Im looking to compile a list and key info on the known sages in the realms. So far I have really only been able to find limited info and vague references.
Heres what I have so far.
Vault of Sages in Silverymoon Candlekeep Harold's holdfast (I think thats what is called)
On the above sages / librarys I only have limited info. All I really know is the location and who is in charge of these places. I do own a massive 2nd edition collection and havent been able to find much about sages in the 200+ books I own. I am however missing the Sages * Specialists handbook.
So, I guess my question is do any of you have or know of another source of info on this topic? Edition doesnt matter as I can convert rules to my campaigns (All 2nd Edition).
Info on sages is generally scattered around, because the sages themselves are often scattered around. I'd recommend the old FRA hardcover; each city listing includes sages under the "Important Characters" heading.
Ed's also managed to share some details about particular sages and loremasters of note who either haven't been referenced in the Realmslore before, or those who we only knew a little about.
I'm pretty sure there's some sage scattered throughout the various Volo's Guides, and page 21 of City of Splendors: Waterdeep has a useful table on who to contact for research on various things within Waterdeep.