the father had beaten there mother to death. Orphaned, the siblings were raised in a Sun Soul monastery in Great Dale area. The brother had too much of his father's mean strike and left the monastery and fell in with the Monks of the Dark Moon.

Faile is stunning/cold and closed off. She isn't the most devoted of the Sun Soul Order and may multiclass into druid. She still holds respect for Lathander, Selune and Sune. But she feels she can find balance and better perfect her fighting techniques in nature.

Lyle "Trip" NE Male Lightfoot Halfling Rogue 1
From Thesk and wears mostly black. Likes stirring up trouble between Dwarves and Orcs(and just about everyone else). Difficult to get along with and always getting into trouble. He is very sadistic and enjoys collecting trophies from kills. Worships Mask and has connections to the Shadowmasters of Telflamm.

Lucian CN Male Moon Elf Rogue 1
From the Yuirwood. Arrogant and acts before thinking. He enjoys traveling and isn't very reliable. Ran across a very attractive rock gnome while exploring the Dragonjaw Mountains and the two have become very close companions. Worships Erevan Ilesere and wears a black rose on his shirt.

Duvamil NG Female Rock Gnome Sorceress 1
From the Dragonjaw Mountains. Has had strange powers since childhood. Very attractive and fit(cha and con 18). When Lucian visited her village she became enamored with stories of his travels and joined him to see the world beyond her humble village. She is one of the few people who can talk Lucian out of taking unnecessary and foolish risks. Worships the gnome pantheon. Has a cat familiar named Louie.

"Troubled times are upon us."
- Cernd, Baldur's Gate II
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12 Posts

Posted - 17 Aug 2009 :  02:25:23  Show Profile Send LordManshoon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My friends and I (who have been playing for over a decade now) play in the 4E, 1479 DR Realms, but we've ignored some stuff (such as almost all of the deicides and the destruction of most areas), and kept some of the old concepts (such as the alignment system). All of us are currently Level 14. I've listed names, who plays whom, alignment, birthplace, etc. So, without further ado, :

Usami Shimazu - My character
[Chaotic Neutral] [Male Crinti (Half Drow) Rogue] [Spandeliyon, Altumbel]
Born of a full-drow Loviataran priestess from Dambrath and an exiled soldier from Wa. An expert at military affairs and strategy despite his young age. Travels simply for the sake of adventure, as well as the experiences he shares with those closest to him, his friends.

Skarva Wolfshield - My wife's character
[Chaotic Good] [Female Human Fighter] [Mulsantir, Rashemen]
Daughter of a Rashemi warrior and a Witch. Lacking her mother's talent for magic, she took up the way of the sword instead. She is fierce and proud, and wishes to see the hordes of Szass Tam annihilated once and for all.

Ealst Asrece - My friend Shane's character
[Lawful Neutral] [Male Air Genasi Swordmage] [Airspur, Akanul]
Ealst hails from a wealthy noble family, with ties to the throne. Ealst, however, is the youngest of four sons and two daughters, so he doesn't stand to inherit much of anything. This suits him just fine, though, for he is thus able to travel the land to study foreign magic and improve his Art.

Kaenosha Ashwinter - My friend Rita's character
[Neutral Good] [Female Human Cleric of Kelemvor] [Marsember, Cormyr]
Kaenosha lost her parents when she was young, and was raised by a lone Doomguide, Bronren, who raised her in Kelemvor's faith. Upon coming of age, Kaenosha became an official servant of Kelemvor. She wishes to aid people in accepting death and its inevitability, and hates undead with a passion.

Raerd Ironbuckler - My friend Tom's character
[Chaotic Good] [Male Shield Dwarf Paladin of Moradin] [Citadel Adbar, Luruar]
Raerd is a traditionalist and grew up as an extroverted and selfless man. He felt Moradin's call from a young age. After his wife passed away from a wasting sickness, Raerd uprooted himself and decided to travel the world, spreading Moradin's message and protecting his fellow dwarves wherever he goes.

Sarael Lilithaen - My friend Hikari's character
[Chaotic Good] [Female Moon Elf Ranger] [Myth Drannor]
Sarael is a ranger in the service of the Coronal and Myth Drannor. She detests being confined in buildings for too long, and would spend all of her time outdoors if she could. She has a surprisingly good eye for politics, and has been tasked by Ilsevele herself to pave the way for an alliance between Myth Drannor and Aglarond (around which our campaign is centered).

Kerror Nightmist - My friend Ken's character
[Chaotic Neutral] [Male Tiefling Warlock of Mephistopheles] [Mulmaster]
Kerror's father, a mercenary swordsman, died when he was young. His mother soon turned to foul powers in the hopes of restoring her dead husband to life, but in the process damned herself and her son. She eventually took her own life around the time Kerror was sixteen, so her debt was then added to Kerror's burden. Now Kerror is a puppet whose strings are being pulled by Mephistopheles; that one's designs are unfathomable, but Kerror has no choice but to go along with his orders (until he finds a way to turn the tables on the Eighth Lord).

Tennate Senisash - My friend Kyle's character
[Lawful Good] [Male Aasimar Wizard] [Waterdeep]
Tennate was born to a sorceress of Silverymoon and her lover, an angel which protects Sune's Temple of Beauty in Waterdeep. Tennate's planetouched blood makes him many friends and many foes, but he does not let the latter deter him from making the world a better place. Tennate has magic in his blood, and is improving his Art with every battle. He sees this as an added bonus to ridding the world of malevolent villains.

Mastering myriad magics since Ed was young
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65 Posts

Posted - 26 Aug 2009 :  19:18:43  Show Profile  Visit dragonfriend's Homepage Send dragonfriend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Valorous Companions

Playing The Red Hand of Doom in 3.5

-Rainhar: elven ranger 7lvl (dragon hunter)
-Iseldra: human female battle sorcerer with spellfire 7lvl(ethran)
-Lyfleyl: bard female halfdrow 8lvl
-Arson: human barbarian monk 7lvl
-Ulash: dwarf paladinof Torm 8lvl
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Senior Scribe

596 Posts

Posted - 28 Aug 2009 :  13:14:44  Show Profile  Visit Sian's Homepage Send Sian a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by dragonfriend

-Arson: human barbarian monk 7lvl

how does this work gamemechanicly ... monks are Lawful only, barbarian is unlawful only

what happened to the queen? she's much more hysterical than usual
She's a women, it happens once a month

Edited by - Sian on 28 Aug 2009 13:15:09
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Learned Scribe

299 Posts

Posted - 21 Sep 2009 :  18:13:51  Show Profile  Visit Dracons's Homepage Send Dracons a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We got several games going on, so I'll tell them all.

Level 23 fire gensai monk
Level 17 Ranger/7 rogue half elf.
Level 24 Human Wizard
Level 23 Druid Human.
Level 25 Fighter

DemonGate Campagin (Our main one)
Level 12 Psion human
Level 3 cleric/3 wizard/6 mystic thruge human
level 12 paladin of trynny (Bane) human
Level 11 monk
I can never remember the other player class or character.

