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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 16 Sep 2003 :  10:18:42  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
This is a thread that I have created in order to carry on the discussion Cardinal Deimos, Arivia, and I started in the How many other planes connect to the Realms scroll.

Here's a recap of what I was looking for -
Basically, what I am looking for is a way (and within reason) to establish portal connections between Faerun and the Far Realm. I believe that the stone keep Xaxox may be of some use in this.


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Edited by - The Sage on 18 Nov 2003 08:32:37

Great Reader

2965 Posts

Posted - 16 Sep 2003 :  10:52:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here is the first scroll, for those reading this later:

If anyone's wondering, the Far Realm is discussed in the 3rd. ed. Manual of the Planes, pg. 211-213. The alienist prestige class(from Tome and Blood) and the uvuudaum and pseudonatural creature template from the Epic Level Handbook also deal with the Far Realm. The kaorti from the Fiend Folio hail from the Far Realm.

Edited by - Arivia on 17 Sep 2003 11:32:27
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 16 Sep 2003 :  16:35:27  Show Profile  Visit Cyric's Homepage Send Cyric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Could some one explain what these far realms are after what i have reade they are the ancient home world of the elfes or somthing like that ?????
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The Cardinal
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Posted - 16 Sep 2003 :  17:51:32  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Far realms, Friend Cyric, are the realms that exist OUTSIDE the planes. A place were logic and reason have no foundations and no head ( sometime literally). There are rumors that a connection can befound in the dreamscape. I use the Manual of the Planes as my guide on my trek. In theory the.... THINGS of the Far Realms require NO logic whatsoever to... 'live'. They need not be consious nor sentient, nor both. Eyes, mouths, the very laws of physics and physiology do not apply. * Grins maniacally* It is a realm where Chaos reigns but it has no concept of what it is. (*OOC*Beasts from the Game known as Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem are awesome examples of this. Hook-like teeth for eyelashes, no mouths, no internal organs..) Things that defiy all reasoning thrive there. For Exsample Xaxox ( the name should be a dead giveaway) is run by a VERY ancient yet not aged elf known as... * Opens his jeweled tome* Right Daruth, whose "brain is now full of spiders, Literally". No need to question for that is a LUCKY side effect for him ( Sould be worse... believe me). The Far Realms also Exist outside the time stream, "it exists before and after time's reign". Thus Daruth has never really aged. You could travel to the far realms and if your lucky enough to survive, return at any time you wish... although controlling it is another matter entirely.
The traits of the far realms are as follows:
"Note taken from MotP"
No Gravity: Entities float in a dark nothingness, the only type of movement is between layers which only requires thought,
Flowing time: A minute in the far realms = no time in the material, as I quoted before it exists before or after time's reign, if words like before and after have any meaning there at all.
Infinite size: Has infinite layers although layers are finite and rage anywhere from an inch to a mile thick,
Highly morphic: Layers continually evaporate, divide, spawn, and breathe and the behest of the alien entities that drift through them,
Sporatic elemental and energy traits: in other words, nothing is constant, any given layer can burst into flame and gain a fire dominant trait ( like plane of fire). Changes can be seen like a storm moving from layer to layer. so if not immune to what's coming, like the natives of it, move to another 'safer' layer.
No alignment trait: has nothing to do with morals and ethics
Wild magic: DC 15+spell level or suffer wild magic effects
and my personal Fav: Maddening: Moving through the far realms is to see think and hear in a way mortal ( and perhaps even deitific) brains were not designed for. Thus you could sprout eyes on your palms, grow unknown lumps, experience thousands of diffrent childhoods all at once, begin speaking backwards, backwards speaking begin, Also, entry into the far realms requires a will save DC20 or suffer the effects of an insanity spell, an additional saving throw must be made every Far Realm 'hour' after there.
.ecalp taerg a si ti ees uoy oS

