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 Khazid'hea: Why doesn't she just get rid of it!?
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Posted - 05 Jul 2006 :  13:24:21  Show Profile  Visit CarolinaPaladin's Homepage Send CarolinaPaladin a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I don't understand why Cattie-brie doesn't just toss the cursed sword into a chest and chuck the chest into a Pool of Radiance or the ocean, whichever is closer?

I have not yet begun to adventure!

At your Behest

46 Posts

Posted - 05 Jul 2006 :  13:32:43  Show Profile  Visit At your Behest's Homepage Send At your Behest a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Most Minor Spoiler!!(highlight to read....)

Catti-Brie is no longer in possession of "Cutter".

If you want to know more I recommend reading the latest Salvatore FR trilogy, the "Hunter's Blades Trilogy" (The Thousand Orcs, The Lone Drow, The Two Swords).
Apart from that I cannot really help you but in general she is able to control the sword and the sword is powerful so she keeps it.
But as the already mentioned trilogy shows, she is not always controling that sword...


Beware the beast man, for he is the Devil's pawn.

Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yeah, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land.
Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, for he is the harbinger of death.

Edited by - At your Behest on 05 Jul 2006 14:27:36
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 Jul 2006 :  14:06:38  Show Profile Send Ergdusch a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A SPOILER WARNING concerning the hunter's trilogy would have been nice, AYB.

Edit -

Thanks for quick action AYB. My Appreciation.

"Das Gras weht im Wind, wenn der Wind weht."

Edited by - Ergdusch on 05 Jul 2006 14:31:08
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 Jul 2006 :  14:15:12  Show Profile  Visit Kaladorm's Homepage Send Kaladorm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't think it's much of a spoiler there. Or at least personally it wouldn't bother me to know that if I'd not read the books, but I'm sure a mod will edit it soon to reflect it.

I believe the reason Cattie-Brie doesn't chuck the sword away is because it is a useful tool, and she thinks she can control it. Indeed she did well to control it.
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At your Behest

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Posted - 05 Jul 2006 :  14:29:33  Show Profile  Visit At your Behest's Homepage Send At your Behest a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Spoiler added .
Even if it is not that the novels revolve around that particular sword.
Nevertheless, no inconvenience was intended.


Beware the beast man, for he is the Devil's pawn.

Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yeah, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land.
Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him, for he is the harbinger of death.

Edited by - At your Behest on 05 Jul 2006 14:39:52
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 Jul 2006 :  17:13:19  Show Profile  Visit warlockco's Homepage Send warlockco a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kaladorm

I don't think it's much of a spoiler there. Or at least personally it wouldn't bother me to know that if I'd not read the books, but I'm sure a mod will edit it soon to reflect it.

I believe the reason Cattie-Brie doesn't chuck the sword away is because it is a useful tool, and she thinks she can control it. Indeed she did well to control it.

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Wooly Rupert
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Posted - 06 Jul 2006 :  03:34:15  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kaladorm

I believe the reason Cattie-Brie doesn't chuck the sword away is because it is a useful tool, and she thinks she can control it. Indeed she did well to control it.

That's my thinking. I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing, in her shoes.

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Rinonalyrna Fathomlin
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Posted - 06 Jul 2006 :  03:51:26  Show Profile  Visit Rinonalyrna Fathomlin's Homepage Send Rinonalyrna Fathomlin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To bad it's never explained exactly how she is able to control it. We just have to take for granted that she has a "strong enough will" or something, because she is one of RAS's main heroes.

And yes, I am rather biased against this character, and it shows. Oh well, live with it.

"Instead of asking why we sleep, it might make sense to ask why we wake. Perchance we live to dream. From that perspective, the sea of troubles we navigate in the workaday world might be the price we pay for admission to another night in the world of dreams."
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 06 Jul 2006 :  04:07:02  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

To bad it's never explained exactly how she is able to control it. We just have to take for granted that she has a "strong enough will" or something, because she is one of RAS's main heroes.

And yes, I am rather biased against this character, and it shows. Oh well, live with it.

That was always my impression, that her will was strong enough to overcome the sword's will. It jives with the (2E) rules for intelligent weapons, I believe.

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Rinonalyrna Fathomlin
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Posted - 06 Jul 2006 :  04:24:10  Show Profile  Visit Rinonalyrna Fathomlin's Homepage Send Rinonalyrna Fathomlin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

That was always my impression, that her will was strong enough to overcome the sword's will. It jives with the (2E) rules for intelligent weapons, I believe.

Agreed...however, remember when Artemis Entreri had to master that Charon's Claw (I'm assuming you read Servant of the Shard), and RAS actually went into detail with the mental battle? That's what I like to read. With Catti-brie, she basically goes off...then comes back having mastered the sword somehow, with no explanation of how she was able to do it.

"Instead of asking why we sleep, it might make sense to ask why we wake. Perchance we live to dream. From that perspective, the sea of troubles we navigate in the workaday world might be the price we pay for admission to another night in the world of dreams."
--Richard Greene (letter to Time)
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 06 Jul 2006 :  04:42:42  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

That was always my impression, that her will was strong enough to overcome the sword's will. It jives with the (2E) rules for intelligent weapons, I believe.