Other one
Level 8 Sun Elf wizard
Level 7 Human Wizard
Level 7 Dwarven Fighter
Level 6 Gnoll Fighter
Level 7 Elf Ranger

I love PMs! Please send me a message. Even if its Hi.
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Senior Scribe

452 Posts

Posted - 22 Sep 2009 :  07:44:05  Show Profile Send Kno a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Darhun Snakeface - CN human Stalker of Set from the Shaar tribes
Naxos - TN human Myrmidon of Garagos, mercenary from Akanax aka Sparta
Palla - NE human Necromancer of dead Nergal and Innana, born near Methwood. Raised an undead rogue to serve her as a trap-tester.
Ziekel - LN or NG human Cleric of Azuth and Mystra from Halruaa
Jhyrna - half-elf Holy Slayer from Zakhara

The campaign revolves around the temple of Mystra in Halruaa, and the passes to the barbarian and yuan-ti lands


Edited by - Kno on 10 Aug 2011 09:13:35
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59 Posts

Posted - 07 Oct 2009 :  01:35:21  Show Profile  Visit Antareana's Homepage Send Antareana a Private Message  Reply with Quote
"Raven" Mearyll - Level 8 Human (?) Wizard with some sort of Doppelgangerbloodline.
My char and the same one from the Character thread. Don't know what this shifting stuff is about that an image in a mirror had told her (our DM has yet to reveal it's origins) and only now she starts to feel less like a monster. Still feels huge loads of guilt for her "betrayal" of letting herself being utilized by a Sembian merchant. Pretty much a partiot.

Fargrim - Level 8 Dwarf Fighter.
pretty much your standard dwarf plus an extra greedy touch. Can't say no to money, tries to make money out of everything. Is the heir of an old clan and has obtained a famous intelligent Battleaxe from Dwarfhome (which loves to sing battlesongs all days) which belonged to his clan's founder. Because of his greed he was cursed so he might not wield any weapon other than his legacy.

Chrystoff - Level 8 Human Paladin of Tyr.
Has some strange "family accent" which makes him sound pretty much like Chekov from Star Trek. On the one hand a pretty humourous and caring man, on the other hand resembling judge, jury and executioner in one body. He's pretty much dividing people in those who are guilty and those who are innocent, fighting those who are committing crime and spreading evil. we don't know much about his past.

Rashid - Level 8 Tiefling Warlord
Don't know much about him, either, since he joined our "Limited adventurers" by chance for he needed to get back to Fearun when we all got stranded in Dwarfhome. He's a decisive man in battle and not ashamed of his demonic bloodline. He's originally from the Calim desert and he has yet to reveal his true intentions

Well, the things about the other characters are only the things my character knows on her own since we try to reveal our character's inner selves only bit by bit. Also gaining levels in 4th ed seems to be quite easyif the DM is providing plot and roleplaying awards

It is all just a past and future secret

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11 Posts

Posted - 07 Dec 2009 :  18:08:37  Show Profile  Visit Weyr's Homepage Send Weyr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Depends, in the 2nd Edition game:

Elion Korianthil, Level 2 Gold Elf Bladesinger from Evermeet
Thormil, Level 4 Human Ravager from Icewind Dale
Anna (for lack of having the exact spelling of the drow name), Drow Rogue 4/Druid 3
Severius, Level 4 Human Battleguard of Tempus
Azdef, Level 4 Human Illusionist

For lack of a better name, we were called the Wanderers

In my 3.5 game that I'm in:

Kurik, Level 1 Half-Orc Barbarian/Cleric of Uthgar, from the Red Tiger Tribe
Tal, Level 1 Half-Elf Fighter/Thief from Silverymoon
Darrian, Level 1 Human Wizard/Sorcerer, also from Silverymoon

They have no adventuring name.

Edited by - Weyr on 07 Dec 2009 18:09:36
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Cleric Generic
Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
565 Posts

Posted - 08 Dec 2009 :  14:27:43  Show Profile  Visit Cleric Generic's Homepage Send Cleric Generic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My lot have yet to pick a party title, which is something I'll have to encourage. So far we have, in no particular order:

- Rickard, Male Half-Elf Sorceror of Baldur's Gate. An adrenaline junkie of sorts.
- Sharanala, Female Moon Elf Swordmage of the High Forest. Highly aloof and fickle, the party mother-hen.
- Arynn, Female Wood Elf Ranger of the High Forest. Very quiet and brooding.
- Lore, Male Tiefling Wizard of Silverymoon. Cool, calculating and sagely, friendly rival in the arcane arts of Rickard.
- Balasar, Male Dragonborn Fighter of Waterdeep. Violent and unpredictable mercenary with a 'very diverse' diet.
- Vorgrim, Male Shield Dwarf Cleric (Moradin) of Sundabar. Grumpy and indignant, usually the butt of the parties hairbrained schemes.

They've been braught together by a shared childhood association with a shadowy orhphanage and the recent disappearance of their father figure there, who appears to be involved somehow with an ongoing goblin invasion and perhapse events more sinister still in the region (Silver Marches).

party NPCs include a captured goblin named Visharak (currently disguised as a baby in the care of a blind fish-wife) and a faintly magical cat.

Cedric! The Cleric Generic and Master of Disguise!


Vast Realmslore Archive: Get in here and download everything!

2e Realms book PDFs; grab em! -
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Alystra Illianniis
Great Reader

3750 Posts

Posted - 08 Dec 2009 :  22:15:57  Show Profile Send Alystra Illianniis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have two campaigns currently, both set in my own homebrew world of Anterris.

1. Eban Trublade, human paladin of Sorden (my hubby's PC)
Petrius, male human monk/wizard/enlightened fist (one of my two NPC's)
A female(sometimes male- she's cursed. Think Fiona from Shrek, but changing sex instead of race. She's only her true form at night!) drow fighter/thief (can't remember her name) played by our friend Felicia
Male ghost elf wizard played by our friend Scott can't remember his name, either....
A male bugbear former thief/paladin of Sorden played by our friend Dustin
Lothir E'Terrin'dar, my drow bard NPC and probably the biggest cut-up of the group...
And our friend Roger, whose characters change as frequently as his mood....

2. our Underdark Drow House War campaign, in which my hubby, Felicia, and Roger all play members of House Nightmist
male drow ranger, (my hubby's)
male drow figher- Roger
female drow dirgesinger- Felicia

And we're going to start another campaign soon, with undecided characters, also in my own world.

The Goddess is alive, and magic is afoot.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins" -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

"You idiots! You've captured their STUNT doubles!" -Spaceballs

Lothir's character background/stats:

My stories:

Lothir, courtesy of Sylinde (Deviant Art)/Luaxena (Chosen of Eilistraee)
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Learned Scribe

267 Posts

Posted - 26 Dec 2009 :  03:18:21  Show Profile  Visit woodwwad's Homepage Send woodwwad a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is the Company of the Fall. The pcs of my FR campaign, I've been running it since July 2009 and we play just about every friday with at least 9 hours a session, some have been longer. This is a 3.5 game. The players keep their characters so all this is from memory.

