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Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore

1338 Posts

Posted - 04 Jul 2007 :  18:05:35  Show Profile Send Mumadar Ibn Huzal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Company of the Wolf

So named because of an unintentional wolf-theme tied to some of the characters and formed by the current composition of characters in a six-year-old PbeM Game (Twilight Dawn, the journals of which can be found within the halls of Candlekeep.)

Pudruelantreda “Puddy, a male sprite whose speech pattern resembles Yoda’s. Puddy is a rather serious specimen of the otherwise chaotic, carefree Fey-folk. On a whim, he accompanied a human bard through one of the many ‘backroads’ in Faerûn.

Andreus Nikolai Estoba Winterborne III “Nik, a lanky male human from Silverymoon whose main talent appears to be depressed, self-loathing and drunk, but who also is a font of knowledge and when relaxed enough can rub shoulders with any highborn walking on or below the surface of Toril. Nik is the group’s diplomat and chief negotiator who also serves as an advisor of sorts to the group’s leader. Nik is a talented musician whose recent performances in Eshpurta have brought him and the Company of the Wolf to the attention of some those who consider themselves masters of intrigue in Amn and the greater region…

Immerine Adonamere, an aspiring Witch of Rashemen who is on her ‘dajemma’ in the Western Heartlands and Lands of Intrigue, she is naïve at times to what many in the West consider cultured behavior, but her no-nonsense upbringing in the Urlingwood by wolves and Rasheman’s famous Wychlaran gives her a unique view on life. A dire wolf that appears to be ‘awakened’ by the spirit of a Wolf-lodge berserker follows her. Immerine is the nominal leader of the group, but out in the West leans heavily on her adviser.

Teryn of Berdusk, a young male human warrior and recent Harper. Set on the path of revenge against the Cult of the Dragon after learning that it was the Cult that killed his parents. Teryn is a man of action and fearless in defending the group as well as pursuing his personal vendetta when possible. His new responsibilities as a Harper have nt yet had any noticeable effect on his outlook on life.

Aside from these ‘veterans’ the Company of the Wolf further consists of the following characters:

Rastus Dullcoin, a male half-orc ranger brought up in the foothills of the Orsraun Mountains. With no active goal for himself, Rastus joined up with the Company of the Wolf because of the respect the others showed him rather than the usual discrimination he faced in life to-date.

Alyssa Velahyr, born in the lands of Intrigue, but her family was forced to flee after the Tethyr’s ‘Ten black days of Eleint’ and ended up in Rashemen. A fierce warrior trained in the ways of a ranger, Alyssa cannot be a member of the Wolf Lodge, but she is well respected by its members. The Witches of Rashemen send her through magical means at the side of Immerine to support the budding witch in her endeavors.

Sonnlinor Helik Fellhammer, a male shield dwarven warrior-priest of Moradin hailing from ancient Iltkazar. Reliable, tough and honorable, Helik serves as a stout backbone to the group, wielding both martial and divine power to further the group’s goals.

Finn Grimpsike, a male dwarven scout and kinsman to Helik (twice removed) recently joined the Company of the Wolf.

Before ‘officially’ crystallizing around their leader into ‘The Company of the Wolf’ several other characters have been affiliated. Of these the most memorable are:

Portia Coldspring, a female warrior-priest of Kelemvor (see also the Candlekeep Compendium Vol. IV) whose duties to her church saw her called back to Berdusk.

Jezbodiah Wisp, a male half-elf rascal and recent Harper who left the group after feeling disrespected

finally managed to sneak this past the 'time-out' gremlins...

Edited by - Mumadar Ibn Huzal on 04 Jul 2007 18:12:54
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33 Posts

Posted - 11 Jul 2007 :  12:25:07  Show Profile  Visit Mortagon's Homepage Send Mortagon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is the party that i'm currently dm'ing through the Tearing of the weave adventure.

Fevayn - N Sun elf evoker 3/master specialist 1, this elf was tossed out of Evereska after a tragic magical accident that caused the death of two fellow elves. He is currently living in Cormyr as a spellslinger for hire. He is obsessed with destructive magic, and is currently under the scrutiny of the war wizards.

Warren Grayscorn - LG Human Cormyrean male Cleric of Tyr 4, Warren is on a special mission from the Cormyrean government to aid the purple dragons in Wheloon rooting out corruption and criminals as an independent force. He tries to work closely with the local purple dragons regiment, but feels that they push him away. Like most Tyrrans he believes that only Tyr knows the way of true justice, and he has a burning hatred against corruption and evil. He has hired the rest of the party to aid him in his job to root out the corruption in Wheloon.

Altyr - CN Sembian male Rogue 4, This former merchant has never had high moral standards, and his father tossed him out of the merchants guild when he found that he was dealing in illicit affairs. He is currently in Cormyr aiding his mother in finding her missing husband.

Bartholovmew Jenkins ("Jenks") - Male lightfoot halfling from the western heartlands,N Bard 2/Rogue 2, This seemingly jolly halfling is a master of disguise, and no stranger to shady activities. He uses his bardic abilities as a cover for his darker schemes.

Randal - Human Cormyrean male, LG Monk 1 (Sun soul order)/Fighter 2/Wizard 1, A devout follower of Lathander, Randal is a highly spiritual person who grew up in an obscure monastery related to the Sun soul order of Monks. The monks here also received magical training. Randal left the monastery after the recent war in wich King Azoun IV died, to use his skills in defense of his beloved homeland.

Here's an update for this group:

Feavyn, Sun elf evoker 3/master specialist 2

Warren Grayscorn, Human Cormyerean male Cleric of Tyr 4/ordained champion 1

Altyr, Sembian human male rogue 5; Altyr has left the group after coming under the scrutiny of the purple dragons because of a murder he has commited. He has fled back to Sembia with his now widowed mother.

Bartholovmew Jenkins, Lightfoot halfling male, Rogue 2/Bard 3/Fortune's friend 1

Randal, Cormyrean human male Monk 1/Fighter 2/Wizard 1; Unfortunately Randal was killed by an Othyugh, thus ending his short adventuring career.

