Great Reader
5402 Posts |
Posted - 03 Feb 2007 : 16:10:37
I don't think there was any specific reference to them, although I had some conjectures on it myself. I believe that the (non-offical) Faeries d20 book turns the Seelie Court and the Unseelie Court into singularly power fey creatures (like celestial paragons or arch devils). Extrapolating from this, my next guess would be that some beings COULD take feats similar to "Thrall to Demon" that would allow you to gain divine power from these beings.
In Frostfell, the lythari, who were originally mentioned in Elves of Evermeet as being adherants to the fey pantheon more often than the Seldarine, are shown as having a connection . . . well, I don't want to ruin the book for you, but the fey connection could still be evident.
In this thread we discussed some of these issues, and I rambled on a bit about how I viewed the Seldarine in relation to the Faerie Court:,Fey,Crossroads |