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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1176 Posts

Posted - 28 Jan 2005 :  16:14:23  Show Profile  Visit Kaladorm's Homepage Send Kaladorm a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Yes its another chance to post your humorous stories :)
In the campaign Reefy is running we recently decided it would be a good idea to list the stupid(est) things a character has done and see if they can outdo themselves next adventure hehe. Just the kind of thing where you say 'What did you "think" would happen!?'
I'll start the ball rolling, I'm sure Reefy can remember more.

Adventuring in a dungeon, an old abandoned mine, we come accross a still pool filled with water and a walkway either side. Our dwarf Taklinn, decides to throw a stone into the water..
Result: Disturbing a giant black pudding which precedes to attack us

After clearing out a tower in the mere of dead men, Justin the paladin (forget his surname, npc character) gets filled with faithful zeal and decides to sanctify the tower, since it is a tower inhabited by artifacts of the dead god myrkul. We of course have a collection of rings of myrkul which helped us fight the undead. Milo the halfling druid decides, as Justin mentions this, to wave his ring of myrkul in Justins face and say 'Look what we got'....
Result: confiscation of all our rings of myrkul

any other humorous ones would be good :) For example my character Agent Darkblade failing to make a spot check whilst scouting and walking into a geltinous cube, and dying. :)

Edited by - Alaundo on 28 Jan 2005 17:03:19

Senior Scribe

516 Posts

Posted - 28 Jan 2005 :  17:50:00  Show Profile  Visit Melfius's Homepage Send Melfius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here's one for you:

My elven ercher decided to try out some new magic arrows he had just found, without identifying them (although the red markings should have been a dead giveaway), on some zombies we encountered. He rolled to hit, scored a critical, and did a devastating amount of damage. What he did not know, however, was that the arrows in question were heat-seeking (something my nefarious DM devised on the sly). As we all knoe, zombies, being dead, have no body heat. The party thief in front of me, however, did possess body heat. At least up until the point where my heat-seeking arrow found him square in the back, dealing that devastating amount of damage and sending him on his way to Mask's domain.

Melfius, Pixie-Priest of Puck - Head Chef, The Faerie Kitchen, Candlekeep Inn
"What's in his pockets, besides me?"
Read a tale of my earlier days! - Happiness Comes in Small Packages
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1176 Posts

Posted - 28 Jan 2005 :  22:15:25  Show Profile  Visit Kaladorm's Homepage Send Kaladorm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's a classic,Truly
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Great Reader

4686 Posts

Posted - 28 Jan 2005 :  23:22:00  Show Profile Send Kentinal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Walking off a 20 foot high way and falling to die, twice.

The player complained as DM I did not explain well enough to actions the PC saw the first time, so I agreed to a reset. The PC still stepped off the wall to fall to death.
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Senior Scribe

469 Posts

Posted - 29 Jan 2005 :  00:28:03  Show Profile  Visit Lina's Homepage Send Lina a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It looked like he was ready to quit playing before it started Kentinal.

“Darkness beyond twilight, crimson beyond blood that flows! Buried in the flow of time. In thy great name. I pledge myself to darkness. All the fools who stand in our way shall be destroyed…by the power you and I possess! DRAGON SLAVE!!!”

"Thieves? Ah, such an ugly word... look upon them as the most honest sort of merchant."
-Oglar the Thieflord
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 29 Jan 2005 :  01:10:53  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, it wasn't in a Realms campaign... But I saw a character almost achieve a TPK thru his actions.

Erik was playing a human psionicist, I was playing a minotaur fighter, and I forget what the others were playing...

The party encountered a giant porcupine in the woods. Erik decides to toss a vial of Greek fire on it... The porcupine, naturally, reacts by flinging quills everywhere... This included quills going thru Erik's character, and into his pack -- where more Greek fire was kept! The Dice Gods were not smiling on him as he made saving throws for those vials, so they exploded.

The Dice Gods continued to not smile upon Erik, for he also had a magical shield strapped to his back. The DM made him make a save for that, too, and it also failed, so Mike (the DM) decided that the shield also blew up...

