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Senior Scribe

740 Posts

Posted - 15 Mar 2014 :  13:55:33  Show Profile Send Eltheron a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Asharak

Originally posted by Eltheron

In -3595DR there was a war between Eaerlann, Mieyritar, and Illefarn which caused Netheril to restrict trade with all of them (they didn't want to risk offending any of them), but that was 100 years before Selune's Tears were in the sky. The Nether scrolls were discovered in -3533DR, which is the beginning of the "Nether Age" and ending the First Age.

Well, Mieyritar was conquered in -11300 DR by Aryvandaar and destroyed in -10500 DR by the Dark Disaster, so ...

From where come the reference to a conflict between Eaerlann and Illefarn ?

This timeline has the -3595 item:

I have not noticed errors on that site before, but perhaps it's a mistype. It's replicated in a few other online Realms timelines, so it might have been an error copied from an original source.

Or it could be that a remnant of Mieyritar was still there at that time.

Checking an early version of GHotR, the -3595 item isn't there at all, so perhaps it was an error printed in a very early source that got copied to several timeline sites.

"The very best possible post-fourteenth-century Realms lets down those who love the specific, detailed social, political and magical situation, with its thousands of characters, developed over forty years, and want to learn more about it; and those who'd be open to a new one with equal depth, which there just isn't time to re-produce; and those repelled, some past the point of no return, by the bad-taste-and-plausibility gap of things done to the world when its guardianship was less careful."
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 15 Mar 2014 :  18:00:21  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
AFAIK, all Chosen are Harpers, and more then Mystra sponsors the Harpers - Selune is included in that group. Thats why they have silver Fire. I have to wonder, if before Mystra - when Mystryl still reigned - did Chosen have a choice as to which half of the magic they wanted to be filled with? That might help explain Larloch.

I'm so stupid - I missed the obvious. Shar's magical color isn't black, its Indigo! The Aura around her 'dark moon' is a very deep purple! Somewhere between silver and purple is cerulean - the color of Weave-based magic!

Thus, the 'Cerulean Wave' that rolled across Toril disrupted anything that contained both halves of the magic - the Silver and Purple, by stripping-out the blue half, causing the other half to explode violently (because the malefic {negative/shadow} magic pertains to chaos, death, and destruction). It was almost as if the magic was 'uncoiling' as it swept across the world.

Originally posted by Eltheron

I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting here. What leads you to think there was a "first" god of magic before Mystryl?
Its just part of the on-going supposition here, nothing canon. Everything should begin with 'if'.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 15 Mar 2014 :  18:11:44  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
EDIT: There were (at least) two different Illefarns, which would at-least explain part of the discrepancy. Eaerlann outlasted the first one, and Miyeritar, IIRC.

Another thread just jarred my memory of something I was considering last night, just before I fell asleep. Aoskar - the god of pathways.

What if it was Aoskar that was lost? How long ago did he try to usurp the Lady of Pain? And was her destroying him the reason why she is in 'the Cage'?

Another occurred to me as well - what if we are looking at Abeir all wrong? Think about the name of the setting, and its most basic premise... Abeir wasn't 'lost', The Realms were! What if Abeir was the world that was ruined during the godwar, and Ao twinned it and created Toril? A place for the new gods - the deities.

I realize that doesn't shoe-horn so neatly with a lot of existing lore, but as I said, it was just another random thought of mine.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 15 Mar 2014 18:17:35
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Senior Scribe

466 Posts

Posted - 15 Mar 2014 :  18:26:29  Show Profile Send Mapolq a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's interesting... but I think there's a pretty clear point that it was one world before, which was sundered (and this Sundering exists without time, manifesting itself in several ways, etc). So both worlds were lost from one another, and we have no idea whether Abeir was lost from other worlds such as Earth, but we should probably assume that as well (given the remarkable lack of Abeirans around here...).

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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 15 Mar 2014 :  20:22:52  Show Profile Send Eltheron a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

Originally posted by Eltheron

I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting here. What leads you to think there was a "first" god of magic before Mystryl?
Its just part of the on-going supposition here, nothing canon. Everything should begin with 'if'.

Well, yeah. I guess. I mean, I was curious if there was something specific that strongly led you to think there was another god of magic before Mystryl.

