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 Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (PS2)
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Alexis Merlin
Learned Scribe

115 Posts

Posted - 08 May 2008 :  15:03:03  Show Profile  Visit Alexis Merlin's Homepage Send Alexis Merlin a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Greetings to all,

Prior to a few months ago, I had only ever played the Baldur's Gate 1&2 Games on the PC. I had very much wanted to play the PS2 games however I had a US-Playstation and was unable to get any US games exported to the UK when I used to live there. Since moving to the US I was very fortunate enough to find a 2nd-hand copy of Baldur's Gate:Dark Alliance, and began playing it through.

Suffice to say it was a very different experience to the PC version, understandly so given the Playstation's different style of controllers. It reminded me a lot more of a "Diablo" type game, however it was still a great deal of fun, and with a very different storyline to the PC version, it was a whole new game-world to explore. The music did not disappoint - particularly the music in the Elfsong Tavern where the game begins. The multiplayer option is very good too, allowing 2 players to play on the same console - which had been great fun for the wifey&I!

Overall, I found it easier to play through as the Dwarven Warrior than the Human Archer/Elven Mage, because I found it difficult to aim the ranged attacks using the Playstation controller.

Anyhow, as this game hasn't been written about much on these forums, I thought I would post a review of it from someone whose primary experience has been through the PC versions. I look forward to finding a copy of the sequel, and in the meantime definately recommend the first one to anyone with a Playstation 2 (it runs fine on my PS3 as well as the PS2). While the graphics are a wee bit dated by today's standards, the involving gameplay more than makes up for it.

It is knowledge that influences and equalizes the social condition of man; that gives to all, however different their political position, passions which are in common, and enjoyments which are universal.
(Benjamin Disraeli)

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Posted - 09 May 2008 :  12:13:26  Show Profile  Visit Alisttair's Homepage Send Alisttair a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It's fun multiplayer also. My brother and I just started this week a 2 player game (him useing the archer (notice it's a Human Arcane Archer lol) and I am using the elven Sorceress. Anyways, we had played and finished Dark Alliance 2 a few years ago, which we will play again after finishing BG1 (also there is Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance on the nintendo game boy advance, which is limited since its the GBA but still a fun experience).

Karsite Arcanar (Most Holy Servant of Karsus)

Anauria - Survivor State of Netheril as penned by me:
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Posted - 09 May 2008 :  13:44:35  Show Profile  Visit Dezmodu's Homepage Send Dezmodu a Private Message  Reply with Quote
level the elven Sorceress on mana regen and chain lichtning spell. you can run though the whole game with your finger on the button.
pretty nice.

paladin: Ignorance is no excuse!
Rogue: Why?
Paladin: I don't know.

Edited by - Dezmodu on 09 May 2008 13:45:00
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Posted - 09 May 2008 :  15:52:49  Show Profile  Visit Alisttair's Homepage Send Alisttair a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dezmodu

level the elven Sorceress on mana regen and chain lichtning spell. you can run though the whole game with your finger on the button.
pretty nice.

I think I did that on the GBA version.
I'll share the fun with my brother on the PS2 version though hehe :) unless Hard mode starts gettting TOO hard.

Karsite Arcanar (Most Holy Servant of Karsus)

Anauria - Survivor State of Netheril as penned by me:
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Rinonalyrna Fathomlin
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Posted - 09 May 2008 :  16:16:27  Show Profile  Visit Rinonalyrna Fathomlin's Homepage Send Rinonalyrna Fathomlin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Keep in mind that BG: DA isn't meant to be a different version of the Baldur's Gate PC series. It is a totally different game with a different story--only the name and logo is the same, most likely for marketing reasons.

I've played through BG: DA with my brother. It was fun, but not really D&D.

"Instead of asking why we sleep, it might make sense to ask why we wake. Perchance we live to dream. From that perspective, the sea of troubles we navigate in the workaday world might be the price we pay for admission to another night in the world of dreams."
--Richard Greene (letter to Time)
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Posted - 09 May 2008 :  17:08:09  Show Profile  Visit Alisttair's Homepage Send Alisttair a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On a side note, Marvel Ultimate Alliance and the Xmen Legends games use pretty much a polished version of that particular gameplay.