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.
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The Cardinal
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Posted - 16 Sep 2003 :  18:10:48  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Now for theory, Sage my own investigations have concluded that a likely place would be to attempt to use the Dreamscape ( as dreams already border reality as it is). the True Dreamheart past the portal of sleep could be a veritable door, but dangerous as the Dreamheart is a Tempest that deals 25 points of damage each round ( 5 from the major spell food groups, Cold, Fire, Acid, Sonic, and Electicity) The Eye of this dreamstorm hold things unknown, from meeting deities, long dead/lost loved ones, to personal power or insight.
There are other avenues, I believe the Observatorium, as it has portals to every aspect of everything, as it is a plane used for observing a multitude of worlds. Using Xaxox though is almost a must though, for it is easier to open a portal when it is being worked upon at both ends.
There is also a device I have heard of... that should be able to tear a hole in the very fabiric of reality. Some may recognize the name but not the reason for it's splintering and sealment. This device was known as the Rift device and while powerful in it's own right, I believe that it should ( if fully powered) have been or is able to rip reality *smirks* 'another one'.

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.
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The Cardinal
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Posted - 16 Sep 2003 :  18:35:37  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sorry I'm trying to limit my area covered after the Far Realms explination ( a realm that, as said tests physics, logic, and time to which all three fail, I believe I pulled it off... well logical to me, but I'm already insane)
Of course.. there are several areas that May be prep'd and ready for a portal to be created. Karsus, Good ol' Karsus, a mage of UNRIVALED power, as he alone found the spell to tear divinity away from an undeserving deity. True it was for an instant, however his abode may hold clues to such power as opening a portal to the far realm ( you never know, them mages always uncover things they don't need when looking for something... Halaster's law I guess). you need only brave an archelogical dig, Shades, Zhents, wandering monsters, whatever lurks below the sands, and worst and most deadly of all the historical Taxes.

A Tilverton is also a promising candiate as it already has powerful magics being woven into it. It merely requires the right Catalist. Experiments with Chaos Beasts and Illithids proved fruitful.

Farsea Marshes are also on my list whatever lies in there predates the elves.. perhaps the creator races may have a hand in what you seek. I, Deimos, intend to move out of this frigid north ( as Auril has a firm place now in my dreadful hamlet) and make my home withing the nice warm Farsea Marshes. Of course... there's always what lurks... within the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar. An unknown presence lurks within or so says Brimbelve Gabror, prehaps a resting place of a great and vast Far Realm creature. Powerful as the deities themselves, perhaps a prisoner, perhaps a world manipulator much like the Mages-Regal. With the Backing of the Iron Throne we shall Brave The shade and take all that was once Karsus' including his pantaloons! We shall plume the depths of Farsea Marshes and gain pieces of the Rift Device that the Deities so feared. Using Tilverton as a catalist we shall forge it the Device anew, charging it to full capacity! And within the depths of The Eveningstar Halls we shall bow before the great ancient after pleasing it with Illithids and Chaos beasts use the the device to open a portal to the dream heart to make contact with Daruth and using the link connect Xaxox like a great gate to the material world to allow the insanity to run FREE!! MWA HA AHA AHAH AHAHAHA*hack cough* I mean... we'll further the cause of knowledge and... stuff...
* gets off soapbox he didn't know he was standing...*
Sorry got caught up in the moment umm except with my rant many theories, and if including rant a veritable campaign that unknowning and clueless PCs can be lead into... or trying to stop... if your 'good'.

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.
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The Cardinal
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Posted - 16 Sep 2003 :  18:50:24  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ok one more then I PROMISE to be quiet... for a time,
mostly this is to appologize for my long windedness.... is that even a word?.... sorry, I tend to ramble when I get on a topic that intrests me... I just like to see all my bases more or less covered. The rift device is an item from BG2 that SHOULD have done what is suggested, I recomment reading a few walkthroughs, or playing a bit of Eternal Darkness Sanity's Requiem as the Ancient idea is derived from there ( THE AWESOMEST GAMECUBE GAME OUT THERE!!! yes I am a Gamer for life..)
Winding down, I am influenced by MANY things so whether the idea is original or not I don't know, ( personally think everything's been done at least once) nor will I try to claim it as such. Best assume that I've been influcenced by something. If I do mention something though please be sure to point it out to me, but I try not to claim anything (Hint: Plausable denyibilty). Second... I tend to.. drift from opinion to opinion, time to time so be forewarned. I NEVER intend to offend but I tend to come off that way ( perhaps on some levels I plan to, who knows..) Anyways, Sorry for blabing so much... In my defence I just got off a graveyard shift at my job so... lack of might also be an influence. So, those of you wishing to contribute more by all means, for those wishing to ridicule, flame or mock me ( i'm used to it), you may direct yourselves to my lovely garden I have begun to grow in candlekeeps's grounds outside the inn...
See you all later after some sleep... Look at all the pretty flowers.. WWWHHHHEEEE!!!!!
* Dances off somewhere*

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.

