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 Adding new pantheons to Faerūn
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Posted - 24 Jul 2009 :  16:51:24  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I asked about this over in the Q's for Ed-thread, but I'll start a topic here as well, in the hope that someone else might be willing to give me some input.

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett

Great Reader

2104 Posts

Posted - 24 Jul 2009 :  16:52:01  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
So, initially I posted:

Originally posted by Kajehase

And another...

Supposing a wanted to add more regional pantheons to Faerūn, what regions would Ed recommend splitting the continent into?

At the moment I'm thinking:
A group of "universal" deities (Selūne, Chauntea, Mystra, Shar, Bane, Silvanus, and the Elemental deities) - worshiped "everywhere," but sometimes under different names.

The "original pantheon" worshiped in Chondath, Cormyr, the Dalelands, the Dragon Coast, Sembia, and Turmish (and maybe Halruaa).

A "southern" pantheon (possibly centred around a sun-moon-theme) - worshiped in Calimshan, Tethyr, Amn, the Nelanther Isles, and around the Lake of Steam.

A "western" pantheon - the Western Heartlands (the region entailed by this term in the 3E FRCS), and the Sword Coast up to and including the region around Waterdeep.

An "Illuskan" pantheon - the northern Sword Coast, the Moonshaes, the various islands in the Sea of Swords, and the Silver Marches (and possibly Halruaa)

A north-central (Damaran) group - Impiltur, the Vast, Damara, Vaasa, Narfell, and the Moonsea (and maybe Halruaa).

An eastern group - Rashemen, Aglarond, Thay (though I'm also thinking Thay might be moved into the Mulhorandi pantheon worshipers), Thesk, the Great Dale (and maybe Sossal).

A south-eastern pantheon - Tashalar, Lapaliiya, Tharsult, the Shaar, the Vilhon Reach, and Chessenta.

As for the rest, Dambrath would contain a mix of the southeastern, the Illuskan, and the Drow pantheons; Mulhorand and Unther would have their own "as is" pantheons, and anywhere else would have to be moved in with one of the others (since I'll have forgotten about it).

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett
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Great Reader

2965 Posts

Posted - 24 Jul 2009 :  17:58:28  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Why base them geographically, instead of by ethnicity?
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 24 Jul 2009 :  18:28:00  Show Profile  Visit Zanan's Homepage Send Zanan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I wonder whether the regional books and FRCSs (1st to 3rd E) actually have such entries, i.e. something about "local/-ly preferred" deities?

Cave quid dicis, quando et cui!

Gęš a wyrd swa hio scel!

In memory of Alura Durshavin.

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Great Reader

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Posted - 24 Jul 2009 :  21:36:19  Show Profile Send Jorkens a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have done this to a degree, using the pseudonyms from the 2ed. deity books and fleshing these out with the gods that seemed logical in the group. I did this mostly to build up local cults and mythological ideas that didn't fit with the main pantheon. Such as kinship between gods and alternative creation myths. I never more than sketched it out for most of the Realms though. Most of the work went in to the Talfir/tethen pantheon of the Western Heartlands, with legends and local versions of the faiths.
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 25 Jul 2009 :  08:38:32  Show Profile Send BlackAce a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I've split them into more ethnic pantheons myself. There's five pantheons and about 15 monotheisms.

Rather than a long winded essay, I'll just list what I've done and hopefully that might give you some ideas, Kajehase.

Illuskan Pantheon:

Areas found: From Ten Towns to Tethyr, including most Sword Coast archeapelagoes and to the western borders of Anauroch.

The Illuskan pantheon is pretty chauvanistic, Male: Strong and dominant, Female: capricious, evil or domestic. Gods are usually tied into an everyday aspect of Illuskan life; hunting, fishing, sailing, fighting, er wooing, harvesting and raisng a family, or an element they have to placate while engaged in one of those things.

Tyr - Lord of the Earth and Hammer of Justice
Valkur - Patron of sailors and fishermen
Baldur - Brother of Valkur, slain in legend.
Malar - The Beastlord, represents the Wild and ferocious beasts.
Tempus - The Lord of Battle.
Talos - The Stormlord (also forfils the role of Loki)
Umberlee - The Queen of the Depths
Auril - The Ice Maiden
Hel- Queen of the Dead. (Based on Norse 'Hel'. A Charon-like figure who comes for those who don't "die with their boots on".)