+++to any of my players, I'm sorry if I spell your characters names wrong+++

Party Leader
Shazzd Fazzer
race Aasamar (from Mulhurandi)
class Hexblade/Sorcerer
level 5/1 and a +1 ecl
Aligment LN
hair blonde, although he used to shave it all off as he was raised in Thay
eyes near solid white
height 6'2
weight 195lbs
God Asmodeus (he's a scion of a line of nephilim that trace that house back to the beginning of the world, in a time when Asmodeus hadn't yet become a devil and was still an angel, who led the war against the armies of the abyss. The Asmodeus part was my idea and he didn't learn it until about 8 games into the campaign.)

str 15
dex 12
con 11
int 14
wis 14
cha 18

ac 21

weapon Khopesh

feats: apptitude (gives you 2 extra skill points a level), weapon focus Khopesh, celestile bloodline, improved inisative & gods eyes.

flaws must always keep his word

skills: knowledge arcana 8 ranks, spellcraft 8 ranks, intimidate 5 ranks, knowledge the planes 3 ranks, concentration 3 ranks, bluff 3 ranks, diplomacy 4 ranks

language: common, Mulhorandi, celestial, goblin

he views chaos, not good or evil as the enemy and hates wizards. He was saved from being sacrifed by the Zulkir of conjuration in Thay on his 17th birthday for his angelic blood as a spell component for a high ritual spell.

he has the most magic items of any of the pcs: +2 chain shirt that gives him a +2 save bonus to any weave based magic, a Throwing Axe + 1/ +3 vs wizards or sorcerers, Khopesh + 1 that does 2d6 extra damage vs chaos, magic ring that functions as a large steel shield, amulet of natural armor + 1, Compact of the diamond which gives him +1 on attack, saves, and ac, a scroll of slow and a scroll of lightning bolt. He plans on taking the occult slayer prestige class soon.

Strongheart Halfling
from Featherdale
class cleric/ranger/undead hunter
level 4/1/2
height 3'1
weight 32lbs
god Urugalon (he also pays some worship to Lathander and Tyr)
alignment NG (although he reciently aquired an intellegent staff from a past chosen of Bane, that has been corrupting him and there has been a strong LE current to the character reciently. As the player has added the corruption to the role-playing).

str 10
dex 14
con 14
int 12
wis 19
cha 12

ac 14 (he has a flaw that keeps him from wearing armor but he has reciently aquired a natural ac of 1 and one that lets him only use non metal weapons )

feats: the one from librium mortis that gives him +1 hp per level, iron will, create potions

skills: Knowledge relgion 8 ranks, knowledge nature, survival, ride, diplomancey 1 rank, knowledge arcane 1 rank, craft bone 3 ranks, concentration-------I'm not 100% sure of all his ranks.

language: common, cthondathian, Hin, Terran

domains: repose, earth, renewal

he fights with two +1 bone short swords (although he takes full penalties for doing so) or a +3 quarterstaff or a +2 club. He also has a staff of healing. He also has a lot of clerical scrolls.

He's dedicated to fighting cyric and after killing a fallen priestes of sune who was transformed into a Medusa by her goddess for betraying her faith to cyric but with her last breath cursed him. He has since been haunted by a demon the priestes bound to him. It's been ongoing now for about 9 months, the demon always comes on the 3rd night of the month during the new moon, the same night they killed the priestes. Gyder has become bent on destroying cyric and has spent a lot of time reciently talking with priests of Bane. He also greatly dislikes Myrkul.

Imara Rowan of Tilverton
sex female
race half Cthondothian/half moon elf
class Bard/Scarlet Mummer (I created a pretige class for them, it is slightly like an assassin but there is a lot of dancing based features and the blade boot)
level 5/2
goddess Lliira
Alignment CG
Height 5'6
weight 135lbs
hair black
eyes green

str 13
dex 14
con 12
int 14
wis 13
cha 15

ac 18 (master work studded leather, +2 dark wood small shield, which also gives her a +2 save vs weave based magic)

weapon master work blade boot, or silver sickle of throwing & returning +2, or short bow

feats: alertness, weapon focus blade boot---not sure her other feats

she has the bardic knack feature instead of bardic knowledge

skills, a lot but her dance is at 9 ranks, she has knowledge nature, arcane, religion, spellcraft, hide, move silently, escape artist, concentration, survival

languages common, elven, cthondathian, slyvan, dragon

The Bad Man From Battledale Big Stag Hapson
race 3/4 cthondathian human and 1/4 ogre
class Chosen Brawler (he's a class I made for the player, he's a combination of favored soul, monk and the wrestler prestige class from fast fowards prestige class book--his class is a weak clerical spell caster with a lot of unarmed fighting and charging based abilities. He basically runs at you and you better get out of the way)
Height 6'3
weight 335lbs
hair brown
eyes brown
from Hap, Battledale
level 7
alignment cg
god Tempus (also pays worship to Talos)

str 18
dex 10
con 14
int 10
wis 14
cha 14

ac 17 (+2 deflection bonus from cha and leather armor, and ring of protection +3 )

weapons his hands and he has a lasso (his class only give him dagger, club and lasso as weapons) but he has a lot of unarmed fighting features

feats: toughness, the feat that doubles damage delt when charging, the feat from librium mortis that gives you 1 hp per level

skills Intimidate, handle animal, ride, use rope, religion, concentration, knowledge nature, knowledge geography. He has a few cross class skills and really low ranks in most of his skills over all.

language common, cthondathian, giant

flaw: half def and blind. He has -4 on spot and listen rolls and rps missing what people say to him all the time. He's also loud as hell and gets the party spotted as they are trying to sneak up on people, often.

magic items: ring of protection + 3 and cloak of the bat

Gregor Trackton of Shadowdale
race human
class fighter/cleric/Kensia
level 4/3/1
alignment NG
God Lathander (also pays homage to the god of the sea elves)
height 6'3
weight 245lbs
hair dark brown
eyes black

str 18
dex 12 (14)
con 14
int 11
wis 15
cha 12

ac 21 (sea elf scale mail + 3, ring of protection +1--I stack bonuses from protection items with magic armor and talberd + 1)

weapon Quillious -- Bastard Sword + 1 that gives him a +2 dex bonus and the special racial abilities of elves, minus weapon abilities. He nearly always uses it two handed and does not use a shield, volgue, and light crossbow

domains: sun, protection and nobility

feats: ewp bastard sword, endurance, weapon specialisation bastard sword, weapon focus bastard sword, weapon focus dagger, dark heratage (gives him +1 str and +4 save vs poison)and I'm not sure what his last feat is.

skills, with all 2 + int classes and no int bonus he doesn't have a lot of skills and I'm not sure of the ranks but the skills I know he has are: religion, craft smith taught sea elven smithing, concentrate 5 ranks, ride, intimidate, handle animals, spellcraft, knowledge the planes

language common, cthondathian, elven (sea)

magic items: quillious see above, sea elf scale mail + 3 with electric reduction 5 and it gives him + 8 to swim checks and can take 10 on swim, ring of protection + 1, 18 light crossbow bolts + 1, talberd + 1 and manual of golem creation.

