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Senior Scribe

730 Posts

Posted - 03 Jun 2005 :  23:14:09  Show Profile Send Thelonius a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I am searching for information about the rituals of certain deities of the realms, as long as we know that gods as Lloth demand bloody ritual what kind of ritual would a "good" deity demand? I am specialli interested in the rituals concerning Tymora, Oghma and Deneir, what rituals are practised to this gods? or at least, what kind of rituals would this deities demand from their worshippers?

"If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single ideal." - Kreia
"I THINK I JUST HAD ANOTHER NEAR-RINCEWIND EXPERIENCE"- Discworld's Death frustrated after Rincewind scapes his grasp... again.
"I am death, come for thee" - Nimbul, from Baldur's Gate I just before being badly spanked
Sapientia sola libertas est

Great Reader

4686 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  00:20:51  Show Profile Send Kentinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Not sure of how much is canon, however:

"The church of Tymora has no set rituals, and it's ceremonies vary widely from temple to temple and country to country."

Oghma might provide some insight (I did not down load).

Deneir - Can not find much.

"Small beings can have small wisdom," the dragon said. "And small wise beings are better than small fools. Listen: Wisdom is caring for afterwards."
"Caring for afterwards ...? Ker repeated this without understanding.
"After action, afterwards," the dragon said. "Choose the afterwards first, then the action. Fools choose action first."
"Judgement" copyright 2003 by Elizabeth Moon
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Great Reader

7915 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  00:30:15  Show Profile Send Kuje a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A lot of the rituals/ceremonies of the gods Ed hasn't/wasn't allowed to detail. :) TSR had a problem with them and WOTC doesn't want to detail them. :)

For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet and excite you... Books are full of the things that you don't get in real life - wonderful, lyrical language, for instance, right off the bat. - Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium
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Senior Scribe

785 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  01:55:15  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Alright, here is something about the ceremonies of Tymora priests, though it is widely known that they have no set rituals.

Holy Days/lmportant Ceremonies: The church of Tymora has no set rituals, and cermoanies and duties vary widely from temple to temple - but the clergy headed by Daramos Lalithyr of Arabel seem to be steadily organising and imposing order on the previously freewheeling priesthood of the goddess.

Whatever their differences throughout the years' the clergy ot Tymora have always adhered to rituals of greeting, touching their silver disks (the holy symbols of Tymora) to each other (and often embracing to do so) after watchwords of recognition have been exchanged. To unknown persons and beings they know to be worshipers of Tymora, but possibly laity, they say: "Life is short. Live it as Tymora means it to be lived!" This is answered by: "Dare all, and trust in the Lady." The watchwords between friends, or when both parties know each other to be clergy of Tymora, are simpler: "Defy" answered by "Dare much.''

Midsummer is the most important festival of Tymora - a wild, nightlong revel of reckless, mischievous derring-do .and romantic trysts. It is a time for the wandering clergy to gather and meet with Harpers, thosc of allied faiths and relatives. Many missions and plans are laid at such times.

The most holy festival of Tymora is Starfall, which occurs on the 22nd day of Marpenoth which is believed by the followers of Tymora - though not by the rival clergy of Beshaba - to be the date of Tyche's destruction and Tymora's birth. On this date, clergy who have earned advancement are formally acclaimed and presented with tokens and vestments appropriate to their new station.

I will seek more information on the other dieties. In the meantime, please feel free to comment on what I found.

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
- High Prince Telemont Tanthul, Lord Shadow
In a speech given to the citizens of Shade Enclave
At the celebration of the Shinantra Battle victory when he revealed that he was THE Lord Shadow of legend.
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Senior Scribe

785 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  02:06:21  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ahhhhh, another one more update on rituals of Deneir!

Here it is for the Holy days/Ceremonies of priests of Deneir:

This is the only day of special ceremony in the faith, wherein copies of old contracts are taken out for public viewing and anyone can ask to see a copy of any (nonmagical) writing in the temple. However, such records must be specifically requested (not "every contract written by Duke Teranzan"), and may not violate the vows of confidentiality of the temple.

