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Great Reader

2285 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2012 :  15:25:56  Show Profile Send sfdragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic

sept. and the Lord of Murder shall fall...

why is being a wizard like being a drow? both are likely to find a dagger in the back from a rival or one looking to further his own goals, fame and power

My FR fan fiction
Magister's GAmbit

Great Reader

2131 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2012 :  16:11:50  Show Profile  Visit Hawkins's Homepage Send Hawkins a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah, I am hoping that it will eventually make its way to GameStop, seeing as I have around $100 store credit there.

Errant d20 Designer - My Blog (last updated January 06, 2016)

One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back. --Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking-Glass

"Mmm, not the darkness," Myrin murmured. "Don't cast it there." --Erik Scott de Bie, Shadowbane

* My character sheets (PFRPG, 3.5, and AE versions; not viewable in Internet Explorer)
* Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document (PFRPG OGL Rules)
* The Hypertext d20 SRD (3.5 OGL Rules)
* 3.5 D&D Archives

My game design work:
* Heroes of the Jade Oath (PFRPG, conversion; Rite Publishing)
* Compendium Arcanum Volume 1: Cantrips & Orisons (PFRPG, designer; Publishing)
* Compendium Arcanum Volume 2: 1st-Level Spells (PFRPG, designer; Publishing)
* Martial Arts Guidebook (forthcoming) (PFRPG, designer; Rite Publishing)
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Master of Realmslore

1272 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2012 :  16:51:59  Show Profile  Visit Delwa's Homepage Send Delwa a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm hoping they do a boxed set. I have the worst luck with technology up and dying on me, so hard backups are wonderful.
I'm also really pleased they did an Android release.
I do think I might be starting to annoy some people. Trent's Twitter feed has hinted that a Baldur's Gate III might be possible if sales are big enough. That was enough to turn me into a BGEE Evangelist, spreading the good news and threatening to shove a hamster down people's pants if they don't invest in a copy. (Sorry, Wooly. No offence intended. )

- Delwa Aunglor
I am off to slay yon refrigerator and spoil it's horde. Go for the cheese, Boo!

"The Realms change; seldom at the speed desired of those who strive, but far too quickly for those who resist." - The Simbul, taken from the Forgotten Realms Campaign Conspectus
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36866 Posts

Posted - 27 Jul 2012 :  18:10:24  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Delwa

(snip)threatening to shove a hamster down people's pants if they don't invest in a copy. (Sorry, Wooly. No offence intended. )

No worries! I've more than once threatened to sic a swarm of Miniature Giant Space Hamsters on someone.

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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31799 Posts

Posted - 28 Jul 2012 :  02:09:43  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not sure whether I'll buy the enhanced edition.

There's just something about still trying to get the original version to work on more modern systems, that speaks to the nostalgic gamer inside of me.

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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
141 Posts

Posted - 29 Jul 2012 :  13:05:30  Show Profile Send Tamsar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ahh the old days of having boot disks with custom config.sys and autoexec.bat files with EMS/XMS & IRQ settings to make games work!

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light
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United Kingdom
7 Posts

Posted - 29 Jul 2012 :  18:39:13  Show Profile Send Gustafson a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Sage

I'm not sure whether I'll buy the enhanced edition.

There's just something about still trying to get the original version to work on more modern systems, that speaks to the nostalgic gamer inside of me.

My 4CD version runs on Windows 7 64 bit. You can also buy the original from the - they make everything run on new op. systems.
Nevertheless I've just bought the Enhanced edition; I hope they haven;t f@cked up the original feeling...

I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I aim with my eye.
I do not shoot with my hand, he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I shoot with my mind.
I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father.
I kill with my heart.
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Great Reader

7989 Posts

Posted - 29 Jul 2012 :  23:03:42  Show Profile Send Ayrik a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Ahh the old days of having boot disks with custom config.sys and autoexec.bat files with EMS/XMS & IRQ settings to make games work!
That approach still works, assuming you're able to procure DOS-compatible drivers for your chipset, video, audio, keyboard, mouse, drives, and USB devices. I haven't used floppy drives at all for almost a decade (er, outside of playful microcontroller projects similar to this, using these drives in new ways which would horrify and amuse the manufacturers) ... ye olde multiboot setup with a bootable 2GB MSDOS622 partition and [CONFIG] menu blocks accomplish much the same thing. Maximum compatibility is always guaranteed if you have an ancient DOS-era PC available for this purpose; I saw a 486DX2/66 with 4MB RAM (and VGA monitor!) on craigslist for ten bucks just today.

There's some decent DOS emulators available, DOSBox is probably the best overall and not at all as intimidating as it seems at first glance.

Many (if not all!) of these ancient games have been patched, updated, recompiled, modded to allow some compatibility with Win9x or WinXP, and that's often good enough to get them to run on Vista or Win7. I'm sort of assuming that if you use a linux then you're already on top of the details.


Edited by - Ayrik on 29 Jul 2012 23:07:22
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Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
141 Posts

Posted - 27 Aug 2012 :  11:39:41  Show Profile Send Tamsar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Due to be released on 18th September. woohoo cannot wait!

