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Master of Realmslore
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Posted - 15 Mar 2025 : 14:21:07
With thanks to Aulddragon for his Ilsensine entry on his blog.
ILSENSINE The Great Brain, the Tentacled Lord, the God-Brain Greater Power of the Outlands Symbol A brain with two tentacles or a stylized illithid face rendered in jade green Realm Caverns of Thought (Outlands) Alignment Lawful Evil Aliases none Superior none Allies Gzemnid, Kiaransalee Foes Blibdoolpoolp, Callarduran Smoothhands, the Dark Seldarine, Deep Duerra, Diirinka, Diinkarazan, Dugmaren Brightmantle, Ghaunadaur, the Great Mother, Gruumsh and his tribe, Ilxendren, Laduguer, Laogzed, Maglubiyet and the goblinoid pantheon, the Mordinsamman, Piscaethces, Psilofyr, Sheverash Servants Maanzecorian (dead); Lugribossk (proxy) Servitor Creatures alhoons, brain golems, brain moles, brain spiders, cerebral parasites, cerebriliths, elder brains, grimlocks, incarnates of pride, intellect devourers, psionic baatezu (amnizus, cornugons, gelugons, pit fiends), psionic liches, rautym, su-monsters, thought-eaters, thought slayers, ustilagor, zombies (normal and juju) Manifestations telepathic communication Signs of Favor the sudden ability to cast spell-like abilities of up to 6th level 1/day for 1d4 days Worshipers cerebremancers, evil psions, illithids, mind mages, those who enslave the thoughts of others, ulitharids Cleric Alignments LE, LN, NE Specialty Priests Cephalord Holy Days individual sect-based; the founding of the community and the formation of their elder brain; the foundation of the local Venerator creed; the conquering of powerful rivals; great psionic epiphanies that lead to the creation of new mental disciplines Important Ceremonies none Portfolio Conquest, illithids, knowledge, magic, mental dominion, mental power, psionics Domains Charm, Domination, Dream, Evil, Knowledge, Law, Magic, Mentalism, Mind, Slime, Spell, Tyranny Favored Weapon tentacle
ILSENSINE Elder Brain Telepath 10, Wizard 10, Cerebremancer 40, Mind Mage 10 LE Huge Aberration (Evil, Extraplanar, Lawful) Divine Rank 19 Init 39 (+11 Dex, +22 Int, +8 Superior Initiative), Supreme Initiative; Senses 19-mile-radius; blindsight 19 miles, telepathic awareness 19 miles; Listen 134, Spot 134; Clearsight 190 ft., See Magic; remote sensing (20 locations), portfolio sense Aura divine (19 miles; Will DC 86); Languages can communicate with any living creature; Dark Speech ____________________________________________________________________________________________
AC 96, touch 60, flat-footed 85 (-2 size, +22 deflection, +11 Dex, +19 divine, +36 natural) hp 2,030 (70d8 plus 1,470), divine shield 24/day (400 hp); DR 40/epic, good and adamantine Immune ability damage, ability drain, antimagic, banishment, cold, death effects, disease, disintegration, energy drain, fear, fire, imprisonment, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stunning, transmutation Resist acid 39, sonic 39; SR 86 Fort 85 Ref 75 Will 104 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Speed swim 140 ft., fly 280 ft. (good) Melee 2 tentacles 107 (1d8 + 18 plus extract plus 4 Int, Wis or Cha damage [Will DC 86 half]/20/x2 plus 4 Int, Wis or Cha drain [Will DC 86 half]) or Melee spell 107 or Ranged spell 100 Base Atk 72; Grp 117 Atk Options divine blast 25/day (19 miles, 492 damage), extract, improved grab Special Actions alter reality, alter size, arcane reabsorption, bud brain golem 19/day, compensation, charm 19/day (+4 Cha for 1 minute), focus of discipline, magical reinforcement 10/day, mental ward 18/day (+72 resistance bonus to next Will save within one hour), mind blast (1d4 rounds; 1,900 ft. cone, 950 ft. radius burst or spread, or 950 ft radius and 190 ft. high cylinder; Will save [DC 86] or be stunned for 19 rounds), painful premonition 25/day, rebuke or command oozes 25/day (check 42, damage 104), twin wells same source 1/day