2) The Gilding:
Held on Shieldmeet, this is a ceremony where senior Deneirrath bring forth a special manuscript and impress it with a single, large golden letter each, to set forth the Words of Deneir on public display in the days to come (junior Deneirrath are charged with punishing those who try to scrape off the meager gold).

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
- High Prince Telemont Tanthul, Lord Shadow
In a speech given to the citizens of Shade Enclave
At the celebration of the Shinantra Battle victory when he revealed that he was THE Lord Shadow of legend.
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Senior Scribe

785 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  02:09:08  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Good! Another Update! This time on the Holy days/Ceremonies of Oghma.

The most sacred days of the calendar, as they're occasions when agreements are made and many contracts, bonds etc. are drawn up.
The Binding:
One of two solemn rituals that must be observed every day. This is a morning service where the symbols of Oghma are written in the dirt, in ashes on a stone altar, or if the priest is unable to write for some reason, intoned in the mind, together with a silent prayer of loyalty and praise.

The Covenant:
The second of two solemn rituals that must be observed every day. This is an evening service during which a passage from some work of wisdom is read aloud or recited from memory, a song or poem is offered to Oghma, and some knowledge learned that day is spoken aloud to the god and any clergy present.

Is it good enough or not good enough?

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
- High Prince Telemont Tanthul, Lord Shadow
In a speech given to the citizens of Shade Enclave
At the celebration of the Shinantra Battle victory when he revealed that he was THE Lord Shadow of legend.
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41 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  02:57:38  Show Profile  Visit StromLancer's Homepage Send StromLancer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Soe questions here, I am also searching for the rituals and ceremonies of these various gods:


Is there any information on the rituals of these dozen gods?

Lead the war fate commands you to!
...but are you fighting the true enemy?
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Senior Scribe

785 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  03:03:06  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Very well, here are some of the rituals of the various gods.


Midwinter Night:
This is the most holy night of the year for the clergy, a festival of ice-dancing that lasts all night.
The Coming Storm/

the Last Storm:
Informal but enthusiastically celebrated rituals where the priests gather and call howling ice storms down on a region to mark the onset and end of winter.

A special Plea must be made to Ilmater (via the church) for divine dispensation for a Rest - a tenday vacation from serving the dictates of the faith, usually granted for emotional exhaustion or special Church service.

The Turning:
The most important ritual of the faith and the duty of every priest: they must attempt to convert the dying to the worship of Ilmater - a practice that has caused more than a little friction between priests of Ilmater and Myrkul.

The Going Down:
Funerals are solemn and involve handing the dead over to Myrkul to judge, then holding a wake until dawn with prayers that the dead be claimed by Lathander.

The Song of Dawn:
A praise to Lathander sung on special occasions and at dawn on Greengrass and the spring and autumn equinox.

The Unmasking:
One of the two most holy rituals, this rite is performed as purification by novices entering the priesthood, and for priests rising in rank or doing penance. The bare-faced supplicant must walk down ranks of priests holding tall lit candles between reflecting pools of water and mirrors.

The Invocation:
The other of the two most holy rituals, this rite is performed when the Lady is called upon directly for guidance; during the ceremony priests swing cencers to make thick smoke She might appear in.

Unknown to nonclergy, six Conclaves a year are held, at which is spoken only truth. It is at this conclave that priests are allowed to transfer to other areas, share information and determine the course of the faith.

The Rite of Pain and Purity:
All four seasonal festivals are celebrated with this rite: a circle dance of chanting, singing clergy performed on thorns or broken glass, the priests urged to greater efforts by the drumming of lay worshippers and the whips of high-ranking priests.

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
- High Prince Telemont Tanthul, Lord Shadow
In a speech given to the citizens of Shade Enclave
At the celebration of the Shinantra Battle victory when he revealed that he was THE Lord Shadow of legend.
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Senior Scribe

785 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  03:06:49  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Another update on the rituals:


The Ritual of the Unseen Presence:
Held at least once a month at every temple; with chanted verse, hymns and offerings of wealth stolen by the clergy and melted down in braziers flnking the stone altar, Masks's all-knowing presence is acknowledged.