Speculation is all well and good, but at some point speculation is just randomly casting about if there isn't something that leads you toward a conclusion. And that was a pretty specific supposition.

"The very best possible post-fourteenth-century Realms lets down those who love the specific, detailed social, political and magical situation, with its thousands of characters, developed over forty years, and want to learn more about it; and those who'd be open to a new one with equal depth, which there just isn't time to re-produce; and those repelled, some past the point of no return, by the bad-taste-and-plausibility gap of things done to the world when its guardianship was less careful."
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Senior Scribe

740 Posts

Posted - 15 Mar 2014 :  20:25:43  Show Profile Send Eltheron a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

EDIT: There were (at least) two different Illefarns, which would at-least explain part of the discrepancy. Eaerlann outlasted the first one, and Miyeritar, IIRC.

Was there also a second incarnation of Mieyritar around -3595DR? Maybe an attempt to reclaim the ruins or drow building an outpost?

"The very best possible post-fourteenth-century Realms lets down those who love the specific, detailed social, political and magical situation, with its thousands of characters, developed over forty years, and want to learn more about it; and those who'd be open to a new one with equal depth, which there just isn't time to re-produce; and those repelled, some past the point of no return, by the bad-taste-and-plausibility gap of things done to the world when its guardianship was less careful."
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11859 Posts

Posted - 16 Mar 2014 :  07:13:07  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

AFAIK, all Chosen are Harpers, and more then Mystra sponsors the Harpers - Selune is included in that group. Thats why they have silver Fire. I have to wonder, if before Mystra - when Mystryl still reigned - did Chosen have a choice as to which half of the magic they wanted to be filled with? That might help explain Larloch.

I'm so stupid - I missed the obvious. Shar's magical color isn't black, its Indigo! The Aura around her 'dark moon' is a very deep purple! Somewhere between silver and purple is cerulean - the color of Weave-based magic!

Thus, the 'Cerulean Wave' that rolled across Toril disrupted anything that contained both halves of the magic - the Silver and Purple, by stripping-out the blue half, causing the other half to explode violently (because the malefic {negative/shadow} magic pertains to chaos, death, and destruction). It was almost as if the magic was 'uncoiling' as it swept across the world.

Originally posted by Eltheron

I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting here. What leads you to think there was a "first" god of magic before Mystryl?
Its just part of the on-going supposition here, nothing canon. Everything should begin with 'if'.

cerulean is just another word for blue (specifically, its a "a deep sky-blue color"). You guys are getting way too deep into this color analyzation.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 16 Mar 2014 :  15:17:38  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes... I know its just another name for blue. Thats what I said (at least, thats what I thought I said).

Ed does not drop things randomly - he is very specific about certain bits of lore, which include both place-names and colors of magic.
Originally posted by The Hooded One

Realms fans who pay attention to Larloch, and the colors of magic in my writings, and the notion that the details (or "storytelling tools," if you will) involved in all of this might just be planned are . . . wise.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 16 Mar 2014 15:18:34
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Learned Scribe

New Zealand
214 Posts

Posted - 18 Mar 2014 :  10:54:16  Show Profile Send ksu_bond a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wanted to throw in a possible candidate for the Dusk Lord...At'ar the Merciless (see p.27 in Faiths & Avatars under Amaunator)...
At'ar the Merciless, the Yellow Goddess, is worshiped by the Bedine "symbolizing the heat of the desert sun", and is thought to be a "spiteful and faithless woman whose fury in the full day strikes fear into the bravest hearts. She is a harlot who betrayes her lawful husband Kozah every day to sleep with N'asr, god of night and the dead." It goes on to say that she is a "twisted memory of Amaunator".

Now my thought is exactly what sort of memory is At'ar? The wording doesn't suggest to mean that At'ar is nothing more than an aspect of Amaunator. Unfortunately, a memory could be any number of things...BUT...given our discussion is it possible that this memory is of a previous deity of the sun? Since we know that Toril's sun has been destroyed at least once is it possible that Lathander/At'ar/Amaunator have each been the deity of the sun?

Certainly At'ar fits the roll of the Dusk Lord, as she is friendly with the god of night and the dead...and let us not forget that the hottest part of the day is typically in the afternoon as the sun is setting.