Sir Aram of the purple dragon knights, Cormyrean human male Fighter 4/Psychic warrior 1; A purple dragon knight has joined the party as a representative of the Crown. Aram's father hails from another plane of existence and is a seasoned plane traveller. Arams mother was a knight that specialised in hunting down fiends. During the war, Sir Arams noble efforts made him a knight. Aram is a stern and determined man, with strange powers he claims to have learned from his father.

Edited by - Mortagon on 11 Jul 2007 12:28:04
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Aaron Highcolor

45 Posts

Posted - 04 Aug 2007 :  17:32:55  Show Profile  Visit Aaron Highcolor's Homepage Send Aaron Highcolor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, we just recently started our Realms campaign. Started with The Twilight Tomb.

The party consists of:

Male Goliath barbarian/scout (2/1).
Male Raportan knight (3)
Male human Cleric of Shaundukal/Scout (2/1)
Female 1/2 drow Beguiler.

They are looking for a group name, but once they have one, I'll definitely share.

Run when you have to, fight when you must, rest when you can.
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Senior Scribe

596 Posts

Posted - 04 Aug 2007 :  19:26:28  Show Profile  Visit Sian's Homepage Send Sian a Private Message  Reply with Quote
might ending up lacking some kind of damagedealer ... specificly from a Magic (or prehaps even ranged in general) point of view ... Beguiler is really good but just not terms of damage output taking all noncombat tricks from Rogue and Sorcerer mixing them up in interesting ways ... able to shine in everything but actual combat

what happened to the queen? she's much more hysterical than usual
She's a women, it happens once a month
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4 Posts

Posted - 29 Aug 2007 :  05:52:11  Show Profile  Visit Kou_Ayshane's Homepage Send Kou_Ayshane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In between games atm, but the one that I am to DM is still on the backburner to see if we will be able to get some more people includes:

Garret Dorigan- The main 'tank' of the troupe. IIRC he is a Chaotic Good 1/8 Bronze dragon, 3/8 Lightning Genasi, 1/2 Human Cormyran who will be a Ranger to begin making his way to Master of Chains and Tempest. A very interesting character (Who is to be played by one of my good friends.) that is based to be the son of one of MY old 2E chars. Very interested (PC wise.) to follow in his father's steps and be a force for the Church of Bahamut in the realms and attempt to gain enough favor for the Master of the North Wind to add him to the Faerunian pantheon, succeeding where his father failed. (I'm planning on him succeeding and becoming a Chosen of Old Platinum Scales, and meet his father in Mercuria.)

Quentin Altars- A Lawful Neutral Air-Genasi Monk who due to the dogma of his order uses nothing but a Boken (The wooden practice sword, not to be confused with a Shinai [SP?] that is bamboo slats around a central core.) who will eventually become a Kensai (PrC version.) While also an old friend of Garret's, his motivation for joining the party is to learn about the world around him and continue his training, and bring that knowledge back to his semi-fledgling order. Played by an older player, he says that he wants to play the 'Wiser-than-the-years-let-on' type PC and figures this will be the easiest way to do this. We're still fleshing out what Deity that he, and overall his order, will follow. Any hints? He's wanting a Deity that doesn't have a prolific monk order and while known, isn't at the forefront of the 'Known' gods. (I suggested Selune with her 'Wanderers' portfolio.)

Brea Monet- Pronounced 'Bree Mahnai' Chaotic Good and a Tiefling Bard. She is a Gondar from the Dalelands that has been to Lantan a time or two in her 'youth'. Shooting for Techsmith and Seeker of the Song she is the face and intellectual of the party. Her crowning achievment has been her two repeating hand-crossbows (Think 'Drow-meets-John Woo'.) and her spring loaded throwing dagger sheath/magazine. (Holds 5 daggers.) Motivation is one, (For the player) to have the PC realize the love she holds for Garret, and two, to create a truly wonderous item for Gond. (Unbeknownst to her, her two crossbows that will be enchanted and upgraded along the way, are the thing she will be searching for all along.)

Anen Evrina- The Neutral Good Elven Sorcerer of the bunch, and the team's jokester (Mostly because the player is a smartass.) who has a wounded past, the love of his life was a relation to the Royal Family in Evermeet, and left for those shores two winters past. He is IIRC going to become a Force Missle Mage and a Bladesinger of varying degrees. A follower of Azuth and (Unbeknowngsnt to the player) to a lesser extent later, Bahamut (Who will hold the portfolios of Half-breeds and Sorcerers in the campaign as well as maybe two others.) his dream is to make a spell that is handy enough to be one of the well known named spells (I.E. The Bigby and Mordenkaiden spells, Gedlee, Melf, etc.) and will not leave to join his beloved till that task is done. The player says he wants somthing 'Kame-hame-ha esque', but my thoughts are to have him make a spell like "Evrina's Six Shooter" or "Anen's Hand Cannon" that makes a Magic Missle type spell effect but used when the casters hand is in the 'gun' shape after being introduced to some of Brea's inventions and gear. (Namely, a Lantan pistol.)

Kara Derris- Not very fleshed out, but a Genasi Paladin, probably of Denir. Has feelings for both Garret and Quentin and is a very conflicted sort.

Dian Cingint- Besides the name and a friend of Garret's and that he's a Gnome and doesn't want to be a Rogue, not fleshed out at all.

That's all I got, as I said, I haven't started the game yet and they still need some work, any advice would be appreciated.
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Learned Scribe

118 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2007 :  18:54:29  Show Profile  Visit sirreus's Homepage Send sirreus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
how does one become 1/8 dragon?
anyway i'm running a campaigne in the cold lands,damara and east vaasa.the party my players have evolved to:
brottor- human fighter
twig- hafling druid
azazel-tiefling wizard/archmage
and ???- dust para-genasi rogue
they're hunting relics a step behind a sigilian collector. little do they know he is a sharran and is amassing the relics of his goddess's enemies to take to the plane of shadow.