Sunset Prayers:
Lay worshippers as well as the clergy participate in this ritual daily. They kneel before the altar, pray and proffer coins to the clergy. Junior priests hand their coins to senior priests, and the highest-ranking priest gives his coin to the lowest-ranking priest in recognition of Mask's wry humor.

The Dusking:
A ritual involving bones, cremated ashes, and grave dust; it's a remembrance of how mortal the living are, and how close death walks behind everyone. It's centered on a skull on a black, bone-decorated block or table altar. Offerings are accepted at this time from those not among the faithful who wish to appease Myrkul; they kneel and present their offerings. Deep, echoing bells toll the opening and ending of this ritual, and are struck whenever an offering is made.

The Day the Dead Are Most With Us (The Day of the Dead):
Performed on the Feast of the Moon. Myrkulites believe that the ghosts of the dead are released to rise and drift unseen across the Realms, seeking their living descendants to observe them, or to deliver messages or warnings by writing in dust, sand or ashes, or moving things about (predictably, a lot of pranks are played on this day). The faithful celebrate the dead in chant, prayer and hymns, culminating in the midnight ritual of the Flagons of the Fallen, where cups and bowls of wine and liquor are set alight so the spirits might drink of them.

Often used as an initiation ceremony or a celebration when two worshippers are wed, a group of Servants entreat Mystra to grant the chosen ones with the ability to fly as long as the stars are out.
Magefire is great magical power that can cleanse and renew, and can heal the most fell of conditions. It's spectacular, and Mystrans call it the most blissful feeling one can know.

The Hymn to the Lady:
A solemn ritual plainsong dirge performed at funerals and mage-moots.

The Conjuring of the Second Moon:
Performed only on Shieldmeet, the ritual summons the Shards to do battle with the minions of Shar. The Shards always take one mortal priestess with them when they depart.

The Mystery of the Night:
This ritual must be performed at least once a year by every priest. During it, they clergy prepare themselves and lie before the altar; they describe it as flying upward and spiraling around the moon in a trance as Selūne grants them visions. It takes some time to recover from this ritual.

Selūne's Hallowing:
A Waterdhavian temple holiday that occurs yearly, in which the High Priestess carries a replica of the Wand of Four Moons before a parade of worshippers to the harbor at moonrise.

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
- High Prince Telemont Tanthul, Lord Shadow
In a speech given to the citizens of Shade Enclave
At the celebration of the Shinantra Battle victory when he revealed that he was THE Lord Shadow of legend.
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Senior Scribe

785 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  03:13:29  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Last Update on the rituals of the gods requested by StromLancer:


The Rising of the Dark:
The only set holy day of the faith, this ritual is performed during the Feast of the Moon. The worshippers gather to witness a blood sacrifice and learn the clergy's wishes of them for the winter ahead.

Clergy perform this ritual every night. It consists of a brief invocation, a dance, a charge or inspiring instructions by clergy or a black-haired woman of the laity, and a revel with eating, drinking and dancing. The laity must attend at least one Nightfall (or dance to the goddess themselves) and perform one service to the goddess every tenday, and report it to their fellows.

The Kiss of the Lady:
A irregularly scheduled night-long revel of slaying in the name of the Lady, ending with a feast at dawn.

Greengrass is celebrated with outdoor frolicking and Midsummer Night with night-long flirtatious chases through forests and parks.
Grand Revel:
A Revel must be held at least once a month. It's a dusk-to-dawn party to which outsiders are invited, dancing and minstrelry dominate, and those of the faith seek to make converts.

Feast of Love:
A Feast must be held at least once a tenday. It's an intimate, quiet affair for the faithful only, who lie on couches, enjoying liquers, bitelets and pastries as lone dancers perform. The dances are interspersed with readings of romantic verse and lays of love sung by skilled minstrels. Such rituals always break up into private gatherings, with bards on hand to relate tales of courtly love for those who don't wish privacy.

Candle Vigil:
A night-long vigil for those seeking guidance in life, entry to the faith or atonement.

