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Learned Scribe

197 Posts

Posted - 13 Apr 2006 :  19:20:26  Show Profile  Visit VonRaventheDaring's Homepage Send VonRaventheDaring a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey ed, Okay i have obtained a copy of the awaited, or dreaded depends on your view of course Complete Psionic. I was wondering if you had read this yet? If so how do you feel the three new psionic classes work into or don't apply to Jhaamdath. Not to mention the Eurdite, i think slaughtered the spelling on that but no matter. Anyway I am just curious as to your view on the whole thing, i personally feel that it is a good book although it could have a bit more connection to the realms or even the other worlds of Wizards those who's name shall not be spoken. I think that this missed chance is bad for wizards but just my view after all. Anyway there has been some talk on the wizard boards of a Lost Empires of Faerun II, or a new Villion reach project if they do those do you have some ideas for them?

"Develop the latent abilities within you for that is your power alone. Psionics is the ultimate art of magic and you are its practitioner. Through lifelong dedication, strive to unite your will with your physical form to become one. Only through the unrestrained union of one’s mind and body can the magic of psionics truly be mastered. Throw off the yoke of any who would impose tyranny upon you. Likewise, do not ever force another to submit to your will. Free your mind, free yourself and you have only just begun the path to true psionic mastery. Free others, open their minds to the Invisible Art, and you will show them way to Auppenser."
---Dogma of the Church of Auppenser
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Forgotten Realms Designer

157 Posts

Posted - 13 Apr 2006 :  21:05:12  Show Profile  Visit edbonny's Homepage Send edbonny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dracophile

Kudos Ed, for your fine work on LEoF. A truly wonderful read.
A question for ya; A bit of digging shows that House Extaminos (sp?) was originally a Human line from Hlondeth (which we know rests over Lirremar). In your esteemed opinion, what are the odds that the original Humans of House Extaminos were descended from the original inhabitants of Lirremar or a surviving colony?
I realize it's a bit off your beaten path...but I was curious about your thoughts.
The ramifications of one of the notable Yuan-ti tribes being among the inheritors of the Jhaamdathan legacies (the human side of course) is very intriguing to me. Especially with regards to the potential return of Auppenser and the schisms among the many gods of the Yuan-ti

Hey Dracophile,

My take on disasters is that there almost always survivors whether such survivors somehow weathered the cataclysm or were far enough away from the disaster to avoid it altogether (returning home to scavenge/rescue).

After the waters receeded, each Jhaamdathan city would have had its small number of survivors --- all of whom would have attempted to knit together some semblence of society or moved on. In Lirremar, they stayed and their efforts would lead to Hlondeth. I would say most humans in Hlondeth and a fair number of mixed-blooded yuan-ti would have Jhaamdathan blood flowing in their veins, and that includes the Exterminos.

I imagine the learned among the Exterminos family know something about Auppenser. Whether they would dismiss him as yet another dead Faerunian deity, or see opportunities in uncovering more on the god of psionics is an interesting take.

- Ed
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 13 Apr 2006 :  21:11:00  Show Profile  Visit edbonny's Homepage Send edbonny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Berwick

Not to perpetuate the "If you give a psion an udoxia..."syndrome, but...oh who am I kidding....

My question is this oh great sage Bonny, would the Udoxias have been used in such a fashion as to make the fields overlap? or would they have been far enough apart that their "field of influence" would not have met?

If left far enough apart, would they have developed any sort of hmmm....repeater device for lack of better term? something to extend the field?

Hmm, maybe someday I will be content with all that is out there....but I have just too many questions!

Thank you once again, and I am serious...



Hey Berwick!

The Jhaamdathan cities were too far away from each other (greater than 5 miles) to have their udoxias overlap. The repeater field is interesting. I don't see a udoxias creating its own "relay system" but the concept of having/creating one would would appeal greatly to the Jhaamdathan military.