"The measure of an undisciplined mind, is that the intellect allows emotion to challenge the observed truth" Richard Baker
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36858 Posts

Posted - 12 Sep 2007 :  20:57:17  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sirreus

how does one become 1/8 dragon?

Have a half-dragon grandparent.

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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!

Edited by - Wooly Rupert on 12 Sep 2007 20:57:45
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

1796 Posts

Posted - 13 Sep 2007 :  01:17:16  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Campaign 1 (Forgotten Realms): DM = Me
Player 1: Barazunda Widecrag, male gold dwarf Samurai12/Paladin2
Player 2: Aldric Feanor, male wood elf Ranger13/Rogue1
Player 3: Azkov The Bold, previously known as Azkov of the Six-Toes, male lightfoot halfling Wizard13
Player 4: Gerbo Stumbleduck, male rock gnome Cleric3(GarlGlittergold)/Wizard3/MysticTheurge7
Player 5: Diago Di'Alamoberto, male Tethyrian human (recently reincarnated as kobold) Rogue4/Swashbuckler3/Duelist6 (DIAGO DECEASED AS OF YESTERDAY -- Player thinking about a Techsmith for his next character, thoughts?)

Here's an update on these fellows:

Player 1: Barazunda Widecrag, male gold dwarf Samurai12/Paladin3/AwakeningPower1
Player 2: Aldric Feanor, male wood elf Ranger15/Rogue1
Player 3: Azkov The Bold, previously known as Azkov of the Six-Toes, male lightfoot halfling Wizard5/Ninja2/SpellwarpSniper5/AbjurantChampion3/UnseenSeer1
Player 4: Kargon, male human (Chultan) Barbarian2/Fighter4/FrenziedBerserker9
Player 5: Alden Flackenstroussen, male rock gnome Cleric7(Nebelun)/Techsmith8

Player 1: Barazunda Widecrag, male gold dwarf Samurai12/Paladin3/AwakeningPower3
Player 2: Aldric Feanor, male wood elf Ranger17/Rogue1
Player 3: Azkov The Bold, previously known as Azkov of the Six-Toes, male lightfoot halfling Wizard5/Ninja2/SpellwarpSniper5/AbjurantChampion5/UnseenSeer1
Player 4: Kargon, male human (Chultan) Barbarian2/Fighter4/FrenziedBerserker10
Player 5: Alden Flackenstroussen, male rock gnome Cleric7(Nebelun)/Techsmith9
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Ugly is the new black

81 Posts

Posted - 19 Sep 2007 :  01:59:04  Show Profile  Visit Ugly is the new black's Homepage Send Ugly is the new black a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Brother Olymer Al-Akhir (LG Human Paladin of Ilmater 3) - Two decades past, a series of unfortunate fires tore through the sabbans of bustling Calimport, and many thousands were killed. Rumour has it that Calimshani nobility ordered this murderous arson themselves in an attempt to purge the city of its human filth before the arrival of a certain foreign diplomat. Olymer Al-Akhir was orphaned by the experience, and taken in at a young age by The House of Bound Hands, an orthodox temple devoted to the deity Ilmater. The One Who Endures has since opened the man's eyes, revealing the "City of Glory" to be a viper's nest of poverty, exploitation, discrimination and sin. A wound which must be cleansed - if need be, by righteous fire.

Baracchus Son of Gramorn (CN Half-Orc Rogue 2 / Barbarian 1) - Had he been born free unto the wilds and the children of Gruumsh, Baracchus Son of Gramorn would have taken up his father's mighty spear and carved out a bloody piece of Faerun to rule in honour of the boundless glory of his people. He would have been a warrior-king, fearsome and terrible. The equal of Obould Many-Arrows; of this, Baracchus is certain. But the half-orc wasn't born unto such fortune - he was born a lowly slave instead, faceless amidst the pestilent sprawl of Calimport, destined to serve the needs of soft-skinned and womanish sorcerers who stink of perfumes and unmerited power. Destined to bend the knee.

Willful and arrogant despite his bastard heritage, Baracchus swore a solemn blood-vow to The One-Eyed God; to win back the precious freedom that was his birthright at any cost. He then railed against his captors more fiercely than ever before, sowing insurrection amongst his fellows by day and pawning whispered secrets to the Calimport Muzad by night. His traitorous actions were quickly uncovered, however. Though rather than being slain outright, which the slavers determined to be a waste of good property, he was consequently sold into the faraway fighting pits of Westgate, where he would be forgotten. After a year of bloody and torturous combat, Baracchus Son of Gramorn finally won his freedom, and set forth upon the long and dusty road back to Calimport, where he would put out the eyes of those heathens who would think themselves higher than a child of He Who Never Sleeps.

Cnaerythelle Llumyrenar (NG Half Moon Elf Bard 3) - Magic. The Art. It is the primeval force given unto mortals of the deity Mystra's own form. A gift from Gods unto men. The central fulcrum upon which all of Faerun turns. The world is encompassed by it. It lives in every rock and in every tree. It burns in every heart and in every tome. It is the life-blood of Toril, and it flows in the veins of every Seldarine child - even every half-child.

Cnaerythelle Lumyrenar (NARE-ith-el Lum-EER-en-ar) was born of mixed blood within Deepingdale's capital of Highmoon. Her human mother was an historian and scribe who cultivated works of interest for Oghma's Leaves of Learning, and her father was a Cormanthyrian Artist of some repute. Cnaerythelle possesses a healthy mix of both her parent's most powerful traits, combining a human's natural curiosity with the focused intelligence of an elf. Following in her mother's footsteps, she has sworn herself to the Binder Of What Is Known, dedicating her long life to the pursuit of knowledge. As such, she has travelled through the Dalelands from Archwood to Eventree, and even as far south as Suzail, practicing her magic and learning songs and stories aplenty along the way. Her most recent journey has taken her far to the south, across the Calim Desert to the bustling city of Calimport, where ancient truths lie hidden behind every poisonous smile.