Spell-like Abilities (CL 70th or 71st divination spells; +1 evil and lawful spells) At will – antimagic field, antipathy (DC 58), anyspell, astral projection, augury, bigby’s grasping hand, blasphemy (DC 58), brain spider (DC 58), break enchantment, calm emotions, charm monster (DC 56), charm person (DC 52), clairaudience/clairvoyance, command (DC 52), comprehend languages, create undead, deep slumber (DC 54), demand (DC 59), desecrate, destruction (DC 58), detect secret doors, detect thoughts (DC 53), discern lies (DC 55), discern location, dictum (DC 58), dispel chaos (DC 56), dispel good (DC 56), dispel magic, divination, dominate monster (DC 60), dominate person (DC 55), dream sight, enthrall (DC 53), evard’s black tentacles, fear (DC 55), find the path, foresight, geas/quest, good hope, grease (DC 52), greater anyspell, greater command (DC 56), greater scrying (DC 58), greater teleport, hold monster (DC 57), identify, imbue with spell ability, implosion (DC 60), insanity (DC 58), legend lore, lesser confusion (DC 52), lesser telepathic bond, limited wish, mage armor, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against good, mass charm monster (DC 59), mass suggestion (DC 58), melf’s acid arrow, mind blank, mind fog (DC 56), modify memory (DC 55), monstrous thrall (DC 60), mordenkainen’s disjunction, nightmare (DC 56), nystul’s magic aura, order’s wrath (DC 55), phantasmal killer (DC 55), plane shift (DC 56), poison (DC 67), power word blind, power word stun, probe thoughts (DC 57), protection from chaos, protection from good, protection from spells, rary’s mnemonic enhancer, rary’s telepathic bond, rusting grasp, shield of law (DC 59), silence (DC 53), sleep (DC 52), spell resistance, spell turning, suggestion (DC 54), summon monster IX (evil or lawful only), transmute rock to mud (DC 57), true dominate (DC 59), true seeing, unholy aura (DC 69), unholy blight (DC 55), weird (DC 60).
Wizard Spells per Day (CL 67th or 68th for divination spells; 86th vs SR or 87th for divination spells; +1 evil and lawful spells; all spells are maximized and quickened; 3 quickened spells/round) 25th (3/day) – DC 96 or 97 for enchantment spells 24th (3/day) – DC 94 or 95 for enchantment spells 23rd (3/day) – DC 93 or 94 for enchantment spells 22nd (3/day) – DC 92 or 93 for enchantment spells 21st (4/day) – DC 91 or 92 for enchantment spells 20th (4/day) – DC 90 or 91 for enchantment spells 19th (4/day) – DC 89 or 90 for enchantment spells 18th (4/day) – DC 88 or 89 for enchantment spells 17th (5/day) – DC 87 or 88 for enchantment spells 16th (5/day) – DC 86 or 87 for enchantment spells 15th (5/day) – DC 85 or 86 for enchantment spells 14th (5/day) – DC 84 or 85 for enchantment spells 13th (6/day) – DC 83 or 84 for enchantment spells 12th (6/day) – DC 82 or 83 for enchantment spells 11th (6/day) – DC 81 or 82 for enchantment spells 10th (6/day) – DC 80 or 81 for enchantment spells 9th (9/day) – DC 79 or 80 for enchantment spells 8th (9/day) – DC 78 or 79 for enchantment spells 7th (9/day) – DC 77 or 78 for enchantment spells 6th (9/day) – DC 76 or 77 for enchantment spells 5th (10/day) – DC 75 or 76 for enchantment spells 4th (10/day) – DC 74 or 75 for enchantment spells 3rd (10/day) – DC 73 or 74 for enchantment spells 2nd (10/day) – DC 72 or 73 for enchantment spells 1st (11/day) – DC 71 or DC 72 for enchantment spells Cantrips (4/day) – DC 70 or 71 for enchantment spells Domain +1 DC compulsion spells; Others +1 DC if more than 5 PP, +2 DC if more than 10 PP
Epic Spells per Day 7 arcane up to Spellcraft DC 187; Epic Spells Known Ilsensine knows all common epic spells and has developed countless more in its schemes to conquer all life in the multiverse.