Netherese Pantheon:

Areas Found: The North and Halruaa. Mystra has spread into the Eastern Heartlands and some parts of the East.

Though scattered, many Netherese deities cling on in their old homeland. Built around the legends of Sun, the Moon and the Night, more than the worldly, the Pantheons chief figures are;
Amanuator - Sun god
Selune - Moon godess
Shar - Night godess
Mystra/Mystril - godess of Magic (This Mystra is nowhere near as hands on or concerned with mortals as the canon Realms', so El won't be having quite as nice a time with this one! )
Gaia - earth godess

The major deities each have two aspects or lesser deity servants,
Amaunator has Lathander(Sunrise, Birth) and Myrkul (Sunset, Death).
Selune has Lurue(Cresent Moon, Virginity, unsullied nature) and Sune (Harvest Moon, beauty, romance, love-making). The Tears of Selune each have names and are lesser servitors.
Shar had Leira(Godess of the Underdark) and WeeJas (Godess of Shadows)
Mystra has Azuth(Patron of Mages) and Orglas(Master of Time)
Gaia has Meris (a Dryad) and Maren (a Neireid).

Jhaamdathan Pantheon:
Ironically the original Chondathan pantheon was essentially aped from the Elven/Drow Pantheon and has a strong Celtic flavour.

Areas found: Although still widely worshipped in Chondath, this pantheon has spread throughout most of Faerun, but doesn't dominate anywhere.

Oden (aka Silvanus) - basically Woden, think a pseudo celtic version of Corellon and Rillithane, rolled into one.
Jannath (aka Chauntea but similar to Gaia) - pseudo Angarradh.
Eldath - as is, but corresponds to Sehanine Moonbow.
Arachne - Basically Lolth. Little more than a cult amid the Chondath.
Mielikki - Again, as is, but corresponds to Eilistraree. (Also is not associated with Unicorns/Lurue but instead the 'White Heart')
Mask - as is, but corresponds to Vaeraun.
Oghma - ditto, pseudo Labelas Enoreth
Torm - as is, but again a pseudo Solonor Thelandira (Apollo to Mielikki/Eilistraree's Artemis)
Moander - as is, but also Gaunadaur.
Sharess - Basically Hanali, although there are elements of Mulhorandi Bast and Netherese Sune present in her circa 1370s incarnation.

Mulhorandi Pantheon: Left as presented in F&P.

Rashemmi Pantheon: This one is more about spirit worship than deific, it's also in need of some work still, so nothing much to put here!

Nobanion: The North and the Western Heartlands
Shiallia: The High Forest
Uthgar: Mainly the North
Bane: Mainly around the Moon Sea
Helm: Mainly the North and Lands of Intrigue
Ubtao: Mainly Chult
Waukeen: a Chondathan monotheism that has spread throughout Faerun
Tiamat: Mainly South East Faerun
Shaundakul: Mainly Tesk and the Great Dale
Finder Wyvenspur: Saurials
Jergal: Mainly a few Cultists cells, here and there.
Bhaal: congealed around a few Bhaalspawn. Most are not clerics but Rogue/Fighters.
Cyric: Less of the canon Cyric and more a straight up psychotic replacement for Bhaal.

Elemental Pantheon:
Kosuth (Fire): Calimshan, Irlkazar, Lake of Steam and Thay
Akadi (Air): Calimsham, Tethyr and Amn.
Grumbar: Underdark, mountain ranges (popular with Svirfneblin and Giants)
Itishia: Sea of Fallen Stars, (also popular with Lantan Gnomes)


As you can see, some deities are missing of course, I've either dropped them or they'll go into the Rashemmi pantheon once I've dovetailed it with the lore more.

Of course, you'll certainly want to do something different, but I figure this might give you some ideas.

Edited by - BlackAce on 25 Jul 2009 08:51:59
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Great Reader

2104 Posts

Posted - 25 Jul 2009 :  11:32:13  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Arivia

Why base them geographically, instead of by ethnicity?

