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Senior Scribe

514 Posts

Posted - 29 Jun 2004 :  20:52:35  Show Profile Send Hymn a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I was wondering if any of the scribes have some scrolls about the "base" of the Magis Mir or one the wizards themself?

Sauro moki kara ochiro - Even monkeys falls from trees.

The path that leads to truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant - Miyamoto Musashi

Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 01 Jul 2004 :  01:12:45  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hymn

I was wondering if any of the scribes have some scrolls about the "base" of the Magis Mir or one the wizards themself?

Haven't given them much thought since I scribbled the toss-away reference years ago in LOI (or was it in EOSS?).

If I haven't responded with more in the next week, ping me again, and I'll try and see what my fevered brain can produce on them.

Steven Schend

For current projects and general natter, see
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Senior Scribe

514 Posts

Posted - 02 Jul 2004 :  23:57:46  Show Profile Send Hymn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Steven Schend
Haven't given them much thought since I scribbled the toss-away reference years ago in LOI (or was it in EOSS?).

If I haven't responded with more in the next week, ping me again, and I'll try and see what my fevered brain can produce on them.

Steven Schend

It was in EoSS that I found that little note on them, sounded like a really cool future, one that could be expanded greatly. Thnx btw, I'll ping you for sure

Sauro moki kara ochiro - Even monkeys falls from trees.

The path that leads to truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant - Miyamoto Musashi
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31797 Posts

Posted - 03 Jul 2004 :  05:29:35  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Other than in EoSS, I wasn't aware that they were detailed in any other FR tome.

I'd like to see what you come up with as well, Mr Schend.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Senior Scribe

514 Posts

Posted - 08 Jul 2004 :  14:58:45  Show Profile Send Hymn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just checking if your brain has come up with anything Mr Schend. I'll be out of town this weekend so I just thought I remind you before I go.

Sauro moki kara ochiro - Even monkeys falls from trees.

The path that leads to truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant - Miyamoto Musashi
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 09 Jul 2004 :  04:34:39  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Hymn

Just checking if your brain has come up with anything Mr Schend. I'll be out of town this weekend so I just thought I remind you before I go.

Utterly swamped at the moment, so any musings on these guys and their hideout will have to wait until next week, I'm afraid. Keep pinging me, as it forces my Realms brain to reboot and restart, and some days, that's necessary....


For current projects and general natter, see
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Senior Scribe

514 Posts

Posted - 10 Jul 2004 :  00:01:53  Show Profile Send Hymn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Steven Schend
Utterly swamped at the moment, so any musings on these guys and their hideout will have to wait until next week, I'm afraid. Keep pinging me, as it forces my Realms brain to reboot and restart, and some days, that's necessary....


Ahh, that just sounds ghastly. Well I remind you sometime next week then I guess. I have much to do over here as well for the moment so ...

Sauro moki kara ochiro - Even monkeys falls from trees.

The path that leads to truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant - Miyamoto Musashi
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31797 Posts

Posted - 11 Jul 2004 :  05:01:05  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Steven Schend
Keep pinging me, as it forces my Realms brain to reboot and restart, and some days, that's necessary....


We all get like that sometimes, Mr Schend. Although, in my case it's hardly my "Realms" brain that needs rebooting. It's my "Ordinary Life" brain...

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Senior Scribe

514 Posts

Posted - 17 Jul 2004 :  14:59:12  Show Profile Send Hymn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ping Ping Mr Schend. Just remembered that I hadn't reminded you in a while Hope you have a slow down in work at least for the weekend .

Sauro moki kara ochiro - Even monkeys falls from trees.

The path that leads to truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant - Miyamoto Musashi
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 18 Jul 2004 :  02:56:21  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Okay, I've got a tiny bit of time and thought I'd scribble a bit on this topic....let's see what rattles loose from my brain pan....

Magis Mir...checking's what I find in my computer....