Power Points (ML 67th or 86th vs MR; +1 with evil and lawful powers; +1 powers that utilize, disrupt, or detect negative energy; all powers are maximized and quickened; 3 quickened powers/round); Psion Powers Known all psionic powers 9th (17 pp) – DC 79 8th (15 pp) – DC 78 7th (13 pp) – DC 77 6th (11 pp) – DC 76 5th (9 pp) – DC 75 4th (7 pp) – DC 74 3rd (5 pp) – DC 73 2nd (3 pp) – DC 72 1st (1 pp) – DC 71
Epic Powers per Day 7 up to Psicraft DC 187; Epic Powers Known Ilsensine has developed psionic versions of all common epic spells and such is its mastery of psicraft that it has developed countless new epic powers that it hoards jealously. There are no greater masters of psicraft other than the God-Brain in the multiverse. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Abilities Str 46, Dex 32, Con 53, Int 60, Wis 55, Cha 55 SQ arcane reabsorption, avatar (20), divinity, godly realm (Outland 190 miles), immortality, psionic components, psionic reinforcement Feats* Agitated Causticity, Arcane Focus, Arcane Watchfulness, Bioelectrical Surge, Bull Blast, Chain Power, Concussive Blast, Continual Power, Dark Speech (B), Empower Power, Fortify Spell, Greater Psionic Endowment, Harden Energy, Heighten Power, Improved Initiative, Irresistible Spell, Knowledge Devotion, Linked Power, Magical Insight, Maximize Power (B), Overchannel, Phrenic Leech, Potent Dweomercraft, Psionic Endowment, Psionic Feedback, Psionic Meditation, Psymbiot, Quicken Power, Reach Power, Repeat Power, Skill Focus (Psicraft, Spellcraft), Spell Focus (enchantment) (B), Stygian Archon, Talented, Transdimensional Power, Twin Power Epic Feats* Enhance Power, Epic Manifestation (B), Epic Psionic Endowment, Epic Psionic Focus (x3), Epic Skill Focus (Psicraft, Spellcraft), Epic Spellcasting (B), Improved Heighten Power, Improved Manifestation (x2), Improved Overchannel (B), Intensify Power, Multispell (x2), Superior Initiative *Ilsensine’s metapsionic feats also function as the equivalent metamagic feats; see Knowledge is Power below Salient Divine Abilities Arcane Mastery, Automatic Metamagic (quicken spell), Call Creatures (19 creatures capable of using psionics with up to 39 HD each), Ceremorphosis (unique salient divine ability), Clearsight (190 ft.), Control Creatures (190 creatures capable of using psionics; Will DC 86), Divine Blessing (+19 Intelligence to up to 19 creatures), Divine Psionics, Divine Recall (illithids), Divine Skill Focus (Psicraft, Spellcraft), Divine Spellcasting, Divine Splendor (190 ft.; Fort DC 86 or die), Hand of Death (Fort DC 86 or die; 174 damage on a successful save), Instant Counterspell, Know Secrets (Will DC 86), Knowledge is Power (unique salient divine ability), Lay Curse (19 creatures/day; Will DC 86), Life and Death (Fort DC 86 or die; 380 damage on a successful save), Mass Divine Blast (492 damage to 95 targets each no more than 19 miles apart; 1,900 ft. cone, 950 ft. radius burst or spread, 950 ft radius and 190 ft. high cylinder), Power of Truth (19 creatures; Will DC 86), Psionic Mastery, Psionic Supremacy, Spontaneous Wizard Spells, Supreme Initiative, The Great Brain (unique salient divine ability) Skills Appraise 99, Autohypnosis 142, Bluff 138, Concentration 137, Decipher Script 137, Diplomacy 160, Forgery 99, Gather Information 142, Heal 96, Hide 75, Intimidate 142, Knowledge (arcana, architecture and engineering, dungeoneering, geography, history, local, nature, nobility and royalty, religion, the planes) 137, Knowledge (psionics) 145, Listen 134, Move Silently 65, Psicraft 187 (191 powerstones), Search 99 (107 secret doors and compartments), Sense Motive 138, Sleight of Hand 88, Spellcraft 189 (193 scrolls), Spot 134, Survival 108 (112 tracking, 116 above ground, avoid getting lost, extraplanar, underground), Use Magic Device 96 (112 scrolls), Use Psionic Device 96 (104 powerstones); Domain +2 Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, and Spellcraft
Alter Reality Ilsensine is an embodiment of divine power and reality is its to alter as it sees fit. This effectively functions as the wish spell that costs it no XP and requires a standard action to implement. In effect, this allows Ilsensine to duplicate any effect as long as it relates to its area of influence. For example, it can duplicate any class skill, ability or spell that relates to magic, psionics and mental might. It can create any magical or psionic effect. It can reshape minds and twist thoughts, summon psionic monstrosities from across the planes, and
Ilsensine can create temporary, nonmagical objects, magic items or creatures for up to 19 hours, and can also create permanent nonmagical objects. It can also render a magical or supernatural effect permanent and reshape landscapes. The limits to these abilities are fully defined in Deities and Demigods.