In the words of Billie Piper (of Doctor Who fame) "Because we want to."

But really, the current list was pretty much made up from the top of my head.
Although, if you look closely, you'll notice that I've taken some consideration to ethnicity - making the Illuskan pantheon have some "influence" over Dambrath, putting the Netherese-descended Halruaans in with one of the northern pantheons (though I haven't decided on which one), and making the Thayans worship the Mulhorandi pantheon again (though that could lead to me having to do some backstory retcons for Thay in my realms vs Thay in the published realms, so maybe not - who wants extra work).

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett
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Great Reader

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Posted - 25 Jul 2009 :  11:35:05  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BlackAce

I've split them into more ethnic pantheons myself. There's five pantheons and about 15 monotheisms.

Rather than a long winded essay, I'll just list what I've done and hopefully that might give you some ideas, Kajehase.

Thanks for the input BlackAce - and it's all good ideas, though the problem for me is that you've split the current pantheon, whereas I want to add new gods. Still, hopefully this'll come in handy for someone else

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 25 Jul 2009 :  18:19:48  Show Profile  Visit rjfras's Homepage Send rjfras a Private Message  Reply with Quote
some of those already exist or used to. Like the south, they had different names for some of the gods like Bhalos who was known else where as Talos. I also believe the sun god had a different name. There is nothing that says those haven't carried through...and to a part they have with certain gods/godesess being more predominate or missing in certain areas. Just because a god is known in Faerun, doesn't mean they are worshiped everywhere. Go back into the books for history of areas and you can find the older names of some of the gods that existed before or are known by other names in other areas, just keep using the old name in those areas rather then the new one. IMO, they are already broken up by where they are favored, it would just need to be compiled in a better format.
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Great Reader

2104 Posts

Posted - 26 Jul 2009 :  13:28:47  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Meh. The information in the FRCS is where the deities are favoured - and it certainly doesn't follow any regional or ethnical guidelines. So for my purposes that's pretty useless I'm afraid. In addition, seeing as I want to add new pantheons and deities (hence the thread-title), splitting the current one into several smaller ones is more or less the opposite of what I'm going for.

Now, in the case of some of the greater deities with very broad portfolios like Mystra - Magic, Chauntea - "the Earth," Silvanus - Nature, Shar - "the End of All Things," and a few others, I'd say they have to be a part of every pantheon, not just in Faerūn, but on all of Toril, be it Maztica, Kara-Tur, Osse, or Zakhara. But I'd like to keep those as few as possible in order to maximise the amount of deities available to my (admittedly non-existent at the moment) players.

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett

Edited by - Kajehase on 26 Jul 2009 13:33:49
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Great Reader

2965 Posts

Posted - 26 Jul 2009 :  14:31:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kajehase

Meh. The information in the FRCS is where the deities are favoured - and it certainly doesn't follow any regional or ethnical guidelines.

My issue with that is that Races of Faerun is pretty specific in so far as what gods went where with what people, and it's the distribution of those people that influences the local worship. It's a lot more organic, historic, and accounts for areas of multiple origin much better than simply going by country.
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
358 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2009 :  06:53:48  Show Profile Send BlackAce a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kajehase

Originally posted by BlackAce

I've split them into more ethnic pantheons myself. There's five pantheons and about 15 monotheisms.

Rather than a long winded essay, I'll just list what I've done and hopefully that might give you some ideas, Kajehase.

Thanks for the input BlackAce - and it's all good ideas, though the problem for me is that you've split the current pantheon, whereas I want to add new gods. Still, hopefully this'll come in handy for someone else

Ah. My bad, K. I thought you meant dividing the FR pantheon up and embellishing it, more than dropping an extra one in.
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Great Reader

2950 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2009 :  09:49:59  Show Profile Send Jorkens a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kajehase

Meh. The information in the FRCS is where the deities are favoured - and it certainly doesn't follow any regional or ethnical guidelines. So for my purposes that's pretty useless I'm afraid. In addition, seeing as I want to add new pantheons and deities (hence the thread-title), splitting the current one into several smaller ones is more or less the opposite of what I'm going for.

