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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bookworm Posted - 06 May 2024 : 14:33:54
From Dragon #158 -

Elminster said, “Ye knew Tsunroon, did ye not?”
Mordenkainen replied, “Tsunroon the Traveler? The one who had a tower in the Drachensgrab Hills, and blasted it to dust when his apprentices tried to rob him, with them inside?”
“Aye. Ye know he went walking the worlds for a time, after that?”
Mordenkainen nodded. “He’s back in the Flanaess now, around Niole Dra.”
Elminster sucked on his pipe. “Aye. Not surprising he’s scuttled for home. He ran afoul of the Alhoon in the Realms not long ago.”

Is there any additional info. on Tsunroon? Do you have any speculations?

Thank you for your assistance.
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Zeromaru X Posted - 14 May 2024 : 18:27:11
For a moment I thought it was another Manshoon clone, lol
bloodtide_the_red Posted - 13 May 2024 : 06:19:15
I'm fairly sure Ed made up Tsunroon the Traveler. He is not in any GH book or on the GH wiki. You could always try asking Ed and see if he has more...
TBeholder Posted - 13 May 2024 : 00:11:51
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Dalamar wasn't a drow. Krynn didn't have them. Dark elves were simply outcast regular elves.

Right, by now this joke may need an explanation.
For those who want details, see that thread on The Wizards Three. My point is that seeing how those articles (as edited and published) blatantly do not mix with well-established continuity (and then apparently Ed just ran with it), they are compromised as a source of lore anyway.
Wooly Rupert Posted - 12 May 2024 : 19:17:53
Dalamar wasn't a drow. Krynn didn't have them. Dark elves were simply outcast regular elves.
TBeholder Posted - 07 May 2024 : 07:39:01
Originally posted by Bookworm

From Dragon #158 -
. . .
Is there any additional info. on Tsunroon? Do you have any speculations?

The article was Greenwood's, the character in question was from Greyhawk. And there's an old rule of writing in shared universe: no touching other people's characters. Fairly obvious, between politeness and consistency. As an illustration, WotSQ series ran into this very pitfall once the corporate bureaucrats decided they know better and common sense was discarded completely.
Besides, he was a planewalker, which suggests having fame in much narrower circles than usual for wizards of comparable power level.
So, most likely nothing outside that article.

P.S.: Also, the Wizards Three series are disqualified from main continuity due to drow Dalamar.

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