Arcane Reabsorption Whenever a targeted spell Ilsensine casts fails to penetrate a creature's spell resistance or is countered by another spellcaster, it can immediately attempt to reabsorb the arcane energy it just spent as an immediate action. The spell can have no effect at all in order to use this ability. By making a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + [spell level × 3]), it regains the spell as if it was never cast. Attempting this taxes Ilsensine’s body. Regardless of the success of the check, it takes 1 point of nonlethal damage per spell level it attempts to reabsorb. This damage is internal and bypasses damage reduction and resistances it possesses.
Avatar Ilsensine can have up to twenty avatars at any given time. The God-Brain appears as an enormous floating green spectral brain with two tentacles and glowing with an eerie light. It can also appear as a tall ulitharid with great physical power, although this is rare and typically reserved for locations where the Great Brain is worshipped in a more illithimorphic form.
Bud Brain Golem (Ex) Nineteen times per day, Ilsensine can bud a portion of its flesh, forming a Paragon brain golem with maximum hit dice. Ilsensine can have up to 19 brain golems active at any one time.
Ceremorphosis (unique salient divine ability) Far more terrifying than its prodigious mental and psionic capabilities is Ilsensine’s ability to extract every scrap of knowledge and experience from those victims within its grasp. As a free action, the God-Brain can use its Know Secrets salient divine ability on up to 19 creatures affected by its Improved Grab or Mind Blast abilities to determine their feats, skills and spells prepared (or spells known, if applicable). Hereafter, Ilsensine can subject its victim to a variant of the embrace the dark chaos or shun the dark chaos spells, replacing its feats with Illithid Heritage feats and absorbing the creature’s replaced feats into its own consciousness, granting the god the creature’s feats. Ilsensine retains knowledge of the taken feats for as long as it wishes, until it chooses to return them (which is almost never forthcoming), until the creature is restored by deific intervention, or until the creature is affected by an epic spell using the Heal seed that succeeds at a caster level check against Ilsensine (CL 89th).
At any time Ilsensine desires, the God-Brain can make mental contact with its victim from across planar barriers for up to 19 weeks. It is aware of the victim’s memories and experiences, has access to its victim’s feats and spells, and can use the creature as the originating point for the God-Brain’s own special abilities, powers and spells. In addition, if the creature is capable of casting spells or manifesting powers, Ilsensine can instead draw from the creature’s spells and cast them using the creature as the point of origin using the better of its or the victim’s ability scores without expending its own magical capabilities.
At any time Ilsensine desires within the next 19 weeks, it can also force the creature to succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 86) or fully and permanently transform into an illithid and fall under Ilsensine’s control. If the creature succeeds, it is immune to the transformation for the rest of the duration.
Compensation (Ex) Ilsensine can blend its energies in more significant ways. Whenever it casts a spell or manifests a power using a metamagic or metapsionic feat that would normally increase the level of the spell slot occupied or the power point cost of the effect, Ilsensine may instead meet that cost using an alternate form of energy. For every 3 power points spent on a spell enhanced with a metamagic feat, it may offset the spell level increase by one. Likewise, for every spell level spent on a power enhanced with a metapsionic feat, it may reduce the additional power point cost by 2. This ability may not be used in conjunction with psi-spell feats, and it cannot reduce the level or power point cost below the amount needed for the original effect.
Divine Blast Ilsensine can create a ray of divine power that extends for up to 19 miles, dealing up to 492 points of damage, as a ranged touch attack with no saving throw. Ilsensine can unleash a divine blast 25 times per day, and alter the visual, auditory and sensation-based qualities of its divine blast as it desires. Ilsensine’s divine blasts generally lack visual or auditory components and manifest as pure mental agony.
Divine Shield As a free action 24 times per day, Ilsensine can create a shield that lasts 10 minutes and stops 400 points of damage from attacks. Once the shield stops that much damage, it collapses. Any damage Ilsensine is naturally immune to does not count towards the shield’s limits.
Extract (Ex) If Ilsensine begins its turn with a tendril attached to an opponent and makes a successful grapple check, it automatically extracts the opponent's brain, instantly killing that creature. Extraction is not instantly fatal to foes with multiple heads.