Agreed...however, remember when Artemis Entreri had to master that Charon's Claw (I'm assuming you read Servant of the Shard), and RAS actually went into detail with the mental battle? That's what I like to read. With Catti-brie, she basically goes off...then comes back having mastered the sword somehow, with no explanation of how she was able to do it.

Rocks-paper-scissors, best out of three.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 Jul 2006 :  13:53:52  Show Profile  Visit FridayThe13th's Homepage Send FridayThe13th a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Same situation. Just like when Artemis has to control Charon's Claw and Jarlaxle tried to control Crenshenibon, Catti-Brie has managed to subdue Khazid'hea under her will. Oh, and I don't think that it is inherently an "evil" blade like Charon's Claw, it just wants to be wielded in the hands of a skiled swordsman. If the sword like you, it won't bother you much. If it dosen't like you... well... just look at what happened to Delly.

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Rinonalyrna Fathomlin
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Posted - 16 Jul 2006 :  22:46:08  Show Profile  Visit Rinonalyrna Fathomlin's Homepage Send Rinonalyrna Fathomlin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by FridayThe13th

Same situation. Just like when Artemis has to control Charon's Claw and Jarlaxle tried to control Crenshenibon, Catti-Brie has managed to subdue Khazid'hea under her will. Oh, and I don't think that it is inherently an "evil" blade like Charon's Claw, it just wants to be wielded in the hands of a skiled swordsman. If the sword like you, it won't bother you much. If it dosen't like you... well... just look at what happened to Delly.

I'm not really sure I agree that the blade isn't malevolent.

And it's not up to the reader to "fill in the gaps" where stuff like a battle of wills is concerned. "It's the same as what happened to A and J" may be a good enough explanation for some, but not me.

"Instead of asking why we sleep, it might make sense to ask why we wake. Perchance we live to dream. From that perspective, the sea of troubles we navigate in the workaday world might be the price we pay for admission to another night in the world of dreams."
--Richard Greene (letter to Time)
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 17 Jul 2006 :  03:22:02  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by FridayThe13th

Same situation. Just like when Artemis has to control Charon's Claw and Jarlaxle tried to control Crenshenibon, Catti-Brie has managed to subdue Khazid'hea under her will. Oh, and I don't think that it is inherently an "evil" blade like Charon's Claw, it just wants to be wielded in the hands of a skiled swordsman. If the sword like you, it won't bother you much. If it dosen't like you... well... just look at what happened to Delly.

Sorry, but leading someone to their death just to change hands isn't really a good act.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 17 Jul 2006 :  03:31:13  Show Profile Send SirUrza a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Khazid'hea is definately an evil blade, if I'm not mistaken Khazid'hea has wanted certain wields to kill certain friends.

The question of Why does Cattie keep Khazid'hea when it's an intelligent blade can be answered the same way ANY character keeping an troublesome intelligent blade. She keeps it because it does COOL STUFF! In this case it's Vorpal.

"Evil prevails when good men fail to act."
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Rinonalyrna Fathomlin
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Posted - 17 Jul 2006 :  05:02:40  Show Profile  Visit Rinonalyrna Fathomlin's Homepage Send Rinonalyrna Fathomlin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Of course, the point is a bit moot, because (highlight to read):

She doesn't have it anymore! An evil drow has it! Bwahahaha.

"Instead of asking why we sleep, it might make sense to ask why we wake. Perchance we live to dream. From that perspective, the sea of troubles we navigate in the workaday world might be the price we pay for admission to another night in the world of dreams."
--Richard Greene (letter to Time)
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 21 Jul 2006 :  02:37:19  Show Profile  Visit FridayThe13th's Homepage Send FridayThe13th a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Rinonalyrna Fathomlin

Of course, the point is a bit moot, because (highlight to read):

She doesn't have it anymore! An evil drow has it! Bwahahaha.

You do know that the person it really wants to be wielded by is Obould Many-Arrows, so I don't think the Drow will have it for long

"The Lady of Pain? You mean Loviatar runs this place?"
-- Torilian Prime

"You guys should seriously rename yourselves The Horny Society, you popularity would soar."
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 13 Aug 2006 :  22:26:26  Show Profile Send ode904 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think Drizzt takes it from Tos'un or the sword tries to get himself to the hands of Obould. And the blade may be considered as evil, it just wants to kill. I wouldn't like to think that it has ''an alignment'' or something like that. It just is purpose of its wretched existence. And why Catti-brie wants to keep it? She thinks she can handle it and it is extremely fine blade.
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36 Posts

Posted - 11 Oct 2006 :  16:40:31  Show Profile  Visit Alediran's Homepage Send Alediran a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Spoiler ahead:

Tos'un during The Companion's Blade in Realms of the Elves learned a lot about fighting thanks to Khazid'hea's experience with drizzt, especially the difference between a good fighter and a really good fighter (weapon master for him), and he even managed to avoid killing a Moonwood elf who was taughting him the elven language and other things because the sword wanted to kill her.