Calling Down the Thunder:
The most sacred ritual, involving the slaying of an intelligent being by lightning in return for a special boon.

The Fury:
The ritual that turns the clergy into battle-crazed berserkers.

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
- High Prince Telemont Tanthul, Lord Shadow
In a speech given to the citizens of Shade Enclave
At the celebration of the Shinantra Battle victory when he revealed that he was THE Lord Shadow of legend.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  04:44:53  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I would direct all interested scribes to the three 2nd edition deity books: Faiths & Avatars, Powers & Pantheons, and Demihuman Deities. Those three books are the most informative sources you will find on the gods of the Realms.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Senior Scribe

730 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  07:26:39  Show Profile Send Thelonius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks to you all, this information is completely valuable. But i have seen that all of this is based in specual days of the faith, but not in "common" rituals, as would be the "sacred bread" (i don't know how to say it in english) of the catholics.

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I would direct all interested scribes to the three 2nd edition deity books: Faiths & Avatars, Powers & Pantheons, and Demihuman Deities. Those three books are the most informative sources you will find on the gods of the Realms.

I am afraid this tome has not arrived to my country shores.

"If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single ideal." - Kreia
"I THINK I JUST HAD ANOTHER NEAR-RINCEWIND EXPERIENCE"- Discworld's Death frustrated after Rincewind scapes his grasp... again.
"I am death, come for thee" - Nimbul, from Baldur's Gate I just before being badly spanked
Sapientia sola libertas est
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31701 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  08:44:15  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Thelonius Andrass

Thanks to you all, this information is completely valuable. But i have seen that all of this is based in specual days of the faith, but not in "common" rituals, as would be the "sacred bread" (i don't know how to say it in english) of the catholics.

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I would direct all interested scribes to the three 2nd edition deity books: Faiths & Avatars, Powers & Pantheons, and Demihuman Deities. Those three books are the most informative sources you will find on the gods of the Realms.

I am afraid this tome has not arrived to my country shores.

And, to further expand your knowledge of the complete Realms gods, I would also recommend picking up Monster Mythology which details most of the monstrous creature pantheons active in the Realms today.

Although not specifically an FR tome, most of the prevalent information is applicable to the various monstrous races that haunt the lands of Faerun.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage

Edited by - The Sage on 04 Jun 2005 08:45:47
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Senior Scribe

730 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  10:41:26  Show Profile Send Thelonius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So lets suppouse, I need to attract Tymora's favour upon me before a great battle, what should I do? And with Deneir or Oghma? That was the question I didn't express myself correctly.

"If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single ideal." - Kreia
"I THINK I JUST HAD ANOTHER NEAR-RINCEWIND EXPERIENCE"- Discworld's Death frustrated after Rincewind scapes his grasp... again.
"I am death, come for thee" - Nimbul, from Baldur's Gate I just before being badly spanked
Sapientia sola libertas est
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Learned Scribe

183 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  13:31:50  Show Profile  Visit Lysander's Homepage Send Lysander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Thelonius Andrass

Thanks to you all, this information is completely valuable. But i have seen that all of this is based in specual days of the faith, but not in "common" rituals, as would be the "sacred bread" (i don't know how to say it in english) of the catholics.

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I would direct all interested scribes to the three 2nd edition deity books: Faiths & Avatars, Powers & Pantheons, and Demihuman Deities. Those three books are the most informative sources you will find on the gods of the Realms.

I am afraid this tome has not arrived to my country shores.

Unfortunately, they won't be in the 'new arrivals' section: the three tomes Wooly describes are several years old. For the flavor, the realmslore, they are excellent. If you are playing a 3.xE game, don't focus heavily on the stat presented in them - they were published well before 3.xE overtook 2E.


Defender of the Second Edition
Moderator, Project Gemengan, Worlds of D&D
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73 Posts

Posted - 04 Jun 2005 :  18:49:08  Show Profile  Visit LordAnki's Homepage Send LordAnki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Heh TSR prolly didn't want to detail em because of all the "Satan Worship" publicity it would get. Hell D&D already gets "Its a devil game" from the oldschool christians.