By the time it was over and done with, the rest of the party had at most 1 or 2 hit points each (my minotaur was into the negatives, but not at -10) -- and that was only because Mike didn't want a TPK.

Erik's character suffered a total of 151 points of damage that turn. We were all 3rd level, so you can guess that he didn't survive. He also failed the death from sudden damage save, not that it mattered. He only tried it because I pointed it out.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

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Maecenus of Westgate
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 29 Jan 2005 :  01:47:44  Show Profile  Visit Maecenus of Westgate's Homepage Send Maecenus of Westgate a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Several years ago I was running a campaign set in the Realms (of course!) and the players were trekking across a plain somewhere in the Heartlands when they came across a single gorgon and proceeded to destroy the beast. After the battle, my friend, playing a paladin of Torm, inquired about gorgons normally showing up in herds to the other members of the party. The characters tried to shush him up but this only led to an argument about gorgon encounters. I quickly tired of the conversation topic and decided to make the paladin's wish come true and thus was born the "Inevitable Herd"...most of the party survived, I think.

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Senior Scribe

516 Posts

Posted - 15 Feb 2005 :  02:58:44  Show Profile  Visit Melfius's Homepage Send Melfius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Got another one, short and sweet:

Party kills vampire.

Party burns vampire in its coffin.

PC snorts ashes of vampire?

Folks, as a DM, I want to reiterate - JUST SAY NO!

Well, now the party is chasing down their former associate with wooden stakes. I can be SO vindictive when faced with ultimate stupidity.

Melfius, Pixie-Priest of Puck - Head Chef, The Faerie Kitchen, Candlekeep Inn
"What's in his pockets, besides me?"
Read a tale of my earlier days! - Happiness Comes in Small Packages
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Master of Realmslore

1272 Posts

Posted - 15 Feb 2005 :  03:28:32  Show Profile  Visit DDH_101's Homepage Send DDH_101 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah... here is a D&D story told to me by a friend who was a DM.

There was a group of PCs who were staying in the tower of a powerful archmage after escaping an orcish ambush (this already told you their intelligence, being ambushed by orcs ). So this party of grateful PCs were having dinner in dining hall of the tower while their host went off to prepare rooms for them.

A barbarian in the party then raises the question of whether they were truly safe from the orcs inside the tower. The wizard in the party told the rest of the group that the wards in the tower were powerful enough to repell and protect against orcs. Of course, deciding to play his "barbarian" roots to the full extent, the PC starts an argument about not trusting magical wards and refused to listen to points made by others in the party. So after a long time of arguing, the wizard got fed up. He got up, casted a fireball into the other side of this long room to prove his point. However, the fireball exploded, destroying several priceless artworks and igniting the expensive furnitures and curtains.

So then the PCs run out of the tower, chased by an angry archmage full of spells. To make things even MORE interesting, the orcs decided to go and greet them. Lol. I think all of you know where this is going... In the end, none of them survived.

"Trust in the shadows, for the bright way makes you an easy target." -Mask
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Learned Scribe

214 Posts

Posted - 15 Feb 2005 :  08:07:01  Show Profile  Visit Icewolf's Homepage Send Icewolf a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A character (Half-Celestial, native to the Celestial Plane) in a game in which I have been playing decided it was a good idea to attack my character (An archmage, recently bitten by a were-serpent) so that I wouldn't be able to harm the party. Of course, given that I didn't really like the paladin that much, decided it would be best to give him time to cool off. One Baleful Teleport as an attack of opportunitylater. He was 500 feet in the air. (He has wings.) Silly zealot decided to dive bomb me, but I went ethereal, and the Paladin smashed into the ground at full speed...

Moral of the story: Don't try to hit a pissed-off archmage who is ready for battle.
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17 Posts

Posted - 21 Feb 2005 :  21:35:14  Show Profile  Visit Smirc's Homepage Send Smirc a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ok I have been a DM for only about four years but my group of friends was full of um...exceptional people.