"Runetower's Fall: Lord Tuvos "The Rune Count" Akasi, the wizard ruler of the area called Monrativi Teshy Mir, died in a spellbattle which destroyed both himself, his castle, and acres of the surrounding greenery. His slayers were the members of Tethyr's adventuring company of wizards, the Magis Mir, who mysteriously disappeared seven months later from their refuge in the Forest of Mir. This blasted, bare area of ground has the rubble of the count's former tower at its center, and the ground is laid bare for nearly 100 yards in all directions from the rubble. The Runetower lies approximately three miles west of Shoonach's westernmost outpost garrison."

[time of above incidents toward end of the Black Days a few decades back]

"Magis Tor: This mysterious construction of five towers lies within the northeastern quarter of the Forest of Mir. Covered archways arc from each corner tower to a central tower 30 feet above the ground, connecting all the towers as one. This doorless, windowless set of towers was home to the members of Tethyr's adventuring wizards, the Magis Mir. They mysteriously disappeared seven months after their spectacular defeat of the Runecount Akasi during the Black Days, nor have they been seen since. Apparently, one only could enter the Magis Tor if you wore a special ring, none of which can be found without the Magis themselves."

There's also a brief note that says the Magis are all current guests in Myth Dyrallis, so I suppose you'd have to find an even better-hidden place to get info on this relatively hidden place.

Okay...what's tumbling into place....or funneled to me by the Blackstaff, fine fellow that he is (and surprisingly open with some secrets, as they have little to do with his own ongoing secret plots)...

undead hunters, all...wizards all....or are they all that remains of a larger group? Perhaps they worked with (and had semi-royal sanction) by working with Prince Rythan to destroy undead and had a hand with his destruction of one of the Runelords? Maybe that's why they hide out in Myth Dryallis? (Or are they studying things there they can't learn elsewhere and it's taking a long time only as humans measure things?)

As for the Tor itself, it's a weird Alan Lee style of architecture--both ethereal and funkily carved but stronger than average stone and obviously magical beyond most standards (but perhaps getting close to the defensive levels of magics on Blackstaff Tower or Shadowdale's Twisted Tower). Each of the four corner towers is constructed of one type of stone each--black granite, limestone, basalt, and white marble. The central tower that hovers above the center comes from an unidentifiable stone that looks and feels like marble but is an iridescent green in hue. The arches that lead from the corners to the center alternate bricks between the two tower's types of stone.

On the black granite tower (the southernmost tower) are carved a running panorama of animal forms and faces, claws and teeth--no winged or beaked creatures here but all predatory, powerful, and carved in just enough relief that they can be seen from ten paces away. The edges on the teeth and claws on wolverines and other types are still sharp enough to draw blood from the touch of the unwary. Hidden among the animal faces on the side beneath the arch are two runes or wizards' marks identifying the owners/occupants of this tower. Khelben tells me the four parallel lines overwritten with a vertical oval is the mark of Gareth of Geniste, the so-called "Werewolf Wizard" who specialized in shapechanging and animal controls and manipulations. The second mark is that of his apprentice (and alleged lover), Marklos Raslemtar of Zazesspur, whose mark on the wizarding community was "On Animal Natures and Wizardry," a treatise on familiars, the enhancement of same, and the potential theories on merging with familiars to take on wereforms.

The next tower to the west is the limestone tower, curiously absent of any major carvings but polished to a high sheen that is blinding to look at in strong sun. Beneath its arched path is a lone mark stamped in silver--a cartouche around two parallel vertical lightning slashes with circles at the top ends, and a stylized R mirrors the lightning zig-zags between the two. Khelben smiled as he noted the rather ostentatious mark of a former student--Rhaaneth of Neverwinter, who went south to find her destiny (though Khelben hints there was unrequited love she chased as well, though less successfully than her wizardry). The Blackstaff noted that Rhaaneth's talents lay in enchantments and the breaking of the same.

