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 I'm not sure what to think of this...
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Great Reader

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  22:40:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic

Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  22:51:42  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not sure how BG DA would look on a game boy, i think it would be a step down, don't you, Arivia?

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Great Reader

2965 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  22:54:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I wouldn't know, not having played the original distribution.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  22:58:57  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, from PS2 to GBA, the graphic can only decline so....

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  23:00:00  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think it would, tought I have not played it so much.
Played it a little in my friends place, I think it sucked that you couldent make oyur own charackter.

Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun .
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  23:06:21  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah, thats why I didn't buy it......

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  23:09:56  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes, I think it is a shame fo the forgotten realms, almost more than Pool of radiance.

Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun .
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  23:13:54  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
And Pool of Radiance was REALLY REALLY BAD!!!

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  23:17:24  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes, but you could atleast make your own charackter.
But we should probablly not discuss this becouse it is of topic and you know what Alaundo thinks about that.

Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun .
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  23:21:59  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Right, right. The Staff of the Irritated Moderator +5 leaves huge bumps......

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2004 :  23:27:15  Show Profile Send Cherrn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well the GBA is capable of the same graphics as a PS1, so it shouldn't look all that bad. Besides graphics isn't everything in RPG's. The sound is the most important IMO.

Basicly BG DA is a Realms version of Diablo I and II

A wise man from Calimport once told me: "If a merchant puts sand in the flask of oil he's trying to sell you, then he isn't trying to sell you sand..."
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  00:21:58  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
From an RPG point-of-wiev the PS2 version SUCKED. The onyl thing that saved it was it's grapics, and the hudge boobs of the chicks.

Err... I mean the detailed... err.... *chokes*

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Master of Realmslore

1298 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  01:32:19  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ha, caught yourself there, hmmmm?

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  13:03:32  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okay, okay. Shure. The PS2 Version was very good, if you compare it to most other Playstation Games.

And, combined with sexy babes, and the ability to Play Drizzt Do'Urden (Even though he sucks in later game... refusing to use other weapons than Icingheat & Twinkle, the bastard) was kind of interesting.

It was a good time-killer for those times when you were pissed off at the Cowled Wizards for killing you for the 75th time, or when those Annoying Vampires leeched your entire party down to level 3 - 4, and you were out of gold.

Though... the 'last boss' was *INSANELY* easy to kill... as were all the other bosses. I actually even killed the Last boss with a nude (Oooooo) level 1 Sorceress once. And, before you ask, YES. I do have alot of spare-time.

The thinkg that actually annoyed me the most about the game was the fact that... IT DIDN'T END! We just jumped through a portal, and was told that you need t buy another game! wtf's up with *THAT*!?

I kinda felt like killing some Bioware (or whomever made the game) employee right about then.

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P

Edited by - EcThelion on 19 Jan 2004 13:08:23
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  16:25:51  Show Profile Send Cherrn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That my friend, is called a cliffhanger. It makes ya wanna play the next game to see where they ended up

A wise man from Calimport once told me: "If a merchant puts sand in the flask of oil he's trying to sell you, then he isn't trying to sell you sand..."
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  16:28:16  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I would have bought the Next game anyway (Forgotten realms all the way!).

So to me it's just annoying.

On a different Note: What's the highest char lvl avy of u have ever gotten in Dark Alliance? mine is around 36 (With Drizzt)

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Master of Realmslore

1298 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  21:03:11  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Quote by Forgotten One:

And, combined with sexy babes, and the ability to Play Drizzt Do'Urden (Even though he sucks in later game... refusing to use other weapons than Icingheat & Twinkle, the bastard) was kind of interesting.

His weapon is called Icingdeath, not icingheat.... Shadowlord chuckles heartily....

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  21:29:20  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm sorry...

*falls down to his knees, and raises his arms*

Can you fogive me, oh mighty Sage?

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P

Edited by - EcThelion on 19 Jan 2004 21:29:56
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  21:34:07  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I can, but remember that I am not a sage, I am a shadowdancer in the service of Vhaeraun. I am only knowledgable because it allows me to know my enemies better......

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  21:36:22  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well... in that case... bugger-off. I have no interest in dealing with the likes of you.

Unless... you would be willing to aid me. I am currently looking for a nice little place to call my own (I am... new to this palce), and a network of contacts to support me. Interested?

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Master of Realmslore

1298 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  21:40:04  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I am always interested in another ally, unless they follow Lolth or Eilistraee, of course......

I would be willing to support you, and maybe even show you around the keep......

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.

Edited by - Shadowlord on 19 Jan 2004 21:42:48
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  21:43:41  Show Profile  Visit EcThelion's Homepage Send EcThelion a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I follow no Diety... for the moment atleast. I have not aquired knowlege of any that I would seek the favour of.

It would be much appriecieted if you could guide me to a detailed desription of various dieties, and I shall see if any of them hold my interest.

I am startign to feel a bit vounerable... who knows what might happen if I keep refusing to worship any diety... the gods might just smite me just for the sake of it!

Ec'Thelion, formerly known as Forgotten One, now known as Ec'Thelion the Overpowered.
Currently not all that active. I'm preoccupied with Warcraft III for the moment. Bite me :P
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  21:54:06  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, I have my own website dedicated to my deity Vhaeraun. I would be honored if you would join. If the Drow God of Thievery does not interest you, perhaps other deities will....

I will answer any questions that you may have about deities, and if I am to support you I must at least know what skills you have. I'm not about to sponsor someone who is worthless.....

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  21:56:52  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes!I would recomend you to look at that side, it is very good.

Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun .
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Master of Realmslore

1298 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  21:59:04  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Glad to see you enjoy my site Ezindir.... Keep it up and you may find Zin'tril to be promoted to a darkmask.....

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  22:08:54  Show Profile Send Cherrn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What if he followed Selvetarm or Ghaunadur, then what Shadowlord ?

A wise man from Calimport once told me: "If a merchant puts sand in the flask of oil he's trying to sell you, then he isn't trying to sell you sand..."
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Ezindir the dark
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  22:10:30  Show Profile  Visit Ezindir the dark's Homepage Send Ezindir the dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Then I would be dead Cherrn, but so would he if he followed Selvetarm or Ghaunadur.

Learn about the Ways of Vhaeraun .
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  22:18:04  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If he followed The Champion of Lolth, or That Which Lurks, then I would have to arrange an untimely end for him, plain and simple...

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  22:20:08  Show Profile Send Cherrn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
How about Sharess then hmmm ? Mmmmmrauw

A wise man from Calimport once told me: "If a merchant puts sand in the flask of oil he's trying to sell you, then he isn't trying to sell you sand..."
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Master of Realmslore

1298 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  22:21:34  Show Profile  Visit Shadowlord's Homepage Send Shadowlord a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Why are all the deities you reccommend foes of Vhaeraun? Are you trying to promote unrest, Cherrn? Hmmmm?

The Chosen of Vhaeraun
"Nature is governed by certain immutable rules. By virtue of claw and fang, the lion will always triumph over the goat.Given time, the pounding of the sea will wear away the stone. And when dark elves mingle with the lighter races, the offspring invariably take after the dark parent. It is all much the same. That which is greater shall prevail. Our numbers increase steadily, both through birth and conquest. The dark elves are the dominant race, so ordained by the gods." Ka'Narlist of the Ilythiiri.
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Learned Scribe

323 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2004 :  22:23:21  Show Profile Send Cherrn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Really, Vhaeraun should be friends with Sharess, I know I would be if I was one of those gods

A wise man from Calimport once told me: "If a merchant puts sand in the flask of oil he's trying to sell you, then he isn't trying to sell you sand..."
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