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Master of Realmslore

1018 Posts

Posted - 28 Mar 2020 :  21:44:24  Show Profile Send Delnyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic

For lack of a better year, I would like to have three old characters my younger brother, childhood friend and I had played since 1981 to wrap up their careers on Faerun by The Year of The Runelords Triumphant, DR 1487. They had one last visit from Mystra in The Year of The Ageless One, DR 1479. She addressed the three men by their true names and offered each one The Choice as she had offered the Magisters of old.

They all came from another (homebrew) world outside Realmspace to Toril in the early part of The Year of Shadows, DR 1358, before the Time of Troubles. Mystra (version 1.0) gave them Faerunian names and changed their true names.

Metagame Perspective: Faerunian names and true names were proposed by players and approved/edited with DM (my) approval. The name "Kermit The Frog" would never have been acceptable. Let us just say they made some serious enemies of multispheric entities- and could use some cover while on Toril.

They went on to worship Faerunian gods in spite of the obvious complications that soon arrived. Figuring they still owed the original Mystra big time, they decided to extend their debt to the newly ascended Midnight when the Time of Troubles was over. One more Mystra later, and that debt is finally about to be paid.

You probably have already seen three of the minor spells the wizard had created, including the controversial jakes on demand. He has researched a created a few more spells, mostly utilitarian in function. None of them are explicitly named after him, which the wizard considers both bragadocious, and more importantly, calls his enemies' attention to his activities.

As time and energy permit, I will catalog more spells, using the 3.5 edition as the default format. Some spells are actually rituals, which I will try to put into as clear a format as possible. I will appreciate feedback from scribes on clearing such an ad hoc format.


1 Posts

Posted - 25 Feb 2025 :  22:23:44  Show Profile Send BenjaminWhite a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It sounds like an epic conclusion for your characters! Wrapping up their stories in DR 1487 with Mystra’s final offer is a fitting tribute to their long journey. Cataloging their spells and rituals in 3.5 format is a great idea—sharing them with the community could inspire others. Looking forward to seeing more of their legacy!
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