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15 Posts |
Posted - 11 Aug 2002 : 20:39:39
I finished game (1 and 2) and now I want to know how this look in Realms timeline?
Is there new god of murder?
Learned Scribe
169 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 06:40:17
i believe that the games have no real bearing on "canon" for the forgotten realms...i think thats y the novels differed so much from the game.
Lord Rad
Great Reader
United Kingdom
2080 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 11:35:00
Ive not really heard any good comments about the Baldurs Gate novels! Are they really not worth reading? Do the three novels have any continuity and feature the same characters or are they completely stand-alone?

78 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 11:44:56
Yes, the three BG novels are a trilogy and I dont think they are worth reading, but you can atleast give them a chance by reading the first one.
With each post i grow wiser and with added wisdom I grow stronger. |
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
327 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2002 : 21:54:33
Each to there own but I always found the books a very good read, if your looking for a good ook try the sylmarion y J.R.R. Tolkine
Daveron: My name is Daveron, I would ask yours but I don't care to become aquainted with the dead.
BG1. |
Strahd Von Zarovich
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
135 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2002 : 21:54:49
While we are on the subject of Baldurs Gate, has anyone played the excellent Baldurs Gate:Dark Alliance on the PS2?
Man that is a boootiful piece of gaming, not so much an RPG as the previous games, more of a cross between Gauntlet and Diablo. But hey the water FX are great!!
If you have an X-Box look out for this title, as it supposed to have improved GFX and also more levels. A definite buy for you gamers and Realms fan out there.
Any comments squire?
11 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2002 : 18:17:43
I must say that I agree. havng playedthe X-Box game, Ifound it rivaled the computer games, and that the gameplay style is somewhat more interesting and fast paced that the hither to traditional RPG styles. While we are discussing BAldur's Gate, I must admit I need a tid bit of help. Eventhough I've beaten the game, I know that there is much more to do in the game than abide by the some what linear story line. What I neeed help with is the Romance. I on't understand anything beyond say the nice things, but in one case, Viconia's, and in my mind the best instance, this does not seem to work. Please Help!
Oh what madness this mustt be, Am I the only one who can clearly see The true and utter beauty of the insanity In which the world is ruled by the dominant race called humanity |
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
327 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2002 : 20:25:16
Have any of you tried Dungeon seige, it's great definatly worth a look in to
Daveron: My name is Daveron, I would ask yours but I don't care to become aquainted with the dead.
BG1. |
Strahd Von Zarovich
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
135 Posts |
Posted - 28 Aug 2002 : 22:16:59
Aye I have played Dungeon Siege, but it does not hold my attention for as long as NWN did. Still it was a pretty decent alternative, and good online play.
Still think that NWN with all its Mods coming out is more of a game.
"I am the Ancient, I am the Land" |

78 Posts |
Posted - 29 Aug 2002 : 13:58:00
Has anyone tried Icewind dale 2 yet? I think it was released yeserday.
With each post i grow wiser and with added wisdom I grow stronger. |
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
327 Posts |
Posted - 29 Aug 2002 : 22:35:15
No but I think NWN is great, ive just completed it
Daveron: My name is Daveron, I would ask yours but I don't care to become aquainted with the dead.
BG1. |

78 Posts |
Posted - 30 Aug 2002 : 13:35:21
I played NWN for awhile, but quit after I got to chapter 2. I think it was boring and repeating. I have higher hopes for IWD2.
With each post i grow wiser and with added wisdom I grow stronger. |
Strahd Von Zarovich
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
135 Posts |
Posted - 30 Aug 2002 : 14:01:20
I wouldn't get your hopes up too much for Icewind Dale 2, if you thought you got bored of NWN.
IWD2 uses the more basic engine found in some of the earlier games and not the new mega cool all singin' all dancin' 3D engine. So some of you out there may be a tad dissapointed. Still if it has a good story then it might hold our interests.
I still need to get a copy of Pool of Radiance and play it!
The Curator
"I am the Ancient, I am the Land" |
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
327 Posts |
Posted - 30 Aug 2002 : 14:14:03
You can't quit at chapter 2, you havent even got to luskan yet, when you get two chapter 3 you'll love it, you get shronken to the size of an ant, go back in time and much more, the things its not are boaring and repetative
Daveron: My name is Daveron, I would ask yours but I don't care to become aquainted with the dead.
BG1. |