As he knelt on the ground with his brothers around and the taste of his blood on his tongue,
His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer, and he smiled and he laughed and he sung,
"Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done, the Dornishman's taken my life,
But what does it matter? For all men must die, and I've tasted the Dornishman's wife!"

Edited by - Ugly is the new black on 19 Sep 2007 02:40:43
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Senior Scribe

608 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2007 :  12:52:38  Show Profile  Visit Aravine's Homepage Send Aravine a Private Message  Reply with Quote
me: you guessed it. aravine telethar. sor4/bard2
paladin6 albert.
rouge lvl? jynn. halfling(is there any substitute?)
mnk lvl? didn't tell me his name

The brave don't live forever,the cautious don't live at all
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80 Posts

Posted - 30 Sep 2007 :  19:42:46  Show Profile Send Aewrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okay, this party is more or less disbanded, since two of the players are at pretty bad odds and won't speak with eachother, and two others have separated for other reasons, so...
We played out these backgrounds before starting the campaign (and also if one of the player's couldn't attend, we split and played adventures in the two groups' past)
If you want to use any of the characters or their biographies, go ahead. Send a PM, and I'll mail their stats over.
The party as it was:

1: Nezerai (last name unknown) - LN male Curst necromancer 6 (previously 23rd level).
An ambitious mage who served under the high-ranking necromancer Velkan, a days march outside Luskan. What set him and his master at odds, was that while Nezerai was fascinated by the dead, he viewed the corpses as a source of inspiration and strived towards repose of the dead. His master master however, immediately stripped the flesh of those foolhardy enough to venture near the tower, cursing them to an undead life of servitude to the cruelty of Velkan.
Nezerai had a hard time balancing his awe for the man with his disgust, but one day decided that he would break free from Velkan, and make a life on his own, using his knowledge of the dead for his own purposes, and not Velkan's.
He planned his escape for several years, but on his day of escape his master approached him and told him that treachery was worse than open hostility, and said death was too kind for such acting.
Velkan cast his own twisted version of Soul Bind, trapping his apprentice's soul in the gem, and split the gem into thousands of pieces, keeping the largest to himself, and released the energy from one of the shards into Nezerai, forcing him to stay in a state between life and death, and spread the rest of the shards with the wind, across the entire face of Faerûn. His master then performed the ritual to turn Nezerai into a Curst before throwing him out. Before closing the portal into the necromancer's tower, he mockingly told Nezerai that he was waiting for his return, and that the final shard of the sapphire would be in safe-keep until then.
Character plot: travel around Faerûn and find pieces of his soul, to become alive again.

2: Aesir - LN male Drow monk 4.
Aesir's first memories are fleeting images at best. His rescue from the desert, and the kind monks who took care of him and healed his terrible wounds.
Having no memories of his past, he stayed in the monastery and learned the way of the Old Order from the monks who lived there. After years of training, the monks gave him a "spirit quest" to search for his inner being, and the enigma of the gods. With the monks' blessing, he left the monastery and traveled from the monastery in Calimshan, all the way to Murann in Amn.
In Murann, he met the horrible undead Nezerai, but somehow felt sympathy for the Curst - he may not have lost his memory, but he had lost his past, as well as his future and his very being. The two set out to search for the things they had lost, and from a tip given to them by a bypassing merchant, set their first destination to a small village up in the Sword Coast North.
Character plot: Aesir (or Reimezaan Kaerri't) was -before he lost his memory- one of the higher-ranking priests of Vhaeraun in Guallidruth. Unfortunately, he was among the 200 other Vhaeraun worshippers that were attacked during a sermon to the Masked Lord he was leading, and got arrested for treason and blasphemy. Being the most severe crime imaginable in Guallidurth, the captives were tortured for weeks on end, before being transported to the middle of the Calim desert to die with their guts bared to the sun. He and the other two leaders were enchanted with longevity spells to ensure that their death would not come before days of suffering. He had lain in the sun for almost a week when the monks found him.
Back in Guallidurth, the church of Vhaeraun, underground as though it may have been, suddenly reared and attacked the main church of Lolth, burning it to the ground. This caused a civil war with unfathomable amounts of casualties, as the drow threw every last of their ruthless tactics against eachother to determine which church would stand and which would fall. This in turn led to mass-emmigration from Guallidurth, and drow from Guallidurth spreading "over" the entire Underdark.
Some of these emmigrants most definitely remember Reimezaan the traitor, the cause of Guallidurth's civil war.

3: "Hortensius" - N male Minotaur fighter 5.
This minotaur was like most other minotaurs of his age, and was almost always in the front of every raid thrown at the different outposts in the wormwrithings. However, during one of these raids, his rage was suddenly quenched, and he collapsed. After the raid was done, the other minotaurs beat him up good for failing his clan, and cut both of his horns before disowning him. He was left to die in the tunnels, when a kobold who had hid during the raid appeared and laid bandages on the minotaur's wounds, as well as feeding him, until he could walk again. The minotaur, who had been cast into shame, now found himself in debt to the very ones who had caused him to be cast out. This caused the minotaur to take an "inner journey" (mind, he was a smart and wise minotaur, who could both read and write), which led to this and that, and finally to the minotaur realizing that his allegiance should not lie with those that kill and maim, but those that would accept help from someone stronger. With this boost to his ego, he killed of the veins leading blood into his horns, to forever show that he did not approve to the minotaurs' cruel ways. Continued in Himayatul's bio.
Character plot: prove himself to the realms, and show that he can defend those he once hunted.