Now, in the case of some of the greater deities with very broad portfolios like Mystra - Magic, Chauntea - "the Earth," Silvanus - Nature, Shar - "the End of All Things," and a few others, I'd say they have to be a part of every pantheon, not just in Faerūn, but on all of Toril, be it Maztica, Kara-Tur, Osse, or Zakhara. But I'd like to keep those as few as possible in order to maximise the amount of deities available to my (admittedly non-existent at the moment) players.

Were you planning to create all these new deity's your self, import them from other pantheons (Legend& lore and other settings) or let your players make suggestions as to what they wanted for their character?
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Great Reader

2104 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2009 :  14:05:51  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jorkens

Were you planning to create all these new deity's your self, import them from other pantheons (Legend& lore and other settings) or let your players make suggestions as to what they wanted for their character?

A bit from Column A, some from Column B, and some from Column C, you might say.

Some I'd make up, some might just be the deities from another setting with new names (I'm not a Dragonlance fan, so probably wouldn't include Krynn in my cosmology - but there's nothing saying I can't mutate its deities slightly and port them over into my own game)

At the same time, unless I want to write several hundred-page books (one for each pantheon), there's always going to be things that can't be covered without neglecting some other part of DM-preparations, so I'd always be open to suggestions from my players about "their" deity (which, I should add, holds true for players worshiping the "old" deities too. If a player wants to help out making the setting more detailed, and thus more "alive," I see no reason not to encourage it [within reasons of course, there's always the risk of horrible, unbalanced game-mechanics or lore that could seriously mess things up).

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett
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Great Reader

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Posted - 27 Jul 2009 :  14:09:36  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Arivia

Originally posted by Kajehase

Meh. The information in the FRCS is where the deities are favoured - and it certainly doesn't follow any regional or ethnical guidelines.

My issue with that is that Races of Faerun is pretty specific in so far as what gods went where with what people, and it's the distribution of those people that influences the local worship. It's a lot more organic, historic, and accounts for areas of multiple origin much better than simply going by country.

Well, one should always remember that most of those people have been in place for a very long time - this is why I didn't want a separate pantheon for the Moonshae Ffolk, I'd posit that there have been a blend of the Illuskan and the Ffolk pantheons, with the deities from the Ffolk pantheon certainly being more popular in the southern Moonshaes, but having spread to the northmen as well.

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett
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Great Reader

2104 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2009 :  14:10:40  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by BlackAce

Originally posted by Kajehase

Originally posted by BlackAce

I've split them into more ethnic pantheons myself. There's five pantheons and about 15 monotheisms.

Rather than a long winded essay, I'll just list what I've done and hopefully that might give you some ideas, Kajehase.

Thanks for the input BlackAce - and it's all good ideas, though the problem for me is that you've split the current pantheon, whereas I want to add new gods. Still, hopefully this'll come in handy for someone else

Ah. My bad, K. I thought you meant dividing the FR pantheon up and embellishing it, more than dropping an extra one in.

No problemo. I probably could have been a bit more clear in the original post.

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 27 Jul 2009 :  19:18:31  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On my Homebrew world (which was once an FR derivation, but is now grown into an entirely seperate entity), I have gods... and thats how it really is.

Then I have Pantheons... thats how people think it is.

Ergo, My god Kasmodeon is really and Asmodeus/Bane amalgam (I still can't figure-out the need for both ). He is worshipped under different names with different looks and attributes assigned to him, but the simple fact is he is all the same being. Some folks go with more of 'tyranny' take on him (as my main empire does), while most others believe him just to be "the god of Evil".

The same goes for all others. My goddess Kianna is the same as Mielikki to some, similar to Artemis to others, and an Fey (Elven) Goddess of the wilderness and wild things to yet others groups.

Various nations, tribes, cults, and RACES have differnt names for all of these beings (I have around fifty as of now), and not all of them are known and/or worshipped everywhere, but all of them are active planet-wide (for instance, in the Oriental lands, they look Oriental and have completely differnt names and guises).