Karsite Arcanar (Most Holy Servant of Karsus)

Anauria - Survivor State of Netheril as penned by me:
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Great Reader

3290 Posts

Posted - 06 Feb 2009 :  23:13:47  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
-I loved those games. Currently play BG DA 2. That Moon Elf Necromancer gets kick *** after awhile. On the original BG DA I like the Elven Sorc with Ball Lightining.


"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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Arion Elenim
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 07 Feb 2009 :  18:33:59  Show Profile  Visit Arion Elenim's Homepage Send Arion Elenim a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah, I just got BG DA 2 for Christmas. So far, I've enjoyed the cleric best. Much more versatile. :)

My latest Realms-based short story, about a bard, a paladin of Lathander and the letter of the law, Debts Repaid. It takes place before the "shattering" and gives the bard Arion a last gasp before he plunges into the present.
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 07 Feb 2009 :  18:59:37  Show Profile Send Jimbobx a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Arion Elenim

Yeah, I just got BG DA 2 for Christmas. So far, I've enjoyed the cleric best. Much more versatile. :)

Couldn't resist playing the barbarian, myself. Dual wielding Flaming Greatswords - Great fun. I wouldn't mind another one of those games...good old honest to goodness hack n slash.

Rilyetan's Retreat

Jimbob's Waterdeep Journal
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Arion Elenim
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 07 Feb 2009 :  19:20:59  Show Profile  Visit Arion Elenim's Homepage Send Arion Elenim a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I dunno - I didn't really care for the melee-heavy characters...

Do they get better at higher levels? Normally I love the hack n slash guys....:(

My latest Realms-based short story, about a bard, a paladin of Lathander and the letter of the law, Debts Repaid. It takes place before the "shattering" and gives the bard Arion a last gasp before he plunges into the present.
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
201 Posts

Posted - 07 Feb 2009 :  23:29:33  Show Profile  Visit Wrigs13's Homepage Send Wrigs13 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The problem is that the game can be completed in about 10 hours and just ends with no explanation.

A bit lame really.

Do not try to understand the 4th edition. Thats impossible. Instead...only try to realise the truth. There is no 4th edition.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 07 Feb 2009 :  23:32:07  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
-But its a fun and mindless 10 hours.


"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
201 Posts

Posted - 07 Feb 2009 :  23:43:04  Show Profile  Visit Wrigs13's Homepage Send Wrigs13 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I enjoyed playing it and having played the pc games when the final cut scene played I was still under the assumption that i could only be a quarter of the way through the game. Imagine my shock when the game actually ended.

I much prefer the pc games, you get days of play and much more scope for fun.

Do not try to understand the 4th edition. Thats impossible. Instead...only try to realise the truth. There is no 4th edition.
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 08 Feb 2009 :  20:11:02  Show Profile Send Jimbobx a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wrigs13

I enjoyed playing it and having played the pc games when the final cut scene played I was still under the assumption that i could only be a quarter of the way through the game. Imagine my shock when the game actually ended.

I much prefer the pc games, you get days of play and much more scope for fun.

I know what your saying... when I completed the first DA game I thought I had just played through the intro or a training level. After that I approached the sequel with much lower expectations and enjoyed it. However the plot and the writing could've done with a lot more work to better compliment the graphics and gameplay.

Rilyetan's Retreat

Jimbob's Waterdeep Journal
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
109 Posts

Posted - 08 Feb 2009 :  20:20:02  Show Profile Send Jimbobx a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Arion Elenim

I dunno - I didn't really care for the melee-heavy characters...

Do they get better at higher levels? Normally I love the hack n slash guys....:(

Haven't really got a frame of reference as I've never played the other characters. But it certainly doesn't get any more interesting at higher levels...just frantic tapping on the X button.

Rilyetan's Retreat

Jimbob's Waterdeep Journal
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Arion Elenim
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 09 Feb 2009 :  00:21:21  Show Profile  Visit Arion Elenim's Homepage Send Arion Elenim a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the replies guys.

And by the by, did I just miss the chapter of the game where they explain how Kharne found the cure for four hundred stab wounds in the face from BG DA 1? :D

My latest Realms-based short story, about a bard, a paladin of Lathander and the letter of the law, Debts Repaid. It takes place before the "shattering" and gives the bard Arion a last gasp before he plunges into the present.
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Duneth Despana
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 09 Dec 2009 :  15:44:00  Show Profile Send Duneth Despana a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I really liked both games but as a loremonger I couldn't help wondering where the stories would be situated in time. The only thing I have found out yet is that it must be after 1261 as it features the Zhentarim. If you'd like to help me narrow it down do not hesitate.