4: Alora the nimbleminded - CN female Lightfoot halfling wizard 6.
A girl with little heed to cultural differences, this female often attended to dances for the Dark Maiden in her early years. Her presence was loved and appreciated by the worshippers, as she was a sign that even the smallest ones could accept change in the most vile of races. At the age of nine, however, she was captured while her home village was attacked by a drow raiding party and brought down into the Underdark city Menzoberranzan. In there, she was noticed by one of the capturing house's wizards, a Draegloth who had stumbled upon magic and found that his ambidexterity and two sets of arms allowed him to cast very intricate spells without much effort. When he witnessed Aloras fearlessness, and that she, unlike the other captives most more than twice as old as her, didn't cry or beg for mercy, he asked the matron mother for permission to keep her as a pet.
His request was accepted, and he kept the girl trapped in his compartments, taking turns at torturing the poor girl, and teaching her magic to entertain him. During the Battle of Keeper's Dale, when house Baenre whipped an army of slaves and warriors to attack Mithral Hall, she stood at her master's side, merely ten years old, as the drow charged. Using her magic as her master directed, she was able to fend off a few attackers before they overwhelmed her. The master immediately tried to drag her away from the dwarves battling them, losing his focus for a mere second, which was enough for one of the dwarves to chop an axe over the monster's head, making the dying beast fall over his pet. Dying, the Draegloth scowled the halfling girl for her foolishness, and bit her over her shoulder while casting a spell she hadn't encountered before. Shortly after, the Draegloth stopped breathing. Continued in Himayatul's bio.
Character plot: none, really. Since she has been ruthlessly and thoroughly trained by her Draegloth master, she had to do her utmost in every situation, always fighting for her life to learn.
She has no morals, even though she's not evil. She will be noticed by more spellcasters, as she defeats them in duels, something she mastered in Menzoberranzan, as the different mages of the house would "challenge" her to spellbattles for pleasure. These duels often ending in her being polymorphed or seriously crippled. In battle, she is just as ruthless as her drow "challengers" were, and will not stop until she has completely humiliated her opponents.
And the Draegloth master? The spell he cast, made her into a container for his soul, to keep him from the punishment Lolth would surely bring upon him when he failed. He has no influence over her, however, and she is not aware he is within her.

5: Himayatul "the Dragonslayer" - N male kobold rogue 3, ranger 2
Bearing the self-proclaimed title of dragonslayer, this kobold is often not viewed with suspicion, but often accepted as a good entertainer. Whether he has slain a dragon or not, only Himayatul himself knows.
This kobold lived fairly peacefully a mile beneath the surface, in the wormwrithings below the Lurkwood in the present Silver Marches, and often ventured up into the forest to hunt, often from the traps set out by the many tribes inhabiting the forest. One fateful day, his home settlement was attacked by minotaurs. The kobolds, just arriving with their catches, watched as their entire tribe were slaughtered. Many of the hunters joined by their families sides and died before long, and the others fled.
Himayatul, however had to get his treasure, which was hidden underneath a rock in one of the side caverns only accessible from the village. Having dealt with creatures as dangerous as minotaurs before -dragons- , Himayatul hid and waited for the minotaurs' to move on. In time, they did, just as he had predicted. When he had gathered his precious belongings (his treasured form-fitted armour he claimed to have stolen from a dragon's hoard), he started to gather some food, when he heard a grunt from a pile of corpses. Trusting his keen ears, he knew that it was a minotaur, and that it had not been breathing a while ago.
He approached the beast, and using what knowledge he had of minotaurs (this kobold is also strangely educated, and is very knowledgeable), he concluded that the minotaur was not cruel enough, and that was why they had cast him out to die by himself. Being alone himself, Himayatul took care of the minotaur in hope of the monster surviving and becoming a friend of his. And pack animal to carry the next dragon's hoard, so he can boast and prove that he really has slain a dragon.
The two became close friends, with time. The minotaur's strange patience for Himayatul's constant tricks and pranks confounded the kobold, whose friends had never appreciated his delicate art. They kept traveling together for a long time through the Underdark, dragging with them nothing but their free spirits. Until they were captured by the Duergar, that is.
Kept in the city of Gracklstugh, they were soon sold to a merchant who was known for his great Rothé cheese. The Illuskan and his workers were not a kind band, but they kept the friends well fed and did not treat them any different than they did eachother. They acted as body-guards and carriers for this man's traveling coster, but they had not traveled for more than four months, when they were ambushed by drow. The party was captured and brought into Menzoberranzan, where they immediately were sold to the house Baenre and conscripted into the army of slaves the house kept. They were trained for a few months, before the drow forced them out, and into the Battle of Keeper's Dale, where they were forced to fight the brave defenders. However, they were cut off by the defenders, and their drow masters were slain. The dwarven party that had slain them, eyed them, but when neither did anything, Himayatul yanked the minotaur's hand, and they left the dwarves, who did not pursue, behind.
On their way, they came upon another scene of battle, and heard the muffled calls of a manling child. They tracked the source of the voice, and found not a human child, but a halfling. Himayatul was delighted in seeing the little life, and immediately started pushing away the creature she was trapped beneath.
After quick introductions (the girl wasn't crying, and wasn't afraid of them), Hortensius lifted Alora and placed her on his shoulders, before they all three left.
They traveled through the underdark for a little more than a year before reaching the surface, where Alora left the party. She told them she'd return later, after she had revisited her home village, and spoken to one of her old friends of the glade. Thus the party left eachother, and did not meet again, until nine years later, in the small village of Thistledale, located on the southern end of the Ardeep forest, south of Waterdeep, where Himayatul and Hortensius had decided to settle, more or less.
Character plot: He's an aspiring dragonslayer! He's also interested in acting, and is a good storyteller. Nothing DM driven, though.

I could detail Thistledale, since it became home for the group, but It would probably take an hour, and I've spent enough time translating this, already.

It's a shame we couldn't finish of the campaign, as I had spent four year building, but... that's life, right? At least I can use parts of it in other adventures.
Again, pardon if there are any grammatical errors - my english has detoriated "somewhat" during my year of military service.