The northwestern basalt tower appears twisted and torqued into the ground at that point, the only smooth area on its surface is its wizard marks--three of them (of such odd and complex designs as to be too hard to describe verbally in less than 300 words) for Yrutha "Lichbane" Sharadnoss and her apprentice daughter and son-in-law Areatne and Sturn Omlarsbright, all of whom contributed to "The Grimoire Dessicatur," the highly regarded compendium classifying undead and noting lich battle tactics of 19 dangerous liches and dracoliches. Khelben confesses he knows little about the trio, save two things: Yrutha has a history and reputation for ruthlessness that matched her undead foes, having lost her husband and four other children to them. The Omlarsbright family of Erlkazar is a lesser noble family in Llorbauth who contribute and support the Mystics' Academy therein quite heavily, and at least two of each generation have some penchant for magic.

The final corner tower, its White marble sides always dry and cold to the touch despite the weather, is the only one that appears to have been crafted from individual bricks rather than one solid piece of stone. Looking very closely in the joints, the bricks appear slightly beveled but have no mortar between the stones. By touchin the surface, a person's hand gets increasinlgy cold, but the heat taken brings up hidden details--minute carved words in elvish that (to those versed in elven history and/or poetry) cover the entire tower in love poems centuries old. The marks beneath the archway note the tower is home to Ginala Sailsblack (formerly of Evereska) and her half-elven lover Faraq yn Sianar yi Manshaka. Khelben sighs when he mentions her, and I get the feeling there's a more tragic tale here than normal, but he tells no more.

The floating "green marble" central tower comes to near-points above and below, the archways from the corner towers linking at ten feet from the bottom of the tower on each side. The point on the bottom is flattened and bears the mark of Archmage Synegar Bluemantle of Llorbauth, the alleged founder of the Magis Mir and a wizard notorious for side-stepping or undermining most civil authority when it blocks him from his goal (usually uncovering undead or those affiliated/linked to them). Khelben mused aloud that he was more than 75 when he formed the Magis, "and since he never had patience to learn more than storm and thunder blasting spells, I have but to wonder if he still rules that cabal still, unless he's learned life extentions via his own foes or other means...."

The central tower is also the largest of the five tors, being about 50% broader and taller than the corners and it was allegedly Synegar's home as well as the central meeting point and treasure hoard for the group.

As for the rumors of needing rings to enter, Khelben simply said it was true, and each member wore rings stamped with their own marks as well as the mark of the group--four interlocked ovals with three lines within the intersection of them. They act as ward tokens similar to those in Silverymoon, where Sinegar learned some of his magic (but no patience or compassion) as a brief student at Alustriel's feet.

Whew. Well, hope that's enough to chew on for a while. Guess the ideas just needed some time and a day too hot to do something else.


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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36826 Posts

Posted - 18 Jul 2004 :  03:26:14  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow... That's some interesting stuff!

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6673 Posts

Posted - 18 Jul 2004 :  08:52:04  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Wow... That's some interesting stuff!

I'm in agreement with Wooly. You should really have another run through your old LOI and EotSS files, Steven. I bet a ton of stuff never made it into the final draft and/or got edited out of the final product for space reasons.

In layman's terms: "Gimme, gimme gimme!"

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 18 Jul 2004 :  20:28:40  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by George Krashos

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Wow... That's some interesting stuff!

I'm in agreement with Wooly. You should really have another run through your old LOI and EotSS files, Steven. I bet a ton of stuff never made it into the final draft and/or got edited out of the final product for space reasons.

In layman's terms: "Gimme, gimme gimme!"

-- George Krashos

Sorry, George, but most everything I wrote for those products made it into the final cuts; well, perhaps not everything in LOI, but I think the only stuff that got cut was in the online preview (just don't ask me what the differences were, as I've long forgotten).

After all, why do you think EoSS is in microtype? Julia's a fabulous editor and could have easily trimmed it all down to a manageable font and left about 18 pages of material out. Luckily for y'all, she is also a fan of Realmslore and left it all in--Just don't complain (as I am starting to do) if your aging eyes can't always handle more than an hour or so of reading 8pt type.

And for the record, all this stuff on the Magis and their home was free-association off the top of my head yesterday, not older notes that were looking for a home.