The only time there was or could have been an overlap was in the time of the emperor when he has a udoxias removed its city and hidden.

- Ed
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Forgotten Realms Designer

157 Posts

Posted - 13 Apr 2006 :  21:13:15  Show Profile  Visit edbonny's Homepage Send edbonny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by VonRaventheDaring

Hey ed, Okay i have obtained a copy of the awaited, or dreaded depends on your view of course Complete Psionic. I was wondering if you had read this yet? If so how do you feel the three new psionic classes work into or don't apply to Jhaamdath. Not to mention the Eurdite, i think slaughtered the spelling on that but no matter. Anyway I am just curious as to your view on the whole thing, i personally feel that it is a good book although it could have a bit more connection to the realms or even the other worlds of Wizards those who's name shall not be spoken. I think that this missed chance is bad for wizards but just my view after all. Anyway there has been some talk on the wizard boards of a Lost Empires of Faerun II, or a new Villion reach project if they do those do you have some ideas for them?

I will be getting Complete Psionic this weekend -- and will comment next week after I have thumbed through it.

I would love to be part of a LEoF2. May the Wizards Powers that Be hear my plea! :)

- Ed
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Learned Scribe

197 Posts

Posted - 19 Apr 2006 :  16:54:42  Show Profile  Visit VonRaventheDaring's Homepage Send VonRaventheDaring a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okay so have you got the CP yet ed? I would love to hear you feedback on the two priestly psions that i know you will beable to fit into the realms lore. However i really love the Eurdite, i think slaughtered the spelling again on that but no matter, and can't wait to see how you will or will not relate them to the Jhaamdath empire. Anyway just checking to see whats goining on in your brilliant mind!

"Develop the latent abilities within you for that is your power alone. Psionics is the ultimate art of magic and you are its practitioner. Through lifelong dedication, strive to unite your will with your physical form to become one. Only through the unrestrained union of one’s mind and body can the magic of psionics truly be mastered. Throw off the yoke of any who would impose tyranny upon you. Likewise, do not ever force another to submit to your will. Free your mind, free yourself and you have only just begun the path to true psionic mastery. Free others, open their minds to the Invisible Art, and you will show them way to Auppenser."
---Dogma of the Church of Auppenser
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 19 Apr 2006 :  17:35:44  Show Profile  Visit edbonny's Homepage Send edbonny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by VonRaventheDaring

Okay so have you got the CP yet ed? I would love to hear you feedback on the two priestly psions that i know you will beable to fit into the realms lore. However i really love the Eurdite, i think slaughtered the spelling again on that but no matter, and can't wait to see how you will or will not relate them to the Jhaamdath empire. Anyway just checking to see whats goining on in your brilliant mind!

Yes indeedy. I got it last night, and have flipped through it. My initial take is it is pretty good with lots of Jhaamdathan possibilities. First thoughts:

> It was too bad that Auppenser was not listed in the FR deities section.
> The Divine Mind is nice. I would almost liken it to a "specialty priest" of Auppenser.
> The Erudite is an excellent class and aligns very well with Jhaamdathan culture.

More to come...

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Posted - 19 Apr 2006 :  18:03:12  Show Profile  Visit Dracophile's Homepage Send Dracophile a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Personally, I was pleased to see any support for Psionics...but wasn't blown away by the Complete Psionics book.

I found the Divine Mind to be too weak (psi wise) overall, and with nothing distinctly 'divine' about it.

Which is a shame, as I was really looking forward to something that would provide the right balance of psionics and divine 'flavor' to properly flesh out the Jhaamdathan/Aupenser campaign I'm running currently.

Any suggestions in that vein are more than welcome.
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Learned Scribe

138 Posts

Posted - 19 Apr 2006 :  18:27:10  Show Profile  Visit Octa's Homepage Send Octa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I picked up CPsi and am really enjoying it.

The Divine Mind has allowed me to stop playing my favorite made up set of PRCs etc to do the same thing, i.e.

