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 Looking for Info: Auld Wyrmish
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Posted - 01 Sep 2003 :  04:56:41  Show Profile  Visit thefirstgamemaster's Homepage Send thefirstgamemaster a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I'm looking for any information that can be offered about the Ancient Ancestral Language of Dragons (Auld Wyrmish). If anyone having information on this subject, and is willing to share please contact me about it... it would be appreciated. Thanx, The First Game Master (

The Sage
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Posted - 01 Sep 2003 :  06:02:48  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I may be able to help. I have an extraordinarily large collection of downloaded articles dealing with fantasy languages, both their creation and useage. I do believe I have some material on Auld Wyrmish, but I can't remember whether it specifically details the language used by the Dragons in Glorantha. I may have something on FR Auld Wyrmish, but it is direct fan-created material that was generated on the FR Mailing List.

This is of course all speculation. I haven't checked through those files in a long time, and at the moment they are unfortunately pinned beneath a pile of old (and particularly heavy) runic alphabet tomes.

I'll see what I can find, and email what I can.

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Lord Rad
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Posted - 01 Sep 2003 :  18:17:07  Show Profile  Visit Lord Rad's Homepage Send Lord Rad a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sage of Perth

I may be able to help. I have an extraordinarily large collection of downloaded articles dealing with fantasy languages, both their creation and useage.

Oooooo, what tomes do you have on elvish, Sage? Im currently constructing a few phrases which I need and would appreciate any dictionaries etc which you may have.

...and shame on you, you should have send Alaundo your collection of such knowledge to place up in the library

Lord Rad

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The Sage
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Posted - 06 Sep 2003 :  06:04:45  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'll see what I can find on the elvish languages. I am sure I have some on Tolkien Elvish, Realms Elvish, and other fantasy (non-D&D) settings.

It may be a few days though. I am currently a long way from my computers, my gaming materials, and my files. Programming in a different state can be a real pain....

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The Sage
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Posted - 06 Sep 2003 :  06:07:36  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As for not making the material available to Candlekeep, well, some of it is not my material, I had to ask permission before downloading the material.

As for my own crafted files...well up until this thread, I had completely forgotten about most of the files, as I said before, they are underneath a large collection of other tomes, so you can see how their relative importance had faded.

I'll see about clearly them up, and sending them to Alaundo, although I did send the material on Khelben, but that doesn't seem to be up yet...

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Posted - 08 Sep 2003 :  03:59:19  Show Profile  Visit Bookwyrm's Homepage Send Bookwyrm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There's an update coming, I'm sure it'll be in that one.

And I'm glad you're interested in the anscestral language of us dragons, Game Master. It's something that no true sage should be without . . . especially if that sage is a dragon . . . but, I'm sure that the Sage of Perth could describe it far* better than I could . . . .

* . . . meaning I don't have a clue.

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The Sage
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Posted - 08 Sep 2003 :  07:20:22  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Actually most of the 'ancestral language of Dragons' data that I have has been compiled from many different sources. This so-called 'project' was started a long time ago, strangely enough on the Spelljammer Mailing List back in 1993/1994.

It had originally began as a discussion on the origin of the 'Common' tongue across the crystal spheres, and whether or not all the planets, and settings derived their respective 'common' tongue from one multiversal standard.

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Posted - 27 Sep 2018 :  21:03:46  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Acolyte FirstGameMaster,

First: thank you for your post. I relish this site, and the interaction I am able to have with Realms enthusiasts such as yourself. Now, to what I hope is the correct answer.

I don't think 'Auld Wyrmish' is a language. Now, I may be incorrect, but here is what I am basing my statement upon.

In the "Death of a Dragon" (p36), Vangerdahast states,

"My understanding of Auld Wyrmish might surprise you. I have a special fondness for the beauty of the language. Do you? Nalavara's eye remained narrow, but her long lips twisted into a crocodile's smile. Very well. She rattled off a long series of rumbling grows and fire-like crackles that Vangerdahast understood perfectly as Nalavarauthatoryl the Red. So, human, do you like my name? asked Nalavarauthatoryl the Red. Sorry, didn't understand a word. Actually, Vangerdahast understood better than he would have liked. The name wasn't Auld Wyrmish at all but ancient Elvish. The phrase meant something like "the maiden Alavara, betrothed of Thatoryl, painted in blood.

If I am correct, I believe that the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd Edition, p85, describes an ancient Elvish language as being Hamarfae. I believe that this may in fact be what 'Auld Wyrmish' is. However, I am certainly not a Realms master, and I am therefore very interested in Masters of Realms Lore from this site.

Ladies and Gentlemen: any other thoughts on what I've posited?

Thank you, and best regards,

Originally posted by thefirstgamemaster

I'm looking for any information that can be offered about the Ancient Ancestral Language of Dragons (Auld Wyrmish). If anyone having information on this subject, and is willing to share please contact me about it... it would be appreciated. Thanx, The First Game Master (

Higher Atlar
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Wooly Rupert
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Posted - 27 Sep 2018 :  21:53:33  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Vangey wasn't saying that Auld Wyrmish wasn't a language -- he says he knows it. What he was saying was that the language used by Nalavara wasn't Auld Wyrmish. And that makes sense; Nalavara was originally an elf.

Auld Wyrmish is an in-setting language.

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Posted - 27 Sep 2018 :  22:52:03  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Master Rupert,

I certainly admit that I just haven't found anything regarding Auld Wyrmish in text. Do you have any sources you could point me too, Master Rupert? I'd really like to check that out.

Thank you for your help with this.

Best regards,

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Vangey wasn't saying that Auld Wyrmish wasn't a language -- he says he knows it. What he was saying was that the language used by Nalavara wasn't Auld Wyrmish. And that makes sense; Nalavara was originally an elf.

Auld Wyrmish is an in-setting language.

Higher Atlar
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 28 Sep 2018 :  02:44:10  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The 2E Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, on page 25 of A Grand Tour of the Realms, has a nice list of languages. Auld wyrmish is listed, with this footnote:

Auld wyrmish is the ancestral language of all dragons, and the tongue which they use when communicating with each other across species lines. In addition, each dragon subspecies has its own tongue, derived from auld wyrmish. These tongues may be treated as separate languages, though a knowledge of auld wyrmish will serve the traveler well.

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Posted - 28 Sep 2018 :  03:39:54  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Master Rupert,

Excellent. Thank you for sending that my way! It's greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

The 2E Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, on page 25 of A Grand Tour of the Realms, has a nice list of languages. Auld wyrmish is listed, with this footnote:

Auld wyrmish is the ancestral language of all dragons, and the tongue which they use when communicating with each other across species lines. In addition, each dragon subspecies has its own tongue, derived from auld wyrmish. These tongues may be treated as separate languages, though a knowledge of auld wyrmish will serve the traveler well.

Higher Atlar
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Posted - 28 Sep 2018 :  14:34:56  Show Profile Send TBeholder a Private Message  Reply with Quote
See also: "Old Draconic" vs Aragrakh/Old High Wyrm/Auld Wyrmish.

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Posted - 28 Sep 2018 :  15:11:33  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Master TBeholder,

Fantastic! Thank you for that share. I just bookmarked it.

This is yet one more reason I am with great fervor going back through the "ancient" scrolls to find such wonderful treasures.

Best regards,

Originally posted by TBeholder

See also: "Old Draconic" vs Aragrakh/Old High Wyrm/Auld Wyrmish.

Higher Atlar
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