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 Baldur's Gate III? Baldur's Gate remake?
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Learned Scribe

233 Posts

Posted - 16 Mar 2012 :  01:38:25  Show Profile Send Light a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition set for release in Summer 2012. Details are scarce but from what I've heard it seems like it will be a remastered (possibly remade) engine, a variety of tweaks and most probably graphical updates (whether the graphics will be made comparable to modern games, who knows? Besides the developers...).

"A true warrior needs no sword" - Thors (Vinland Saga)
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Great Reader

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Posted - 16 Mar 2012 :  03:02:34  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So, do we know if it'll be just a re-vamped, prettier verison of the game or a whole new one with different plots and so forth? Not that I wouldn't love to go through the game again with better.....everything but I'd like to see some progress done with the storyline as well.
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Learned Scribe

233 Posts

Posted - 16 Mar 2012 :  11:54:33  Show Profile Send Light a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There is going to be "new, original content". Exactly what that is or how much there is isn't known. If I was to guess I would say probably some spells, items and a few side quests here and there. After further reading into the (few) details it seems that the graphics won't be updated too much. They say it is still going to be "2D isometric". I'm not sure whether they mean 2D as in "not 3D Movie-Glasses" or whether they mean "not zoomable, rotatable camera". One thing I found interesting was that Trent Oster (he's a guy in the game company) said on Twitter "We want Baldur's Gate 3 as well. Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition is a part of the master plan."

"A true warrior needs no sword" - Thors (Vinland Saga)
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 16 Mar 2012 :  12:24:32  Show Profile  Visit varyar's Homepage Send varyar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by LightOne thing I found interesting was that Trent Oster (he's a guy in the game company) said on Twitter "We want Baldur's Gate 3 as well. Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition is a part of the master plan."

Sounds like "In other words, buy BG:EE and tell your friends to do the same so we can make BG3!" to me. I'm on board with that.

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Great Reader

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Posted - 16 Mar 2012 :  22:20:00  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I was really excited until I heard they were furthering the 2E/AD&D ruleset. Having remembered they they put out 3.5E rules for IceWind Dale 2, its harder for me to accept a (IMO) inferior ruleset. Ill probably still get it, even just to have fun every now and then, but that tid-bit bugs me now.
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Great Reader

2950 Posts

Posted - 17 Mar 2012 :  09:16:05  Show Profile Send Jorkens a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Diffan

I was really excited until I heard they were furthering the 2E/AD&D ruleset. Having remembered they they put out 3.5E rules for IceWind Dale 2, its harder for me to accept a (IMO) inferior ruleset. Ill probably still get it, even just to have fun every now and then, but that tid-bit bugs me now.

Had they used 3ed. I would have made exact the same post, including the comment about inferior ruleset. In other words these are good news to me.

Baldurs Gate was 2nd ed. and a new version should stay that way. for non rpg'ers that was how the game looked and felt and for them it would make no sense using rules for another game that they had no knowledge of. Sort of like re-releasing Neverwinter nights using the 1st ed.

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Learned Scribe

233 Posts

Posted - 17 Mar 2012 :  12:48:10  Show Profile Send Light a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jorkens

Originally posted by Diffan

I was really excited until I heard they were furthering the 2E/AD&D ruleset. Having remembered they they put out 3.5E rules for IceWind Dale 2, its harder for me to accept a (IMO) inferior ruleset. Ill probably still get it, even just to have fun every now and then, but that tid-bit bugs me now.

Had they used 3ed. I would have made exact the same post, including the comment about inferior ruleset. In other words these are good news to me.

Baldurs Gate was 2nd ed. and a new version should stay that way. for non rpg'ers that was how the game looked and felt and for them it would make no sense using rules for another game that they had no knowledge of. Sort of like re-releasing Neverwinter nights using the 1st ed.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

"A true warrior needs no sword" - Thors (Vinland Saga)
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Learned Scribe

210 Posts

Posted - 17 Mar 2012 :  16:33:38  Show Profile  Visit ZeshinX's Homepage Send ZeshinX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Diffan

I was really excited until I heard they were furthering the 2E/AD&D ruleset. Having remembered they they put out 3.5E rules for IceWind Dale 2, its harder for me to accept a (IMO) inferior ruleset. Ill probably still get it, even just to have fun every now and then, but that tid-bit bugs me now.

