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 Ed Greenwood Presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms
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Great Reader

3290 Posts

Posted - 25 Jan 2012 :  08:12:08  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Erik Scott de Bie

Originally posted by Brimstone

When will we know who worked on it?
Well, Ed Greenwood, obviously.

And how awesome will it be?

THAT awesome.


Besides Ed.

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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Learned Scribe

198 Posts

Posted - 25 Jan 2012 :  21:04:36  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Since it comes out after the 'Menzoberranzan' book and 'Elminster Enraged' I 've high hopes, that the book will be set after the events of those books and show what impact they had on the Realms. and since it's not 'Manshoon's' or 'Lolth's Forgotten Realms' I also have high hopes for our favorite wizard (and probably his goddess) coming out on top :)
Maybe it will be a campaign setting without rules? A book like 'GHotR' (which came out shortly before 4e and heralded the advent of the Spellplague) stuffed only with background-fluff, the rules coming in a companion book after 5e was released?

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Erik Scott de Bie
Forgotten Realms Author

4598 Posts

Posted - 25 Jan 2012 :  21:25:37  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Lirdolin

I also have high hopes for our favorite wizard (and probably his goddess) coming out on top :)
Well, Mystra does like it that way ... as does Elminster.

(G'night, everybody! )


Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 26 Jan 2012 :  16:33:00  Show Profile  Visit Knightfall's Homepage Send Knightfall a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The thing I noticed from the Amazon entry is that it says its a "Dungeons and Dragons" supplement, not a "4th Edition Dungeons and Dragons" supplement. That make me wonder if it will be a preview product for the Realms for 5e.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 26 Jan 2012 :  22:06:15  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Seravin

I think I'm buying this no matter what era. Although I'd be MUCH more happy if it's OGB era!

Can't wait to get my hands on this!

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
618 Posts

Posted - 27 Jan 2012 :  03:27:13  Show Profile  Visit Uzzy's Homepage Send Uzzy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Cautiously optimistic, but given that we only have a title as of yet..
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 28 Jan 2012 :  17:44:17  Show Profile  Visit Knightfall's Homepage Send Knightfall a Private Message  Reply with Quote

From Twitter: geeksdreamgirl E. Foley
#ddxp Ed Greenwood presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms. All Ed's campaign notes from his game. It's a "what if" product. Ed goes wild!

#ddxp A celebration of Forgotten Realms and letting everyone check out Ed's campaign (or copy it in your own FR game). :-)

#ddxp No exact release date for it, but sometime after the summer.
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Great Reader

3290 Posts

Posted - 28 Jan 2012 :  21:56:42  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Knightfall

From Twitter: geeksdreamgirl E. Foley
#ddxp Ed Greenwood presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms. All Ed's campaign notes from his game. It's a "what if" product. Ed goes wild!

#ddxp A celebration of Forgotten Realms and letting everyone check out Ed's campaign (or copy it in your own FR game). :-)

#ddxp No exact release date for it, but sometime after the summer.

Interesting. Thanks.

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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Great Reader

3308 Posts

Posted - 28 Jan 2012 :  23:13:52  Show Profile  Visit Faraer's Homepage Send Faraer a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Seminar Transcript - Upcoming Products for 2012:
Next we have Elminster's Forgotten Realms in Quarter 4. We basically went to Ed and said hey, why don't you take all your campaign notes, all the information you've been putting together for your FR campaign and lets compile it into a book. Show us the realms as you've developed it in your campaign setting and lets get that to everybody. It's our celebration of the Forgotten Realms and pulling back the curtain to show you what the designer of the campaign setting has done.

. . .

Is Ed's Forgotten Realms edition neutral?

It focuses on his specific campaign, so his individual stories might mention mechanics from different editions, the stories and lore should apply to all editions.

. . .

Resetting of timelines for the Realms?

