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Darth KTrava
Learned Scribe

172 Posts

Posted - 21 Jun 2005 :  01:25:31  Show Profile  Visit Darth KTrava's Homepage Send Darth KTrava a Private Message
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Octa

Well we probably have lots of guys in the US military here, and there are more on the WOTC boards. Seems to calm down the guys in Iraq who are in a high stress place and need some down time.

Sounds like a good way to dodge the draft over there-

'Yes thank you for drafting me, you now have the services of a 20th level elf, may I continue to wear my regulation starfleet uniform, you know I am a commodore, etc... etc..."

and everytime you were in combat you could scream

"I smite thee"

or the ever popular


You forgot one -- "Run away! Run away!"

I've used that one even though I don't like Monty Python.

Evil will be dealt with swiftly as it is my duty to remove such evil from my presence.
-Rozhena, Cleric/Divine Champion of Torm
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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

1537 Posts

Posted - 03 Jul 2005 :  07:51:26  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message
Originally posted by Alparon

The most interesting thing happenned to me. In a newspaper there was the article which "identifies" a satanist:

-they wear black
-they play FRP
-they listen to metal music
-they dislike bright light

Sounds like every SWAT cop and BATF*g in the USA....

Of the military people I have known who played D&D, one was a USMC videographer with a security clearance because he was documenting actions, two were SEALs, and one was a USN Lt. Commander (he was one of D&D's first players).

I think that if the Pentagon will trust D&D players who were responsible for infiltrating Iraq during <...> to blow up <...>, and making undocumented trips to the Philippines during <...>, then the Israeli military can do the same. But look at what a backward country it is! In the entire world there was a grand total of one attempted killing of a Gay Pride Parade marcher in June, and that was in Israel. It's a nation of people whose heads are three thousand years in the past -- and they can be a salutary lesson for FR characters who are trying to revive Netheril or Jamdaath or Ilefarn or whatever. I'm reminded of the elves in Grubb & Greenwood's Cormyr who still haven't gotten used to the fact that human beings are now wearing clothes and living in cities instead of swinging through the trees by their tails: backward thinking and surrounded by enemies on all sides because of that, still hanging on primarily because their neighbors are afraid of their advanced missile weapons technology.

With two US Supreme Court justices likely to be replaced before the end of the year, I'm confident that we can catch up with Israel in the backward-thinking race. And ten years down the road, when the parents of some kid strung out on half a dozen different drugs sue Wizards for making the Satanic game which drove Junior to kill himself, I'm sure we will have a Supreme Court sufficiently backward to uphold a judgement that D&D caused the kid to jump off a roof because he thought that his Ring of Feather Fall actually worked....

Nu. I'm cynical. I've thrown in my three cents, but that's all I'll say here on this topic.

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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Head Moderator

United Kingdom
5692 Posts

Posted - 03 Jul 2005 :  09:07:37  Show Profile  Visit Alaundo's Homepage Send Alaundo a Private Message
Well met

Some very interesting points indeed. Still, I'll put this scroll away for now for fear of going too political and, albeit unintentionally, causing offense to anyone.

Thank ye

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