Tip of the Month: don't drink the dirty water. You know what i'm talking about if you know what i mean.
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41 Posts

Posted - 05 Jun 2005 :  02:02:51  Show Profile  Visit StromLancer's Homepage Send StromLancer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Perhaps one can call on Tymora's favor spell or sometimes known as "Tymora's smile" on oneself before going to war, But be forewarned that it can only be casted by priests of Tymora only once a day only. Such special spell cannot be dispelled nor ended by magic unless Basheba's bane spell is casted on yer. Once can be said to be 'lucky' for that day of battle.
But most importantly is "Fortune favour the bold." A brave heart and willingness to take risks beat out a carefully wrought plan nine times out of ten. One must place oneself in the hands of fate (meaning in the hands of Tymora) and trust to one's own luck.
For Tymoran clergy and worshippers are told that the Lady's own luck never fails. If she appears to mortals as a victim of mischance or misfortune, she is doubtless causing this state of affairs as a deliberate test. Clergy members should know this, but not speak of it to those not in the Lady's service. Priests of Tymora should bear and conduct themselves as their own masters, showing their good fortune - and acceptance of bad fortune - as a confidence in the Lady and in themselves. Lady Luck bids that each mortal chase his or her own unique goals, and it is in this chase that the Lady aids. Those who have no direction or goals soon know the embrace of the Lady's dark sister, Beshaba' for those on no set course are at the capricious mercy of misfortune, which is no mercy at all.

Lead the war fate commands you to!
...but are you fighting the true enemy?
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77 Posts

Posted - 05 Jun 2005 :  02:18:29  Show Profile  Visit silvermage's Homepage Send silvermage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So what about the rituals of the drow?
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Senior Scribe

785 Posts

Posted - 05 Jun 2005 :  02:21:57  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There is one ritual quite common aming the drow, they call it the Blooding.

The Yath is responsible for performing many rituals and ceremonies to the wicked Spider Queen Lolth.

The Blooding: After the drow returns from their hunt, they will be put in front of the presiding Priestess. It is here where they must provide proof of their kill. Either through a severed head, hand, or talon. After the Priestess confirms the proof, she will step back, waiting for the Ilharess or Yathtallar to give word to continue. At this point, the hunters must bow to the Ilharess for letting their ritual continue. The Priestess will then recite the rites to the ritual.

"l'orbb valsharess zhah sae'uth nindol tangi izil dos jous dosstan izil natha seke ilythiiri."
(the spider queen is pleased this day as you show yourselves as a true drow.)

"l'vlos pholor dosst rah heralds dos wun l'llanath d'dosst le'i"
(the blood on your hand heralds you in the presence of your kin.)

"xuil l'blessings d'lil qu'ellar lueth lolth plynn dosst k'lar izil natha khurzon ilythiiri."
(with the blessings of the house and lolth take your place as a worthy drow.)

With the speaking of these words, the drow most bow to the Priestess and Ilharess/Yathtallar(High Priestess) for the honor of attending the ritual. With that, they have completed the ritual of Blooding.

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
- High Prince Telemont Tanthul, Lord Shadow
In a speech given to the citizens of Shade Enclave
At the celebration of the Shinantra Battle victory when he revealed that he was THE Lord Shadow of legend.
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22 Posts

Posted - 05 Jun 2005 :  02:24:20  Show Profile  Visit silverpriestess's Homepage Send silverpriestess a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So what are the kinds of clerics involved in drow rituals to Lolth?
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Senior Scribe

785 Posts

Posted - 05 Jun 2005 :  05:05:12  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In answer to silverpriestess query on the drow clerics, well, here is something:


1)Yath'abban (Temple agent)
Yath'abban are required to bow to members of all ranks that are above them and refer to their superiors by their title.
-The Yath'abban must obey all orders given by Drow of higher ranks. The directives of ranking members of the Temple may supercede the orders given by other ranking members if the ordering member of the Temple is at equal or higher rank than the other member.
-Yath'abban are required to assist the Yathrin with rituals, and are expected to have a working knowledge of the tenants of Lolth.
-Yath'abban should pursue knowledge and understanding in the teachings of Lolth, presenting any findings, discoveries, or writings to a Yathrin for review and possible inclusion into the Temple archives.