Edited by - The Cardinal on 16 Sep 2003 18:52:43
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 17 Sep 2003 :  07:01:41  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is very good so far Cardinal. I don't have access to my gaming materials at the moment, so the snippet of information that I have been thinking about will obviously have problems, and may be a little 'too far fetched', even for the Far Realms. But I am using an idea that several members (myself included) of the PS Mailing List generated some years ago.

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Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 17 Sep 2003 :  07:05:34  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote would help if I actually posted what I had wanted to talk about.

Remember this is only an quick idea whipped up between the debugging of two very large databases. Accuracy and D&D mechanic issues will no doubt be violated in this.

Most of this material is based on Daruth Winterwood, and several other fan-created topics created for the PS setting. I will be posting a more in depth discussion of this when I have more time.

- conducts early experiments into the nature of the Far Realms
- manages to open a small temporary portal to the Far Realms, visits the plane for several hours
- before leaving, Winterwood manages to obtain a small sample of a recently dead PSN creature
- returns to faerun, studys the makeup of the sample he obtained
- discovers the basics of the secrets of the chaotic power that runs through the Far Realms
- learns about the effects this power has on creatures from other planes...the absolutely chaotic 'anything is possible/complete and utter insanity' nature of the Far Realms
- first formulate plan to create a permanent portal between the two realms
- after harnessing a small portion of the slowly decaying essence of the chaotic nature of the sample, Winterwood secures the energy into a specially-crafted spell-vial
- tests and studys the effects the application of the essence has on test animals
- test animals become 'tainted' by the power of the Far Realms
- combines the essence of the 'taint' with a modified portal spell
* the gap here indicates the necessity for more information between these two periods
- plans eventual return to faerun, and the formation of a permanent link between Faerun and the Realms
- at the height of the Crown Wars, the portal to the Far Realm is opened
- before entering, Winterwood summons forth a pseudonatural creature
- creature, upon entering Faerun assumes the form of a vampire
- Winterwood takes the creature to his laboratory where he performs a number of 'magical modifications' upon the creature
- creature is 'tainted' with the result of Winterwood's experiment
- informs the creature that the next time he contacts him, from the Far Realm, the creature is to go out and target a powerful wizard, for use as an experiment
- time passes, no message from Winterwood is sent
- the effects of the Far Realms slowly begin to erode Winterwood's mind
- on a whim, Winterwood remembers his reason for originally summoning the PSN creature. Sends message to the creature on Faerun
- creature spends many months traveling Faerun in order to search for the 'perfect' target
- creature finds his target, informs Winterwood
- Winterwood tells the creature to attack the mage, and be sure to bite him, as that will begin the 'experiment'
- the creature dies shortly after the attack, having delievered the 'taint' he was carrying, to his victim
- victim at first recovers from the attack, noticing only minor effects from the 'vampire's' bite
- months pass, and the victim begins to notice physical changes to his body, and his mind becomes 'cloudly'
- victim's essence is changed, to conform to the chaotic and maddening powers of the Far Realms
- victim is transformed into a living portal to the Far Realms

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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The Cardinal
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 17 Sep 2003 :  07:30:21  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ok, I back and have reasonable control of my mind.
Anyways, Idea that has been... kicking around in my noggin' is that You mentioned that there is a gap between the taint/portal cross and the planning for the permanent portal. Truth be known the Living Portal is an exemplar Idea ( and encompasses the nature of the far realms). I am unsure though of what further information you need to be filled here. Several of the test animals could have escaped during this time hhmmm sorry I haven't the time to finish my thought but I will later.. plus I'll have a new idea maybe after doing some research, the secret though is obviously in the sands...