Edited by - Aewrik on 30 Sep 2007 19:52:19
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Master of Realmslore

1089 Posts

Posted - 01 Oct 2007 :  19:56:41  Show Profile  Visit Xysma's Homepage Send Xysma a Private Message  Reply with Quote
We've got a new campaign coming up that I am DMing, but the party is interesting. There is a half-minotaur paladin of the Red Knight, a fire-genasi Disciple of the Phoenix, and a catfolk bard/rogue. I didn't realize how strange the group was until I just typed it up.

War to slay, not to fight long and glorious.
Aermhar of the Tangletrees
Year of the Hooded Falcon

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 01 Oct 2007 :  23:16:35  Show Profile  Visit boddynock's Homepage Send boddynock a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well the group that I lead had a few changes during their adventures. Two players quitted (one left to the USA, the other had no time anymore because he had to study a lot and a few characters just retired after finishing their mission or died.

in total you have three different groups:

the original members:

Grayce Faylne:female aasimar sorceress from northern shadowdale area (Shallain's Freehold)
Iskar male moon elven druid from Tethyr
Emnarii NickelbickFemale gnome bard from Stormpenhauder (spiderwoods) <-- retired character
Evaryanmale moon elfen psychic warrior from the Hihg Forest <--RIP
Guormundrmale glacier dwarf from The Spine of the World <-- Retired

The second group

Grayce Faylne:female aasimar sorceress from northern shadowdale area (Shallain's Freehold)
Iskar male moon elven druid from Tethyr
AylinnFemale moon elven barbarian/cleric of angharrad <-- dissapeared
Alwynnmale moon elven fighter/rogue <-- RIP
Ennellionmale moon elven sorcerer <-- RIP

the recent party

Grayce Faylne:female aasimar sorceress from northern shadowdale area (Shallain's Freehold)
Iskar male moon elven druid from Tethyr
Got'n male human barbarian/beserker from Moonshae Islands
Fisleton (can be wrongfully spelled) male halfling psion from Waterdeep
Mallefluentan intelligent battleaxe
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Ugly is the new black

81 Posts

Posted - 01 Oct 2007 :  23:57:34  Show Profile  Visit Ugly is the new black's Homepage Send Ugly is the new black a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by boddynock

Mallefluent an intelligent battleaxe

That's pretty sweet.


As he knelt on the ground with his brothers around and the taste of his blood on his tongue,
His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer, and he smiled and he laughed and he sung,
"Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done, the Dornishman's taken my life,
But what does it matter? For all men must die, and I've tasted the Dornishman's wife!"
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 02 Oct 2007 :  00:27:08  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ugly is the new black

Originally posted by boddynock

Mallefluent an intelligent battleaxe

That's pretty sweet.


Hmmm... This is something that interests me, especially since a couple of my Hooks have involved an intelligent, animated longsword. Did someone actually play the axe? How did that work?

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Senior Scribe

947 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2007 :  01:39:57  Show Profile  Visit MerrikCale's Homepage Send MerrikCale a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Xysma

We've got a new campaign coming up that I am DMing, but the party is interesting. There is a half-minotaur paladin of the Red Knight, a fire-genasi Disciple of the Phoenix, and a catfolk bard/rogue. I didn't realize how strange the group was until I just typed it up.

you needed to type that out to see how strange it was? Its very odd. Good luck to them getting a room at the inn.

When hinges creak in doorless chambers and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls, whenever candlelights flicker where the air is deathly still, that is the time when ghosts are present, practicing their terror with ghoulish delight.
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Master of Realmslore

1089 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2007 :  02:18:06  Show Profile  Visit Xysma's Homepage Send Xysma a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by MerrikCale

Originally posted by Xysma

We've got a new campaign coming up that I am DMing, but the party is interesting. There is a half-minotaur paladin of the Red Knight, a fire-genasi Disciple of the Phoenix, and a catfolk bard/rogue. I didn't realize how strange the group was until I just typed it up.

you needed to type that out to see how strange it was? Its very odd. Good luck to them getting a room at the inn.

Weird huh? As they each talked to me about their characters (and reading sirreus' 52 page backstory for his half-minotaur) they made so much sense individually it just didn't "click" that this was a strange group.

War to slay, not to fight long and glorious.
Aermhar of the Tangletrees
Year of the Hooded Falcon

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80 Posts

Posted - 02 Oct 2007 :  02:31:00  Show Profile Send Aewrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Xysma
Weird huh? As they each talked to me about their characters (and reading sirreus' 52 page backstory for his half-minotaur) they made so much sense individually it just didn't "click" that this was a strange group.

We both fell into the same trap, it seems. I even helped them create their bios...
As long as the group works well together and can stand getting hunted by mobs from time to time, there shouldn't be a problem.
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Learned Scribe

258 Posts

Posted - 03 Oct 2007 :  11:12:46  Show Profile  Visit boddynock's Homepage Send boddynock a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well you can see the axe as an NPC who is constantly with the party members. The axe has it own goals and motives and the players have to remind that he is no ordinary axe. He has special powers that he can manifest when he desires it. The axe is played by myself the game master. :)

Yesterday I also got fantastic news. My cousin jarno, who played Emnarii Nickelbick and left the group because of his studies is back again. He will take a new player character because the party moved to far from where they left Emnarii. I'm happy he is back again :)
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Purple Dragon Knight
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 21 Oct 2007 :  17:47:18  Show Profile Send Purple Dragon Knight a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Originally posted by Purple Dragon Knight

Campaign 1 (Forgotten Realms): DM = Me
Player 1: Barazunda Widecrag, male gold dwarf Samurai12/Paladin2
Player 2: Aldric Feanor, male wood elf Ranger13/Rogue1
Player 3: Azkov The Bold, previously known as Azkov of the Six-Toes, male lightfoot halfling Wizard13
Player 4: Gerbo Stumbleduck, male rock gnome Cleric3(GarlGlittergold)/Wizard3/MysticTheurge7
Player 5: Diago Di'Alamoberto, male Tethyrian human (recently reincarnated as kobold) Rogue4/Swashbuckler3/Duelist6 (DIAGO DECEASED AS OF YESTERDAY -- Player thinking about a Techsmith for his next character, thoughts?)