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
762 Posts

Posted - 27 Aug 2012 :  13:19:38  Show Profile Send Kiaransalyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That might be worth getting. Is it set in the same setting, i.e. Pre-Spellplague but using 4th Edn rules?

Death is Life
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Ken: You from the States?
Jimmy: Yeah. But don't hold it against me.
Ken: I'll try not to... Just try not to say anything too loud or crass.
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Great Reader

4458 Posts

Posted - 27 Aug 2012 :  14:15:14  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kiaransalyn

That might be worth getting. Is it set in the same setting, i.e. Pre-Spellplague but using 4th Edn rules?

Neither. Pre-Spellplague Realms with 2nd Edition rules (like the original Baldur's Gate game). Might have some updates, as we can see a Blackguard and Monk. I'm not a 2E fan so I don't know if there were rules for the Anti-paladin/blackguard or Monk classes? I'm intrigued to see how they're created though. Too bad they're NOT using 4E rules, everyone says they'd be great for a video-game conversion. In just over 4 years, I've yet to see it.
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
762 Posts

Posted - 27 Aug 2012 :  14:34:16  Show Profile Send Kiaransalyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I figured it would be Pre-Spellplague given the back story for the game, but as you say one criticism/comment about 4th Edition is its video-game feel; it could have been fun to see them being used in a video game. Of course, it could be that WotC wanted to retain the feel of the original Baldur's Gate so kept with 2nd Edn, which are a fun set of rules anyway.

Death is Life
Love is Hate
Revenge is Forgiveness

Ken: You from the States?
Jimmy: Yeah. But don't hold it against me.
Ken: I'll try not to... Just try not to say anything too loud or crass.
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Great Reader

4458 Posts

Posted - 27 Aug 2012 :  14:42:09  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kiaransalyn

I figured it would be Pre-Spellplague given the back story for the game, but as you say one criticism/comment about 4th Edition is its video-game feel; it could have been fun to see them being used in a video game.

It is a common criticism of the 4E rules (one that i'm not overly inclined to agree with) but I'd like to see how someone might impliement them onto the computer game platform. When the news of the Enchanced Version was released, I too had hoped/thought it would use the 4E ruleset, but that ended up not being the case. Oh well

Originally posted by Kiaransalyn

Of course, it could be that WotC wanted to retain the feel of the original Baldur's Gate so kept with 2nd Edn, which are a fun set of rules anyway.

While I think they could've kept the feel with the game, afterall Icewind Dale II was v3.5 rules, I'm assuming it would be easier to update the game by keeping the rules As-Is from a development aspect. Additionally, while I practically loathe 2E from a mechanics stand point, the BG games never bothered me and I found a TON of enjoyment from them. So while I am a bit saddend they didn't take this opportunity to use 4E rules, the fact that we're getting an Enhanced Version with new content at all is amazing and awesome!
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Learned Scribe

233 Posts

Posted - 27 Aug 2012 :  17:27:46  Show Profile Send Light a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kiaransalyn

I figured it would be Pre-Spellplague given the back story for the game, but as you say one criticism/comment about 4th Edition is its video-game feel; it could have been fun to see them being used in a video game. Of course, it could be that WotC wanted to retain the feel of the original Baldur's Gate so kept with 2nd Edn, which are a fun set of rules anyway.

Your previous posts have confused me. It almost sounds like (and I may be wrong) that you don't quite now what BG:EE is. It's the same game with items, quests etc. added in and a few graphical updates. Sorry if you already know all this, it just sounded as if you may have thought it was a different game.

"A true warrior needs no sword" - Thors (Vinland Saga)
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Senior Scribe

United Kingdom
762 Posts

Posted - 29 Aug 2012 :  10:27:15  Show Profile Send Kiaransalyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Light

Originally posted by Kiaransalyn

I figured it would be Pre-Spellplague given the back story for the game, but as you say one criticism/comment about 4th Edition is its video-game feel; it could have been fun to see them being used in a video game. Of course, it could be that WotC wanted to retain the feel of the original Baldur's Gate so kept with 2nd Edn, which are a fun set of rules anyway.

Your previous posts have confused me. It almost sounds like (and I may be wrong) that you don't quite now what BG:EE is. It's the same game with items, quests etc. added in and a few graphical updates. Sorry if you already know all this, it just sounded as if you may have thought it was a different game.

Thanks for your clarification. I have a very good idea of what Baldur's Gate - I've enjoyed playing it several times. the first time I became aware of BG:EE is this thread, so your assumption that I don't know what it is was correct.
I did follow the link but it didn't give me as much info' as the good people here.

Death is Life
Love is Hate
Revenge is Forgiveness

Ken: You from the States?
Jimmy: Yeah. But don't hold it against me.
Ken: I'll try not to... Just try not to say anything too loud or crass.
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Learned Scribe

210 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2012 :  16:32:04  Show Profile  Visit ZeshinX's Homepage Send ZeshinX a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It's the original Baldur's Gate, but using the Baldur's Gate 2 version of the Infinity Engine (very much like using the Baldur's Gate Trilogy or Tutu mods). Overhaul has tweaked it a bit, but not changed any of the content that was there (they have added 3 new NPCs to the base game, but it's otherwise unaltered except for tweaks to allow it to run on modern machines with modern resolutions). The new Black Pits content is stand-alone (meaning you can't play through the Black Pits stuff in the main adventure, it's seperate).