Focus of Discipline (Ex) Ilsensine can freely pull from both its psionic and magical reserves to fuel either ability. It may spend power points to cast spells with less magical energy or translate arcane power into psionic power points.
When casting a spell, Ilsensine may lower its effective spell level (and thus the spell slot it occupies) by spending 8 power points per level of reduction (minimum level 1st). Similarly, it may reduce the power point cost of a psionic power by 2 per spell level so expended. Unlike the compensation ability (see above), focus of discipline decreases the base level of the spell or the base cost of the power rather than negating additional spell level or power point costs from metamagic or metapsionic feats.
A spell prepared in a lower-level slot or a power manifested for less than its normal power point cost counts as a correspondingly lower-level effect for the purposes of dispelling, saving throw DC, and identification for counterspelling. Use the new, lowered slot to determine the appropriate values.
Force Touch (Su) The touch of Ilsensine’s mind is no different from the touch of its body. It may now deliver any spell that requires a touch attack using any one of the following force powers: concussion, detonation, greater concussion, lesser concussion, mass concussion, true concussion. The force power has its normal effect in addition to delivering the spell. If the chosen force power affects more than one target, Ilsensine must choose one of the targets to whom it has line of sight and line of effect to receive the touch attack. Force powers that do not deal damage cannot be used to deliver a touch spell. The Tentacled Lord must make a successful ranged touch attack to hit the target, and spell resistance applies to both the force power and the touch spell (requiring two separate spell resistance check to be made, if necessary). Using this ability does not require an action and it does not increase the manifestation time of the force power, but any somatic components required for the casting of the touch spell must still be expended (although these could be offset by the compensation ability and the expenditure of extra force points as described above).
Improved Grab (Ex) If Ilsensine hits a creature with its tendril attack and gets a hold, it sinks the tendril into the opponent's head and can try to extract in the next round. The opponent can escape with a single successful grapple check or Escape Artist check, but the god gets a +19 circumstance bonus for the deep attachment, and the opponent takes 1d6 points of damage from ripping the tendril free.
Knowledge is Power (unique salient divine ability) Ilsensine’s psionic and magical might is nigh-unsurpassed by all except greater powers of psionics and magic. The Tentacled Lord can use its power points to fuel its arcane spellcasting, expending an additional 2 power points for every spell level above 9th that it casts. Furthermore, Ilsensine can freely switch between metamagic and metapower feats, treating any metapower feat it possesses as an equivalent metamagic feat (and vice versa), and uses its metapower feats to qualify for any feat or ability that requires the equivalent metamagic feat as a prerequisite (and vice versa).
Ilsensine also adds half its divine rank to both its caster level and manifester level, and to the saving throw DCs of its powers and spells. When it expends its psionic focus, it adds its full divine rank to the bonus DC and can choose to add the amount to either a spell or a power.
Magical Reinforcement (Su) Ilsensine’s magical prowess gives it the ability to focus its psionic manifestations. Ten times per day, Ilsensine can increase the effective level of one of its powers by one level, as the Heighten Power feat, at no additional cost in power points. The increase can only be one level, and it chooses whether to use magical reinforcement at the time it activates the power. This ability can be used in conjunction with the Heighten Power feat.
Mind Blast (Sp) Every 1d4 rounds; 1,900 ft. cone, 950 ft. radius burst or spread, or 950 ft radius and 190 ft. high cylinder. Anyone caught within the area must succeed on a Will save (DC 86) or be stunned for 19 rounds.
Painful Premonition (Su) Ilsensine can deliver an excruciating vision of the future just before a damaging spell or power, letting the target see the result moments before the effect actually occurs, up to 25 times per day. This premonition results in such a shock to the target's nervous system that it not only causes neurological damage but also stuns the target during the crucial seconds required to avoid the incoming attack, thereby making the vision a self-fulfilling prophecy.
When Ilsensine uses this power to augment a damage-producing effect, the target must make a Will save as though the God-Brain had used a 6th-level telepathic power. Success negates all effects of the premonition, including its damage. Failure imposes a -2 penalty on the target's saving throw (if any) against the incoming effect and deals nonlethal damage equal to the damage of the incoming spell or power. If the target somehow escapes some of the damage from the incoming effect (via evasion, a successful saving throw, or the like), then an equivalent portion of the nonlethal damage is immediately negated, since that particular future was averted. Mindless creatures, creatures immune to mind-affecting effects, and those with no discernible anatomy are immune to the effects of this ability
Psionic Components (Ex) Ilsensine has learned to use one discipline to power the abilities of the other. When casting a spell, it may substitute power points for verbal and somatic components, and for material components worth 1 gp or less. It must pay 2 power points per spell level for each component so replaced. Using this ability does not require an action.