There is a BG1 (+ TotSC) remake being made as a fan mod for NWN2. Should be releasing in the summer as well, so there's always that option if you'd prefer BG in a newer ruleset. A link to the mod forum thread:

That might be a bit more to your liking (I plan to play that and the EE's).

"...because despite the best advice of those who know what they are talking about, other people insist on doing the most massively stupid things."
-Galen, technomage
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Lily M Green
Learned Scribe

115 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2012 :  21:30:33  Show Profile  Visit Lily M Green's Homepage Send Lily M Green a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Light

Originally posted by Lily M Green
I'm wondering if rather than a sequel it'll be an HD version like the project to transfer BGII to the DA engine, perhaps that project has become official?

Highly doubtful. Despite it looking like quite a nice mod I doubt it is of a professional standard.

Originally posted by Lily M Green
Given that there is 5E in the works and both the Baldur's Gate & Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance series' were left unfinished (and unlinked), and the events in BG:DA II (apparently) happened comparatively close to the Spellplague in the timeline, perhaps there are plans afoot to use what is probably the best known part of the Forgotten Realms franchise outside of gaming circles to introduce the option for an alternate timeline?

I most certainly hope not. I had believed that such a horrible game (in my opinion, although it did allow for some entertaining two player) was not canon. The only reason it even has "Baldur's Gate" in the title is because of licensing reasons. As far as I am concerned it is simply "Dark Alliance". It infuriates me when I am talking to my friends and mention "Baldur's Gate" to have one of them say: Yeah that was a good game. What!? You've played it awesom....wait what platform did you play it on? Oh, I played it on PS2. NO!!!!!!!

Did you think the game was horrible because of the storyline, or the playing style?

Personally I don't think it's a horrible game at all - graphically it was beautiful when I first played it & it still looks pretty good now - & it was my intro to FR. Sure the NPC interaction was somewhat limited and the gameplay fairly linear, especially in the first game but I put that down to the platform it was made for, which was even more restrictive than the PC. But the setting itself is great & there was a story left open to build on, whereas arguably the Bhaalspawn saga gets a definite conclusion in ToB, so I don't see why not.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup.

A Dark Alliance - Beyond Baldur's Gate

Edited by - Lily M Green on 19 Mar 2012 21:33:27
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Master of Realmslore

1965 Posts

Posted - 19 Mar 2012 :  22:11:36  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lily, I wanted to tell you I enjoyed your tales of the heroes from Dark Alliance very much. I had a lot of fun with those games.

edit: Are there more than the four chapters?


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

Edited by - Fellfire on 19 Mar 2012 22:28:07
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Learned Scribe

233 Posts

Posted - 20 Mar 2012 :  08:34:49  Show Profile Send Light a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lily M Green

Did you think the game was horrible because of the storyline, or the playing style?

Personally I don't think it's a horrible game at all - graphically it was beautiful when I first played it & it still looks pretty good now - & it was my intro to FR. Sure the NPC interaction was somewhat limited and the gameplay fairly linear, especially in the first game but I put that down to the platform it was made for, which was even more restrictive than the PC. But the setting itself is great & there was a story left open to build on, whereas arguably the Bhaalspawn saga gets a definite conclusion in ToB, so I don't see why not.

I get a little carried away when it comes to Dark Alliance. To be honest I enjoyed them. They were fun games for sure but in my opinion nothing special and not worthy of a sequel (despite somewhat of an unfinished plot). I can't really remember the plot (it's been quite some time) but I do remember Kharn (Kain/Kane/Khane/Khain/Khaine - I can't remember how to spell it). He was my favourite character/antagonist and if I remember correctly he never died.

Anyway most of my fury comes from the fact that it has the Baldur's Gate name stamped on it. I don't feel like it is deserving of it.

"A true warrior needs no sword" - Thors (Vinland Saga)

Edited by - Light on 20 Mar 2012 11:39:58
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Master of Realmslore

1965 Posts

Posted - 20 Mar 2012 :  15:29:59  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Fury? Wow. I did not play Baldur's Gate for PC, but I did play both Dark Alliance games and while they were somewhat repetitive hack n' slash Gauntlet-type games, I found them fun. At the time I thought the graphics were great. And while I was a little disappointed that you were unable to import characters from the first into the second, I had fun hacking the game, importing characters from one point in the game to an earlier time to drop off lewt. There followed another game which I do not remember the name of that allowed you to do all the things you were "supposed" to be able to do in the sequel.