2e rules, though some of the BG2 content that will be available because of the BG2 codebase were very much 3e-inspired (the Barbarian, Monk, and Sorcerer classes for instance), since BG2 came out around the same time as 3rd Edition.

"...because despite the best advice of those who know what they are talking about, other people insist on doing the most massively stupid things."
-Galen, technomage
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Mr Dark

50 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2012 :  17:53:31  Show Profile Send Mr Dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I may get this. I tried installing Baldur's Gate but can't get it beyond a tiny resolution. I tried BGT and TUTU; neither worked and did some nasty things to my games folder.

Canon stops where the table begins.
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Lily M Green
Learned Scribe

115 Posts

Posted - 04 Sep 2012 :  19:32:23  Show Profile  Visit Lily M Green's Homepage Send Lily M Green a Private Message  Reply with Quote
There is the version which runs fine but really it's probably worth waiting for the enhanced edition at this stage, especially as it will support fan made mods by all accounts.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy, and taste good with ketchup.

A Dark Alliance - Beyond Baldur's Gate
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United Kingdom
7 Posts

Posted - 14 Sep 2012 :  21:36:49  Show Profile Send Gustafson a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Enhanced Edition is postponed till the 30th of November!!! For the nine hells!!!

I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I aim with my eye.
I do not shoot with my hand, he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I shoot with my mind.
I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father.
I kill with my heart.
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26 Posts

Posted - 14 Sep 2012 :  23:27:48  Show Profile Send ddporter a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's actually a good thing. It means the studio is more concerned about getting the game right than shipping on time, with bugs. I wish more game makers would do that.
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Mr Dark

50 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2012 :  00:13:10  Show Profile Send Mr Dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Amen to that! I remember how many patches and mods were needed to get TOEE to work.

Canon stops where the table begins.
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Senior Scribe

417 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2012 :  00:44:05  Show Profile Send idilippy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ok with them delaying it, not thrilled with the very late notice for such an enormous delay relative to their total development time so far. Still, it's not too bad, another couple months isn't the end of the world if it means they get to do some more cool things to the game.
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United Kingdom
7 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2012 :  06:26:00  Show Profile Send Gustafson a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah, I agree with you guys. Better to get a good game a bit later.
Just- you know - I've counted the days to get it....
P.S. (the good thing is that I can properly finish Icewind Dale 2 :) )

I do not aim with my hand; he who aims with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I aim with my eye.
I do not shoot with my hand, he who shoots with his hand has forgotten the face of his father.
I shoot with my mind.
I do not kill with my gun; he who kills with his gun has forgotten the face of his father.
I kill with my heart.
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Lord Bane
Senior Scribe

479 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2012 :  12:27:37  Show Profile Send Lord Bane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You can already have your own BG enhanced with the mods that have been created by the modding community over the years, they are all for free aswell. No need for me to buy the game when i already own it.

The driving force in the multiverse is evil, for it forces good to act.
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Mr Dark

50 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2012 :  14:58:01  Show Profile Send Mr Dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah, those great mods succeeded in wiping out my games folder and making BG unplayable.

Canon stops where the table begins.
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Lord Bane
Senior Scribe

479 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2012 :  15:47:53  Show Profile Send Lord Bane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Seems like you did something wrong. Itīs a bit trial an error with some but all in all, it is basicly already an enhanced version of the game.

The driving force in the multiverse is evil, for it forces good to act.
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Mr Dark

50 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2012 :  15:55:11  Show Profile Send Mr Dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I did it according to the instructions given in the download. I've used mods on other games and never had that problem. BGT and TUTU both did bad things to my computer.

Canon stops where the table begins.
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Lord Bane
Senior Scribe

479 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2012 :  17:18:12  Show Profile Send Lord Bane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hm canīt say what may have caused the issue on your part but considered using the Big World mod? It is supposed to do what BGT does plus incorporating alot of other mods not only BG but also BG2.

The driving force in the multiverse is evil, for it forces good to act.
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Mr Dark

50 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2012 :  17:33:14  Show Profile Send Mr Dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Didn't know about big world. I am going to try BGT again and see what happens. I'll give Big World a shot if it doesn't work. In all honesty the main thing I really want is to be able to play the game in a higher resolution. I tried the G3 mod for that but it never took.

Canon stops where the table begins.
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Lord Bane
Senior Scribe

479 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2012 :  18:18:14  Show Profile Send Lord Bane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Your best bet would be the wide screen mod, that i think lets you play the game in higher resolution. Also i recommend the 1pp mod, it enhances the visuals of items and what not. 1pp is also used by the comercial BG EE.

The driving force in the multiverse is evil, for it forces good to act.
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Mr Dark

50 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2012 :  20:25:01  Show Profile Send Mr Dark a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I got BGT to work. I think I know why it did not the first time. I'll look into the widescreen mod. The one I found before didn't take for some reason. Thanks for the help.

Canon stops where the table begins.
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