@ Arion Elenim : IIRC Kharne in BGDA1 was an imposter, a decoy, and is very much dead by your 400 stabs. Whereas the real Kharne is still alive and thus you can meet him in BGDA2 without the use of any necromantic magic.

« There is no overriding « epic » in the Realms, but rather a large number of stories, adventures, and encounters going on all the time. [...]. Each creative mind adds to the base, creating, defining, and making their contribution to the rich diversity of the Realms. [...]. But Ed built the stage upon which all the plays are presented. Thanks Ed. » -FR Comic no.1
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Duneth Despana
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 21 Dec 2009 :  11:46:27  Show Profile Send Duneth Despana a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The events of BGDAII must be after 1357 DR as the shrine of Tempus is already established at Dragonspear Castle.

« There is no overriding « epic » in the Realms, but rather a large number of stories, adventures, and encounters going on all the time. [...]. Each creative mind adds to the base, creating, defining, and making their contribution to the rich diversity of the Realms. [...]. But Ed built the stage upon which all the plays are presented. Thanks Ed. » -FR Comic no.1
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Milith holder of HB8

63 Posts

Posted - 05 Apr 2010 :  23:13:48  Show Profile  Visit Milith holder of HB8's Homepage Send Milith holder of HB8 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mechanics: 7/10
Summary: Decent hack&slash, but the aiming for some of the spells and the projectiles are just plain horrible. Switching through spells is also a pain. Still, combat felt good and when my archer used his repulsion to send a couple thieves into exploding barrels, it was fantastic. Extreme mode with high level characters does not scale very well. One thing that seemed to bother me was the lack of detail going into the weapons; the lore was just not there. How about a weapon with a name and a description? It was completely and utterly dissapointing to find that every weapon was +5 something or the other. The only real named weapon was the Black Iron longsword that you get to have for maybe all of ten minutes before the game ends.

Story: 4/10
The story is one of the weaker parts of the story. Although it starts out well enough to explain lack of equipment and the first chapter is pretty fun, slaying undead and eventually fighting a Beholder, the story itself is just weak. It gets worse when the entire story seems to end just when it starts to get exciting. It felt like you were just left out to dry. I expected better with a title that has BG in it. Still, the feel of the game's mystery and excitment kept running well through most of the game--it just ended too early and felt like a cheat.

Characters: 3/10
The majority of the characters were cut-board cut outs. Still, the Beholder was enjoyable and his henchmen was somewhat intimidating. I had hoped that it would get better, but to my dismay, it got worse. By the end of chapter one, the Beholder and his thug were dead and you were then cut off from the people who you met in the city. Ie, the bartender and the Harper are gone just like that and you can never go back (for...some reason). And because of how basically they laid out the plot, I knew immediately that I wouldn't ever be seeing any of them again, or at least not until the end of the game. This was just...really bad. Honestly, the most kickass character was the guy who did the prologue and the epilogue...granted, it's simply because his voice is just that incredibly awesome.

Soundtrack 10/10
As with the rest of the BG series, exceptionally well done. The Elfsong Tavern song at the end while the credits rolled was amazing.

Graphics: 10/10
For the time, well done graphics. Even today the graphics stand up well.

Total: 6/10
Great hack&slash game. The story, while a bit subpar, did manage to keep the attention and the suspense long enough to keep you interested. The characters, save for one or two are cut out and you're alienated from them after the first chapter. They should have lasted at least another chapter. The graphics and soundtrack help support the story in keeping the game alive and somewhat wonder-filled. Unfortunately, the game's abrupt ending is bitter and feels like an obvious indication that they just want more money for less work. Due to the short duration of the gameplay, it would be best to pick it up as a rental. Playing as Drizzt is fine and all, but it in no way adds to the gameplay and he's limited to one outfit look and of course, he can only use Twinkle and Icingdeath. Nor are his spells that great either.

Hey, babe, see my shiny teeth as I smile my very best wolf smile- Ed Greenwood.
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Posted - 07 Apr 2010 :  13:35:31  Show Profile  Visit Alisttair's Homepage Send Alisttair a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Milith holder of HB8 Playing as Drizzt is fine and all, but it in no way adds to the gameplay and he's limited to one outfit look and of course, he can only use Twinkle and Icingdeath. Nor are his spells that great either.