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.
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Posted - 17 Sep 2003 :  11:31:12  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The only possible thing I can think of to fill the space would be some conflict between Daruth and the other denizens of the Far Realms. The living portal is a very good idea, Sage.
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The Cardinal
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Posted - 17 Sep 2003 :  17:08:24  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
After several hours of looking up, plotting, schemeing, and sifting through junk I have come up with a rather pleasing plot to open a portal to the far realms and best of all not real work required
* beams quite proudly*
Now for the details. I owe this all to Karsus and Mystryl, but mostly Karsus. The main point of this is to AVOID deity related involvment as there is no real Deity of maddness ( or it has been said) aid from any source is limited. A major hurdle is attempting to avoid allowing Myst... MIDNIGHT from realizing the objective we're trying to accomplish ( I doubt she approve and send us on our way with kisses...)
Three points are needed as any real foundation is at least three.. (plus three is usually mystical and I just plain like it).
Phase and point one is getting a power that is deitific but not a deity in truth. Banging my head against a wall for awhile I found that It was infront of us all along. Karsus was for a brief moment a deity, turned to stone and plunged with his city into the ground. Now even if he was smashed to several pieces, buried beneath the sands of the Arauroch Desert these would be although extremely dificult it would not be impossible to find his 'resting place'. I believe these shard could contain portions of the divine essence he had rightfully taken from Mystryl. Such a power source could be harnesed to avoid arrousing the suspicion of the powers that be (most importantly Midnight). Other such power sources could include portions of Moander's corpse in Cormanthor, the Necklace of Ulutiu beneath the great Glacier, Water from the Winding Water river, Calimemnon Crystal, or The Crown of Horns, Containing the last portion of Myrkul's Intelligence and essence. ( Anyother things deity related please mention to me upon the Grounds of Candlekeep outside the Candlekeep inn)
So True the Calimemnon Crystal is not deitific but perhaps powerful enough. the Stone of Karsus (or stones if he was shattered) is the main object I'll use for the purpose of explination, Winding Water could be used because it is enchanted by Bhaal's death in the river, Ulutiu is slumbering within the astral plane but his necklace has created the great glacier so it my be powerful enought to use as well. Portions of Moander ( or pieces of deities taken from their husks in the astral plane) may also serve. I will now explain their use.

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.
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The Cardinal
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 17 Sep 2003 :  17:35:41  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Phase two and point to takes us far from ruined Nethril and to the Ruins of the Imaskari, or the Plains of Purple Dust. The reason for this is that the Imaskari ( while reputed to be evil) did not bow to the powers ( serving our purpose to avoid deitific eyes) and were master artificers if nothing eles. Through their artifice they crafted huge portals that brought multitudes of slaves to them then they sealed them. Exhuming one of these portals and finding a way to reactivate them. This is where we may be in trouble as Midnight would be sure to see a danger if nothing eles.. We unfortunatly need magic of some sort to open the portal, in truth we only have two options, Midnight or Shar.. I doubt either would look favorably on opening a portal to the Far Realms, Cyric, This is where your fellow Cyricists ( I finally realized the term) come in. The deity Cyric already hates Midnight and could easily be... positioned to lay waste to her followers, that being said she could be sufficiently distracted to not really notice the incantaions of our group to reactivate the portal. Magic would not be required to continually power the portal ( thus enabling us to be safe should she grow curious later on). This is where the Stone of Karsus ( or the deitific power sources we have collected using the Iron Thone Merchant Roster as a cover/front and financal backer for our 'archeogical' dig sites. Although the more Power Sources we gather the better off we'll be), right, this is where Karsus will give us his greatest contribution and pay for luging his wieght across Faerun. The Deitific power that I believe is stored within the stone could be used to power the portal. This is where My plan has failed though.. You see that While Xaxox could be working on it's end our portal is still tuned to where ever it was created to go. THis will require a great effort to find a way to 'refocus' to the Far Realms.

Like I said three points are needed but the third has so far eluded me. I have four potential points of my own but no real set idea on where the third point is. I shall explain my third point suggestions,
Halruaa, what could be the next Netheril, it's magic is exlemplar, true Thay could work as well but You can't trust thayans ( much less red wizards) as much as Halruaans.
Calimshan, Obviously because it holds another desert ( three deserts can't go wrong.. Jackpot?) Mostly because of the Calimemnon Crystal and the various bound Effreeti and Genies. Of course getting them to help us is anothe matter.