I can't give a specific answer to that. We know there are things that people like and dislike about different timelines in the various settings. If there's information that's part of the canon, it still happened. We won't tell people in what time period to play in.
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Learned Scribe

148 Posts

Posted - 28 Jan 2012 :  23:14:10  Show Profile  Visit Knightfall's Homepage Send Knightfall a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Brimstone

Originally posted by Knightfall

From Twitter: geeksdreamgirl E. Foley
#ddxp Ed Greenwood presents Elminster's Forgotten Realms. All Ed's campaign notes from his game. It's a "what if" product. Ed goes wild!

#ddxp A celebration of Forgotten Realms and letting everyone check out Ed's campaign (or copy it in your own FR game). :-)

#ddxp No exact release date for it, but sometime after the summer.

Interesting. Thanks.

Here's a bit more from the EN World seminar transcript..

Seminar Transcript - Upcoming Products for 2012
Next we have Elminster's Forgotten Realms in Quarter 4. We basically went to Ed and said hey, why don't you take all your campaign notes, all the information you've been putting together for your FR campaign and lets compile it into a book. Show us the realms as you've developed it in your campaign setting and lets get that to everybody. It's our celebration of the Forgotten Realms and pulling back the curtain to show you what the designer of the campaign setting has done.

Is Ed's Forgotten Realms edition neutral?

It focuses on his specific campaign, so his individual stories might mention mechanics from different editions, the stories and lore should apply to all editions.


Edited by - Knightfall on 28 Jan 2012 23:16:44
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Learned Scribe

148 Posts

Posted - 28 Jan 2012 :  23:20:08  Show Profile  Visit Knightfall's Homepage Send Knightfall a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A video from the DDXP product seminar...
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Senior Scribe

408 Posts

Posted - 29 Jan 2012 :  06:39:43  Show Profile Send Derulbaskul a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is great news! I can't wait to see this.

(BTW, doesn't the existence of multiple threads on this topic suggest that it is well past time that these forums were re-designed. There are simply too many boards that overlap in terms of the topics covered.)


NB: Please remember: A cannon is a big gun. Canon is what we discuss here.
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
317 Posts

Posted - 29 Jan 2012 :  11:40:16  Show Profile Send arry a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is something I've been wanting to see for a very long time
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Senior Scribe

527 Posts

Posted - 29 Jan 2012 :  15:41:13  Show Profile Send GRYPHON a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Looks interesting...
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 29 Jan 2012 :  17:00:31  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Derulbaskul

(BTW, doesn't the existence of multiple threads on this topic suggest that it is well past time that these forums were re-designed. There are simply too many boards that overlap in terms of the topics covered.)

Not really. It's more a thing of people just not looking for prior scrolls on the same topic -- or those prior scrolls having names that aren't as descriptive as could be desired.

That said, there is a redesign being discussed.

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Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 29 Jan 2012 :  17:56:08  Show Profile Send Mumadar Ibn Huzal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Knightfall

A video from the DDXP product seminar...

This sounds like the Forgotten Realms is becoming the generic D&D world? Not sure what to make of that...
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 29 Jan 2012 :  18:44:33  Show Profile  Visit Knightfall's Homepage Send Knightfall a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mumadar Ibn Huzal

Originally posted by Knightfall

A video from the DDXP product seminar...

This sounds like the Forgotten Realms is becoming the generic D&D world? Not sure what to make of that...

While WotC has stated that the Forgotten Realms will be supported from the start, they haven't said it will be the core world. In fact, the information I've read makes it sound like they want to support all the settings in some form. Thus, I doubt they will build the new game as if the Realms is the default world. More likely, there won't be a named "generic" world.

Just my thoughts...
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Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 29 Jan 2012 :  18:51:04  Show Profile Send Mumadar Ibn Huzal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Have a look at the linked video. It's WoTC folks talking and presenting on the future of D&D... to me that looks a lot like FR is the new D&D generic world. That's how they talk about it. No print products on Dark Sun, nothing sure on Ravenloft, Greyhawk. Eberron is not even mentioned...
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Learned Scribe

198 Posts

Posted - 30 Jan 2012 :  15:53:13  Show Profile  Visit Lirdolin's Homepage Send Lirdolin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I could imagine that they are following Pathfinder's lead and skip worlds and pantheons in their corebook (the Pathfinder Corebook has no pantheon or description of Golarion) and the Realms will probably become their prime world like Golarion is for Pathfinder.
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Master of Realmslore

1287 Posts

Posted - 02 Feb 2012 :  22:49:26  Show Profile Send Mournblade a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Rafael

Wow, I haven't been here in AGES!