This is an odd character. He was originally a 2nd ed character for a Ravenloft game I ran starting in high school and went into college, it lasted 4 and a half years and this was the major character from it. The player didn't start this game but came in, in november. We revamped his character from memory to the 3.5 system. And slightly reduced the level of the character to make him fit the party a bit better. I think he was 9th or 10th level in Ravenloft, levels came slower in 2nd. The character was originally from Shadowdale when he started in the Ravenloft game and he was the only character that got out of ravenloft, back to shadowdale. So we reprised that sense and picked the character up with that, introducing the pcs. He's the redeemed hero. He fell to a dark power in ravenloft a demon, balar, named Malik that possed as a god when he was imprisoned in Ravenloft. He became his follower, using the dagger (that's why he has weapon focus dagger) a weapon he's sworn to never use again. Turn CE, killed another player's paladine of Tyr and left the party. He had a long road back and ended up escaping Ravenloft by killing the demon. The demon killed him at first but his sword resserected him, it broke to do so---as special ability the sword had. He lost the swords powers but has gotten in fixed and slowly is beginning to rebuild its power. The demon, after killing him, turns his back on him, he was resserected and returned to full hp and was just barrly able to kill the demon. But the demon then did a minior possesion on him. So to date he still has the demon inside him. Malik taunts him at times and he's nearly lost control of himself to malik--something he fears greatly. His sword was made by his mentor a sea elf and once had that npcs soul in the blade. This character taught him the bastard sword and helped redeem him. He now has a vow to protect sea elves (and to a lesser extent all elves) which he takes very seriously.

Tealee Treeleaf
race gnome
sex female
class Ranger
level 4
class CG (with neutral tendancies)
hair brown ponytail
eyes green --- I think
goddess Eldath

str 11
dex 17
con 14
int 10
wis 12
cha 13

ac 17 (master work studden leather)

weapon short bow and gnome hook hammer and net

animal companion Shadow --- riding dog

magic item grey cloak of elven kind

feats: a lot of bow related features and feats

skills: knowledge geography, knowledge nature, knowledge dungeonering, survival, handle animal


this npc is the henchman of Stag Hapson, so I figured I'd include him

Ma-Stag The Reckoner

age 11 birthday flamerule 1

alginment CN (with evil tendencies)

Str 9
Dex 13
Con 13
Int 10
Wis 12
Cha 12

hp 9

languages: Goblin, Giant

damage: 1d6-1

feats: Improved Unarmed Strike

special: +4 moral bonus when within 30 feet of Stag

class: Favored Soul

level: 1


fot 3
ref 3
will 3

weapon guantlet

spells per day 0/5 1/4

spells known 0/4 1/4

0th---detect magic, detect poison, Create Water, Guidance

1st---Bane, Divine Favor, Inflict Light Wounds, Magic Weapon

skills: concentration 1, hide 1, ms 1, intimidate 1, knowledge religion 1, spellcraft 1, knowledge dungeonering 1, listen 1

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Alystra Illianniis
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Posted - 28 Dec 2009 :  23:10:18  Show Profile Send Alystra Illianniis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sounds like an interesting group, and I like the homebrew classes! Can you pm me the stats for those?

The Goddess is alive, and magic is afoot.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins" -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

"You idiots! You've captured their STUNT doubles!" -Spaceballs

Lothir's character background/stats:

My stories:

Lothir, courtesy of Sylinde (Deviant Art)/Luaxena (Chosen of Eilistraee)
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Posted - 29 Dec 2009 :  15:51:39  Show Profile  Visit Tyranthraxus's Homepage Send Tyranthraxus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We started a 4e campaign a few months ago. They are active in the Grey Vale and the Fallen Lands.

Arya: Female eladrin (Myth Drannor), G Wizard 3
Balasar: Male dragonborn (Tymanther), G Warlord 4
Carric: Male spellscarred elf (Grey Vale), U Ranger 4
Eldin Wolfsmoon: Male drow, G Swordmage 1
Meriële: Female eladrin, G Paladin 4 of Corellon
Wulfgang: Male halfling (Waterdeep), U Rogue 3

We played through the adventures of the FRCG and Menace of the Icy Spire and are currently running the Scepter Tower of Spellgard module.

Edited by - Tyranthraxus on 29 Dec 2009 15:53:32
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Posted - 29 Dec 2009 :  20:31:44  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
These are our characters in our Avatar campaign. We recently modified it to the 4E ruleset and timeline.

Swords of the Phoenix

Sir Marcus: Male human paladin 8, Lawful Good. Big and strong, he knows the most about Faerun and is the most diplomatic of the group. He found faith in Torm while adventuring and is serving him by doing what's right and just where ever he and his friends go. He's friendly and kind if a bit naive and always tries to see the best in things as well as people. "It's a shame they had to die, but what's done is done. First round at the pub is on me!"

Lady Megan: Female eladrin (sun elf) wizard 8, Good. Shocked at what she was transformed into by the strange magic that pulled her into the Realms didn't stop her from learning the Arts as most elves do. She says that it's because of her elven blood that draws her to the arcane and her proficiency with magic. "Learning it comes easily to one who did so well in school."

Timmy, The Dark: Male human warlock 8 (Dark Pact), Unaligned. Cousin to Marcus, he didn't find faiths in the Gods but in the strange insidious magic of the warlock's power. The teleportation didn't change his temperment of being the dark loner of the group, but enhanced it. His thirst for knowledge of dark magic and necromancy have gained him much power and he is seen as odd by his friends with quotes like, "I see dead people. Can I play with them?"

Jim (aka Lashiec): Male half-elf assassin 8, Good. Self proclaimed leader of the Swords of the Phoenix, he's amused by what's transpired and even more so at his own transformation. "Being half-elven has it's quirks as well as it's perks with the ladies. Just go ask that chick over there!" Learning his sword work with who ever can teach him in the various cities he's visited as earned him some acclaim and enemies. Currently he's being hunted by an assassin and that tends to keep him on his toes.

Sir Peter: Male human cleric 8, Good. Upon entering the Realms, Pete recieved visions and communed with what he thinks is the deity Lathander. This religious experience urged him into joining the ranks of Lathander's clergy. Though he might slip an occassional, "Sometimes I hate duct taping you people back together!", his faith in Lathander is strong and has quickly ascended into the clergy's knighthood. With our recent jump through time, Lathander has reclaimed his old persona of Amaunator and Pete has accepted this change in good stride.

Mac: Male shield dwarf Barbarian 8, Good. Though disgruntled about his stature, usually shouting "Why do you always have to make fun of the short fat guy?!", Mac seems to have found a deep love for his new dwarven constitution and an even deeper one for Ale. He's always quick to rush into battle, heedless of the party's position and the dangers he might cause for the thrill of swift violence and a good after party.

Gimmland: Male shield dwarf dwarven fighter 8, Good. Some what dour at times, Gimmland, aka Eric on Earth, has made the best of what he can out of the situation. Finding a love for crafts, he's apprenticed himself to the blacksmiths and bakers of Beregost (The Swords of the Phoenix's home) with suprising skill. Never to shy away from battle, he usually gets caught up in the ferver when Mac charges into the fray.

Edited by - Diffan on 29 Dec 2009 20:36:11
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Alystra Illianniis
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Posted - 29 Dec 2009 :  22:01:44  Show Profile Send Alystra Illianniis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Nice campaigns and characters, guys! Diffan, I love yours- it sounds like some of the things my group would say or do (especially Mac and Timmy- they sound suspiciously like a couple of PC's I know....) Earth- did you base it on the cartoon premise? Being transported and turned into whatever race/class the DM chose? Or did they get that way in some other way?