In today's consoles, Drizzt would probably have been a download for an unfair price.

Karsite Arcanar (Most Holy Servant of Karsus)

Anauria - Survivor State of Netheril as penned by me:
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Milith holder of HB8

63 Posts

Posted - 21 Apr 2010 :  17:34:46  Show Profile  Visit Milith holder of HB8's Homepage Send Milith holder of HB8 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
And would probably be horribly unbalanced...

Hey, babe, see my shiny teeth as I smile my very best wolf smile- Ed Greenwood.
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Duneth Despana
Learned Scribe

273 Posts

Posted - 20 Sep 2012 :  01:41:58  Show Profile Send Duneth Despana a Private Message  Reply with Quote
For those that it might still interest, I found one place where the events of DA were listed as happening in 1374 DR.

« There is no overriding « epic » in the Realms, but rather a large number of stories, adventures, and encounters going on all the time. [...]. Each creative mind adds to the base, creating, defining, and making their contribution to the rich diversity of the Realms. [...]. But Ed built the stage upon which all the plays are presented. Thanks Ed. » -FR Comic no.1
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Duneth Despana
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 20 Sep 2012 :  01:42:25  Show Profile Send Duneth Despana a Private Message  Reply with Quote
For those that it might still interest, I found one place where the events of DA were listed as happening in 1374 DR.

« There is no overriding « epic » in the Realms, but rather a large number of stories, adventures, and encounters going on all the time. [...]. Each creative mind adds to the base, creating, defining, and making their contribution to the rich diversity of the Realms. [...]. But Ed built the stage upon which all the plays are presented. Thanks Ed. » -FR Comic no.1
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Lily M Green
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 20 Sep 2012 :  22:42:04  Show Profile  Visit Lily M Green's Homepage Send Lily M Green a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Cool, thanks. As this thread has been dragged to a temple and resurrected, I don't suppose anyone has a full list of the enemy / monster encounters for both games? There are some towards the end of DAII especially that I'm struggling to identify from their in game appearance.


Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup.

A Dark Alliance - Beyond Baldur's Gate
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Xar Zarath
Senior Scribe

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Posted - 21 Sep 2012 :  07:23:18  Show Profile Send Xar Zarath a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I found the game fun and exciting though the idea of a warrior being able to bring a tower with such planar magic bound in it was a bit unbelievable. If it was a wizard then that would be more plausible.

Everything ends where it begins. Period.

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Mr Dark

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Posted - 21 Sep 2012 :  20:36:50  Show Profile Send Mr Dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I loved the Dark Alliance series and wished we would have seen the last chapter of it. I have often thought about running a campaign that picks up after DA II.

Canon stops where the table begins.
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 22 Sep 2012 :  07:10:21  Show Profile Send Light a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I liked the game when played with a friend but I wish that it did not use the Baldur's Gate name.

"A true warrior needs no sword" - Thors (Vinland Saga)
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Xnella Moonblade-Thann
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 30 Nov 2012 :  13:00:10  Show Profile Send Xnella Moonblade-Thann a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Brimstone

-I loved those games. Currently play BG DA 2. That Moon Elf Necromancer gets kick *** after awhile. On the original BG DA I like the Elven Sorc with Ball Lightining.


I love the Moon Elf Necromancer--he does some really bad-@$$ damage with spells after you get him leveled up for few levels and I can run the entire game with just chain lightning and maybe two other spells at the fact he's an elf and I fancy them over other races. The female drow seemed to be pretty neat too.

"Sweet water and light laughter until next we meet." - traditional elven farewell

Please forgive any spelling and grammer errors, as my android touch-screen phone has no spellchecker. If I do make a grammer mistake, please let me know and I'll try to fix it.

New laptop, still trying to sort my "scrolls" on its shelves...and when will this cursed thing stop doing things I tell it not to?
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Lily M Green
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 01 Jan 2013 :  20:18:32  Show Profile  Visit Lily M Green's Homepage Send Lily M Green a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thinking about it now the PCs in both games end up ridiculously overpowered by the end of the game, and even more so when you consider that you can take them through each difficulty level and complete the skill level spots you didn't get to by the end of the previous game. I certainly don't think there's any official experience cap on the game. Vhaidra (the drow monk) is great fun to play, she gets some really good unarmed combos further on in the game and coupled with enchanted boots and gloves they're devastating.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup.

A Dark Alliance - Beyond Baldur's Gate
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