Or We head to the two points north..
Vaasa- True it's closer than I like to Arauroch it does hold Castle Perilous and what ever powerful creature that lives within that was able to drive away or devour dragons. Plus it was also the Seat of power of the Witch-King Zhengyi, A powerful Lich... ?
Or Rashemen- We would have to be wary of the Nosy Northmen and their Witches. But Ancient scrolls tell me that a Young Drow lass believe that an Ancient and powerful People known as the Rus lived among these wastes, they also had inhabited an Island I believe but the name escapes me. The Drow lass? Liriel Baenre Only claimed daughter of Gromph Baenre, Archmage of Menzoberranzan, whom is ( last I heard) the victim of a cheap imprison spell, he might be swayed to our cause if we can free him...

But there is the long and short of my theory.. I, myself, am quite please with it.. I appologize If it did stray a bit from your own theory Sage, but I plane to work on yours a bit as well... I just need more time... besides the material forms of Deities, seeking to use power from an ancient age... Oh! and BTW I might have found a way of not neeting Midnight to repair our portal as I mentioned...

I have a theory about magic itself that it is not the weave but the weave allows us to use it in a safer fashion, it acts like a filter. To avoid the eyes of both Midnight and Shar we merely need to...sunder their weaves.. tear a hole in the filter so that we can grasp RAW magic.. ancient magic... True magic... of course you know this most likely earns their enemity for.. well eternity..

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 18 Sep 2003 :  08:20:07  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Impressive work Cardinal . There are some points here that I wish to expand upon using the point listing that I posted earlier - although I would like to hear more about your theory.

Anyway, I can already see a basis for putting all of this together. I just need to work on the gap in my listing. Cardinal, you have provided some interesting ideas with your own work, can I perhaps use a few of them...even maybe expand upon them?.

Plus I have some earlier work on the Far Realms (in regards to Faerun), that I will present here just as soon as I once again have access to my home computers.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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The Cardinal
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Posted - 18 Sep 2003 :  17:15:28  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sage you honor me with your praise, By all means take what you will, expand on what you can, My own Ideas also ( sometimes unfortunately) follow a path that have my own intrests in mind. I tend to ramble a bit when I get into my cups ( check the Inn to see what I mean...). I must learn to be careful, My own tongue may one day be my noose that I am hanged by. But I wander... I do have one I dea, Mostly dealing with escaped research animals still... Such creatures could pose an intresting threat if say, you used an Illithid ( Mind Flayer for us surface dwellers) as the test subject. I am unsure of what else could be used as filler ( except perhaps Daruth's slowly increasing insanity). I feel Illithids ( I am unsure how they were on faerun to begin with) are an embodiment of something that would ( more or less) come out of the Far Realms

On as Side note Happy I am to find within my scrolls that I was indeed correct ( to a point) about the Raw magic. It seems that the Weave is a safety net through which we tap into 'The Flow' ( as I'll put it). Within the tome 'Magic of Faerun' Which discusses the Natural and Shadow Weave, and states:
" Raw magic exists in Faerun, but it is a powerful and dangerous force that can easily destroy even a patient and skilled mortal. It is locked away inside all matter and is difficult to access. Most spellcasters instead draw upon magic through the controlled and relatively safe magic accessed through the Weave."
So One of my first questions that I asked when entering Candlekeep has thankfully been answered at last... by myself no less.. or more or less... Some ( such as sage and Bookwrym I belive) did cover this with me a bit. With some Patience

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 19 Sep 2003 :  08:54:00  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote have just given me an idea Cardinal.

Thanks .