The Goddess is alive, and magic is afoot.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins" -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

"You idiots! You've captured their STUNT doubles!" -Spaceballs

Lothir's character background/stats:

My stories:

Lothir, courtesy of Sylinde (Deviant Art)/Luaxena (Chosen of Eilistraee)
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Posted - 30 Dec 2009 :  08:44:01  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

Nice campaigns and characters, guys! Diffan, I love yours- it sounds like some of the things my group would say or do (especially Mac and Timmy- they sound suspiciously like a couple of PC's I know....) Earth- did you base it on the cartoon premise? Being transported and turned into whatever race/class the DM chose? Or did they get that way in some other way?

Thanks. Yea, I did base it off the old D&D cartoon (except for Venger and Dungeon Master characters). Basically the story starts with our friend Pete buying a book from a pawn shop that has strange words written in. He got it to add some flavor to our D&D sessions and when he actually recites some of the words, the book "activates", opening up a portal. We are all pulled in as a result.

To get our races/classes/ability scores we went around the table and took everyone's vote. For some diversity and change, not all of us stayed human. For our classes, each player chose 3 classes to which the group was to pick from and majority ruled. We did the stats the same way yet we went with a 30 point-buy system to keep things fair.
To keep it simple, the Common tongue of Faerun sounds exactly like English and it's funny when character interject Earth-term insults and phrases to the people of Faerun. In addition, I allowed them to carry over information they've received on earth about the Faerun from novels, D&D books, and video games. The campaign must be fun for everyone since it's lasted over 3 years and an edition change. Updating the characters to 4E wasn't even really all that hard to accomplish.

Edited by - Diffan on 30 Dec 2009 08:49:24
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Alystra Illianniis
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Posted - 11 Jan 2010 :  21:13:55  Show Profile Send Alystra Illianniis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sounds great! I did something similar once with my hubby and a few friends. Except it was the reverse- Our PC's (hubby was DM) ended up on Earth- in Vagas, circa 1990, actually. There were three of us, and all were evil. Between us, we eventually demolished half the city. (Gotta love high-level PC's with fireballs!!!) We also ended up with some interesting loot when we all got back to the home-world. Never let a psychotic half-drow assassin/wizard get her hands on SWAT gear and weaponry....

The Goddess is alive, and magic is afoot.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins" -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

"You idiots! You've captured their STUNT doubles!" -Spaceballs

Lothir's character background/stats:

My stories:

Lothir, courtesy of Sylinde (Deviant Art)/Luaxena (Chosen of Eilistraee)
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Posted - 12 Jan 2010 :  10:24:27  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

Sounds great! I did something similar once with my hubby and a few friends. Except it was the reverse- Our PC's (hubby was DM) ended up on Earth- in Vagas, circa 1990, actually. There were three of us, and all were evil. Between us, we eventually demolished half the city. (Gotta love high-level PC's with fireballs!!!) We also ended up with some interesting loot when we all got back to the home-world. Never let a psychotic half-drow assassin/wizard get her hands on SWAT gear and weaponry....

That's awesome, lol. I could just see the possiblities...."hmmm, should I go with magic missile or the Colt M4A1?" Would be even better if you enchanted the SWAT gear. I'm thinking silence on an rocket-propelled-grenade haha!
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Posted - 12 Jan 2010 :  22:44:43  Show Profile  Visit dwarvenranger's Homepage Send dwarvenranger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

Sounds great! I did something similar once with my hubby and a few friends. Except it was the reverse- Our PC's (hubby was DM) ended up on Earth- in Vagas, circa 1990, actually. There were three of us, and all were evil. Between us, we eventually demolished half the city. (Gotta love high-level PC's with fireballs!!!) We also ended up with some interesting loot when we all got back to the home-world. Never let a psychotic half-drow assassin/wizard get her hands on SWAT gear and weaponry....

Truly, then we could have the never ending magazine that you always see on movies. That'd bring the price of ammo right back down

If I waited till I knew what I was doing, I'd never get anything done.

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Alystra Illianniis
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Posted - 12 Jan 2010 :  23:27:28  Show Profile Send Alystra Illianniis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
ROFLMAO!!! Oh, yes, definitely!! I never did have her enchant any of it, but she still carries it around in her bag of holding. She also robbed a convenience store of half their munchables and drinks (including alcohol- she's got enough vodka and Jack Daniels in that bag to kill a horse!). Once in a while she pulls a bag of Droitos or Cheetos out of her bag while camping....

The Goddess is alive, and magic is afoot.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins" -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

"You idiots! You've captured their STUNT doubles!" -Spaceballs

Lothir's character background/stats:

My stories:

Lothir, courtesy of Sylinde (Deviant Art)/Luaxena (Chosen of Eilistraee)
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Posted - 13 Jan 2010 :  23:29:19  Show Profile  Visit woodwwad's Homepage Send woodwwad a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Alystra Illianniis

Sounds like an interesting group, and I like the homebrew classes! Can you pm me the stats for those?

Here is the class, I have written, with a 3.5 write up.

Scarlet Mummer

The Scarlet Mummer is an elite group of holy warriors who follow the goddess Lliira. They were created after the times of troubles to avenge the murder of Selgaunt's High Revelistress Chlanna Asjros (whom Lliirra had taken as a lover while in mortal form during the Time of Troubles) by members of a cult of Loviatar. This greatly affected the Lady of Joy, as a responce the order was formed to end the cruelty and suffering caused by the churt of Loviatar, the greatest enemy of Joy.

The class is most readily pursued by Bards, especially divine bards, or multiclassed Bards; however, the class is also pursued by multiclass Paladines of Freedom/Rogues, Cleric's of Lliira/Rogues and Rangers/Rogues.

Hit Die: d6

To qualify to become a Scarlet Mummer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Alignment: CG

Skills: Disguise 4 ranks, Escape Artist 4 ranks, Hide 6 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 4 ranks, Move Silently 6 ranks, and Perform (dance) 8 ranks.

Feats: Exotic Weapon (blade boot), Lliira's Blessing (p. 176, player's guide to Faerun), and Nimbus of Light (Book of Exalted Deeds).

Special: Divine patron Lliira. Must be chosen by Lliira or a member of the Scarlet Mummers who has at least 5 levels of the prestige class.

Class Skills

The Scarlet Mummers class skills are Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Religion), Move Silently, Perform (dance), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft and Use Rope.

Class Features
All the following are class Features of the Scarlet Mummer prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Scarlet Mummer gains no weapon or armor proficiency and is banned from ever using a whip or scourage.

Sneak Attack: This functions the same as the Rogue ability.

Death Attack: As per the Assassin ability described on page 180-181 of the DM 3.5.

Graceful: Can use Dance as if it were tumble, but only for the purposes of avoiding attacks of opportunity while moving through enemies squares.

Grace Under Pressure: take 10 on all dance checks even when rushed or threatened

Hide In Plain Site: Described on page 181 of the DMG 3.5.

Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +0 +0 +2 +0 sneak attack 1d6, death attack, Graceful

2 +1 +0 +3 +0 Improved Trip

3 +2 +1 +3 +1 2d6 sneak attack, Grace Under Pressure

4 +3 +1 +4 +1 Improve Feint (use dance ranks instead of bluff)

5 +3 +1 +4 +1 Sneak attack 3d6

6 +4 +2 +5 +2 weapon focus (blade boot)

7 +5 +2 +5 +2 sneak attack 4d6

8 +6 +2 +6 +2 Hide in plain sight

9 +6 +3 +6 +3 sneak attack 5d6

10 +7 +3 +7 +3 Whirlwind attack, Improved Critical (Blade Boot)

Each level also gets +1 level of existing spell casting class.

Check out my reviews on youtube of Forgotten Realms and other rpg products.
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Alystra Illianniis
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Posted - 19 Jan 2010 :  23:21:36  Show Profile Send Alystra Illianniis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Great class. Here's my Battledancer class if anyone would like to use it. Be warned- the spellcasting might be a little overpowered for the class, use bard stats if you want to make it more even with other classes. I'm still working out the kinks...


Lightly armored yet armed to the teeth, battledancers are elite warriors who use their skills to perfect a deadly art that combines martial skill with bardic magic. Armed with swift slashing weapons, singing martial hymns as they cut through their foes, they are as beautiful as they are deadly in battle. Battledancers often act as the personal bodyguards and agents for royalty, or as commanders of troops on the battlefield, inspiring courage in their allies and fear in their opponents. They have mastered dance as a form of combat, often confusing or stunning their enemies with dazzling displays of prowess.

Adventures: Battledancers adventure to gain experience in battling different types of foes, and to test their courage and skill in battle. They also adventure out of natural wanderlust and curiosity. They also travel to learn new songs and dances to incorporate into their own unique style of fighting.

Alignment: Battledancers can be of any non-lawful alignment. Many battledancers consider themselves masters of their own destinies, and as such do not recognize anyone as their sovereign. Some seek to find, or eventually create, a sword with perfect balance. Others feel the need to use their skills to tame or subdue an area, though not always for the benefit of others. Battledancers hail from all walks of life and follow the path for all sorts of reasons, from curiosity to ambition; from protection to domination; from freedom to vengence.

Religion: The faith of battledancers varies as much as their alignments. Good battledancers sometimes worship Helm or Tyr; chaotic neutral battledancers tend to drift towards Tempus or Garagos, while evil ones often worship Cyric. In the end, all battledancers have a common belief in one thing: the blades held in their hands.

Battledancers learn their skills as apprentices to older more experienced battledancers, and schooled in the arts of warfare, song, dance, and lore, though some battledancers arise from the ranks of gifted, self-taught dancers and warriors. Many hail from nomadic cultures with a long tradition of dervish-like song-warriors. Desert and gypsy tribes have long-standing traditions of battledancers often called dervishes or sword dancers. During their apprenticeship period battledancers choose their two preferred weapons, which must be slashing weapons. Among shorter-lived races, such as humans, battledancers train from a very early age, often starting as children who have shown some talent for dancing or with certain slashing weapons. Candidates among elves typically begin their apprenticeship at comparatively early ages; they are taken between the age of 30-50, often taking well over half a century to learn the art. Apprentices train every day to master the art of battledancing until they are ready to prove themselves in battle. Perfecting this style of fighting is a long, grueling process, requiring many years.

Races: Elves make excellent battledancers, due to their innate skill with longswords, dexterous bodies, and willingness to devote themselves to decades of singular study. From the conflicting traits of their heritage, half-elves often make the greatest battledancers due to their balanced natures. Humans and halflings often make good battledancers, as well. Gnomes make fair battledancers, if sometimes mischievous ones. Given the nature of the class and its more chaotic bent, as well as the skills involved, few dwarves can rise to the challenge.
Of the non-traditional races, stories of planetouched battledancers have been rare, but not discounted. No other tales have been heard, as the monstrous races generally do not have the patience, nor the agility, required to undertake this profession.

Battledancers are trained to act in concert with other warriors and clerics. They tend to view rogues with suspicion and disdain. Wizards and bards are also in good standing; bards in particular are viewed as kindred spirits, and may even be allowed to learn the battledancer‘s art.. Sorcerers must prove their courage and skill.

Dexterity is vital to battledancers because they rely upon their natural agility and speed rather than brute force. Since many of their skills are based upon Charisma that ability is also very important. Strength is somewhat important, for the battledancer’s art is very strenuous, requiring much practice.

Hit Die: d8

Skill points at first level: (6+Int modifier) x 4
Skill points per level: 6+Int modifier

Skill Ability Skill Ability Skill Ability
Balance Dex Knowledge (any) Int Profession Wis
Climb Str Listen Wis Search Int
Craft Int Move silently Dex Spot Wis
Diplomacy Cha Perform (dance) ** Cha Tumble Dex
Jump Str Perform (sing) *** Cha Survival Wis

Armor and weapon proficiencies: Battledancers may only wear light armor, and do not have proficiency with any shields. They are proficient with all medium or smaller slashing weapons, as well as the quarterstaff, whip, darts, and bolas.

Spellcasting: Battledancers have the same number of spells known as Duskblades, and cast them and have the same number of spells per day as Sorcerers. Their spells are charisma-based, and all require dancing as the somatic component. They do not learn additional spells as wizards do, nor can they “unlearn” a spell to replace it with a new one. They may have additional spells per day, provided they have a high enough charisma to have extra spell slots of the appropriate level.

