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 Things that made you laugh in FR novels
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Posted - 07 May 2005 :  15:34:07  Show Profile  Visit Griselame's Homepage Send Griselame a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Well , I'm a huge fan of FR setting , but sometimes the novels just don't match with the quality of this universe...

Drizz't first three novels were superior , epic , etc....But I remember a few monthes later , I started to read "Pool of Darkness" or somethin'like that....And there was that THING that got me also dying of laughing , and it became a private joke around my game table....At a moment , the heroes (with the bodybuilded magician girl....starting good huh ) reach an haunted island near Phlan(which means "piece of cake" in French...continuing well) and there they meet an undead priest (oh oh the laugh starts again) called (oh lord...)....MARTINEZ !!!!!!

MMOUUUUUAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO RIDICULOUS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!And why not Bonanza , Starsky and Hutch , or somethin as stupid as that !!!!!! Mister Ward , are you human or Martian ?

My god it kills me every time I try to read it again....

Ah....And what about your good times with some FR novels ?

By the power of Tyr !!!

Edited by - Griselame on 07 May 2005 15:36:47

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Posted - 08 May 2005 :  06:15:44  Show Profile  Visit Winterfox's Homepage Send Winterfox a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The things you laugh at, or laugh with?
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 08 May 2005 :  07:20:05  Show Profile  Visit DDH_101's Homepage Send DDH_101 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hmm... I remember reading this one fanfiction non-canon FR story. The whole thing was already really far-fetched with a plot about some fighters' tournament on an island ruled by a powerful archmage, which also sadly revolves around Drizzt and Artemis.

Anyways, there's a major character in the story named RICO. Now the name already got me snickering, but then the author description of the man's appearance and his attitude made Rico sound like Antonio Banderas' mariachi character. Lol.

"Trust in the shadows, for the bright way makes you an easy target." -Mask
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Posted - 08 May 2005 :  11:03:38  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
While not ridiculous, or even particularly funny, I found the names of Liriel's two main Ruathymian friends in Tangled Webs to be quite funny, since Hrolf (modernised to Rolf) and Ulf happens to be the name of my mother's sisters' husbands.

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett

Edited by - Kajehase on 08 May 2005 11:04:32
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Posted - 08 May 2005 :  14:11:01  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Elaine Cunningham/Danlio Thanns "Paladin song" in Silver Shadows

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Posted - 08 May 2005 :  14:21:37  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth

Elaine Cunningham/Danlio Thanns "Paladin song" in Silver Shadows

The song of Danilo's magic sword in Elfsong. Not to mention Elaith's reaction to it.

Several of the interactions between Basel Indolur and Tzigone.

Arilyn explaining to a halfling inn-keeper exactly how he'd be skewered if he didn't tell her where Macumail had gone to in Silver Shadows

Very funny woman that Elaine Cunningham, do check the earlier pages of the Ask Elaine Cuningham scroll for her depiction of what'd happen if Liriel and a certain ranger of Mielikki should encounter each other.

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 08 May 2005 :  14:40:40  Show Profile Send SirUrza a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Several scens in Stormlight made me chuckle.

"Evil prevails when good men fail to act."
The original and unapologetic Arilyn, Aribeth, Seoni Fanboy.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 08 May 2005 :  14:48:26  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Kajehase

Originally posted by Dargoth

Elaine Cunningham/Danlio Thanns "Paladin song" in Silver Shadows

The song of Danilo's magic sword in Elfsong. Not to mention Elaith's reaction to it.

Several of the interactions between Basel Indolur and Tzigone.

Arilyn explaining to a halfling inn-keeper exactly how he'd be skewered if he didn't tell her where Macumail had gone to in Silver Shadows

Very funny woman that Elaine Cunningham, do check the earlier pages of the Ask Elaine Cuningham scroll for her depiction of what'd happen if Liriel and a certain ranger of Mielikki should encounter each other.

To save people the effort of scrolling thru all that:

I received in this morning's email a note that quoted a post from the RAS board, something I wrote in response to the perennial question, "What would happen if Drizz and Liriel met?" For those who might be interested in my take on the matter, here 'tis.


Liriel: (Oo! Cute little drow toyboy! Thank you, Eilistraee, goddess of the butt-neckid moonlit dance.)