After about of year of playing together my group tourned on eachother. They were going through a dungeon disarming traps and kiling monsters. Unbenounced to the rest of the group the ranger and rogue of the group were resetting the traps as they went. Once they defeated my boss mob( I think it was a beholder or something) the group,which consisted of a paladin, a wizard, a warior,a ranger,a rogue, and a cleric, got into a dispute over a magical sword. After a little bickering the group seperated into two factions, the paladin and ranger and rouge vs everyone else. To do them credit they managed to kill the paladin and the cleric(I have never seen rolls like that before in my life.) The only one who survived the encounter was the wizard(he charmed the warrior and made him walk in front of him.)
P.S. A fight brok out after the game and the rogue got ablack eye and the cleric got a broken rib.

"We pity him. We hate him. We fear him—all because there is a little of him in each of us, though we admit it to ourselves only in the darkest part of the night."
—Justarius, Time of the Twins
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36784 Posts

Posted - 21 Feb 2005 :  23:39:02  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Smirc

Ok I have been a DM for only about four years but my group of friends was full of um...exceptional people.

After about of year of playing together my group tourned on eachother. They were going through a dungeon disarming traps and kiling monsters. Unbenounced to the rest of the group the ranger and rogue of the group were resetting the traps as they went. Once they defeated my boss mob( I think it was a beholder or something) the group,which consisted of a paladin, a wizard, a warior,a ranger,a rogue, and a cleric, got into a dispute over a magical sword. After a little bickering the group seperated into two factions, the paladin and ranger and rouge vs everyone else. To do them credit they managed to kill the paladin and the cleric(I have never seen rolls like that before in my life.) The only one who survived the encounter was the wizard(he charmed the warrior and made him walk in front of him.)
P.S. A fight brok out after the game and the rogue got ablack eye and the cleric got a broken rib.

First, welcome to Candlekeep!

Second... I don't know which was worse, the actions of the characters or the actions of the players!

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1176 Posts

Posted - 22 Feb 2005 :  00:15:17  Show Profile  Visit Kaladorm's Homepage Send Kaladorm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes it can be annoying when RL events spill over into gaming and vice-versa.
With one of our gamers, I've noticed that every single one of the players 4 characters have decided they don't like my character.
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Senior Scribe

516 Posts

Posted - 22 Feb 2005 :  00:29:18  Show Profile  Visit Melfius's Homepage Send Melfius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I feel for you, Kaladorm. I once had to retire a character due to the dislike he generated from the other players. I played him dumb as a bag of hammers (for instance, his horse was named 'Horse', which was fine up until he bought a second horse and named it 'Other Horse')

But, I was able to get a final sort of revenge as he left. You see, the final straw came when his stupidity caused the death of another character. Coincidentally, it was of the player most vocal about him being a pain in the fetlocks. So, he had argued that she be buried with her sword, a +3 longsword that was the most powerful weapon in the party. Even moreso than his own +1 longsword. The arguement went on for about an hour, wherein he finally agreed to keep the sword in the party.

The funeral came along, and here comes my PC up to the casket, in front of the dead characters family, with a wrapped longsword to lay in the casket, which was then buried. After the funeral, my PC left town.

Now, the party was furious. Both with me, and with the DM for allowing me to do this. To correct the problem, they planned to sneak out at night and dig up the casket to retrieve the sword. Which they did the very next night. Of course, they were VERY surprised when they unwrapped the bundle to find my PC's old +1 longsword.

Melfius, Pixie-Priest of Puck - Head Chef, The Faerie Kitchen, Candlekeep Inn
"What's in his pockets, besides me?"
Read a tale of my earlier days! - Happiness Comes in Small Packages
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Jon Grey

22 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2005 :  13:48:58  Show Profile  Visit Jon Grey's Homepage Send Jon Grey a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah. Some good stuff here that brings back a lot of memories. One of my favorite stories is a thief I was playing, full of youthful enthusiasm. The DM had decided to run us through a dungeon he had created for higher level characters, but tone down the encounters. The party made its way through the dungeon, picking at traps and the little hobgoblins (a castle that held a hobgoblin lair, we'd been hired to clear it out). Along the way, my thief happened to find a secret door. It led to another, and another. There were warnings written in several languages on each of the doors, but my thief (who was full of youthful enthusiasm) decided to press on. And found a young dragon sleeping on a hoard of treasure. My thief decided he was the most silent of them all, and padded over to a loose box near the tail of the dragon. I can't remember if he got the box open, but apparently the effect was spectacular when the dragon breathed fire.