Pal-4, Ftr-2, Warmind-7, Human Paragon-3

Although I have to say that the above is actually quite a bit more powerfull, since I had wanted to use some Power of Faerun like rules, I was just getting ready to Multiclass again into Marshal.

On this build you use the Human Paragon with Wild Talent to qualify for the Warmind Class.

First off, I only think the Divine Mind is Weak if one overlooks the fact that with their combat aura they basically get a full BAB, i.e. at 20th level their highest attack is +20. Your do get one fewer attack per round, but how often does that -15 to hit last attack land anyways.

Also, the defensive aura is a huge bonus, +5 to ac at 20th level.

Add onto this the fact that since these are all morale bonuses they are stacking with offensive and defensive prescience.

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Learned Scribe

197 Posts

Posted - 20 Apr 2006 :  11:50:41  Show Profile  Visit VonRaventheDaring's Homepage Send VonRaventheDaring a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes ed i too was disappointed about that mostly cause wizards missed an oppertunity to make some interesting lore about the sleeping god of psionics. However i have since decided what if these Divine Minds for other gods, are a subtle plot by mystra, or Ao or Auppenser of keeping psionics alive and active in the realms and reviving the sleeping god? Or they could be the various gods attempting to steal his portfolio of psionics, i mean who doesn't want their own unique form of magic right. Or Auppenser could have spread the psionics out to help save himself just before his death. All possible i think but what do you think?

"Develop the latent abilities within you for that is your power alone. Psionics is the ultimate art of magic and you are its practitioner. Through lifelong dedication, strive to unite your will with your physical form to become one. Only through the unrestrained union of one’s mind and body can the magic of psionics truly be mastered. Throw off the yoke of any who would impose tyranny upon you. Likewise, do not ever force another to submit to your will. Free your mind, free yourself and you have only just begun the path to true psionic mastery. Free others, open their minds to the Invisible Art, and you will show them way to Auppenser."
---Dogma of the Church of Auppenser
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Great Reader

7915 Posts

Posted - 27 Apr 2006 :  05:29:25  Show Profile Send Kuje a Private Message  Reply with Quote
VonRaventheDaring posted this in the wrong area. Reposting it for him.

"Okay ed, i got to ask been dying to know is Auppenser your creation or did you get him from somewhere? If you created him whats your insperation for him, and how does he relate to the other gods in his pantheon. specifically if Murdane is his daughter who is her mom, was Auppenser ever mortal, and if not who created him? The reason for all of these questions is i recently read on the wizards boards about the awakening of another sleeping god, and so i asked what they thought the way to go about awakening auppenser was to get a sponser some other deity to answer his prayers and help build up his church the two deities offered for the job were oghma (a possiblity for Auppenser's dad) and Mystra II. What are you thoughts on this and which do you think would do the job?"

For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet and excite you... Books are full of the things that you don't get in real life - wonderful, lyrical language, for instance, right off the bat. - Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 27 Apr 2006 :  05:48:48  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by VonRaventheDaring

"Okay ed, i got to ask been dying to know is Auppenser your creation or did you get him from somewhere?
I'm sure Ed will elaborate on this so more, but so far as we know... LEoF is the only reference for Auppenser. He was largely generated for the new take on Jhaamdath in the 3e Realms.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Learned Scribe

197 Posts

Posted - 30 Apr 2006 :  12:15:57  Show Profile  Visit VonRaventheDaring's Homepage Send VonRaventheDaring a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks sage! As always your full of information. :)
Oh yeah ed another question for you how would the psiocracy of Jhaamdath be run, i mean the few magiocracies we have to judge by are Thay, and the Netherness, oh and Halrrul (okay i slaugtered that spelling). I was wondering cause i am curious as to how the Endruite would have fit in to the society as a whole, and in relationship to the specific diciplines. I mean the ardent would fit in great into the priesthood, and the lurk even fits into the underworld of the Jhaamdath empire, so just wondering hope you can shine some light on this.