Drizzt: (Danger! Matron-in-the-making! Strengthen me, Mielikki, whose unicorn favors the chaste and virtuous.) ::draws his two scimitars::

Liriel: ::sniffs:: "Put away the cutlery, honey, and take a look at THESE twins..."

::At this inopportune moment, Catti-brie walks in, and the ensuing catfight makes the season three showdown between Buffy and Faith look like a sorority tea party.::

I do like that one.

I also had to laugh at a lot of the interplay between Danilo and Elaith in Elfsong... And I laughed in Elfshadow when Arilyn said the bed was too small for a pair of newlywed halflings.

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The Sage
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Posted - 08 May 2005 :  14:57:59  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hmmm... Perhaps we should retitled this scroll as the "things that Elaine Cunningham has written in FR novels that made you laugh"...

Continuing with the apparent trend toward all things Elf and Elaine... One scene I recall in particular toward the end of Elfshadow where Elaith makes the off-hand remark that he has made arrangements to have Danilo killed. The "by-the-way" fashion in which it was delivered really was quite amusing.

And the reason... "I don't particularly like him", Elaith says... .

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Posted - 08 May 2005 :  15:07:30  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Sage

Hmmm... Perhaps we should retitled this scroll as the "things that Elaine Cunningham has written in FR novels that made you laugh"...

Continuing the trend...

"There are other women?"

Arilyn's response to this Danilo comment made this reader and others I know
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 08 May 2005 :  22:35:54  Show Profile  Visit DDH_101's Homepage Send DDH_101 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh, the talks of Elaine Cunningham's books made me remember several scenes that made me laugh.

The first one, in Elfshadow, was when Arilyn and Danilo were staying the night at some abandoned shrine. It was amusing to read about Danilo describing the place as dark as "Cyric's shorts".

Then there's also Evermeet, with the banter between Lauril and Moira (sp?).

You know, this thread made me realize why I enjoyed Elaine Cunningham's books so much. It's the entertaining dialogues and witty humour that makes me interested in them. I mean, most FR writers can write about sword fights and dueling archmages, but to have one that can make you laugh; that's rare.

"Trust in the shadows, for the bright way makes you an easy target." -Mask
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Posted - 08 May 2005 :  23:28:56  Show Profile  Visit SiriusBlack's Homepage Send SiriusBlack a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by DDH_101
Then there's also Evermeet, with the banter between Lauril and Moira (sp?).

Maura is the correct spelling if I recall correctly.


You know, this thread made me realize why I enjoyed Elaine Cunningham's books so much. It's the entertaining dialogues and witty humour that makes me interested in them. I mean, most FR writers can write about sword fights and dueling archmages, but to have one that can make you laugh; that's rare.

Well said. If anyone enjoys her humor, check out Elaine Cunningham's blog. I find more than a few of her entries quite amusing.
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Posted - 09 May 2005 :  05:33:09  Show Profile Send Kajehase a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Continuing the trend I'll add that I laughed at loud (see it can be spelled out) when I first read the final part of the initial encounter between Liriel and Fyodor.

And breaking the trend...
I found Dave Gross's short story in the Realms of Dragons anthology (How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth to be quite amusing.

"Perhaps..." said the dragon. "Perhaps I have been a bit rude."

There is a rumour going around that I have found god. I think is unlikely because I have enough difficulty finding my keys, and there is empirical evidence that they exist.
Terry Pratchett
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Posted - 09 May 2005 :  07:17:02  Show Profile  Visit Hoondatha's Homepage Send Hoondatha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Anything that has Belkram and Itharr in it usually has me rolling around in the isles (an impressive feat, since I usually read the books in my house). For that matter, any book with the Knights in it. (Gee, is it any wonder Shadows of the Avatar is my all-time favorite FR series?)

Doggedly converting 3e back to what D&D should be...
Sigh... And now 4e as well.
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Posted - 17 May 2005 :  20:47:14  Show Profile  Visit Blueblade's Homepage Send Blueblade a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Agreed. For me, Ed provides the ggreatest frequency and variety of yuks in Realms novels, from witty comments to puns to bad jokes to pratfall farce character situations.
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Posted - 18 May 2005 :  02:12:30  Show Profile  Visit LordAnki's Homepage Send LordAnki a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, Icewind Dale trilogy made me laugh alot.