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Sep 2003 :  14:22:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Here's something else: What about a kaorti invasion? Daruth opens one portal somewhere, is driven off from the Far Realm end by the kaorti, and then they start creating cysts everywhere.
There might be very dormant portals left over from Mystryl or Mystra's deaths.
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The Cardinal
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Posted - 19 Sep 2003 :  17:41:18  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey, NP sage, umm what exactly are the Kaorti? I have yet to hear of them.. ....
* gets up on soapbox*
* Get's down*
Thank you

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 19 Sep 2003 :  18:16:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The kaorti are humanoids native to the Far Realms. They're from the Fiend Folio, which also presents some supplementary information on them.
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Posted - 19 Sep 2003 :  23:01:47  Show Profile  Visit Cyric's Homepage Send Cyric a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have never heard abut any of these thingd wich books do you find these things ?????
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Great Reader

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Posted - 20 Sep 2003 :  01:53:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Manual of the Planes: Original writeup of the Far Realms for 3.0, pseudonatural creature template 1*
Tome and Blood: Alienist prestige class, pseudonatural creature template 1*
Epic Level Handbook: Uvuudaum, Pseudonatural creature template 2*
Fiend Folio: Kaorti, Skybleeder
*There are two different versions of the pseudonatural creature template. It isn't just different errata or spellings, but the two are distinctly individual templates, each of which does different things to the creature it enhances.
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 20 Sep 2003 :  06:39:32  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I am going to be putting together a number of 'journal' entries, penned directly by Daruth himself. They will deal with his experiences during the first few of his vists to the Far Realms, which would work well with the outline I posted earlier.

Daruth, Day Eighteen, year 113

I visited the plane again; this time armed with a number of divination spells. I was determined to learn more. This time, I saw another figure - it was directly behind me. I could only glimpse it from the corner of my eye, because every time I tried to turn, everything would turn with me. The figure seemed to decompose all the time.

I started to cast spells, and I wish I had more time. When I returned back to the lab, I knew more about those figures - they represented me! Each was an abstract aspect of me. One represented my material body, the other was my intellect and/or mind, four of them represented my ties with concepts of good, evil, law, and chaos. The last two were my past and future. As if all of the planes of existence met at this point. Or was it because it was out of existance?

I set off to research some spells to experiment some more on those figures.

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The Sage
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Posted - 20 Sep 2003 :  06:41:32  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Daruth, Day Thirty, year 114.

I have discovered that I don't need much sleep lately, which is good. I've been having troubling nightmares lately. My research is going well, I have improved myself on many fronts. I have discovered that I can even transport knowledge directly from books, via special reading devices, into the mind figure. I have read half my library in less than a month, a feat that would take me years. Only side effect is that it leaves me a bit dizzy. I'll have to work on that.

Daruth, Day Thirty-Third, year 114.

I didn't sleep at all tonight. That eye was watching me intensely every time I closed my eyes.

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The Cardinal
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Posted - 21 Sep 2003 :  12:06:33  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Great work so far Sage!
If anyone could pull this off it's you. I'm still hung up on what could be used as filler so I'm going to read over our notes again to see if there's anything I missed. Several other beasts are flitting through my mind but I'll try to stay focused. Anyways looking over notes now, reply in a bit if I have a moment of clarity.

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.
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The Cardinal
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Posted - 21 Sep 2003 :  12:33:02  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Of COurse!!! how foolish of us ( and rather ignorant of myself for not doing more research on the timetime further). I knew what the crown Wars were but remained blindly focused on our task at hand rather than how to use the past Crown Wars as not only a foundation but as a formulae! Around -11000 and -10000 is what I would assume is the height of the Crown Wars and then the end of them. -10450 is the time the Ilythiir's ( Ancient Drow) blatent used of Evil Deity powers. But move back 50 years further and you discover ( Surprise, surprise) The Dark Disaster, the Destruction of the elven Kingdom of Miyeritar, and the formation of the High Moor. Now then, I will move, if I may, the height of the Crown Wars sometime before the gap in your timeline. Since we are dealing with powerful magic ( most likely High Elven magic as well) I will assume that Daruth is a High member of Miyeritar ( an advisor or something so that he could carry out his work without bothersome distraction). So when the Crown Wars hit Miyeritar, Daruth's need to enter/complete his experiments in the Far Realms become more desprate/more of a need ( the term I am looking for eludes me right now). As the Wars crest into Miyeritar, he seeks aid from the Far Realms, he attempts to force a premature a portal open. The Result is the Dark Disaster, the Creation of the High Moor, and Daruth's unintentional exhile in the Far Realms, thus the lack of contact from the Test Portal Creature and Daruth. Bada Bing! And the Crowd goes wild! * HUURRRAAAAHHHH!!!!* Thank you, thank you.