"Develop the latent abilities within you for that is your power alone. Psionics is the ultimate art of magic and you are its practitioner. Through lifelong dedication, strive to unite your will with your physical form to become one. Only through the unrestrained union of one’s mind and body can the magic of psionics truly be mastered. Throw off the yoke of any who would impose tyranny upon you. Likewise, do not ever force another to submit to your will. Free your mind, free yourself and you have only just begun the path to true psionic mastery. Free others, open their minds to the Invisible Art, and you will show them way to Auppenser."
---Dogma of the Church of Auppenser
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Forgotten Realms Designer

157 Posts

Posted - 04 May 2006 :  22:06:28  Show Profile  Visit edbonny's Homepage Send edbonny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kuje

VonRaventheDaring posted this in the wrong area. Reposting it for him.

"Okay ed, i got to ask been dying to know is Auppenser your creation or did you get him from somewhere? If you created him whats your insperation for him, and how does he relate to the other gods in his pantheon. specifically if Murdane is his daughter who is her mom, was Auppenser ever mortal, and if not who created him? The reason for all of these questions is i recently read on the wizards boards about the awakening of another sleeping god, and so i asked what they thought the way to go about awakening auppenser was to get a sponser some other deity to answer his prayers and help build up his church the two deities offered for the job were oghma (a possiblity for Auppenser's dad) and Mystra II. What are you thoughts on this and which do you think would do the job?"

Auppenser was completely my own creation from concept to portfolio. He was created as a way to give Jhaamdathan culture a level of uniqueness not found anywhere in the Realms. A couple of ideas were batted back and forth but I really liked the idea of a psionic empire. When I pitched it to Rich Baker, he liked it a lot too. I was very concerned that a psionic kingdom, even a dead one, would have been rejected out of hand by most Realms fans. I think the pre-existence of psionic yuan-ti in the region helped pave the way for its acceptance.

As for a sleeping god, I think the goddess who put him there (Mystra) would be most likely the one to play a part in waking him. Of all the deities, she would be the one who definitely would know how to wake him.

I didn't write Murdane as his daughter. Is that in print somewhere?
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Forgotten Realms Designer

157 Posts

Posted - 04 May 2006 :  22:15:37  Show Profile  Visit edbonny's Homepage Send edbonny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by VonRaventheDaring

Thanks sage! As always your full of information. :)
Oh yeah ed another question for you how would the psiocracy of Jhaamdath be run, i mean the few magiocracies we have to judge by are Thay, and the Netherness, oh and Halrrul (okay i slaugtered that spelling). I was wondering cause i am curious as to how the Endruite would have fit in to the society as a whole, and in relationship to the specific diciplines. I mean the ardent would fit in great into the priesthood, and the lurk even fits into the underworld of the Jhaamdath empire, so just wondering hope you can shine some light on this.

Hey VRtD,

As a form of government, I envision each city-state to be ruled by a council consisting of 2 dozen or so psionicists - consisting of equal parts of the noble class, the military, and the clergy of Auppenser. Towards the end of the empire's last days, the balance of power shifted and the councils' make up was likely more nobles and military personnel... and less clergy. The most senior psionicist would lead a city's council, much like a Prime Minister does over a Parliament (first among equals concept).

Certainly, one could find at least one of each psionic class on a city's council. Except for two or three, the psionic classes in all 3 books are pretty much acceptable for the Realms. The erudite fits in well as a university-based (head of a psionic college for example) councilmember.

As an aside, the only psionic concepts that I would leave out are the ectoplasm and astral construct aspect of psionics. To me, they don't have quite the Faerunian vibe that I would have liked to see. I might modify their origin, say, perhaps, they are material from Auppenser's homeworld or even, figments of the great god's imagination given shape and form by the psionicist.