78 Posts |
Posted - 30 Aug 2002 : 23:48:10
I have played and finished BG1 + exp, BG2 + exp, icewind dale + exp and I just love the infinity engine that they use. I don't think I will be disappointed.
And...don't even bother with the new pool of radiance game.
With each post i grow wiser and with added wisdom I grow stronger. |
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
327 Posts |
Posted - 01 Sep 2002 : 13:08:03
NWN Is one of the best games I have ever played, but I do miss some parts from the other games.
Daveron: My name is Daveron, I would ask yours but I don't care to become aquainted with the dead.
BG1. |
11 Posts |
Posted - 02 Sep 2002 : 18:24:11
Having been an extremely large fan of the Baldur's Gate series (inded, it is what renewed my interest in D&D), I have noticed one major, and somewhat interesting difference between Baldur's GAte and NWN. What made Baldur's GAte so appealing, was that right from the start, you knew there was something special about the player character though you didn't immediately know what. half the fun of the first game was not just mindless gore, but rather following the storyand discovering what made your character special, better than others in the realm (unless of course you had an annoying friend who ruined the story for you). with never winter nights, alright, you got a request from aribeth to join the academy, woo-hoo, but tht just seems stupid seeing as you start out as a level one character. there may be more to it than im seeing, i'm only in chapter 1 (if i didnt mention it earlier, i proudly count myself among the gaming challenged) so there may still be something i havent found out (like say the main character is really Aribeth's and Desther's love child? j/k)
Oh what madness this mustt be, Am I the only one who can clearly see The true and utter beauty of the insanity In which the world is ruled by the dominant race called humanity |
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
327 Posts |
Posted - 02 Sep 2002 : 19:09:58
When I mentioned differences I realy ment things like not being able to controle PCs like Boddyknock or Dalen and other small datails.
anyway, who have you chosen as your companion, mine was Tomi.
Daveron: My name is Daveron, I would ask yours but I don't care to become aquainted with the dead.
BG1. |
11 Posts |
Posted - 04 Sep 2002 : 01:19:34
I chose to be aa mage, so i figured for a henchman i'd need someone strong and cmopetent in a fight to account for my lack of strength. as a result I chose Daelin Red Tiger, and though i dont regret it, i cant help but fear that due to the fact that i cant open every door and chest (as i could have if id chosen a tief like Tomi)i fear im missing the best item in the game
Oh what madness this mustt be, Am I the only one who can clearly see The true and utter beauty of the insanity In which the world is ruled by the dominant race called humanity |
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
327 Posts |
Posted - 04 Sep 2002 : 09:33:43
you don't need tomi to open chests, just bash, or get profficencies in open lock, the only reason I keep him is for detecting & disarming traps. I only had him in my first game, I was a Half elf ranger.
in my second I had grimnaw, I was a dwarf mage, the two great Dwarves, rings a tear to my eye.
Daveron: My name is Daveron, I would ask yours but I don't care to become aquainted with the dead.
BG1. |

78 Posts |
Posted - 04 Sep 2002 : 15:16:37
One of the most annoying things in NWN are the chests. You find them everywhere and you just have to open everyone and never find anything good. In the BG games, chests were something special, in NWN you find them everywhere.
With each post i grow wiser and with added wisdom I grow stronger. |
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
327 Posts |
Posted - 04 Sep 2002 : 15:49:30
I've always found somthing good it chests, well it's allways better than nothing.
Daveron: My name is Daveron, I would ask yours but I don't care to become aquainted with the dead.
BG1. |
United Kingdom
5 Posts |
Posted - 09 Sep 2002 : 10:42:30
Chests: Yep, far too many in the official NWN campaign. But too few in most of the modules. Give it time and there'll be more good mods out there, at the moment far too many of the mods are just hack and slash with little thought for plot or placing treasure.
Henchmen: I always choose Daelan. The AI sucks big-time and it's harder to go wrong with a henchman who is just supposed to hit things. However, have people checked out the henchman improvement by Pausanius. If not I strongly advise it. Makes the henchmen act more intelligently and also lets you give them items.
Main thing about NWN for me: Allowing someone to DM a group and almost play D&D over the net. OK you need to manually handle swim, climb etc, but with a real DM this is the closest we have been able to come to real RPG on computers so far IMHO.
Baldur's Gate has a much better adventure. But IMHO NWN's official campaign is irrelevant. We can now create any adventures we want ( providing we have an online DM to handle the things Bioware missed out ).
Learned Scribe
United Kingdom
327 Posts |
Posted - 09 Sep 2002 : 21:00:47
HACk AND SLASH, HACK AND SLASH if you want a quest play the main game, if not HACK AND SLASH, HACK AND SLASH. |
My name is Tiax, I would ask yours but I don't care to become aquainted with the dead.
Drummer Boy
Senior Scribe
395 Posts |
Posted - 19 Oct 2002 : 03:55:10
quote: Originally posted by Ebola
I finished game (1 and 2) and now I want to know how this look in Realms timeline?
Is there new god of murder?
According to Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal, Abdel Adrian (the character you start out with in the game)is the last of the Bhaalspawn to survive and is given the oppurtunity to inherit the throne of Lord of Murder and God of Assassins. However, he rejects the offer and the divine essence of Bhaal is spread throughout Faerun. In a short answer: No, there is not a new God of Murder. |
Drummer Boy
Senior Scribe
395 Posts |
Posted - 21 Oct 2002 : 04:16:27
My name is DRUMMERBOY, not drummerbot. |
Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore
1338 Posts |
Posted - 24 Oct 2002 : 09:18:28
quote: Originally posted by Rad
Ahhh so thats where Tiax originates! I find CRPG's to be a problem with Realmslore as the information contained in the game isnt readily available unless you have played the game to the end. There may be many major characters in the game which arent known about to non-CRPG players. Id like to think of CRPG characters and events as "canon" but I guess as i usually get bored of them after a few hours of play, it will always be an area of Realmslore that i will know nothing about.
I agree with you about the Realmslore aspect. I've played the BG1 game + the TotSC extension till the end, and the only interesting bits were references to existing Lore of which I didn't have the source material at the time. I personally don't use any of the game's story or characters (other then those excisting prior to the game) as 'canon'. The only use I've made of the game is using some visual aspects of spellcasting in my games. |
Senior Scribe
434 Posts |
Posted - 24 Nov 2013 : 08:32:42
I do believe Bhaal is returning. |
" I wonder if you are destined to be forgotten. Will your life fade in the shadow of greater beings?" ~Joneleth Irenicus
"Wisdom? My dear boy, wisdom is knowing that you do not know everything. Wisdom is realizing, a wise man ALWAYS has questions. Not answers."
~Alruane |
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