Yath'abban are Drow, who have at one point in their development, begun to serve the Temple instead of pursuing the more mundane vocations. Temple Agents are sent on low-importance missions for the Yathrin or Yathtallar in order to test their skills and devotion to Lolth and the House. Especially talented or devout Yath'abban can be chosen by a Yathrin to be a personal assistant. Yath'abban can expect to run errands, undertake missions, and sometimes fight for the temple. They should complete these things with vigor and determination.

2)Yathrin (Priestess)
Yath'rin responsibilities:
-The Yathrin are required to bow to the Yathtallar and the Ilharess and refer to their superiors by title.
-The Yathrin must obey the orders of the Yathtallar and the Ilharess, and are urged to obey the orders of the Qu'el'jabbuken (The house masters). They are not required to obey the orders of equal ranking members, and often are allowed to speak out against a unfavorable action. They are urged to obey the Qu'el'jabbuken, as a Priestess who abuses her power to the harm of the Qu'ellar, will face punishment at the hands of the Ilharess or Yathtallar.
-The Priestesses serve the Spider Queen first and foremost. Undertakings performed in her name take precedence over any orders.
-The Yathrinen are encouraged to teach the various skills of the Priestess, to the Yath'abban. Torture, prayer, and worshipping the Spider Queen are all skills that need to be passed on. It is the Yathrinen's job to help ensure that all Yath'abban learn the skills of the Temple.
-Yathrinen are deeply devout, should be intimate with our religion, and must instruct other members in the teachings of Lolth.
-The Yathrin should regularly develop, prepare, and perform ceremonies honoring Lolth. They must ask for blessings, guidance, as well as spread the faith.

The Yathrin is a priestess of Lolth, commited to upholding the tenants of the faith. Priestesses, through their ceremonies and other acitivies, assist in teaching the newer members the rules and expectations. The backbone of Drow society, the Priestesses are sometimes among the most demanding to play, but allow for a greater control over much of the House's internal affairs. The Yathrin must constantly seek to interpret the whims of the Spider Queen and act to fulfill those expectations. Yathrin are also responsible for maintaining order and adherence to the old ways, being constantly alert to the possibilty of corruption by heretics, and advancing the will of Lolth. Yathrin should make efforts to research and document the Way of Lolth and document several rituals for future reference.

3)Faerz'un'arr (Seeress)
Faerz'un'arr responsibilities:
- The Faerz'un'arr are required to bow to the Yathtallar and the Ilharess and refer to them by their titles.
- The Faerz'un'arr must obey the orders of the Yathtallar and the Ilharess, and are urged to consider the orders of the Qu'el'jabbuken.
-The Faerz'un'arr serve the Spider Queen first and foremost. Undertakings performed in her name take precedence over any orders.
-The Faerz'un'arr are deeply devout, should be intimate with our religion, and must instruct other members in the teachings of Lolth.
-The Faerz'un'arr should regularly develop, prepare, and perform ceremonies honoring Lolth. They must ask for blessings, guidance, as well as spread the faith.
-The Faerz'un'arr are responsible for looking over the Sorcere and the males of the Drow. Their main priority is to make sure the males do not achieve a higher level of power over the Yath. They do this by watching over the Sorcere to make sure males are not given too much magical might.

The Faerz'un'arr serve the Yathtallar and Ilharess as a powerful Priestess, whos main duty is to ensure that the House is run to the directives of the Spider Queen. They are helpful in running the Yath, but their main focus is that the other castes do not gain more power than the Yath itself. The Qu'el'jabbuken are often called upon by the Faerz'un'arr to make regular reports on the current runnings of the House and their castes. The Sorcere is one of the main focuses of the Faerz'un'arr, and they strive to maintain that males do not achieve to much power.