Here's an update on these fellows:

Player 1: Barazunda Widecrag, male gold dwarf Samurai12/Paladin3/AwakeningPower1
Player 2: Aldric Feanor, male wood elf Ranger15/Rogue1
Player 3: Azkov The Bold, previously known as Azkov of the Six-Toes, male lightfoot halfling Wizard5/Ninja2/SpellwarpSniper5/AbjurantChampion3/UnseenSeer1
Player 4: Kargon, male human (Chultan) Barbarian2/Fighter4/FrenziedBerserker9
Player 5: Alden Flackenstroussen, male rock gnome Cleric7(Nebelun)/Techsmith8

Player 1: Barazunda Widecrag, male gold dwarf Samurai12/Paladin3/AwakeningPower3
Player 2: Aldric Feanor, male wood elf Ranger17/Rogue1
Player 3: Azkov The Bold, previously known as Azkov of the Six-Toes, male lightfoot halfling Wizard5/Ninja2/SpellwarpSniper5/AbjurantChampion5/UnseenSeer1
Player 4: Kargon, male human (Chultan) Barbarian2/Fighter4/FrenziedBerserker10
Player 5: Alden Flackenstroussen, male rock gnome Cleric7(Nebelun)/Techsmith9

Player 1: Barazunda Widecrag, male gold dwarf Samurai12/Paladin3/AwakeningPower4
Player 2: Aldric Feanor, male wood elf Ranger17/Rogue1/Scout1
Player 3: Azkov The Bold, previously known as Azkov of the Six-Toes, male lightfoot halfling Wizard5/Ninja2/SpellwarpSniper5/AbjurantChampion5/UnseenSeer2
Player 4: Kargon, male human (Chultan) Barbarian2/Fighter4/FrenziedBerserker10 -> Died in battle against a Cornugon...
Player 5: Alden Flackenstroussen, male rock gnome Cleric8(Nebelun)/Techsmith10
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16 Posts

Posted - 31 Oct 2007 :  17:23:30  Show Profile  Visit RIMV's Homepage Send RIMV a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In the game I am running right now we have 6 characters, 4 of which are players. My game is set in the Moonsea North and they have not and probably won't have an adventuring name.

Well, without further ado, we have:

Alana (NPC)- N Female Human Rogue 5; just going to be a Rogue

Braccas (Player) - NG Male Lightfoot Halfling Favored Soul of Mystra 3/Warmage 2; going towards Mystic Theurge

Claudia Brightdawn (NPC) - NG Female Human Cleric 5 [Lathander]; going towards Morninglord of Lathander

Drakar (Player) - NE Male Human Fighter 3/Rogue 2; going towards assassin (the cleric is unaware of this and his alignment at this time, although recent actions are making her question his motivations)

Marius Eli-Torith Harkonnen (Player) - N Male Human Rogue 3/Wizard 2; he was going for Arcane Trickster, but recently died and is now thinking of playing a Blood Magus

Paska (Player) - CN Male Gold Dwarf Barbarian 5; going towards Frenzied Berserker last I know of, he might have changed his minds since last session.

Edited by - RIMV on 31 Oct 2007 17:27:26
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Learned Scribe

146 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2008 :  05:02:19  Show Profile  Visit IngoDjan's Homepage Send IngoDjan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A Shade wizard, a female human barbarian of Black Haven, a Fey´Ri Paladin, a Hound Archon, a Avariel Druid, a Rock Gnome Bard, a Human-Half Celestial Privileged, a female Wood Elf fighter, a Tiefling Rogue.
This is my party. For sure, a very mixed one.

Ingo Djan
"I see the future repeat the past. It all is a museum of great news. The Time do not stop."
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Senior Scribe

438 Posts

Posted - 17 Feb 2008 :  11:12:03  Show Profile Send Eldacar a Private Message  Reply with Quote


- Male Half-Elf Wizard 9/Spellfire Channeler 10/Monk 2 (just recently became a Chosen of Mystra)
- Female Human Fighter 5 / Knight of the Weave 10
- Male Half-Elf Bard 7 / Harper Mage 5 / Master Harper 5
- Male Human Half-Celestial Ranger 3 / Paladin of Torm 4 / Triadic Knight 7
- Male Half-Elf Druid 16

The Chosen is the one who's been around for the longest. The Harper would be on par in time spent, but he was away for a while, and it was ruled that he'd been promoted and spent quite some time doing Harper business (thus he was boosted slightly and received the Master Harper levels when he rejoined). The Knight of the Weave is the newest character (would have arrived about when the rest of them got to... level 12?). The Druid and Triadic Knight are roughly equal. The levels aren't really indicative of everything, though, since they've been subject to a few rituals and such, including Wish spells.

They're just arriving in Cormyr now, following the trail of a number of Harper murders.

"The Wild Mages I have met exhibit a startling disregard for common sense, and are often meddling with powers far beyond their own control." ~Volo
"Not unlike a certain travelogue author with whom I am unfortunately acquainted." ~Elminster
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42 Posts

Posted - 21 Feb 2008 :  10:24:42  Show Profile  Visit Iliyan's Homepage Send Iliyan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dwarven Cleric 12 of Moradin ( Me, Currently trapped in Chad Nessad)
Human Fighter 13, Consort of a Succubus, Sold His Soul for a +2 Brilliant Energy Axiomatic Bastard Sword ( Also trapped in Chad Nessad, by my side)
Halfling Rogue 12/Shadowdancer 2 (Currently under effects of Polymorph Any Object( due to being violated by a Aboleth... that hurt), also in the underdark, looking for the 2 above suckers who failed their reflex saves...)
Human Paladin 12 of Heironeous ( Also in the underdark, worrying about the fate of the world and his own arse)

Well, thats about it, fun times :D
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16 Posts

Posted - 21 Feb 2008 :  12:15:55  Show Profile  Visit TheLemming's Homepage Send TheLemming a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Our current group has just arrived in Baldur's Gate and was in a quite famous inn between Candlekeep and BT.
It consists of

Rei Malie Half-elf (female) Monk4 / Sorcerer5
Vadania Half-elf (female) Druid9
Sharyl Elf (female) Rogue4 / Sorcerer5
.... Gnome (male) WizardX
Soinius Halfling (male) Cleric of Brandobaris9 my character as player
and probably
Tiefling (female) (WizardX / FighterY / PrC) - played by our current DM when we switch places.