Battledance Performance: Once per day per level, a battledancer can use his song, dancing, or poetics to produce magical effects on those around him like a bard (usually including himself, if desired). While these abilities fall under the category of bardic music and the descriptions discuss singing or dancing, they can all be activated by reciting poetry, chanting, singing lyrical songs, singing melodies (fa-la-la, and so forth), whistling, playing an instrument, or playing an instrument in combination with some dance performance. Each ability requires both a minimum level and a minimum number of ranks in the Perform skill to qualify; if a battledancer does not have the required number of ranks in at least one Perform skill, he does not gain the performance ability until he acquires the needed ranks. Starting a performance effect is a standard action. Some performance abilities require concentration, which means the battledancer must take a standard action each round to maintain the ability. Even while using performance that doesn’t require concentration, a battledancer cannot cast spells, activate magic items by spell completion (such as scrolls), or activate magic items by magic word (such as wands). Just as for casting a spell with a verbal component, a deaf battledancer has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use his performance, unless it is a dance. If he fails, the attempt still counts against his daily limit.
Countersong (Su): A battledancer with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to counter magical effects that depend on sound (but not spells that simply have verbal components). Each round of the countersong, he makes a Perform check. Any creature within 30 feet of the battledancer (including the battledancer himself ) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack (such as a sound burst or command spell) may use the battledancer’s Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a noninstantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the battledancer’s Perform check result for the save. Countersong has no effect against effects that don’t allow saves. The battledancer may keep up the countersong for 10 rounds.
Fascinate (Sp): A battledancer with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and able to pay attention to him. The battledancer must also be able to see the creature. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents the ability from working. For every three levels a battledancer attains beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with a single use of this ability (two at 4th level, three at 7th level, and so on).
Inspire Courage (Su): A battledancer with 3 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use song or poetics to inspire courage in his allies (including himself ), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear the bard sing. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the battledancer sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 8th level, and every six battledancer levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1 (+2 at 8th, +3 at 14th, and +4 at 20th). Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability.
Confusing Dance: At 4th level battledancer can confuse targets with a special dance once per day. This requires one full round of dancing, after which all creatures within 15 feet of the battledancer are affected as the confusion spell (Will negates, DC 10 + spell dancer level + Char mod) for 1 rd per spell dancer level.
Inspire Greatness (Su): A battledancer of 9th level or higher with 10 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to inspire greatness in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet, granting him or her extra fighting capability. For every three levels a battledancer attains beyond 9th, he can target one additional ally with a single use of this ability (two at 12th level, three at 15th, four at 18th). To inspire greatness, he must sing and an ally must hear him sing. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the battledancer sing and for 5 rounds thereafter. A creature inspired with greatness gains 2 bonus Hit Dice (d10s), the commensurate number of temporary hit points (apply the target’s Constitution modifier, if any, to these bonus Hit Dice), a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 competence bonus on Fortitude saves. The bonus Hit Dice count as regular Hit Dice for determining the effect of spells such as sleep. Inspire greatness is a mind-affecting ability.
Beguiling Dance: A battledancer of 11th level with 12 or more ranks in Perform (dance) can use her enchanting dance to distract her enemies. Whenever you start or maintain a beguiling dance, all enemies within 30 feet who can see you must succeed on a Will save or be dazed for 1 round. Creatures that fail this save also have their attitude improved by one step for as long as you maintain the dance (see Influencing NPC Attitudes, PH 74). This attitude adjustment does not prevent any subsequent attitude changes. For example, an enemy that becomes indifferent toward you as a result of this effect still turns hostile if you then attack it.
Wearying Dance: A 13th level battledancer with 14 or more ranks in Perform (dance) can use her enchanting
dance to tire her enemies. Whenever you start or maintain a wearying dance, all enemies within 30 feet who can see you must succeed on a Will save or be fatigued for as long as you maintain the dance. Creatures failing this save that are already fatigued become exhausted.
Inspire Heroics (Su): A battledancer of 15th level or higher with 16 or more ranks in a Perform skill can use music or poetics to inspire tremendous heroism in himself or a single willing ally within 30 feet, allowing that creature to fight bravely even against overwhelming odds. For every three battledancer levels the character attains beyond 15th, he can inspire heroics in one additional creature. To inspire heroics, a battledancer must sing and an ally must hear him sing for a full round. A creature so inspired gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws and a +4 dodge bonus to AC. The effect lasts for as long as the ally hears the battledancer sing and for up to 5 rounds thereafter. Inspire heroics is a mind-affecting ability.
Frightful Dance: A 17th level battledancer with 18 or more ranks in Perform (dance) can use her enchanting
dance to scare her enemies. Whenever you start or maintain a frightful dance, all enemies within 30 feet who can see you must succeed on a Will save or be shaken for as long as you maintain the dance. Creatures failing this save that are already shaken become frightened, and those that are already frightened become panicked.

Battledancing: Battledancers are trained in the ancient art of Battledancing, which is a battledancer’s individual dance-like style. It allows battledancers to perfect their own style of the dance. The battledancer chooses his two preferred weapons upon entering apprenticeship, giving them the ability to fight with two-weapons (such as two long swords) without penalty to attack or damage rolls (as the Ambidexterity and Two-weapon fighting feats). Furthermore when battledancing a battledancer gains a bonus to their initiative and armor class equal to half their level rounded down (for example a 5th level elven battledancer has +2 bonus to initiative and armor class). Battledancers apply their Dexterity modifier to all attack and damage rolls using their preferred weapons (as the Weapon Finesse Feat). They do not gain this bonus when using any other weapon.

AC Bonus (Ex): A battledancer gains this bonus to Armor Class as long as she is wearing no armor or light armor and not carrying a shield. This bonus to AC applies even against touch attacks or when the battledancer is flat-footed. She loses this bonus when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor heavier than light, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load. This bonus increases by one point at every fifth level, starting at 1st, (+2 at 5th, +3 at 10th, ect.)

Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 2nd level, battledancers gain the extraordinary ability to react to danger before their senses would normally allow the to do so. At 2nd level and above they retain their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible foe. (They still lose their Dexterity bonus if immobilized.)
At 5th level, battledancers can no longer be flanked; they can react to opponents on opposite sides of them as easily as they can react to a single attacker. This defense denies a rogue the ability to use a flank attack to sneak attack the elven battledancer. The exception to this is that a rogue at least four levels higher than the elven battledancer can flank him (and thus sneak attack him).

Weapon of Choice: Starting at 2nd level, a battledancer’s skill with his chosen weapon allows him to treat it as a light weapon for purposes of two-weapon fighting, and can be used in a grapple or when swallowed. This ability can only be used with weapons of up to the same size category as the battledancer (such as a longsword, which is a medium weapon, for an elf.) The weapon chosen must be of the slashing type.

Evasion: At 3rd level, a battledancer gains evasion. If exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex saving throw for half damage (such as a fireball spell), the elven battledancer takes no damage with a successful saving throw.

Melodic Casting: At 4th level, a battledancer can weave his music and magic together into a single perfect voice. Whenever a Concentration check would be required to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability (such as when you cast defensively or are distracted or injured while casting), you can make a Perform check instead. In addition, you can cast spells and activate magic items by command word or spell completion while using a battledancer performance ability. Performance abilities that require concentration still take a standard action to perform.
Normal: A battledancer can't cast spells or activate magic items by command word or spell completion while using bardic music.

Battle Dance (Ex): Starting at 5th level, a battledancer can become a whirling dancer of death a certain number of times per day. While in this dance, she can take a full attack action (for melee attacks only) and still move up to her speed. However, the battledancer must move a minimum of 5 feet between each attack when using this ability, and she cannot return to a square she just exited (though she may return to that square later during her full attack). The battledancer is subject to attacks of opportunity while dancing, but may tumble normally as part of her move. A battledancer prevented from completing her move is also prevented from finishing her full attack. If a battledancer wields a slashing weapon while in a battle dance, she gains a bonus on her attack and damage rolls. This bonus is +1 at 1st level, and it increases by an extra +1 at every odd-numbered level thereafter. A battledancer may only perform a battle dance while wielding a slashing weapon (she may use a double weapon, or multiple weapons, only if both ends of the weapon or all weapons are of the slashing type). She cannot perform a battle dance in any armor heavier than light or if she is using a shield. While dancing, a battledancer cannot use skills or abilities that involve concentration or require her to remain still, such as Move Silently, Hide, or Search. A battledancer can, however, sing or use her other performance abilities while she dances, and can also use the Combat Expertise feat while in a dance. A battledancer cannot perform a battle dance while under the effect of a rage or frenzy ability. A battledancer can perform a battle dance only once per encounter. A battle dance lasts 1 round for every two ranks of Perform (dance) that the character has. At the end of a battle dance, the character becomes fatigued for the duration of the encounter. This ability can be used one additional time per day for every five levels, up to four times a day at 20th level.