If you see a gentleman called "The Sage", give him my best regards! :)

Judging from the earlier releases for FR... Could it be an update of Elminster's Ecologies to 4e?

It didn't feel so much as if people at Wizbro were interested - or allowed - to do "Old" Realms.

That was before they realized they made a mistake with the 4e realms and 4e in general. I think they are changing their tune now. I am willing to give them a chance provided most of the 4e plague is excised.

A wizard is Never late Frodo Baggins. Nor is he Early. A wizard arrives precisely when he means to...
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Master of Realmslore

1446 Posts

Posted - 03 Feb 2012 :  00:32:42  Show Profile Send Eilserus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I seriously hope WotC takes a page from Paizo and the Pathfinder people and SALARY some of their designers. I honestly think the quality of their products would greatly increase if they were paying a guy or gal a decent wage to work on it as opposed to freelance, which always makes me think of the starving artist scenario. Freelance may work or have worked in the past, but WotC's execs should be analyzing how Paizo does business and seek to emulate their best practices.
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1073 Posts

Posted - 03 Feb 2012 :  00:34:55  Show Profile  Visit crazedventurers's Homepage Send crazedventurers a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I will be buying this unseen the first chance I get. I can't fathom out why any Realms fan would not want to buy an Ed special on the 'home campaign'? It will be chock full of info that will be easily transferable to any period of the Realms and any edition of the rules set.

Am eagly waiting the announcement of book 2 to follow in January 2013 and then the rest of the 750 volume series at regular weekly intervals after that



So saith Ed. I've never said he was sane, have I?
Gods, all this writing and he's running a constant fantasy version of Coronation Street in his head, too. .
love to all,
Candlekeep Forum 7 May 2005
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Dark Wizard
Senior Scribe

830 Posts

Posted - 03 Feb 2012 :  00:56:42  Show Profile Send Dark Wizard a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I thought the majority of Paizo's contributors and designers are freelancer. Even books written by one of their in house designers has significant portions (monsters, encounters, mechanics) coming in from freelancers.


Believe me, I WANT to buy Ed's book sight unseen. If it were Ed himself putting this out or perhaps a select number of other companies, I would preorder it this very minute.

However, this is WotC we're talking about here. I did the sight unseen thing with the Grand History and was greeted by the (disagreeable to me) last page summarizing the advent of the Spellplague. I felt that didn't go over so well, so no more purchases without looking at the book or at least reading reviews.

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Master of Realmslore

1446 Posts

Posted - 03 Feb 2012 :  01:11:40  Show Profile Send Eilserus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Perhaps it's just their adventure paths, but I read a post by one of the designers stating their flagship product has salaried folks working on it. Then again maybe it's freelance products refined by a salaried team. I don't spend much time at the Paizo boards, I'll have to look and see if there's more clarification of this.
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
317 Posts

Posted - 03 Feb 2012 :  11:57:44  Show Profile Send arry a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dark Wizard


Believe me, I WANT to buy Ed's book sight unseen. If it were Ed himself putting this out or perhaps a select number of other companies, I would preorder it this very minute.

However, this is WotC we're talking about here. I did the sight unseen thing with the Grand History and was greeted by the (disagreeable to me) last page summarizing the advent of the Spellplague. I felt that didn't go over so well, so no more purchases without looking at the book or at least reading reviews.

Likewise. I just hope it won't be edited to 'conform to corporate goals'

Edited by - arry on 03 Feb 2012 11:59:31
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Jeremy Grenemyer
Great Reader

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Posted - 03 Feb 2012 :  21:09:25  Show Profile Send Jeremy Grenemyer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't think there's ever been a time in my experience as a fan of the Forgotten Realms where I've looked at the totality of Realmslore with an eye of acceptance.