So start up another topic, George, and I'll see what percolates out of my brain on something else. Given all the toss-away references I've used to it, someone should start collating what I've said on the Mystics' Academy of Llorbauth and catch me at lore conundrums and missteps. (And if there's any place in the southwest that there IS lost lore, it'd probably be Erlkazar as that was my only Realms campaign back in 1987ish. Granted, I'd be heavily changing lots as I no longer am 20 years old or having to spin the details to appeal to my three players/friends. Most of the general structure's noted in LOI Book 3, so if there's stuff that people want detailed, reread that; then again, maybe I should just shut up, and leave that area for individual DM development, as stated in print.....)

Who really needs to stop typing now....

For current projects and general natter, see
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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

1715 Posts

Posted - 18 Jul 2004 :  21:03:53  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Steven Schend
Sorry, George, but most everything I wrote for those products made it into the final cuts; well, perhaps not everything in LOI, but I think the only stuff that got cut was in the online preview (just don't ask me what the differences were, as I've long forgotten).

And soon after I type this, I find a few old files marked "leftovers" that my memory on which is uncertain. I'll toss one of the doodads onto the fires here and see if I can't figure out where I used some of this info--I've a 12 page file of magical items and undone spell ideas that didn't fit into EoSS because by the time I'd tried to write them, I was 1000s of words long and over deadline anyways.

I think I tossed a number of items from this file into the SEA OF FALLEN STARS, but others may or may not have yet seen the light of day. I'll need others to note if any of these things got published. Here's a list of items...trimmed a bit, once I remembered that a lot of them made it into CALIMPORT when they didn't make the cut for EMPIRES.....

List of Items on File in brief or detailed notes:
Amahl’s Mastering
Blades of Ochiir Naal
Fanged Shield of Shyk Korort
Ghazir, the Desert’s Edge
Kuraltaar the Demonshield
The Ruling Rings of Yrix Alquinnar
The Strohm Relics
Sword of Starlight
The Veils Arcane

Iryklagathra’s Vengeful Breath
Ryxanthantarl’s Clutching Claw
Sapphiraktar’s Servant
Wings of the Hatchling
[All above draconic spells only, as per battles vs. Shoon emperors]

Shoonring Spells:
Savilar’s Arcane Colors
Savilar’s Atunement
Savilar’s Communion
Savilar’s Imbuement
Savilar’s Ineffable Augmentation
Savilar’s Sanctifying Touch
Savilar’s Shattering
Savilar’s Stonedance

It'll probably be another week or so before I can devote much time here, so happy hunting of old lore that needs more details....


PS: George, let me know via email if you ever got a copy of the notes files on the Tethyrian clan structures and partial geneologies. I found them and know they weren't fully published, but they're detailed enough to make my head hurt (and I'm the one who wrote them, yet they barely make sense to me now...). I'll happily send them your way if you can untangle them and make them accessible/useful for folks here....

For current projects and general natter, see
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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

31797 Posts

Posted - 19 Jul 2004 :  03:08:14  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Truly magnificent...

This is indeed a significant addition to the Realmslore, Mr Schend. We all appreciate your efforts greatly...

I hope that Alaundo has taken note .

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Head Moderator

United Kingdom
5695 Posts

Posted - 19 Jul 2004 :  09:36:11  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Sage

Truly magnificent...

This is indeed a significant addition to the Realmslore, Mr Schend. We all appreciate your efforts greatly...

I hope that Alaundo has taken note .

Well met

I certainly did, Sage I read this particular rare note of Realmslore yesterday and rubbed my hands together with glee Many thanks Mr.Schend. If I may, I would like to display this information (and any further expansions on such) within the library for future use?

Candlekeep Forums Head Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
-- Candlekeep Forum Code of Conduct

An Introduction to Candlekeep - by Ed Greenwood
The Candlekeep Compendium - Tomes of Realmslore penned by Scribes of Candlekeep
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Senior Scribe

514 Posts

Posted - 19 Jul 2004 :  21:00:53  Show Profile Send Hymn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah this is exactly what I was after. To bad you are to far away to hugg, or perhaps that is a good thing and sorry for not posting earlier but I have been really busy, as usual now days it seems.

