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Learned Scribe

132 Posts

Posted - 06 Mar 2025 :  17:22:13  Show Profile Send EltonRobb a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
While looking for certain mods for Skyrim, I noticed a magical statue mod that will train you in certain skills. So, bringing this to the Forgotten Realms, do you make use of magical statues?

How do you use magical statues in your Realms? Are they something odd? Are they worshipped? Do they speak? Do they throw fireballs?

Master of Realmslore

1185 Posts

Posted - 07 Mar 2025 :  02:38:59  Show Profile  Visit Seethyr's Homepage Send Seethyr a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wrote an adventure where a dungeon (in Maztica ) had statues of all of the different Maztican gods. You could “attune” to any one of them simply by touching it and it would grant you some sort of blessing or ability but only one at a time and only while in the dungeon. Each statue’s granted ability had some connection to the deity in question (related to their portfolio, etc). Also, each blessing gave a distinct advantage on different encounters within the dungeon itself. Destroyed statues resulted in temporary cursed, as did any attempts at trying to bring them out of the dungeon.

Follow the Maztica (Aztec/Maya) and Anchorome (Indigenous North America) Campaigns on DMsGuild!

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