Thus: Lathander (Dawn) / Amaunator (Noon) / At'ar (Dusk)


Edited by - ksu_bond on 18 Mar 2014 10:54:57
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11859 Posts

Posted - 18 Mar 2014 :  12:05:59  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ksu_bond

I wanted to throw in a possible candidate for the Dusk Lord...At'ar the Merciless (see p.27 in Faiths & Avatars under Amaunator)...
At'ar the Merciless, the Yellow Goddess, is worshiped by the Bedine "symbolizing the heat of the desert sun", and is thought to be a "spiteful and faithless woman whose fury in the full day strikes fear into the bravest hearts. She is a harlot who betrayes her lawful husband Kozah every day to sleep with N'asr, god of night and the dead." It goes on to say that she is a "twisted memory of Amaunator".

Now my thought is exactly what sort of memory is At'ar? The wording doesn't suggest to mean that At'ar is nothing more than an aspect of Amaunator. Unfortunately, a memory could be any number of things...BUT...given our discussion is it possible that this memory is of a previous deity of the sun? Since we know that Toril's sun has been destroyed at least once is it possible that Lathander/At'ar/Amaunator have each been the deity of the sun?

Certainly At'ar fits the roll of the Dusk Lord, as she is friendly with the god of night and the dead...and let us not forget that the hottest part of the day is typically in the afternoon as the sun is setting.

Thus: Lathander (Dawn) / Amaunator (Noon) / At'ar (Dusk)


Don't forget, we also had Re. Granted a different pantheon, but a sun god no less.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

1847 Posts

Posted - 18 Mar 2014 :  13:27:20  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wanted to throw in a possible candidate for the Dusk Lord...At'ar the Merciless (see p.27 in Faiths & Avatars under Amaunator)...
At'ar the Merciless, the Yellow Goddess, is worshiped by the Bedine "symbolizing the heat of the desert sun", and is thought to be a "spiteful and faithless woman whose fury in the full day strikes fear into the bravest hearts. She is a harlot who betrayes her lawful husband Kozah every day to sleep with N'asr, god of night and the dead." It goes on to say that she is a "twisted memory of Amaunator".

Now my thought is exactly what sort of memory is At'ar? The wording doesn't suggest to mean that At'ar is nothing more than an aspect of Amaunator. Unfortunately, a memory could be any number of things...BUT...given our discussion is it possible that this memory is of a previous deity of the sun? Since we know that Toril's sun has been destroyed at least once is it possible that Lathander/At'ar/Amaunator have each been the deity of the sun?

Certainly At'ar fits the roll of the Dusk Lord, as she is friendly with the god of night and the dead...and let us not forget that the hottest part of the day is typically in the afternoon as the sun is setting.

Thus: Lathander (Dawn) / Amaunator (Noon) / At'ar (Dusk)


Although I don't worry over much about the origins/fates of deities in my homebrew this seems like solid logic to me ksu.

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Great Reader

2285 Posts

Posted - 18 Mar 2014 :  15:55:16  Show Profile Send sfdragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ksu_bond

I wanted to throw in a possible candidate for the Dusk Lord...At'ar the Merciless (see p.27 in Faiths & Avatars under Amaunator)...
At'ar the Merciless, the Yellow Goddess, is worshiped by the Bedine "symbolizing the heat of the desert sun", and is thought to be a "spiteful and faithless woman whose fury in the full day strikes fear into the bravest hearts. She is a harlot who betrayes her lawful husband Kozah every day to sleep with N'asr, god of night and the dead." It goes on to say that she is a "twisted memory of Amaunator".

Now my thought is exactly what sort of memory is At'ar? The wording doesn't suggest to mean that At'ar is nothing more than an aspect of Amaunator. Unfortunately, a memory could be any number of things...BUT...given our discussion is it possible that this memory is of a previous deity of the sun? Since we know that Toril's sun has been destroyed at least once is it possible that Lathander/At'ar/Amaunator have each been the deity of the sun?

Certainly At'ar fits the roll of the Dusk Lord, as she is friendly with the god of night and the dead...and let us not forget that the hottest part of the day is typically in the afternoon as the sun is setting.

