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Posted - 03 Aug 2009 :  01:33:59  Show Profile  Visit gwalchavad's Homepage Send gwalchavad a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I will try and keep this short as I have already asked the question once before and will link the posting on the WotC site here;

I am currious about how the impetus events for 4e came to pass, I'm looking for speculation here as the actually facts are of course fuzzy, on purpose even. So that DMs can make the story work for themselves. I really enjoyed the extended plot drawn out by I don't remember who about 'fixing' the spellplague involving the chronomanser (sp).

What I am really looking for is "what were they thinking" they being the gods and what went down durring the conspiracy who promised what to whom and were they intending to follow through on any of it. What did Shar do to bend Cyric to her will. What did Cyric do to turn Tyr and Helm against one another. What could have come to pass in the godly realms and why. I will gladly expound on this if people want but this is getting long already... as I said the original question in linked above, I thought I would bring it here to people that are must further engrossed in realmsian lore than the average joe on the WotC site.

:) Gwalchavad

I am currently running a game that will deal with these impetus events, Idk if I am going to have my PCs stop them or not but thats the timeline. I've started at Hallaster's call and will progress forward. I am going to have to change the 'actual' events as I don't have a pregnant half-demon ;) thank you to you, Thomas M. Reid, for a grand trilogy, I could not put them down. I've been waiting for this story to be told since reading that three or four line snippet in the GHotR.

question coments speculation please :)

Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 03 Aug 2009 :  03:48:26  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
And let's keep all comments and speculation on in-game matters, and not bash the designers, please.

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31 Posts

Posted - 03 Aug 2009 :  04:41:56  Show Profile  Visit gwalchavad's Homepage Send gwalchavad a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I agree whole heartedly. I know everyone has an opinion on 'the events' and how it left the realms. That is totally not the direction I intend this to go. Where I am going with this is as a DM it is our job to 'run' the gods be it behind the scenes, or right in your face (ala greco-roman gods). I was and am looking for what people think happend in the godly realm to make these things happen. What deal was struck between C and S, did either of them know that it would fail, did either have alterior motives. What happend in the heavens... eg how we know what occured with the time of troubles, we know who plotted and why... Have these topics become fact or have any of the writers even thought about what happened, or will they expound on these?
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Old Man Harpell
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Posted - 03 Aug 2009 :  19:57:55  Show Profile Send Old Man Harpell a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Speculation, eh? I can do speculation.

The one question I am fairly sure about is how Cyric was persuaded to murder Mystra. They ascended to divinity at the same time, after all, after being adventuring companions, and it was Mystra who denied Cyric the soul of Kelemvor (Lyonsbane), something that Cyric wanted very badly. After Kelemvor took away part of Cyric's portfolio, that was simply one more 'crime' Cyric could have ultimately laid at Mystra's feet.

Given this, it would have been a piece of cake for Shar to offer Cyric something he would snap up in a heartbeat - revenge. I very much doubt that Cyric could have made it into Dweomerheart without some serious help - thus Shar's understanding of the Weave (through her own control of the Shadow Weave) made it possible (amongst other factors) to slip Cyric inside to do the Dirty Deed.

That's really the only point I feel I can speculate on and not sound like a complete idiot.
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