- Ed
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 04 May 2006 :  22:31:17  Show Profile  Visit edbonny's Homepage Send edbonny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
One piece of psionic god trivia:

The inspiration for the name of Auppenser comes from the French verb "to think" which is "penser." Why should mysterious Mystra have all the fun with a romance language based name?

- Ed the Francophile
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Learned Scribe

197 Posts

Posted - 04 May 2006 :  22:40:21  Show Profile  Visit VonRaventheDaring's Homepage Send VonRaventheDaring a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As Always Ed amazing stuff! I don't know where but i have heard it several times on the Wizards Boards, so probabbly not actually lore. I came up with a compromise for you and others on the dream addition to Auppenser's portfolio, inspired by other books. The Herasy of the Dreaming Mind: the belief that Auppenser communicates, and is active through dreams and is guiding the rebirth of his church. (note not so much a herasy as there is no actual church, but more of a big misunderstanding, or even a lie/deception by some other power, possibly to steal Auppenser's powers or ruin his name ect. {maybe even restore him}) I have to ask if Denhir would have been the subserviant deity to Auppenser prior to his slumber, it makes sense to me as they are similar in philosophy some what. I also think that the number 3 would be the most holy number, I think the break down of the church is like this the Manifesters (psions (9 disiplines), the Erudite, and the Ardent), the Devoted (Monk, Paladins, Clerics), and the Warriors (the Lurk, The PsiWarrior, and the SoulBlade). Just a thought i look forward to hearing what you think on this break down of the church and all. Thanks ed you rock btw!

"Develop the latent abilities within you for that is your power alone. Psionics is the ultimate art of magic and you are its practitioner. Through lifelong dedication, strive to unite your will with your physical form to become one. Only through the unrestrained union of one’s mind and body can the magic of psionics truly be mastered. Throw off the yoke of any who would impose tyranny upon you. Likewise, do not ever force another to submit to your will. Free your mind, free yourself and you have only just begun the path to true psionic mastery. Free others, open their minds to the Invisible Art, and you will show them way to Auppenser."
---Dogma of the Church of Auppenser
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Learned Scribe

197 Posts

Posted - 04 May 2006 :  22:42:47  Show Profile  Visit VonRaventheDaring's Homepage Send VonRaventheDaring a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Btw ed do you have any background on Auppenser's origins? Was he a mortal, an interloper, or a born deity? Just a quick question for you the master of all the lore of Jhaamdath, the original emperor of psionics! HA write that on a reseme.

"Develop the latent abilities within you for that is your power alone. Psionics is the ultimate art of magic and you are its practitioner. Through lifelong dedication, strive to unite your will with your physical form to become one. Only through the unrestrained union of one’s mind and body can the magic of psionics truly be mastered. Throw off the yoke of any who would impose tyranny upon you. Likewise, do not ever force another to submit to your will. Free your mind, free yourself and you have only just begun the path to true psionic mastery. Free others, open their minds to the Invisible Art, and you will show them way to Auppenser."
---Dogma of the Church of Auppenser
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Forgotten Realms Designer

157 Posts

Posted - 05 May 2006 :  12:30:09  Show Profile  Visit edbonny's Homepage Send edbonny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by VonRaventheDaring

Btw ed do you have any background on Auppenser's origins? Was he a mortal, an interloper, or a born deity? Just a quick question for you the master of all the lore of Jhaamdath, the original emperor of psionics! HA write that on a reseme.

Auppenser is a born deity, native to Faerun.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 05 May 2006 :  14:30:59  Show Profile  Visit Octa's Homepage Send Octa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ed- Did you do any of the work on some of the other stuff in LEoF, specifically the section on Selunnara? I'm just wondering if pretty much all of the residents of said city are Aasimar or if only a percentage of them are. I'm thinking about running a campaign based off of the Selunnara plot hook and having the adventuring party all be composed of Selunnaran's returned to Faerun.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 05 May 2006 :  15:42:08  Show Profile  Visit edbonny's Homepage Send edbonny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here's one imagining of classes from the psionic books as they relate to Jhaamdath.