I just don't remember one of the character names as the gnome-wizard was very new and does not share a common background.

The group is quite powerful working their way up the swordcoast and soon to the Moonshae Isles.
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Learned Scribe

111 Posts

Posted - 27 Feb 2008 :  20:14:44  Show Profile  Visit Slaygrim's Homepage Send Slaygrim a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Party: 11th Level

Kaeverik - CG Human Male Cleric of Mystra/Wizard/Mystic Theurge
Donan Kennelsbane - CG Human Male Warlock
Shrapna Nogginknocker - NG Shield Dwarf Male Cleric of Moradin
Grimnar Nogginknocker - LN Shield Dwarf Male Fighter/Battlesmith
Grimnor Nogginknocker - LN Shield Dwarf Male Fighter/Dwarven Defender

Grimnar and Grimnor are twins with the Thunder Twin feat. Shrapna is their older and more devout brother who is the leader of the brothers. They were named the "Trigon Brigade" during the wars with King Obould and hail from Citidel Adbar. They have since left Adbar, renouncing their loyalty after the Nations of the North signed a treaty with Obould allowing him to establish his Kingdom, something they feel is truly wrong. They joined up with Kaeverik and Donan recently.

Watch my gorgeous wife sing at:

Edited by - Slaygrim on 27 Feb 2008 20:15:58
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Rinonalyrna Fathomlin
Great Reader

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Posted - 27 Feb 2008 :  23:40:16  Show Profile  Visit Rinonalyrna Fathomlin's Homepage Send Rinonalyrna Fathomlin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Nogginknocker brothers? *chuckles* Now there's a name that's truly Salvatorian.

"Instead of asking why we sleep, it might make sense to ask why we wake. Perchance we live to dream. From that perspective, the sea of troubles we navigate in the workaday world might be the price we pay for admission to another night in the world of dreams."
--Richard Greene (letter to Time)
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Senior Scribe

608 Posts

Posted - 06 May 2008 :  17:54:40  Show Profile  Visit Aravine's Homepage Send Aravine a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Slaygrim

Party: 11th Level

Kaeverik - CG Human Male Cleric of Mystra/Wizard/Mystic Theurge
Donan Kennelsbane - CG Human Male Warlock
Shrapna Nogginknocker - NG Shield Dwarf Male Cleric of Moradin
Grimnar Nogginknocker - LN Shield Dwarf Male Fighter/Battlesmith
Grimnor Nogginknocker - LN Shield Dwarf Male Fighter/Dwarven Defender

Warlochs kill everything in a sustained battle.

The brave don't live forever,the cautious don't live at all
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13 Posts

Posted - 07 May 2008 :  04:08:07  Show Profile  Visit Ghost_dk's Homepage Send Ghost_dk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well I will be starting a new group in 3 weeks that should become interesting.

I will be running the Northern Journey with lots of in-between scenarios, using the new pathfinder slow xp chart.
The group will start in waterdeep at a in owned and operated by the previous group who are now lvl 15 and taking a break.

Anyway the family dwarf clans theme seems to be in at the moment because there is actually a grop og dwarf triplets in the mix.
I play with dreamdwarf being a blessing/curse that can affect all dwarfs so the dreamdwarf is the sister of the 2 shield dwarfs.

Kara Duermek, Female Dreamdwarf cleric of Moradin
Delric Duermek, Male Shield-Dwarf Fighter
Ararn Durmek, Male Shield-Dwarf Rogue
Eldon Smallfoot, Male Halfling Dragonborn Sorcerer
Fodel Marsk, Male Human(Damaran) Crusader
Shandri, Female Human(Waterdeep) Bard

The group played together for the past 3 years and I look very much forward to GM them(switched with the ast GM who is now the Dwarf rogue). I'll make an attempt at writing up the group adventures and posting them here for those who are interested in other groups exploits.

Sure you can see through a Ghost. Guess I'm the exeption to that rule.
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Master of Realmslore

1757 Posts

Posted - 14 May 2008 :  21:22:42  Show Profile Send Quale a Private Message  Reply with Quote
7th level (some members were 23rd, but the campaign ending was strange, my character was split in two by some curse, had to break an oath, ghost elf then went on his own)

Iorel Def, male chaotic nathri Rogue. Anarchist (PS faction), devised many subtle ways of killing (poisonous barb), wild psionic talent (ethereal) etc. Into philosophy, sees multiverse as an ultimate tyrant ... I play this one, was also half-ghost elf from the Spirit world (ethereal plane)

Forestroot, no gender good adu'ja Arcanist (shaman/druid/conjurer/spirit channeler), ancient being, remembers his past incarnations

Lul (surname? complicated), male without alignment kamerel Warrior (not fighter, more like swordsage, some psionic talents), heretical member of the Transcendent order, drug addict (entheogens), dual(?) personality, has a spine made of pure force (in one adventure was removed cause some horrible spirit creature was ''hooked'' on his chakras)

Ivyonne (shortened, ya know draconic names), female without alignment faerie dragon (was chiang lung in her past life) Arcanist (charm magic, illusions, has enchanted scales that activate after meditation, know secret draconic words, can shapechange into oriental spirit folk), mysterious creature, deceitful, charming, possessive about her gems

Swarthy (nickname), male lawful gnome (planar) Arcanist (worships Deneir and Gond, ''Carmendine'' martial arts, untalented bard, party healer, has glowing glyphs around his head), very pragmatic, persistent person, often pessimistic (causes bad luck), workaholic

Edited by - Quale on 15 May 2008 08:16:56
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