There are novels I won't read, parts of the Realms I just don't care about (Mulhorand, Unther, Chessenta; I'm looking at you) and things about the setting I ignore for my Realms campaigns. My personal "view" of what the Realms "is" takes this discriminating view into account too.

The idea that I'm not going to be satisfied all the time is something I've had for years. It's not new. This idea doesn't bother me because most of the time I am satisfied with the Realms products I get.

Things like price point, presentation, layout and style matter. If I'm happy with those, I'm not going to worry whether the book is only 80% satisfying to me or not. I'm a big boy. I can live with a little disappointment.

Look for me and my content at EN World (user name: sanishiver).

Edited by - Jeremy Grenemyer on 03 Feb 2012 21:09:56
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Learned Scribe

148 Posts

Posted - 03 Feb 2012 :  21:53:14  Show Profile  Visit Knightfall's Homepage Send Knightfall a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The thing that I keep wondering about this book is how it will affect FR fans' perceptions about what is considered canon and what isn't. Will this look into his game immediately change how some of us view the Forgotten Realms?

We already know that Ed's campaign is not the FR that was originally published. But how close was it to the origins of the published setting? Will there be adventure sites that we've never heard of? Will the powerhouse characters of his campaign be alive or be dead? Which power groups have risen to great heights? Or fallen from grace?

And which events from the published setting became part of his home campaign?
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Dark Wizard
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 03 Feb 2012 :  23:00:56  Show Profile Send Dark Wizard a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jeremy Grenemyer

I don't think there's ever been a time in my experience as a fan of the Forgotten Realms where I've looked at the totality of Realmslore with an eye of acceptance.

There are novels I won't read, parts of the Realms I just don't care about (Mulhorand, Unther, Chessenta; I'm looking at you) and things about the setting I ignore for my Realms campaigns. My personal "view" of what the Realms "is" takes this discriminating view into account too.

The idea that I'm not going to be satisfied all the time is something I've had for years. It's not new. This idea doesn't bother me because most of the time I am satisfied with the Realms products I get.

Things like price point, presentation, layout and style matter. If I'm happy with those, I'm not going to worry whether the book is only 80% satisfying to me or not. I'm a big boy. I can live with a little disappointment.

Well, big boy, let's hope it's not only 79% agreeable.

I liked the Grand History, but it does represent the point where I stopped buying Realms product even for the portion I might use. Due to the distance in time and tone the balance shifted closer to 50/50 (optimistically) with the new setting. Kind of hard to justify paying full price for half a book, especially as I'm not even curious about Spellplague stuff.

We'll see what happens with Ed's book when it comes out.

Edited by - Dark Wizard on 03 Feb 2012 23:01:42
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 10 Feb 2012 :  01:36:20  Show Profile Send Thieran a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Fantastic news!
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Great Reader

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Posted - 10 Feb 2012 :  03:54:19  Show Profile Send Jakk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dark Wizard

I liked the Grand History, but it does represent the point where I stopped buying Realms product even for the portion I might use. Due to the distance in time and tone the balance shifted closer to 50/50 (optimistically) with the new setting. Kind of hard to justify paying full price for half a book, especially as I'm not even curious about Spellplague stuff.

We'll see what happens with Ed's book when it comes out.

The first paragraph was and is definitely true for me as well. That being said, if the new book really is Ed's Realms (and I've heard nothing to suggest otherwise), I'm absolutely ready to preorder. But, because I have been burned before, I'll be awaiting word from Ed regarding the content vetting process for this one. Still, I'm hopeful that WotC has learned that it made a mistake with 4E in telling us, instead of asking us, what we wanted.

Playing in the Realms since the Old Grey Box (1987)... and *still* having fun with material published before 2008, despite the NDA'd lore.

If it's comparable in power with non-magical abilities, it's not magic.
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