Psionic classes

The classes below speak to the frequency that they were encountered in Jhaamdathan. The overwhelming majority of psionically trained individuals were psions and psychic warriors. The frequency of a class is not an indicator of how popular or respected that class was in society.

Most Common Classes
CORE: Psion, Psychic Warrior, Erudite
PRESTIGE: Elocater, Metamind, War Mind

Uncommon Classes
CORE: Ardent, Soul Knife
PRESTIGE: Divine Mind of Auppenser, Fist of Zuoken (Fist of Auppenser), Monastic Servant of Auppenser, Soul Bow

Rare Classes
CORE: Lurk, Wilder
PRESTIGE: Cerebremancer, Psion Uncarnate, Pyrokineticist, Illithid Slayer, Illumine Soul, Storm Disciple

Shunned/Outlawed or Unknown Classes
PRESTIGE: Thrallherd (outlawed), Anarchic Initiate (Shunned for lack of Balance), Ebon Saint (Unknown), Ectopic Adept (Unknown), Flayerspawn Psychic (outlawed), Zerth Cenobite (Unknown)

Edited by - edbonny on 08 May 2006 19:42:47
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Learned Scribe

197 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2006 :  19:01:28  Show Profile  Visit VonRaventheDaring's Homepage Send VonRaventheDaring a Private Message  Reply with Quote
as always great stuff ed you did forgett the Eurdite though just so you no. Oh yeah ed love the class clarification though really helpful! Okay so can you tell me more about the origins of Auppenser the mortal? where was he originally from the reach? Was he a psion originally and what type if so. Details man details!!!!!

"Develop the latent abilities within you for that is your power alone. Psionics is the ultimate art of magic and you are its practitioner. Through lifelong dedication, strive to unite your will with your physical form to become one. Only through the unrestrained union of one’s mind and body can the magic of psionics truly be mastered. Throw off the yoke of any who would impose tyranny upon you. Likewise, do not ever force another to submit to your will. Free your mind, free yourself and you have only just begun the path to true psionic mastery. Free others, open their minds to the Invisible Art, and you will show them way to Auppenser."
---Dogma of the Church of Auppenser
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 08 May 2006 :  19:41:50  Show Profile  Visit edbonny's Homepage Send edbonny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Octa

Ed- Did you do any of the work on some of the other stuff in LEoF, specifically the section on Selunnara? I'm just wondering if pretty much all of the residents of said city are Aasimar or if only a percentage of them are. I'm thinking about running a campaign based off of the Selunnara plot hook and having the adventuring party all be composed of Selunnaran's returned to Faerun.

Hey Octa,

I did not work on the Selunnara part. I believe the Netheril part was written by Eric Boyd, who was uncredited for that part.

The geographic/historical parts in the book I wrote were Chapter 4 (Imaskari, Mulhorand, Unther, Nar and Raumathar), Chapter 5 (the High Forest kingdoms), Chapter 7 (the southern kingdoms like Jhaamdath, Shoon, etc.), and Chapter 9 (the old kingdoms of the North).

- Ed
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 08 May 2006 :  19:43:26  Show Profile  Visit edbonny's Homepage Send edbonny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by VonRaventheDaring

as always great stuff ed you did forgett the Eurdite though just so you no.

Oops - see above. Erudite has been added.
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Learned Scribe

197 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2006 :  20:01:59  Show Profile  Visit VonRaventheDaring's Homepage Send VonRaventheDaring a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okay ed thanks! but your avoiding the real questions about Auppenser as a mortal. Oh yeah i will have to check but did you do his avatar, his stats, or not? Also have you worked on the awakening of Auppenser, maybe you could sell it as a player module/story or something.