Shield of Blades: Beginning at 6th level, you become adept at defending yourself when wielding a pair of medium or light weapons. You gain a +2 shield bonus to your AC whenever you attack with at least two light weapons during your turn. (Despite the name of this class feature, you can use any light or medium weapon to gain the benefit, even unarmed strikes or natural weapons.) Though it requires a full attack action to use the ability, the AC bonus applies against all attackers (even invisible ones). This AC bonus lasts until the start of your next turn. This is an extraordinary ability. This bonus increases by 1 for every five levels beyond 5th (+3 at 10th level, +4 at 15th level, and +5 at 20th level). You lose this bonus when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load.

Spring Attack: At 7th level, a battledancer gains the Spring Attack feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

Dance of Death: At 8th level, a battledancer gains the benefit of the Cleave feat while performing a battle dance, even if she does not meet the prerequisites for the feat. She does not have to move 5 feet before making the extra attack granted by this ability.

Improved two-weapon fighting: At 9th level battledancers gain the feat Improved two-weapon fighting as a class feature.

Movement Mastery (Ex): At 10th level, a battledancer is so certain of her movements that she is unaffected by adverse conditions. When making a Jump, Perform (dance), or Tumble check, she may take 10 even if stress and distraction would normally prevent her from doing so.

Improved Evasion: At 13th level battledancers gain improved evasion. This ability works like evasion, except that while the elven battledancer still takes no damage on a successful Reflex save against spells such as fireball or a breath weapon, the battledancer now takes only half damage on a failed save (the battledancer’s reflexes allow him to get out of harms way with incredible speed).

Whirlwind Flurry: At 16th level, the battledancer gains the benefits of Whirlwind Attack and Slashing Flurry (as the feats) during a battledance, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

A Thousand Cuts (Ex): When a battledancer reaches 20th level, once per day she may double the number of melee attacks she makes while performing a full attack action (whether in a battle dance or not). If a battledancer uses this ability in conjunction with her battle dance, she can make up to two attacks between moves. The battledancer also gains the benefit of the Great Cleave feat with slashing weapons while performing a thousand cuts, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. She does not have to move 5 feet before making any extra attacks granted by this ability. A battledancer using this ability can receive an extra attack from the haste spell, but the bonuses provided by the spell do not stack with the bonuses granted by the class.

1 +1 +2 +2 +0
2 +2 +2 +3 +1
3 +3 +2 +3 +1
4 +4 +3 +4 +1
5 +5 +3 +4 +2
6 +6/+1 +3 +5 +2
7 +7/+2 +4 +5 +2
8 +8/+3 +4 +6 +3
9 +9/+4 +4 +6 +3
10 +10/+5 +5 +7 +3
11 +11/+6/+1 +5 +7 +4
12 +12/+7/+2 +5 +8 +4
13 +13/+8/+3 +6 +8 +4
14 +14/+9/+4 +6 +9 +5
15 +15/+10/+5 +6 +9 +5
16 +16/+11/+6/+1 +7 +10 +5
17 +17/+12/+7/+2 +7 +10 +6
18 +18/+13/+8/+3 +7 +11 +6
19 +19/+14/+9/+4 +8 +11 +6
20 +20/+15/+10/+5 +8 +12 +7

Table 3–17: Battledancer Spells Known

Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st 4 2 — — — — —
2nd 5 2 — — — — —
3rd 5 3 — — — — —
4th 6 3 1 — — — —
5th 6 3 2 — — — —
6th 6 4 2 1 — — —
7th 7 4 2 2 — — —
8th 7 4 3 2 1 — —
9th 7 4 3 3 2 — —
10th 8 5 3 3 2 1 —
11th 8 5 4 3 3 2 —
12th 8 5 4 4 3 2 1
13th 9 5 4 4 3 3 2
14th 9 6 5 4 4 3 2
15th 9 6 5 5 4 4 2
16th 9 6 5 5 4 4 3
17th 9 6 6 5 5 5 3
18th 9 7 6 6 5 5 3
19th 9 7 6 6 5 5 4
20th 9 7 7 6 6 6 4

————Spells per Day————
0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st 3 2 — — — — —
2nd 4 3 — — — — —
3rd 5 4 — — — — —
4th 5 5 — — — — —
5th 6 5 2 — — — —
6th 6 5 3 — — — —
7th 6 6 4 — — — —
8th 6 6 5 — — — —
9th 6 6 5 2 — — —
10th 6 7 6 3 — — —
11th 6 7 6 5 — — —
12th 6 7 7 6 1 — —
13th 6 8 7 6 2 1 —
14th 6 8 7 6 3 2 —
15th 6 8 8 7 5 3 —
16th 6 9 8 7 6 5 1
17th 6 9 8 7 6 2 2
18th 6 9 9 8 7 3 3
19th 6 9 9 8 7 5 3
20th 6 9 9 9 8 6 4

The Goddess is alive, and magic is afoot.

"Where Science ends, Magic begins" -Spiral, Uncanny X-Men #491

"You idiots! You've captured their STUNT doubles!" -Spaceballs

Lothir's character background/stats:

My stories:

Lothir, courtesy of Sylinde (Deviant Art)/Luaxena (Chosen of Eilistraee)
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Learned Scribe

299 Posts

Posted - 27 May 2010 :  11:35:25  Show Profile  Visit Dracons's Homepage Send Dracons a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oy, let's see if I can remember my full party of characters that I currently DM for. Granted, the bulk of them don't show up more then half the time, but still.

Half Elf/Half-Orc Paladin of the elven god. He was a cast off son of King Obald Many Arrows.

Human Wizard/Cleric/Mystic Thurge of Velsharoon. Tends to be sneaky.

Najulie: Human barbarian of Red Tiger tribe.

Sirius: Human Monk of the Old Order

Unknown: Just a sneaky rogue/psion. He very quiet and doesn't talk much.

Precious: A tiny catgirl ninja with a leather fetish. Had a special request from player to have a imovible rob with grease on it.

Kary: (NPC) Cleric of Cyric. Party belives her to be a fallen servent of Lathander, so cleric of Velsharoon is trying to win her into his faith and he belives it is working. She keeps a public face of going to Elven god, doing good deeds and the HalfOrc belives he doing a great job and starting to fall for her. Little do they know, she just using them all to get them to backstab each other. Slowly working, some have started to attack the other characters in small ways. She's mostly using them to not do what their main quest is, or at least stall them enough so the main bad guy wins.

I love PMs! Please send me a message. Even if its Hi.
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65 Posts

Posted - 27 May 2010 :  19:17:51  Show Profile  Visit dragonfriend's Homepage Send dragonfriend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Last Party I dm was called "The Company without a name"

We played all the Return to the temple of Elemental Evil and some adventures after that. They were:

-Aramil Xanaphia (secret son of the Simbul): Male half-elf Fighter 9/wizard 5 from Yuirwood. Died in a Ravenloftian version of MythDrannor

-Alyiua: Calishite female human LN monk 15.

-Raul Cervantes: LN human male from turmish fighter/rogue

-Anksunamun of Helm: LG female aasimar cleric/paladin of Helm. unofficial leader of the group.

-Lureen of Sune: CG female Cleric/heartwarden of Sune

All around 14th-15th level as they return from Ravenloft to the Realms.
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