I was wondering what more information I could find out about the Batrachi and if any story lines touched on this. In particular, I am interested in what was going on with them.
I read through the Grand History but figured there could be more especially about their fight with the Titans and such.
Well this is just me, but I'm toning down the war with the Titans.
Yes, to the batrachi it was a war on an epic scale, but to the "Titans" (which is basically a humanoid term for really ancient and powerful creatures hidden around Toril), one of their number (the eldest an largest) woke up and trod on a large gathering of squashy things which made a mess on his foot, his attempts to avoid the squashies resulted in him standing on some much harder things (trashing their capital city). The squashies fought back and made him itch, he wandered off to take a bath and had a nap in the relaxing waters.
The batrachi tried their best to kill him but could barely scratch the surface. So they tried their most powerful magics and ended up annihilating their entire civilization.
Magic is very much a double edge sword.
Looking up the Imaskari, it would seem that their big portals (the ones used to kidnap the Mulan) had batrachi runes etched onto them so I think the Imaskari dug up and re-used a bunch of batrachi artefacts (including the big portals). I think this same portal was responsible for unleashing the horrible demon horde on their capital (causing them to abandon it for a millennia) so it could be that the batrachi were big into their plane hopping and their demons (could explain the demon influence in the Sea of Fallen Stars, or mayhaps the demon influence was already there and influence the batrachi).