Then The City of Towers (Eberron book really good btw) made me laugh really hard

Tip of the Month: don't drink the dirty water. You know what i'm talking about if you know what i mean.
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Posted - 18 May 2005 :  03:31:45  Show Profile  Visit VEDSICA's Homepage Send VEDSICA a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Bouldershoulder Bros. made me laugh a bunch.Danilo is a funny as well.

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Posted - 18 May 2005 :  11:48:56  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, Pavel and Will in the Year of Rogue Dragons trilogy are another pair that are humorous enough to make me laugh, especially the insults they exchange with each other.

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
- High Prince Telemont Tanthul, Lord Shadow
In a speech given to the citizens of Shade Enclave
At the celebration of the Shinantra Battle victory when he revealed that he was THE Lord Shadow of legend.
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The Blue Sorceress
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Posted - 18 May 2005 :  14:03:44  Show Profile  Visit The Blue Sorceress's Homepage Send The Blue Sorceress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Shadovar

Well, Pavel and Will in the Year of Rogue Dragons trilogy are another pair that are humorous enough to make me laugh, especially the insults they exchange with each other.

I'm rather fond of them too. I just finished read The Rite and I chuckled a few times because of the two of them.


Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

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Josh Davids

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Posted - 19 May 2005 :  01:21:33  Show Profile  Visit Josh Davids's Homepage Send Josh Davids a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I will go with Hoondatha here, Itharr and Belkram, those two just crack me up. I think Hoon might remember the breast incident, that was the first time I shot pepsi out of my nose.

After that I will have to go with Torm and Rathan in Elminster in Hell. The spiral staircase and the innkeepers ugly wife and what happened to poor Rathan after he tripped. Years after reading that book I still have those two mental images playing through my mind, says something about how funny I thought those scenes were.

As for other stuff, have to go with Elaine as well.

Hmmm nothing else comes to my mind right now. There have been others but nothing sticks in my mind like Elaine and know I wonder if it is because they both start with E.
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Posted - 19 May 2005 :  07:10:14  Show Profile  Visit Hoondatha's Homepage Send Hoondatha a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just thought of another one. In Spellfire, Torm's listening to a conversation Narm and Shandril are having in their bedchamber by hanging on the roof. His hand slips and he slides down, off the roof.

Fortunately he catches himself on a ledge a little below the window, unfortunately crushing the small bird in the nest upon that ledge. He looks down at the bird under his fingers and says, essentially, "Oh, yuck."

The bird cranes its neck up at him and replies in Elminster's voice, "How do you think I feel?"

Doggedly converting 3e back to what D&D should be...
Sigh... And now 4e as well.
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Posted - 19 May 2005 :  20:29:20  Show Profile Send Thelonius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The moment i most enjoyed (and laughed in addition), was the magical battle between Robillard, Daudermont's wizard and the great and unforgettable Harkle Harpell from Longsaddle, i really wanted to die when Harkle uses the variation of The Great Hand of Bigby.

"If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherence to a single ideal." - Kreia
"I THINK I JUST HAD ANOTHER NEAR-RINCEWIND EXPERIENCE"- Discworld's Death frustrated after Rincewind scapes his grasp... again.
"I am death, come for thee" - Nimbul, from Baldur's Gate I just before being badly spanked
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Erik Scott de Bie
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Posted - 20 May 2005 :  00:35:46  Show Profile  Visit Erik Scott de Bie's Homepage Send Erik Scott de Bie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Josh Davids

Hmmm nothing else comes to my mind right now. There have been others but nothing sticks in my mind like Elaine and know I wonder if it is because they both start with E.

Well, by that logic you'd think I would be funny. *ahem*

The Bouldershoulders, Drizzt getting all tongue twisted flirting with Innovindil, all kinds of things that Ed and Elaine have written (too numerous to mention), and (most on my mind at the moment) Zyx the faerie dragon (Erin Tettensor's short in RotD2). To paraphrase:

"Zyx was not the sort of dragon to allow a petty thing like evidence get in the way of carefully cultivated prejudice."


"The less well-known but equally fearsome. . ."