Thus: Lathander (Dawn) / Amaunator (Noon) / At'ar (Dusk)


at'ar might have been the first sun god....

if At'ar was destroyed or cast out then to some extent be why Jergal ended up with the dusk portfolio.....

why is being a wizard like being a drow? both are likely to find a dagger in the back from a rival or one looking to further his own goals, fame and power

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Magister's GAmbit
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Senior Scribe

740 Posts

Posted - 18 Mar 2014 :  15:55:33  Show Profile Send Eltheron a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ksu_bond

I wanted to throw in a possible candidate for the Dusk Lord...At'ar the Merciless (see p.27 in Faiths & Avatars under Amaunator)...
At'ar the Merciless, the Yellow Goddess, is worshiped by the Bedine "symbolizing the heat of the desert sun", and is thought to be a "spiteful and faithless woman whose fury in the full day strikes fear into the bravest hearts. She is a harlot who betrayes her lawful husband Kozah every day to sleep with N'asr, god of night and the dead." It goes on to say that she is a "twisted memory of Amaunator".

Now my thought is exactly what sort of memory is At'ar? The wording doesn't suggest to mean that At'ar is nothing more than an aspect of Amaunator. Unfortunately, a memory could be any number of things...BUT...given our discussion is it possible that this memory is of a previous deity of the sun? Since we know that Toril's sun has been destroyed at least once is it possible that Lathander/At'ar/Amaunator have each been the deity of the sun?

Certainly At'ar fits the roll of the Dusk Lord, as she is friendly with the god of night and the dead...and let us not forget that the hottest part of the day is typically in the afternoon as the sun is setting.

Thus: Lathander (Dawn) / Amaunator (Noon) / At'ar (Dusk)


There's a lot that I like about this. I'm not fond of the "twisted memory of Amaunator" thing in canon, but -

What if At'ar was the daughter of Amaunator, and a sister to Lathander? If At'ar was somehow "lost" to the gods rather than killed, Amaunator might have felt a duty to take over her duties as the Lady of Dusk and he would be both the Dusk Lord and the God of the high (noon) sun along with order, time, and so on.

The Bedine would not have necessarily known about Amaunator taking over for At'ar. Then when Amaunator died due to neglect, Lathander could have risen and similarly "watched over" his sister At'ar's portfolio and responsibilities.

The other interesting part here is about At'ar being Kozah's wife. Perhaps Kozah finally had enough of the cheating and was responsible for making At'ar disappear.

Also, Jergal might have had the dusk portfolio thrust upon him, rather than taking it willingly.

"The very best possible post-fourteenth-century Realms lets down those who love the specific, detailed social, political and magical situation, with its thousands of characters, developed over forty years, and want to learn more about it; and those who'd be open to a new one with equal depth, which there just isn't time to re-produce; and those repelled, some past the point of no return, by the bad-taste-and-plausibility gap of things done to the world when its guardianship was less careful."

Edited by - Eltheron on 18 Mar 2014 15:58:53
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Learned Scribe

New Zealand
214 Posts

Posted - 18 Mar 2014 :  18:41:09  Show Profile Send ksu_bond a Private Message  Reply with Quote
And remember that N'asr, god of night and the dead, was actually Myrkul ... so wouldn't that have meant that previously it would have been Jergal?
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Senior Scribe

740 Posts

Posted - 18 Mar 2014 :  20:36:28  Show Profile Send Eltheron a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ksu_bond

And remember that N'asr, god of night and the dead, was actually Myrkul ... so wouldn't that have meant that previously it would have been Jergal?

I didn't remember that! It could indeed have been Jergal.

Maybe Jergal (way back when) considered it a major coup to "break" the portfolio triad of Dawn-Noon-Dusk, but perhaps didn't realize that it would tie him into the rising and falling of Amaunator's aspects.

Stealing it from Amaunator might have caused the Sun god to shift into a slow "death" because Jergal had won and "arisen" as the new Dusk Lord? But in the fullness of time, dusk would not last forever so it became necessary to shed the Dusk portfolio?

Did Jergal intentionally decide to throw off his mantle (and several portfolios) in order to avoid dying himself?

And poor At'ar, where was she lost if this was the case?