Sauro moki kara ochiro - Even monkeys falls from trees.

The path that leads to truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant - Miyamoto Musashi
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The Arcanamach
Master of Realmslore

1847 Posts

Posted - 14 Aug 2018 :  03:25:48  Show Profile Send The Arcanamach a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Resurrecting this scroll buuuuuut - did any of this see the light of day? If so, where can I find it?

And soon after I type this, I find a few old files marked "leftovers" that my memory on which is uncertain. I'll toss one of the doodads onto the fires here and see if I can't figure out where I used some of this info--I've a 12 page file of magical items and undone spell ideas that didn't fit into EoSS because by the time I'd tried to write them, I was 1000s of words long and over deadline anyways.

I think I tossed a number of items from this file into the SEA OF FALLEN STARS, but others may or may not have yet seen the light of day. I'll need others to note if any of these things got published. Here's a list of items...trimmed a bit, once I remembered that a lot of them made it into CALIMPORT when they didn't make the cut for EMPIRES.....

List of Items on File in brief or detailed notes:
Amahl’s Mastering
Blades of Ochiir Naal
Fanged Shield of Shyk Korort
Ghazir, the Desert’s Edge
Kuraltaar the Demonshield
The Ruling Rings of Yrix Alquinnar
The Strohm Relics
Sword of Starlight
The Veils Arcane

Iryklagathra’s Vengeful Breath
Ryxanthantarl’s Clutching Claw
Sapphiraktar’s Servant
Wings of the Hatchling
[All above draconic spells only, as per battles vs. Shoon emperors]

Shoonring Spells:
Savilar’s Arcane Colors
Savilar’s Atunement
Savilar’s Communion
Savilar’s Imbuement
Savilar’s Ineffable Augmentation
Savilar’s Sanctifying Touch
Savilar’s Shattering
Savilar’s Stonedance

It'll probably be another week or so before I can devote much time here, so happy hunting of old lore that needs more details....


PS: George, let me know via email if you ever got a copy of the notes files on the Tethyrian clan structures and partial geneologies. I found them and know they weren't fully published, but they're detailed enough to make my head hurt (and I'm the one who wrote them, yet they barely make sense to me now...). I'll happily send them your way if you can untangle them and make them accessible/useful for folks here....

I have a dream that one day, all game worlds will exist as one.
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11897 Posts

Posted - 14 Aug 2018 :  15:48:22  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Why is Savilar ringing a bell in my head? The name sounds really damn familiar.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Great Reader

3287 Posts

Posted - 14 Aug 2018 :  17:45:25  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I am glad this Scroll was Raised from the Dead. Fantastic Realmslore...

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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Senior Scribe

877 Posts

Posted - 14 Aug 2018 :  19:44:43  Show Profile Send Demzer a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Arcanamach

Resurrecting this scroll buuuuuut - did any of this see the light of day? If so, where can I find it?

Blades of Ochiir Naal
Fanged Shield of Shyk Korort
Ghazir, the Desert’s Edge
Kuraltaar the Demonshield

The Blades of Ochiir Naal were detailed in the 2E supplement Sea of Fallen Stars while the other three items were detailed in the 3e supplement Dragons of Faerun.

Trying to look for the rest but no success thus far. Thanks for the resurrection, as a latecomer I had missed this thread and anything from Steven Schend makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
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United Kingdom
55 Posts

Posted - 14 Aug 2018 :  23:26:32  Show Profile Send Gareth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Ruling Rings of Yrix Alquinnar were in Dragon 213, in an article about series magic items. I think the Blades of Ochiir Naal were also mentioned there as well and later updated in SoFS.
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6673 Posts

Posted - 15 Aug 2018 :  00:25:41  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Steven had lots of bits and pieces that didn’t make the final cut for LOI and EotSS. As I recall, there was no extra information on Magis Tor than what has already been published.

— George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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