Psionic Reinforcement The ambient power of the God-Brain’s psyche now serves to focus its magical manifestations. The save DC for each of Ilsensine’s spells that allows a save increases by +2 as long as its power point reserve is 10 or greater. Should its power points dip below 10 but remain at 5 or higher, the bonus is reduced to +1.
The Great Brain (unique salient divine ability) Ilsensine personifies the illithid hunger for knowledge and power. It is the overlord of the cerebral pathways and the master of all within its tentacles.
First, Ilsensine benefits from astonishing sensory capabilities. Its blindsight extends to the same distance as its telepathy, and it can detect all creatures, even those of divine status, unless they are of higher rank or are protected by epic magic using the Conceal seed to thwart its sight, although it is entitled to a caster level check against the effect (CL 89th). Its Improved Grab ability is further improved, affecting creatures of up to Colossal+ in size, and its extract ability functions against creatures normally immune to such effects (constructs, undead, plants and so on); in such cases Ilsensine does not extract their brains but instead harvests the metaphysical sum of their thoughts, experiences and knowledge.
Furthermore, Ilsensine’s mindblast is greatly enhanced. The God-Brain can unleash its mindblast within an area identical to its Mass Divine Blast salient divine ability and all creatures caught within the blast must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 86) or be stunned for 19 rounds. As an immediate action, Ilsensine can immediately attempt to unleash its Extract ability on any stunned creature, even if the creature is not being grappled.
In addition, the God-Brain’s touch is capable of shredding apart a creature’s psyche. Ilsensine’s attacks always deal 4 points of damage to any one mental ability score of its choice (Will DC 86 half); this is ability drain on a critical hit. For every point damaged, Ilsensine can choose to either restore a spell slot equal to the number of ability points damaged or 10 power points per point of damage. Any creature that dies from this rises as a juju zombie under the Tentacled Lord’s absolute control within 1d4 rounds.
Finally, Ilsensine can bud brain golems 19 times per day. The brain golems created have maximum Hit Dice and the paragon template, and are under its absolute control.
Twin Wells Same Source (Ex) As a full-round action that provokes an attack of opportunity, Ilsensine may add its full mind mage class level to both its magical and psionic class levels for the purpose of determining caster or manifester level. Furthermore, invoking this ability enables it to add its Intelligence score again (+25) when using any psi-spell ability. This ability can be invoked once per day, and it lasts for 24 hours.
Other Divine Powers As a greater deity, Ilsensine automatically receives the best possible result on any die roll it makes (including attack rolls, damage, checks, and saves). It treats a 1 on an attack roll or saving throw normally and not as an automatic failure. It is immortal. Senses Ilsensine can see (using normal vision or darkvision), hear, touch, and smell at a distance of 19 miles. As a standard action, it can perceive anything within 19 miles of its worshippers, holy sites, objects, or any location where one of its titles or name was spoken in the last hour. It can extend its senses to up to 20 locations at once. It can block the sensing power of deities of its rank or lower at up to two remote locations at once for 19 hours. Portfolio Sense Ilsensine is aware of any act taken by an illithid or similar creature and any act of magic or psionics for the purpose of exhibiting power regardless of the number of people involved up to 19 weeks in the past and 19 weeks in the future. Ilsensine is similarly aware of any act of conquest regardless of the magnitude. Automatic Actions Ilsensine can use any skill related to its portfolio as a free action if the DC for the task is 30 or lower, or Psicraft or Spellcraft if the DC is 49 or lower. It can perform up to twenty such free actions each round. Create Magic Items Ilsensine can craft any magical item associated with magic and psionics, including artifacts.
NEW FEATS Agitated Causticity [Psi-Spell] (Dragon #313) Your ability to agitate acidic substances results in especially caustic versions of spells and powers that have the acid descriptor. Prerequisites: Any two spells with the “Acid” descriptor, matter agitation. Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. This feat can be used to enhance any spell or power with the “Acid” descriptor. In addition to dealing its normal damage, an effect enhanced by Agitated Causticity literally softens up its target. This effect does not represent damage to armor, shields, or body parts that provide a natural armor bonus; it is a function of the acid’s effect on the creature itself.