Probably one of the most widely-known is the God of War (name yet to be determined) who is known nearly everywhere, but appears to be a completely different being from place to place (like Thor to the barabarians, like Tempus to the 'civilized' folk, like Garagos to the Hindu-like cultures, ect..)

I'm not sying this works for everyone, but its the easiest way for me to work things, so I don't have to deal with two (or more) different gods being "of the same thing". Thats not to say I don't have portfolios overlap - I have a LOT of that. At least five or six gods will have 'evil' - and gods of 'like' alignments (although thats also tenuous, at best) will fight with each other just as much, if not moreso, then opposing gods (they are competing for the same worshippers, after all, with the overlapping portfolios). I just don't have to deal with the problem of what happens on the 'divine level' when two peoples go to war (they boith have the same war god, whether they know it or not).

Some gods will have alliances as well as enemies, and some will tend to work together (like the gods of nature), but for the most part, they are all individuals, just like mortals, and they all have their own agendas and are very self-serving. Also, a rare few are only worshipped by a single group (although that doesn't make them any less powewrful... just less influential).

So I can have twenty different pantheons, all with (what appears to be) different gods, but when it comes right down to it, thats just the mortals trying to fit cosmic concepts into neat little boxes (at least half of which they have WRONG).

That last part in parenthesis is the most important detail to me, in any campaign world when dealing with the divine - thats the ultimate 'Out' for the DM. With that 'unreliable sources' approach (which I borrowed heavilly from 1e/2e FR), a DM can be never be wrong about anything. Only player-information can be wrong... which is as it should be on any world filled with myths, legends, and folklore. That 'goddess of goodness' worshipped by those weird Wild Elves may just be Lolth under a different guise... you never know.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 27 Jul 2009 19:24:43
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 27 Jul 2009 :  20:02:08  Show Profile  Visit Teneck's Homepage Send Teneck a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Markustay

Probably one of the most widely-known is the God of War (name yet to be determined) who is known nearly everywhere, but appears to be a completely different being from place to place (like Thor to the barabarians, like Tempus to the 'civilized' folk, like Garagos to the Hindu-like cultures, ect..)

Brings a whole new light on the usual reason for war which is "My God is Bigger then your God"...If its the same God ...he must get a lot of good laughter out of it...I know I would.

"Go ahead...Sleep in the church...the vampires can't get ya in the church" Any DM...any time.

"He's like a trained ape...without the training"
Simon after Jane trashed the Med lab
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

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Posted - 27 Jul 2009 :  21:07:48  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote

He wants EVERYONE to be at War.

Just to add to that last long post - I don't really see gods being truly good or truly evil. They may have leanings one way or the other, but realistically I think everyone (including gods) should have a bit of both. A good god will still punish wrong-doers (which could be anything form non-believers to heretics), and an evil god will reward their faithful (otherwise, worshipping evil gods doesn't really make a whole lot of sense).

Its also a matter of perception... take the RW for instance. Some folks believe it is okay to kill doctors and nurses that 'support' abortion. To me that's just nuts, (since they call themselves 'Right to Life'), but thats what happens with religion - folks take it too far and out of context.

I'm sure Muhammad was a great spiritual leader, but see how many of his followers have twisted his teachings to support terrorism. The same could be said for the medieval Catholic church... or any religion, for that matter.

Gods are like weapons, IMHO. There is no such things as an 'evil' weapon (except in D&D) - it's the intent that makes it evil. The clergy of a god can use their following for good or evil... all the gods really care about is if their portfolios are receiving attention. Some. obviously, are more drawn to one end of the spectrum then another, but the best you can truly hope for is neutral when dealing with the divine. They have their own agendas, and mortals are just a power-source.

I have to admit I'm also greatly influenced by Moorcock's writings - I prefer the 'Law vs Chaos' axis for everything, over the 'Good vs Evil' one. My own cosmic model is based loosely on the one from Marvel Comics, believe it or not. Their cosmic beings fall into two 'camps'. The magical universe is mainatimed by beings of Law and Chaos, and the 'scientific' one by beings of Good and Evil. Two completely seperate cosmic paradigms, but both co-existing side-by-side.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 27 Jul 2009 21:13:54
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2009 :  22:52:15  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Let's be real careful with bringing up real-world religion, even as an example. Religion is one area where it's all too easy to inadvertently offend someone.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!

