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Learned Scribe

138 Posts

Posted - 12 Mar 2025 :  01:42:22  Show Profile Send EltonRobb a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I have this weird idea for a drow campaign, again. sigh. I have the following books:
The Drow of the Underdark (2e) by Ed Greenwood.
Drow of the Underdark (3.5e) by WotC team.

Which do you suggest I get for research? I already have the drow trilogy of novels by R.A. Salvatore.

Master of Realmslore

1020 Posts

Posted - 12 Mar 2025 :  05:59:23  Show Profile Send Delnyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
How about the AD&D drow series D1-3 as PDFs? Both sourcebooks you mentioned are good. I was not sure about your budget.
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Learned Scribe

138 Posts

Posted - 12 Mar 2025 :  15:42:47  Show Profile Send EltonRobb a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Delnyn

How about the AD&D drow series D1-3 as PDFs? Both sourcebooks you mentioned are good. I was not sure about your budget.

Probably, I just checked them out. I already have Vault of the Drow, a gift from my cousin (he also gave me Queen of the Demonweb Pits).
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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

1871 Posts

Posted - 12 Mar 2025 :  18:05:03  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The 2e book is hands down the better of the two, IMO, but the 3e version is great as well. For that matter, the 4e book concerning the drow is good too.

I'm not sure what kind of campaign you're planning to run, but I ran a game once that involved the fall of a noble house where PCs were survivors (but too low level to maintain their House). The guilty House that attacked (meaning they lost) were wiped out. The PCs House was kept sort of suspended until the PCs could grow in power to claim a rightful place in Menzoberranzan's hierarchy. The PCs wen ton adventures and were supposed to return to re-establish themselves, but the campaign derailed and fell apart before we could get to that point.

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Learned Scribe

138 Posts

Posted - 12 Mar 2025 :  18:43:59  Show Profile Send EltonRobb a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Arcanamach

The 2e book is hands down the better of the two, IMO, but the 3e version is great as well. For that matter, the 4e book concerning the drow is good too.

Okay. I was looking for a book on Menzoberranzan that was made for 2e, but could not find it. Maybe I should try ebay.

I'm not sure what kind of campaign you're planning to run, but I ran a game once that involved the fall of a noble house where PCs were survivors (but too low level to maintain their House). The guilty House that attacked (meaning they lost) were wiped out. The PCs House was kept sort of suspended until the PCs could grow in power to claim a rightful place in Menzoberranzan's hierarchy. The PCs wen ton adventures and were supposed to return to re-establish themselves, but the campaign derailed and fell apart before we could get to that point.

Sounds like you had a fun game. As for my campaign, I just got the idea last night.
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