For each 5 points of damage that a target takes from such a spell or power, it must make a successful Fortitude save or take a -1 cumulative penalty to its Armor Class. The DC for this save equals the save DC for the spell or power (or the save DC it would otherwise have had if the spell or power allows no save). All other modifiers to AC apply normally.
The penalty from this effect decreases naturally at the rate of 1 point per day. Any effect that heals ability damage may also be reduce or eliminate the penalty by the same amount.
To apply Agitated Causticity to a spell, the caster must expend 3 power points per spell level. To apply it to a psionic power, the manifester must expend 1 spell level per power level.
Arcane Watchfulness [Arcane] (Dragon #351) You enter a state of hyper-awareness that brings the tiniest details to your attention. Prerequisite: Wis 13, Arcane Focus. Benefit: When you expend your arcane focus, you may select one of the following three benefits. Danger Sense: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on any Spot check you make in the next minute. Empathic Potential: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on any Sense Motive check you make in the next minute. Spatial Awareness: You gain a +4 circumstance bonus on any Search check you make in the next minute. Special: A wizard may select Watchful Alertness as a wizard bonus feat.
Bioelectrical Surge [Psi-Spell] (Dragon #313) You can channel electrical energy directly into your opponent’s nervous system. The effect not only causes damage, but disrupts the target’s coordination. Prerequisites: Any two spells with the “Electricity” descriptor, energy stun. Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. This feat can be used to enhance any spell or power with the “Electricity” descriptor. Anyone damaged by an effect enhanced with Bioelectrical Surge twitches uncontrollably or can make only grossly exaggerated and jerky movements.
For each 10 points of damage that a target takes from such a spell or power, it must make a successful Fortitude save or take 2 points of Dexterity damage. The DC for this save equals the save DC for the spell or power (or the save DC it would otherwise have had if the spell or power allows no save). A creature with no discernable anatomy (such as an ooze, construct, or undead) or a creature that is immune to electricity damage is immune to the effects of this feat.
To apply Bioelectrical Surge to a spell, the caster must expend 3 power points per spell level. To apply it to a psionic power, the manifester must expend 1 spell level per power level.
Bull Blast [Psi-Spell] (Dragon #313) The concussive power of your Harden Energy effects is so strong that it drives opponents back. Prerequisite: Harden Energy. Benefit: You may add telekinetic force to any spell or power already enhanced by the Harden Energy feat.
An effect enhanced with Bull Blast can perform a bull rush against any opponent in its area. The spell’s area or effect determines the direction fo the bull rush; a line or cone pushed targets back along its length, but a spread or burst pushes them out to the edge of its radius. The enhanced spell or power has an effective Strength score equal to its save DC +1 per die of force damage it deals. Even a target that makes an appropriate saving throw to avoid some or all of the spell or power’s damage is still subject to the bull rush.
To apply Bull Blast to a spell, the caster must expend 3 power points per spell level. To apply it to a psionic power, the manifester must expend 1 spell level per power level.
Both of these costs are in addition to the cost of the Harden Energy feat. This feat may also be used in conjunction with the Concussive Blast feat.
Concussive Blast [Psi-Spell] (Dragon #313) Your skill with manipulating hard, or force, energy allows you to add physical force to spells and powers instead of converting existing energy to force. Prerequisite: Harden Energy. Benefit: You must expend your psionic focus to use this feat. For every 3 power points or 1 spell level expended, you may add 1 die of bonus force damage to any spell or psionic power that has an energy descriptor (maximum one-half the effect’s normal base damage dice). If the target is allowed a saving throw, it applies to this bonus force damage as well. You cannot expend more power points than your current total, nor can you spend more spell levels than those you have remaining. You may use this feat in conjunction with the Harden Energy feat (only expending your psionic focus once to do so).
The hard energy part of the spell can affect incorporeal creatures, ignoring the standard miss chance. The remaining energy damage part of the spell or power remains subject to the standard 50% miss chance with respect to an incorporeal target.