Edited by - Wooly Rupert on 27 Jul 2009 22:52:34
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82 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2009 :  23:12:52  Show Profile  Visit Herkles's Homepage Send Herkles a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Since we are mentioning pantheons. I do have a question about non deity religious stuff. What of stuff such as Ancestor worship or Saints? Do any of the pantheons in the realms currently have any saints or have ancestor worship alongside the worship of their deities, I believe the non human pantheons such as the elves and dwarves would but not sure.
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Realms Explorer extraordinaire

15724 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2009 :  23:20:25  Show Profile Send Markustay a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah... I was alittle worried about that (which is why I balanced it with th other 'biggie', to show impartiality).

Just trying to show how it is MAN who is evil (or good), not whatever scriptures (or god) they follow. Religion, by it's very nature, isn't evil... its what it is used for (to justify).

Whats that saying? "Even the Devil himself can quote the Bible to his own ends"? That goes for any 'holy book' that is being interpretted by mortals.

Bottom line is, its all guess-work, and thats how I play it in-game. No-one really knows the truth about the divine, and thats how it should be (IMHO). Gods are supposed to be mysterious; thats their nature.

Originally posted by Herkles

Since we are mentioning pantheons. I do have a question about non deity religious stuff. What of stuff such as Ancestor worship or Saints? Do any of the pantheons in the realms currently have any saints or have ancestor worship alongside the worship of their deities, I believe the non human pantheons such as the elves and dwarves would but not sure.

In the east, yes (Kara-Tur, Hordelands, Malatra). Not sure about Maztica, or any of the 'Unknowns'.

In Faerūn-proper, the only group that jumps to mind that 'might' are the Sharrans (and maybe some of the tribes from Chult, as well).

Oh... wait... the Uthgardt do... almost forgot that. They have 'Ancestor Mounds' just for that purpose. In case you don't know, those are the barbarians in 'The North'.

"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me" --- Dudley Field Malone

Edited by - Markustay on 27 Jul 2009 23:24:50
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Great Reader

2165 Posts

Posted - 28 Jul 2009 :  00:28:57  Show Profile Send Jakk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Herkles

Since we are mentioning pantheons. I do have a question about non deity religious stuff. What of stuff such as Ancestor worship or Saints? Do any of the pantheons in the realms currently have any saints or have ancestor worship alongside the worship of their deities, I believe the non human pantheons such as the elves and dwarves would but not sure.

In addition to what Markustay has mentioned, the church of Ilmater has a number of saints mentioned in canon sources; Saint Sollars the Twice-Martyred and Saint Dionysus are the only ones immediately springing to mind. Check Faiths & Pantheons and Champions of Valor for more details, if you have those sources.

Playing in the Realms since the Old Grey Box (1987)... and *still* having fun with material published before 2008, despite the NDA'd lore.

If it's comparable in power with non-magical abilities, it's not magic.
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Posted - 01 Aug 2009 :  17:57:53  Show Profile  Visit rjfras's Homepage Send rjfras a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Jakk

Originally posted by Herkles

Since we are mentioning pantheons. I do have a question about non deity religious stuff. What of stuff such as Ancestor worship or Saints? Do any of the pantheons in the realms currently have any saints or have ancestor worship alongside the worship of their deities, I believe the non human pantheons such as the elves and dwarves would but not sure.

In addition to what Markustay has mentioned, the church of Ilmater has a number of saints mentioned in canon sources; Saint Sollars the Twice-Martyred and Saint Dionysus are the only ones immediately springing to mind. Check Faiths & Pantheons and Champions of Valor for more details, if you have those sources.

Calimshan and the border of Tethyr have alot of Ilmater shrines all named after different saints.. some of the land of intrigue books mention quite a few of them, and I think Markustay's Calimshan map has alot of them included. How much they actually worship them, no idea, but once you start going down that road of naming stuff after saints, I don't think it's too far behind where they start saying quick prayers to the saints as well as the diety...
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