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

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Master of Realmslore

1296 Posts

Posted - 20 Mar 2012 :  15:32:07  Show Profile Send Seravin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dark alliance mutliplayer was actually hella fun. I liked the points system on leveling and unlocking stuff. It wasn't very roleplaying oriented, but still fun.
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Master of Realmslore

1965 Posts

Posted - 20 Mar 2012 :  15:46:37  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Indeed. I still occasionally break it out when I need something mindless to do. I think I have Vhaidra up to level 38. I've never beaten it on Extreme. Still wanting to find some Flawless full-plate.


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

Edited by - Fellfire on 20 Mar 2012 15:47:34
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Learned Scribe

233 Posts

Posted - 20 Mar 2012 :  20:53:28  Show Profile Send Light a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fellfire

There followed another game which I do not remember the name of that allowed you to do all the things you were "supposed" to be able to do in the sequel.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Do you mean that there is another game like Dark Alliance that allows you to import your character from the first game to the second. If so then it is probably "Champions of Norrath". Now that game I liked. It was practically a clone of Dark Alliance except a bit newer so a bit more updated but best of all it doesn't tarnish the BG name.

"A true warrior needs no sword" - Thors (Vinland Saga)
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Master of Realmslore

1965 Posts

Posted - 20 Mar 2012 :  22:24:42  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That was probably it. I remember seeing a friend playing and being hugely turned off by the fact that 10-15 hours in they were still wielding "rusty" and "shoddy" equipment, but it looked to be a near clone of BG;DA.


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

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Lord Karsus
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Posted - 20 Mar 2012 :  22:58:17  Show Profile Send Lord Karsus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
-The only part I liked in the Dark Alliance games was playing as Drizzt for that one level in the second one. Other than that, ugh, what cruddy games. They were nice at the time, but...

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Senior Scribe

713 Posts

Posted - 21 Mar 2012 :  00:13:29  Show Profile  Visit skychrome's Homepage Send skychrome a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow, in the beginning I did not take this thread serious but this EE announcement really thrills me! No doubt I will buy that game!

For me the ideal case would be if they stuck to the 2D style by simply improving the Infinity Engine a little bit in terms of graphics in comparison to the last version (I guess that should be the one used in IWD2?).
And "new original" content may be the sidequest and storylines, that were in the BG code, but in the end did not enter the final version.

IN fact this thrills me so much as to consider it a message that the time has finally come to replace my 6 year old notebook for a new one to play the game!

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Great Reader

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Posted - 21 Mar 2012 :  00:37:19  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I playex Dark Alliance but I grew quickly bored so I cheated, beat the game with the arcane archer in his underwear just to unlock Drizzt. I then beat the game legitimately on Extreme with him, lol. Actually, its much harder with Drizzt because you can't use the special weapons and are stuck with Icingdeath and Twinkle
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Lily M Green
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 21 Mar 2012 :  20:30:45  Show Profile  Visit Lily M Green's Homepage Send Lily M Green a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh 'eck! Sorry, I didn't mean to hijack the thread with a debate about the merits (or otherwise) of Dark Alliance so I'll try to move it back to the topic at hand but, FWIW the reason I liked the games so much is that as a quite frankly crappy console gamer I could actually complete them and have a damn good time doing it. Sure they're more hack 'n' slash than RPG but I still maintain they're a good intro the FR Setting. (The fact that it wasn't populated by anime style characters was a huge plus for me too).

The reason I picked the original game up in the first place was because I'd been introduced to to the original Baldur's Gate game a few years prior by an old boyfriend who played PnP D&D (I didn't finish at the time it though, & got hooked on Heroes of Might & Magic instead as it was easier with my crappy eyesight - still have a soft spot for that too). As far as Champions of Norrath goes, you know what, the gameplay is essentially the same but I just don't love them in the same way I do Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance. Or Baldur's Gate for that matter, & on the subject of which I can't wait for the enhanced versions & what I particularly like is that they're taking care to support the myriad of fan-made mods out there, which I think shows a great deal of respect of the fans of the game who've helped to make it such an enduring classic.