But you'd have to read the story first. And you should -- 'cuz it's hilarious.


P.S. Oh, and yes, Erin starts with "E" as well.

P.P.S. Speaking of which, Ed "E" Gentry's conclusion to the webstory:

Erik Scott de Bie

'Tis easier to destroy than to create.

Author of a number of Realms novels (GHOSTWALKER, DEPTHS OF MADNESS, and the SHADOWBANE series), contributor to the NEVERWINTER CAMPAIGN GUIDE and SHADOWFELL: GLOOMWROUGHT AND BEYOND, Twitch DM of the Dungeon Scrawlers, currently playing "The Westgate Irregulars"

Edited by - Erik Scott de Bie on 20 May 2005 00:37:04
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Posted - 20 May 2005 :  23:57:01  Show Profile  Visit Ebonshine's Homepage Send Ebonshine a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Will and Pavel are funny, but I really like the Avariel and the faerie dragon banter in year of rogue dragons.

Their names escape me at the moment. Jivex and "something" Nightwing.

The Avariel's way with words is great.
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Posted - 21 May 2005 :  14:50:46  Show Profile  Visit Fenian's Homepage Send Fenian a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I love the interactions of Artemis and Jarlaxe in Realms of Dragons.

"A dragon! Never before in my life have I seen a dragon, but in the short time that I traveled with you, I've met two of the **** ed things!"

I read this quote in another forum and I just had to buy the book.Quite funny indeed.

Get in, do the job, get out. If they're lucky, they won't know I'm there. If not, they'll wish I wasn't."

Fenian Lostsoul
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Posted - 22 May 2005 :  10:06:21  Show Profile  Visit Winterfox's Homepage Send Winterfox a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Ebonshine

Will and Pavel are funny, but I really like the Avariel and the faerie dragon banter in year of rogue dragons.

Their names escape me at the moment. Jivex and "something" Nightwing.

The Avariel's way with words is great.

Maestro Taegan Nightwind.
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 22 May 2005 :  13:28:21  Show Profile  Visit khorne's Homepage Send khorne a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Taegan is interesting. He is the first elf I`ve heard of who thinks that humans are superior to elves.

If I were a ranger, I would pick NDA for my favorite enemy
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Posted - 22 May 2005 :  17:20:35  Show Profile  Visit Ebonshine's Homepage Send Ebonshine a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes, Taegan Nightwind is his name and his panache when speaking to friends, enemies, and the like is amusing.

And I agree that it is interesting to see an elf, from the reclusive avariel no less, that desires to be like humans and shuns his own elven heritage.

Intriguing character.
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Chosen of Bane
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Posted - 22 May 2005 :  17:34:56  Show Profile  Visit Chosen of Bane's Homepage Send Chosen of Bane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by khorne

Taegan is interesting. He is the first elf I`ve heard of who thinks that humans are superior to elves.

This is the main reason why I like this character. It would have been very easy to use the cookie-cutter elven personality of superiority.
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The Blue Sorceress
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Posted - 22 May 2005 :  20:37:01  Show Profile  Visit The Blue Sorceress's Homepage Send The Blue Sorceress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Fenian

I love the interactions of Artemis and Jarlaxe in Realms of Dragons.

"A dragon! Never before in my life have I seen a dragon, but in the short time that I traveled with you, I've met two of the **** ed things!"

I read this quote in another forum and I just had to buy the book.Quite funny indeed.

Ah yes, that reminds me. I think the funniest thing I ever read in an FR book was Entreri's initial reaction to Jarlaxle pretending to be Drizzt, and then Jarlaxle's following impersonation attempt. Hilarious.


Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 23 May 2005 :  12:14:11  Show Profile  Visit Crust's Homepage Send Crust a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Belkram and Itharr of The Shadows of the Avatar series made me laugh, especially in Shadows of Doom.

"That's right, hurl back views that force ye to think by name-calling - 'tis the grand old tradition, let it not down! Anything to keep from having to think, or - Mystra forfend - change thy own views!"

Narnra glowered at her father. "Just how am I to learn how to think? By being taught by you?"

"Some folk in the Realms would give their lives for the chance to learn at my feet," Elminster said mildly. "Several already have."

~from Elminster's Daughter, Ed Greenwood
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