Alediran of House Tir'ent from Evermeet, the most knowledgeable elven family about Faerūn.

- Member of the Elven Netbook proyect

Edited by - Alediran on 11 Oct 2006 17:41:39
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Posted - 11 Oct 2006 :  17:24:47  Show Profile  Visit Alisttair's Homepage Send Alisttair a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Heck, I don't recall any character i've played or DMed ever getting rid of a powerful weapon :)

Karsite Arcanar (Most Holy Servant of Karsus)

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Mace Hammerhand
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Posted - 12 Oct 2006 :  21:58:02  Show Profile  Visit Mace Hammerhand's Homepage Send Mace Hammerhand a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Alisttair

Heck, I don't recall any character i've played or DMed ever getting rid of a powerful weapon :)

Weeell, I remember an incident where some demons managed to get rid of almost all the characters most powerful weapons, courtesy of yours truly and some rather botched saving throws on the weapons' parts. Kinda sad that the best weapon they had to go against a Malirith was a dagger +4

Mace's not so gentle gamer's journal My rants were harmless compared to this, beware!
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 02 Nov 2006 :  23:58:38  Show Profile  Visit Aglaranna's Homepage Send Aglaranna a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Why doesn't she just chuck the thing, you ask? I have this freakin' sword, aptly named 'Cynicism', that's +5, I think. The thing won't SHUT UP! Besides the fact that I'm going mad, though, I keep it cause it's cool stuff. Don't you keep cool stuff? Although I swear, if my fighting skills are insulted one more time but that sword, I'll, um...What do you do to a sword, anyway?

"You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
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You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can kill
I will choose the path that's clear
I will choose freewill." -'Freewill' by Rush
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 03 Nov 2006 :  00:04:30  Show Profile  Visit Genis's Homepage Send Genis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
stop polishing it for a week? lol...and she probably keeps "cutter" because its a magnificent sword and she feels as tho she has gained control over at this point there is no reason to get ride of it....well (SPOILER ALERT) unless you've read the latest salvatore book...then you dont have to worry its already gone!!!

Unofficial Random Hiatus Taker.
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Learned Scribe

226 Posts

Posted - 03 Nov 2006 :  00:06:42  Show Profile  Visit Genis's Homepage Send Genis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
(SPOILER)...again ,and i guess she still had control over it in the end was delly that was tricked and then killed by the actions of the evil but very awesome sword, thus making it fall into the hands of...that one drow...whats his face?

Unofficial Random Hiatus Taker.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 04 Nov 2006 :  22:15:55  Show Profile  Visit Aglaranna's Homepage Send Aglaranna a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Urgh, I should stop listening to spoilers! I haven't read that far yet! But I'm still here, saying inarticulate things like 'urgh', so I'm pretty sure I'm a hopeless case anyway.

"You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can kill
I will choose the path that's clear
I will choose freewill." -'Freewill' by Rush
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 05 Nov 2006 :  03:54:00  Show Profile  Visit Genis's Homepage Send Genis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
you haven't finished that book yet?...i would have figured the great Aglaranna would have read almost everything by now?:O

Unofficial Random Hiatus Taker.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 06 Nov 2006 :  02:53:15  Show Profile  Visit Aglaranna's Homepage Send Aglaranna a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, quoting a friend of mine, 'Somebody's got to do something with their life!' But don't worry, I'm working on it. No book is safe! Er, mostly.

"You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can kill
I will choose the path that's clear
I will choose freewill." -'Freewill' by Rush
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 06 Nov 2006 :  04:07:02  Show Profile  Visit Genis's Homepage Send Genis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
toochie....two shay?.....touchie....etc....since we're on the subject you wouldnt by any chance know how to spell two shay would u?

Unofficial Random Hiatus Taker.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 06 Nov 2006 :  04:14:10  Show Profile  Visit Arkhaedun's Homepage Send Arkhaedun a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just a friendly reminder not to stray too far off topic. Lets try to stay relatively focused on the main point of this thread, that being Catti-brie and Khazid'hea. Thanks.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 06 Nov 2006 :  04:47:25  Show Profile  Visit Genis's Homepage Send Genis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
aye aye captain!...but yeah she did control that sword even to the just wasnt delly who could control it at all....poor Wulfgar(SPOILER ALERT)"not that aglaranna with listen anyways"...lost his women to some orcs.....what a fate

Unofficial Random Hiatus Taker.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 07 Nov 2006 :  23:11:21  Show Profile  Visit Aglaranna's Homepage Send Aglaranna a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I went temporarily deaf and have absolutely no idea what you said...Wait, I can still read when I'm deaf! D'Arvit, wrong potion...*sigh* Okay. No more discussing the correct spelling of touche. I'm totally on topic now.

"You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can kill
I will choose the path that's clear
I will choose freewill." -'Freewill' by Rush
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