4)Yath'tallar (High priestess)
Yath'tallar responsibilties:
-The Yath'tallar is responsible for running the Yath, and she has considerable say in the day-to-day operations of the house.
-The High priestess and the Ilharess are the ultimate authority on all religious policy in-game.
-The High priestess of Lolth serves the Spider Queen first and foremost, and undertakings in her name take precedence over any other matters.
-The Yathtallar is encouraged too keep a close eye on the Yath and the training of the Priestesses.
-The Yathtallar is deeply devout, should be intimate with our religion, and should instruct other members of the House in the teachings of Lolth.
-The Yathtallar should regularly develop, prepare, and perform ceremonies dedicated to Lolth.

The Yathtallar is a very, very powerful Drow. The dictates of Lolth are delivered via proxy through the Yathtallar, and these dicatates, in the rare cases where it is necessary, can override the orders of the Ilharess. The Yathtallar is the High Priestess of the House, and her main duty is to ensure that the Will of Lolth has been properly discerened and maintained.

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
- High Prince Telemont Tanthul, Lord Shadow
In a speech given to the citizens of Shade Enclave
At the celebration of the Shinantra Battle victory when he revealed that he was THE Lord Shadow of legend.
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Senior Scribe

785 Posts

Posted - 05 Jun 2005 :  05:06:45  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In answer to silverpriestess query on the drow clerics, well, here is something:


1)Yath'abban (Temple agent)
Yath'abban are required to bow to members of all ranks that are above them and refer to their superiors by their title.
-The Yath'abban must obey all orders given by Drow of higher ranks. The directives of ranking members of the Temple may supercede the orders given by other ranking members if the ordering member of the Temple is at equal or higher rank than the other member.
-Yath'abban are required to assist the Yathrin with rituals, and are expected to have a working knowledge of the tenants of Lolth.
-Yath'abban should pursue knowledge and understanding in the teachings of Lolth, presenting any findings, discoveries, or writings to a Yathrin for review and possible inclusion into the Temple archives.

Yath'abban are Drow, who have at one point in their development, begun to serve the Temple instead of pursuing the more mundane vocations. Temple Agents are sent on low-importance missions for the Yathrin or Yathtallar in order to test their skills and devotion to Lolth and the House. Especially talented or devout Yath'abban can be chosen by a Yathrin to be a personal assistant. Yath'abban can expect to run errands, undertake missions, and sometimes fight for the temple. They should complete these things with vigor and determination.

2)Yathrin (Priestess)
Yath'rin responsibilities:
-The Yathrin are required to bow to the Yathtallar and the Ilharess and refer to their superiors by title.
-The Yathrin must obey the orders of the Yathtallar and the Ilharess, and are urged to obey the orders of the Qu'el'jabbuken (The house masters). They are not required to obey the orders of equal ranking members, and often are allowed to speak out against a unfavorable action. They are urged to obey the Qu'el'jabbuken, as a Priestess who abuses her power to the harm of the Qu'ellar, will face punishment at the hands of the Ilharess or Yathtallar.
-The Priestesses serve the Spider Queen first and foremost. Undertakings performed in her name take precedence over any orders.
-The Yathrinen are encouraged to teach the various skills of the Priestess, to the Yath'abban. Torture, prayer, and worshipping the Spider Queen are all skills that need to be passed on. It is the Yathrinen's job to help ensure that all Yath'abban learn the skills of the Temple.
-Yathrinen are deeply devout, should be intimate with our religion, and must instruct other members in the teachings of Lolth.
-The Yathrin should regularly develop, prepare, and perform ceremonies honoring Lolth. They must ask for blessings, guidance, as well as spread the faith.

The Yathrin is a priestess of Lolth, commited to upholding the tenants of the faith. Priestesses, through their ceremonies and other acitivies, assist in teaching the newer members the rules and expectations. The backbone of Drow society, the Priestesses are sometimes among the most demanding to play, but allow for a greater control over much of the House's internal affairs. The Yathrin must constantly seek to interpret the whims of the Spider Queen and act to fulfill those expectations. Yathrin are also responsible for maintaining order and adherence to the old ways, being constantly alert to the possibilty of corruption by heretics, and advancing the will of Lolth. Yathrin should make efforts to research and document the Way of Lolth and document several rituals for future reference.