Continual Power [Metapsionic] [Hyperconsciousness p38] You can manifest a power that repeats its effect each round while you maintain concentration. Prerequisites: Any other metapsionic feat Benefit: While you maintain your psionic focus, you can use this feat on any power that specifies a single target, has a range greater than touch, and deals damage. Powers that do not deal damage or powers that deal damage only as a side effect cannot be used with this feat. When you use this feat on a power, the damage dice of the power equals its standard value minus two dice. However, for every round you can maintain concentration, you manifest the power at your foe (or a new foe in range) again, without any additional power point cost. The power’s saving throw and power resistance requirements, if any, are resolved normally each round. You can maintain concentration for a maximum number of rounds equal to your manifester level. If you break concentration, or are forced to break concentration (see rules for Concentration in the Player’s Handbook), the power also ends.
A continued power costs a number of power points equal to its standard cost + 4. If used with an augmented power, the power is augmented only on the first round of manifestation.
Harden Energy [Psi-Spell] (Dragon #313) You can manipulate the energy of your spells and powers, transforming a portion of their elemental power into telekinetic force. Prerequisites: Ability to manifest any one force power and cast any one spell with an energy descriptor. Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. Choose any number of damage dice up to one-half the total dealt by the effect to which you are applying this feat. This amount becomes force damage instead of its former energy type. This portion of the damage bypasses all energy resistance but is still subject to spell resistance.
The hard energy half of the damage can still affect incorporeal creatures, ignoring the standard miss chance. The remaining energy damage of the spell or power remains subject to the standard 50% miss chance with respect to an incorporeal target.
You may use this feat in conjunction with any other Psi-Spell feat (and need only expend your psionic focus once to do so).
To apply Harden Energy to a spell, the caster must expend 3 power points per spell level. To apply it to a psionic power, the manifester must expend 1 spell level per power level.
Improved Heighten Power [Epic] (Conversion) Prerequisites: Heighten Power, Psicraft 20 ranks. Benefit: As Heighten Power, but the maximum power level is equal to the manifester’s primary manifesting ability score modifier. The heightened power costs as many power points as a power of its effective level ([level x 2] – 1). Normal Without this feat, a power can only be heightened to a maximum of 9th level.
Potent Dweomercraft [Arcane] [Dragon #351] You can spot the weaknesses of your opponents. Prerequisite: Wis 13, Arcane Focus, ability to cast 2nd-level arcane spells. Benefit: When you expend your arcane focus, you may select one of the following three benefits. Damaging Spell: The next melee touch attack spell you cast within the same round you expend your arcane focus deals 25% more damage. Spell Critical: You double the threat range (19-20) of the next melee touch attack spell you cast within the same round you expend your arcane focus. Weaving Strike: You gain a +2 competency bonus on the next melee touch attack you make with a spell. You must cast the spell within the same round you expend your arcane focus. Special: A wizard may select Potent Dweomercraft as a wizard bonus feat.
Psionic Feedback [Psionic] (Dragon #316) You gain insight from failed psionic assaults against other psionic characters or creatures. Prerequisite: Knowledge (psionics) 8 ranks, Psymbiot. Benefit: Whenever at least one psionic creature within 30 feet of you successfully saves against a psionic power (whether manifested by you or not), you automatically transform the wasted energy of that power into a +4 insight bonus to your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score (your choice). This benefit lasts for full round. You gain no feedback benefit from personally succeeding at a saving throw against a psionic power, whether manifested by you or someone else. You must maintain your psionic focus to use this feat.
Galuf the Dwarf
Senior Scribe
678 Posts |
Posted - 18 Mar 2025 : 02:00:26
Obviously, it'd have levels in either the Psion class (or I could have possibly seen it with levels in Erudite instead). I could also see it having levels in the Thrallherd and Metamind PrCs from the Expanded Psionics Handbook.
Speaking of Psionic deities, I actually pictured Deep Duerra having levels like Fighter 20/Psion 20/Illithid Slayer 10/War Mind 10. She has been revealed to be formerly mortal and allegedly (somehow) unlocked the Duergar's psionic potential, with claims that she somehow "stole" it from the Illithid. Still, the fact that the Gray Dwarvs were the result of Illithid experimentation on Dwarves leads me to question the "stealing" claim. Anyway, I'd make her favored weapon, Mindshatter, be a +4 mindcrusher mindfeeder battleaxe and have her wearing +2 everbright chainmail.  |
Galuf's Baldur's Gate NPC stats: Galuf's 3.5 Ed. Cleric Domains: Galuf's Homebrew 4th Edition Races: Galuf's Homebrew Specialty Priest PrCs: Galuf's Forgotten Realms Heralds and Allies thread: |
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