"Develop the latent abilities within you for that is your power alone. Psionics is the ultimate art of magic and you are its practitioner. Through lifelong dedication, strive to unite your will with your physical form to become one. Only through the unrestrained union of one’s mind and body can the magic of psionics truly be mastered. Throw off the yoke of any who would impose tyranny upon you. Likewise, do not ever force another to submit to your will. Free your mind, free yourself and you have only just begun the path to true psionic mastery. Free others, open their minds to the Invisible Art, and you will show them way to Auppenser."
---Dogma of the Church of Auppenser
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 08 May 2006 :  21:15:22  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by VonRaventheDaring

Okay ed thanks! but your avoiding the real questions about Auppenser as a mortal.

No, Ed specifically said he was a born deity -- so he wasn't a mortal. See the 5 May, 12:30:09 post.

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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 08 May 2006 :  22:03:47  Show Profile  Visit edbonny's Homepage Send edbonny a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by VonRaventheDaring

Okay ed thanks! but your avoiding the real questions about Auppenser as a mortal.

No, Ed specifically said he was a born deity -- so he wasn't a mortal. See the 5 May, 12:30:09 post.

Wooly is correct. Auppenser was always a deity. He never had the (mis?)fortune of being a mortal.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 09 May 2006 :  02:27:23  Show Profile  Visit VonRaventheDaring's Homepage Send VonRaventheDaring a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okay sorry about the confusion i had there. So Who was Auppenser born of if i may ask. What was his relationship with mystral, and Selune? I kinda always pictured him as being one of mystral's lovers kinda the calm to her chaos, a balancing effect on her if you will. Did Auppenser have any chosen, and if so how many, and did any survive the destruction of Jhaamdath? I have a few more questions but will wait till i hear back from you on these! Thanks again Ed.

"Develop the latent abilities within you for that is your power alone. Psionics is the ultimate art of magic and you are its practitioner. Through lifelong dedication, strive to unite your will with your physical form to become one. Only through the unrestrained union of one’s mind and body can the magic of psionics truly be mastered. Throw off the yoke of any who would impose tyranny upon you. Likewise, do not ever force another to submit to your will. Free your mind, free yourself and you have only just begun the path to true psionic mastery. Free others, open their minds to the Invisible Art, and you will show them way to Auppenser."
---Dogma of the Church of Auppenser
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Posted - 16 May 2006 :  00:17:30  Show Profile  Visit Dracophile's Homepage Send Dracophile a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey Ed!
My question is a bit 'crunchier' than some of my earlier ones. Relating to your Monastic Servant of Auppenser;
When you wrote this bit:
Sublime Transference (Ex): At 1st level, a monastic servant's class levels stack with any of her psionic class levels for purposes of determining caster level dependent variables of a manifested power (such as range, duration, etc.) and for purposes of meeting feat requirements. Additionally, a monastic servant with a psionic item creation feat can make psionic items using any psionic powers she knows (either from a psionic class or from psionic powers that she can prepare as divine spells). A monastic servant without any psionic class levels uses her monastic servant class level as her manifestor level when crafting psionic items.

Are you saying that levels in MSoA stack with levels in a Psionic Class, thus raising the character's Manifester level, but providing no other bonuses (no extra powers known, bonus feats, etc)?

For example, if I had a Cleric 5/Psion 1/MSoA 1, would my Manifester Level be 1 or 2?


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Great Reader

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Posted - 16 May 2006 :  00:32:28  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey Ed perhaps you could submit an Auppenser Article for Dragon?

Erik Mona keeps saying that he doesnt recieve enough Realms articles for Dragon..........

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 16 May 2006 :  00:54:08  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth

Hey Ed perhaps you could submit an Auppenser Article for Dragon?

Erik Mona keeps saying that he doesnt recieve enough Realms articles for Dragon..........

That's actually a really good idea, thinks I. Collate all the stuff you've put here, flesh it out some... It would work.

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