3)Faerz'un'arr (Seeress)
Faerz'un'arr responsibilities:
- The Faerz'un'arr are required to bow to the Yathtallar and the Ilharess and refer to them by their titles.
- The Faerz'un'arr must obey the orders of the Yathtallar and the Ilharess, and are urged to consider the orders of the Qu'el'jabbuken.
-The Faerz'un'arr serve the Spider Queen first and foremost. Undertakings performed in her name take precedence over any orders.
-The Faerz'un'arr are deeply devout, should be intimate with our religion, and must instruct other members in the teachings of Lolth.
-The Faerz'un'arr should regularly develop, prepare, and perform ceremonies honoring Lolth. They must ask for blessings, guidance, as well as spread the faith.
-The Faerz'un'arr are responsible for looking over the Sorcere and the males of the Drow. Their main priority is to make sure the males do not achieve a higher level of power over the Yath. They do this by watching over the Sorcere to make sure males are not given too much magical might.

The Faerz'un'arr serve the Yathtallar and Ilharess as a powerful Priestess, whos main duty is to ensure that the House is run to the directives of the Spider Queen. They are helpful in running the Yath, but their main focus is that the other castes do not gain more power than the Yath itself. The Qu'el'jabbuken are often called upon by the Faerz'un'arr to make regular reports on the current runnings of the House and their castes. The Sorcere is one of the main focuses of the Faerz'un'arr, and they strive to maintain that males do not achieve to much power.

4)Yath'tallar (High priestess)
Yath'tallar responsibilties:
-The Yath'tallar is responsible for running the Yath, and she has considerable say in the day-to-day operations of the house.
-The High priestess and the Ilharess are the ultimate authority on all religious policy in-game.
-The High priestess of Lolth serves the Spider Queen first and foremost, and undertakings in her name take precedence over any other matters.
-The Yathtallar is encouraged too keep a close eye on the Yath and the training of the Priestesses.
-The Yathtallar is deeply devout, should be intimate with our religion, and should instruct other members of the House in the teachings of Lolth.
-The Yathtallar should regularly develop, prepare, and perform ceremonies dedicated to Lolth.

The Yathtallar is a very, very powerful Drow. The dictates of Lolth are delivered via proxy through the Yathtallar, and these dicatates, in the rare cases where it is necessary, can override the orders of the Ilharess. The Yathtallar is the High Priestess of the House, and her main duty is to ensure that the Will of Lolth has been properly discerened and maintained.

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
- High Prince Telemont Tanthul, Lord Shadow
In a speech given to the citizens of Shade Enclave
At the celebration of the Shinantra Battle victory when he revealed that he was THE Lord Shadow of legend.
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31701 Posts

Posted - 05 Jun 2005 :  05:35:32  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Shadovar, that drow material seems awfully familiar, but I can't recall where I originally read it. Where did you copy these details from?

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 05 Jun 2005 :  09:29:20  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Sage

Shadovar, that drow material seems awfully familiar, but I can't recall where I originally read it. Where did you copy these details from?

Well met

Indeed. I wondered this also Having spoke to Shadovar, the information was obtained from this source.

Could all scribes posting information from other locations please place credit to the author\site within the quote, just to avoid any copyright or ownership issues which may arise. Thank ye

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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 03 Jul 2005 :  12:21:16  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shadovar

Another update on the rituals:


The Ritual of the Unseen Presence:
Held at least once a month at every temple; with chanted verse, hymns and offerings of wealth stolen by the clergy and melted down in braziers flnking the stone altar, Masks's all-knowing presence is acknowledged.

Sunset Prayers:
Lay worshippers as well as the clergy participate in this ritual daily. They kneel before the altar, pray and proffer coins to the clergy. Junior priests hand their coins to senior priests, and the highest-ranking priest gives his coin to the lowest-ranking priest in recognition of Mask's wry humor.

The Ritual of Shadow Walking used in Telflamm is sacred to Mask. It's effects are summarized in Unnaproachable East. I am going to incorporate that in my campaign and have some ideas of what it should be like. Has it been spelled out anywhere, or do I need to compose it myself?

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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