"The very best possible post-fourteenth-century Realms lets down those who love the specific, detailed social, political and magical situation, with its thousands of characters, developed over forty years, and want to learn more about it; and those who'd be open to a new one with equal depth, which there just isn't time to re-produce; and those repelled, some past the point of no return, by the bad-taste-and-plausibility gap of things done to the world when its guardianship was less careful."
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Nicolai Withander
Master of Realmslore

1093 Posts

Posted - 09 Apr 2014 :  14:35:19  Show Profile Send Nicolai Withander a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

Apologies in-advance for this over-long post, but in order to explain how I have drawn my conclusions, i have to explain all the 'clues'. Please bear with me.

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Mystra has had a very hands-off approach to Larloch, so I'm not sure I can buy him being some fallen servant of Mystryl, or having worked against the Weave.

I'm also unsure where this idea came from that the Shadow Weave is half of the original Weave... If it was part of the original Weave, it never would have needed to have been created, it already would have existed. And if it was half of the original Weave, it wouldn't be weaker than the Weaver, it'd be equally strong. Lastly, if it was part of the original Weave, then it still should have been the purview of the goddess of the Weave.

Well, The Weave (in its original form) held both the Light & Darkness - the powers that Selune and Shar held.

What we've had all along in the published Realms is the Arcane Weave, just called 'The Weave' by nearly everyone, because almost no-one knew it had been 'lessened' after the fall of Netheril. At the moment Karsus snatched the power away from Mystryl, the energy itself was returned to its primal, chaotic form, because he couldn't 'hold it together' (quite literally). This is the time when I think Larloch did whatever it was that he did. Note that he is trying to CONTROL Gates, and the portal-network itself is known as The Road of Stars & Shadows.

My Conjecture:
Somehow, he was able to unspool the strands of darkness & light from one-another, and when the mantle of the weave fell upon that 'special' girl in Cormyr, and she became Mystra, no-one realized that some of the power of The Weave had already been 'leeched-off'. It probably took years - centuries even - to fully unravel the two: he was 'pulling at the loose threads', so to speak.

The Weave as we have always known it was not 'all magic' as we were lead to believe in earlier editions - this was proven in 3e. I assume Mystra must have known she was missing that half of her power, or maybe she never noticed because she wasn't the same goddess of magic as before. Like I said, it may have been an extremely gradual thing, and by the time she took note of it, it was too late... and then the ToT happened. I think the Avatar Crisis was also orchestrated by Shar (note her Black Chronology), and that she foresaw the coming of Cyric and the death of Mystra, which gave her the chance to finally sever Mystra's connection to her half of the power once-and-for-all. However, when Mystra2 was killed it set-off the Spellplague, and ALL magic ran-amok; a good deal of 'old magic' had been created back when The weave was whole, and those artifacts had connections to both sides of the power. Note that Halruaa - inheritors of Netheril - got hit the hardest: only magic containing both halves of The Weave exploded in a cataclysmic fashion. That was because the magic was 'unraveling'.

In fact, there was so much raw energy flowing around everywhere that even Lolth made a try for it (with her Demonweave).

So let us just say that there are two sides to the magic - the 'blue' side, which = life/light (and Selune's portion), and the 'shadow' side, which = darkness/death. Silver Fire is the Woven strands of both - part of the conjoined Weave which existed right up until recently (because it took Larloch and Shar around 1300 years to fully untangle the two from each other). This is why in that story where Larloch meets Elminster in The Wood Between the Worlds, he misses the 'light side' of the magic, and asks El to 'caress' him with it - he is no longer able to touch it himself. (I am assuming the light/life half of the Silver Fire is anathema to his undead state).

It also helps explain the 'thing' between Larloch and Halaster; Halaster was probably a precursor to Larloch - he had himself attempted (milenia earlier) to separate the two sides of the magic, which eventually drove him mad. Picture Shar whispering 'dark secrets' into their ears - they left themselves open to that when they delved too deep into The weave's nature: The same thing happened to Karsus (according to the 3e super-module trilogy). When Halaster learned of Larloch's treachery (eventually, and because he himself was familiar with that path of knowledge), he tried to take control of the gates himself, to keep Larloch from getting control over them (once again, the Road of Stars & Shadows, which is actually the physical representation of The Weave - a vast web (which Ed called it) of energy encasing Toril. That IS the PoL&D - the Gates are the 'nodes' where strands meet, and if you control the Gates, you control The Weave.