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.
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The Sage
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Posted - 21 Sep 2003 :  16:21:51  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There is some interesting material there Cardinal. I am going to work with your idea about the Crown Wars, since it works well. Also I may have the material for the gap in the outline ready soon, so we will see what comes from that.

Anyway, I have spent the past few hours thinking about some of the creatures that inhabit the Far Realms. From the description in MotP, there isn't much to go on, unless you use the Psuedonatural template. What I am really hoping to craft is a few creatures (maybe one or two) that personify the Far Realms itself. The illustration given for a creature in the Far Realms is where I am working from.

I have a few draft ideas here, but nothing in posting form yet. I'll see how time goes tonight in order to work on them.

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Edited by - The Sage on 21 Sep 2003 16:27:42
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The Sage
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Posted - 21 Sep 2003 :  16:24:58  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okay, time for some new journal entries -

Daruth, Day Forty, year 114.

The eye appeared in the area near the figures. I set up some defenses, but I don't know if it will help. It is even more horrifying in real.

Daruth, Day Forty-Two, year 114.

The eye ignores all of my defenses, and started to leech the figure that represents the future. I predict I have days. Maybe.

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The Cardinal
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Posted - 22 Sep 2003 :  09:44:27  Show Profile  Visit The Cardinal's Homepage Send The Cardinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes, sage I believe that Creature is the veritable embodiment of the far realms and could some see that creature then I'm sure other would be as driven as we. I'm working totally out of my mind and manual of the PLanes. I had Tome and Blood ( I belive that was the Wizards 3e book) but some one stole it OH well though such is life. Anyways, let me know what you've come up with for the gap when you have it done and have a moment. Also ( on a vain little side note), Sage you should check out the Grounds of Candlekeep. You'd bearly recognize them. I've planted a rather beautiful garden and am currently useing some... errr... friends to construct a shrine to a deity of magic that is currently lacking in the keep. I can't wait till I'm done though.... umm when you actually get that 'living portal' spell done could you put it up for sale in your magic shop? I could use it for... errr... something... I'll even show you how to make a very special dagger I've been working on for sometime... ... 'Trust me...'

It has to be Certain, the Gods Hate Me. For whatever irrevokable Fate, I have been made the walking Joke. Either that, or Beshaba is overlyfond Of Me.
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William of Waterdeep
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Posted - 29 Sep 2003 :  05:14:17  Show Profile  Visit William of Waterdeep's Homepage Send William of Waterdeep a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sage,is that MoTP 3e? I've gotten a few more resources now.
I know I need more and all I have is 2e.This is what I have.
(1)PSCs2e,w/monstrous supp.,sigil&beyond,both DM & player GttP,maps.
(2)A players Primer the outlands.
(3)On hallowed Ground.
(4)Well of Worlds.
(5)PoL Mechanus
{These are all books and manuals,no pdf.}

What do I need next?I am thinking of downloading anything that I can
from SVgames.What do you think of the downloads as compared to the
books themselves.I like the ones for FR,but haven't used them for PS.

Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.

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Great Reader

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Posted - 29 Sep 2003 :  05:31:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
If you're not planning to play 3e, don't buy the 3e Manual of the Planes. It won't really add anything to what you know, will confuse you, and will be generally useless. If you are planning to play 3e, then it will be a resource for monsters, spells and other game mechanics. You'll still find yourself referencing the 2e supplements for most of your information, however.
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William of Waterdeep
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Posted - 29 Sep 2003 :  05:44:48  Show Profile  Visit William of Waterdeep's Homepage Send William of Waterdeep a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Arivia

If you're not planning to play 3e, don't buy the 3e Manual of the Planes. It won't really add anything to what you know, will confuse you, and will be generally useless. If you are planning to play 3e, then it will be a resource for monsters, spells and other game mechanics. You'll still find yourself referencing the 2e supplements for most of your information, however.

Thanks for the advice,sounds like good advice at that!!! Your an
experienced DM too ,I know.
I still was hoping for a list of the essentials that I should try to get.

Courage isn't the lack of fear but rather believing in and doing what you know is right even though fear is present.

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