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 Delzouns Capital
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Surly Dwarf

20 Posts

Posted - 29 Mar 2006 :  10:05:26  Show Profile  Visit Surly Dwarf's Homepage Send Surly Dwarf a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
In all the products I have read, including Dwarves Deep the various guides to the north and the newer associated products I have never come across mention of the actual capital of Delzoun.
Adbar is a fortress, made late in Empire of Delzoun, never fallen.
Felbarr appears to have been a fortress/mining town which was abandoned by the Dwarves when the ore ran out, later occupied by Humans and lost, now in the hands of Dwarves again.
Sundabar seems to have been a fortress that guarded the Everfire, the surface portion abandoned and occupied by humns fleeing Ascalhorn, the Everfire never fell.
Ascore was a trading port and exit from the Darkroad, abandoned when Netheril fell.
Osstakar and Meruindelve seem to have been small surface communities.
Other dwarven communities, Mithril Hall, Ironstar etc... are or were not part of Delzoun.
It seems to me that the capital of Delzoun, be it a fortress or city, must lie in the Fardrimm somewhere, probably ruined but not occupied, there is a rumor that King Delzoun himself still walks as some form of undead.
Any other knowledge on this topic?

"Governing a large country is like boiling a small fish."
Lao Tzu

George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6653 Posts

Posted - 29 Mar 2006 :  23:53:07  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Although Eric and I chatted re a 'capital' for Delzoun back when LEoF was in genesis, the final shape of the product didn't allow us (or need us) to address this topic. Currently it's 'open' - Delzoun's capital is unknown. When I say that however, my thoughts are that Adbar served as the 'capital' (and I use the term loosely: Delzoun like most dwarven kingdoms was a confederation of clans and clanholds. They likely had big meetings and conclaves to elect their kings but were largely a decentralised nation. Harbromm for example is a clanless dwarf and was chosen as leader of the dwarves of Adbar) after it was built and before that they used another place for meetings. Maybe the two settlements for Delzoun mentioned in FR11 Dwarves Deep.

-- George Krashos

P.S. Nice to see another Aussie on the Boards. Where you from Surly Dwarf?

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus

Edited by - George Krashos on 29 Mar 2006 23:53:49
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Surly Dwarf

20 Posts

Posted - 30 Mar 2006 :  05:57:33  Show Profile  Visit Surly Dwarf's Homepage Send Surly Dwarf a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I recall that Adbar was built later on in Delzouns history as a sort of "last hurrah", so I couldn't see it as the old capital, certainly the new one though.The only way I could see Adbar working as capital is that the upper fortress is of newer construction, where the underground portion is the old city.
I still personally think that the actual Delzoun capital would lie deep in the Fardrimm.
I'm over in NSW Krash, little town called Werris Creek near Tamworth, as far as I know I am the only D&D player in town.

"Governing a large country is like boiling a small fish."
Lao Tzu
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