When Halster was 'cured' of his insanity (Shar's influenced removed, as per Elminster in Hell), he went back to his plan to stop Larloch, which in-turn would have stopped the Spellplague... but he was too late. Cyric killed Mystra and the final strands unraveled, and Halaster soul was shattered (or Sundered... much like the Weave itself, no?) Thats why the portal network disappeared in 4e - The Weave WAS the network!

You have to look at Ed's writing as one BIG story, not lots of little ones - he's been giving us pieces of the puzzle all along, and I think when he writes the final installment of The Sundering series, all the loose threads (in-setting and without) will all come together. The Weave will be restored, the Gates will reopen, 'life' will flow back into all the dark paces in the world... and we will have a renewal. Not a reboot, but a rebirth.

This is probably the most interesting thread I have read here... I also think its kind of scary if all these things are linked.

From what I have been able to gather from this and many other places, Larloch reveres the weave. Meaning that he would not do anything to destroy it. The portals that he wanted to control I have always thought of as the security in airports... a way of monitoring travel be it different creatures, divine as well as mortal. Again fitting the whole knowledge is power and the fact that information is a big part of warfare and security. Why would this be important? Well perhaps he is really hiding/protecting/ containing something that must not be gained control of. And the CIA surveillance thing he is doing with the portals is his “Echelon” system. Why... to make sure that nobody enters anywhere close so the "thing" could be endangered. What might this thing be? I for one have absolutely no clue and anything might be possible (reading this thread I'm beginning to think Ed might be a lot smarter and skilled author than I had ever imagined).

If I had to guess, I would say he was keeping a little part of Mystra essence. Like her phylactery.

I believe that everything Larloch does is a mathematically calculated action to better whatever situation he's working on. Meaning that if is working alongside Shar (which is news to me! Is/was he a shadow weave user at some point??) then he has some benevolent agenda of his own orchestrations that not even Shar might understand or know about. I have seen Larloch for a long time kind of like Severus Snape. I know that he is evil, but being very calculating and lacking empathy might simply come across as evil. Like Dr. Manhattan??? I don’t see the destabilizing actions of Shar in Larloch or the apparent actions of him. Meaning that I don’t think they are "real" allies.

The fact that Halaster was trying to stop him is an indication that Larloch might not be as "good" as we have been thinking and that he might in fact have some sort of destructive nature that might have eluded us... Especially if Elminster also thinks he has to have a talk with Larloch. Or they might just not fathom what he doing and simply fails to see the big picture. This though I find unlikely. Elminster being 1400 years old and Halaster being 5500 years old, albeit have been dormant for a long period of his 5500 years.

The FR wiki page about Larloch seems to be well documented, and (im no expert) but I see not reference to any Shar/Larloch collaboration.

Ioulaum chose another path, when he saw how fragile magic was... simply failing every time the guardian died. He saw that it was a covered title and that this would simply happen again. I see him as haven chosen exile. Ofc who knows if he's actually inventing the whole level 10+ psionics to actually restore the glory of Netherill... But I find him uninteresting.

Larloch is a puller of strings and most realms space entities are the puppets. Its apparent that Ed does not give the name Shadow King for nothing or because he thought it was cool. There’s some sort of reason for it. I might be that he is/was indeed a shadow weave user, or that he’s Shars gimp. Personally I think its because Larloch works in mysterious ways.. Always working in the shadows...

The fact that he created the Blueflame Items tells me that he’s not on Shars side either.

I also think that Larloch also want to find the “God Particle” of magic. I think he will spare no expense. I think Karsus and Ioulaum have been close, and I think that Larloch might be getting close aswell.

PS. The part about Shar whispering in Karsus’ ear to get him to create his avatar spell I think is bull poop. I would think this was part of the 4th ed Shar hype and has was no part of the original lore, so think was invented to make her even more influential… IMO that is.

PPS. ANd where is the Srinshee in this. If Ed says she is as powerful as Larloch, surely she has some greater than normal insight in the scemes of characters as Larloch, Szass Tam or Shar?

Edited by - Nicolai Withander on 09 Apr 2014 16:21:05
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