Originally posted by Fellfire

Lily, I wanted to tell you I enjoyed your tales of the heroes from Dark Alliance very much. I had a lot of fun with those games.

edit: Are there more than the four chapters?

Fellfire, thanks, it's nice to know someone's enjoying it! & yes there are more chapters I'm hoping to get them posted pretty soon.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup.

A Dark Alliance - Beyond Baldur's Gate
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Learned Scribe

210 Posts

Posted - 22 Mar 2012 :  14:21:09  Show Profile  Visit ZeshinX's Homepage Send ZeshinX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hopefully we'll be getting some screenies today and some news about what platforms will be supported. :)

"...because despite the best advice of those who know what they are talking about, other people insist on doing the most massively stupid things."
-Galen, technomage
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Learned Scribe

233 Posts

Posted - 22 Mar 2012 :  19:07:44  Show Profile Send Light a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ZeshinX

Hopefully we'll be getting some screenies today and some news about what platforms will be supported. :)

Well from tweets (or whatever those things are called) supposedly screenshots are coming out very soon and supposedly by very soon they meant the week after the announcement. Which is this week...or have I totally lost track of time? They also said that "game controllers" would not be supported so I doubt a console version will be made thank god. Honestly I don't know what they are going to show in the screenshots aside from the new interface. The graphics are still going to be the same after all.

One thing I'd like to know (I thought of it as I fell asleep) is whether or not the BG2 "Kits" will now be accessible in BG1. Therefore you will be able to properly import a character across the games. Seeing as how the improved infinity engine is supposed to be very much the same as the one used in BG: TOB (or was it IWD2) I don't see why not.

"A true warrior needs no sword" - Thors (Vinland Saga)
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Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 24 Mar 2012 :  13:57:59  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So far, the only screens that were shown are the four on iPad.

However, we know from tweets that all language versions of the original BG will be supported.

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Master of Realmslore

1965 Posts

Posted - 24 Mar 2012 :  20:52:55  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lily M Green

Originally posted by Fellfire

Lily, I wanted to tell you I enjoyed your tales of the heroes from Dark Alliance very much. I had a lot of fun with those games.

edit: Are there more than the four chapters?

Fellfire, thanks, it's nice to know someone's enjoying it! & yes there are more chapters I'm hoping to get them posted pretty soon.

Please do.


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

Edited by - Fellfire on 24 Mar 2012 21:04:53
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Learned Scribe

256 Posts

Posted - 25 Mar 2012 :  17:03:06  Show Profile Send jornan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I get the impression that BG:EE might only be released on ipad.
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Master of Realmslore

1190 Posts

Posted - 25 Mar 2012 :  18:46:06  Show Profile  Visit Zireael's Homepage Send Zireael a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by jornan

I get the impression that BG:EE might only be released on ipad.

Wrong impression :P

Quote from Trent Oster's Twitter:
"@DreadGazeebo iOS is not the only platform for #bgee #baldursgate So far we've committed to PC and #iPad 1,2 and 3"

SiNafay Vrinn, the daughter of Lloth, from Ched Nasad!
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Master of Realmslore

1965 Posts

Posted - 17 Apr 2012 :  23:48:56  Show Profile Send Fellfire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lily M Green

Originally posted by Fellfire

Lily, I wanted to tell you I enjoyed your tales of the heroes from Dark Alliance very much. I had a lot of fun with those games.

edit: Are there more than the four chapters?

Fellfire, thanks, it's nice to know someone's enjoying it! & yes there are more chapters I'm hoping to get them posted pretty soon.

Any progress on these stories, Lily?


Love is a lie. Only hate endures. Light is blinding. Only in darkness do we see clearly.

"Oh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but.. blinding. The shadows betray you because they belong to me." - Bane The Dark Knight Rises

Green Dragonscale Dice Bag by Crystalsidyll - check it out

Edited by - Fellfire on 17 Apr 2012 23:49:38
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Senior Scribe

434 Posts

Posted - 20 Nov 2013 :  04:17:41  Show Profile Send Alruane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm glad there is no remake, I don't think it would be as good as the first two. They retired most of the options for a third installment.

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