What I learned: A nice DM will give you SEVERAL warnings not to steal treasure from a dragon. Listen.

Of all the people that have lied to me/
Bards tend to do it most beautifully. -Rehthan Cotheras, Harper
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
1176 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2005 :  15:54:51  Show Profile  Visit Kaladorm's Homepage Send Kaladorm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Ah yes, we were recently tasked with killing a ghost dragon to steal its treasure (for a black dragon that had blackmailed us into getting it for him).
Convinced something cunning would happen so we couldn't keep the rest of the treasure ourselves we decided to have our Sorceror summon a load of lantern archons to teleport the treasure out 50Ibs a time
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Learned Scribe

313 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2005 :  22:45:22  Show Profile Send Sylrae a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I got one...
it was the first campaign i ever ran, not the first game, but since i didnt know that much, and i had just gotten used to playing the system, it was greyhawk so anyways...

The player was my roommate who decided he had to be an alcohoolic dwarf. he always adds the humor to the group but the group never likes him. we were going thru the sunless citadel, ad they found some potion of fire breathing.

to test it out and see what it was, chris, the biggest ass in the group, tosses im into it. my roommate gets up and doesnt know whats going on. when he tries to yell at chris he lights him on fire.

they save the stuff in vials. brandyn(roommate) didnt have one so he decided to make a bomb by mixing it with a flask of oil.

so he did.

later they found a door they couldn't open, and he pulled the lid off and threw it. he did a motion over his head simulating it, so the oil spilled all over him and his pack, leaving a trail up to the door. as he mixed it with the potion of fire breathing the thing was highly flammable, and when it hit the floor(metal flask) it made a spark.

he was severely burning, when it got to his bag, where he had 12 or so more pints of oil. needless to say the party had to carry him back to town because he almost killed himself and in my groups nobody ever wants to be a cleric.

it was amusing.

another player knew nothing of the monsters and described a beholder. i told them i was calling the mission "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." they were supposed to cut out the things eye, and that had been hinted at many times, but instead they thought it meant to look at the beholders eyes. 1 paarty member later they caught on.

Sylrae's Forgotten Realms Fan-Lore Index, with public commenting access to make for easier improvement (WIP)
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Senior Scribe

516 Posts

Posted - 23 Feb 2005 :  23:38:15  Show Profile  Visit Melfius's Homepage Send Melfius a Private Message  Reply with Quote
On this year's Worldwide Day of Gaming, a friend and I made our way to the local gaming shop where we joined in on the Eberron game. I was lucky enough to be allowed to play the female halfling bard.

Now, I love a good short person, and proceeded to ingratiate myself to the rest of the party by keeping them amused in what could have easily become a very stale day of gaming. I even went so far as to proposition a goblin merchant in hopes he would provide useful information to the party, or at least give us a discount (I had a CHA of 17, so I figured it couldn't hurt). Well, after the disgusted goblin ran away in fear, we ended up getting a REALLY deep discount on the wares he left behind.

Now, I told you that story so I could tell you this one:

Later, our party, armed to the gills with decent weaponry and a truckload of alchemist's fire, happend down a passage that ended in a room occupied by what I think (I'm still not sure) were dire rats. Well, no one wanted to actually go in the room, so we stood in the hallway plotting a way to dispatch the rats. But first, they wanted to light torches so they could throw them in and light the room up for better fighting.

As I stood at the back of the group of eight, I grew restless and decided I could accommodate them far easier by just lobbing one of the alchemist's fire they had graciously given to me into the room over their heads.

Now, you probably figured out that I was just one critical miss away from a really bad situation, and you're right. The vial skipped off the ceiling, exploding and dousing the first five characters. I was pleased that I had at least lit their torches!

The five, in fear, ran into the room to get out of the area of the continued burning. This also helped, since they were already on fire it lit the room up nicely! Up until THEIR alchemists fire went off, setting large patches of the floor on fire, including the area directly in front of the hallway entrance.

No to be deterred, I armed myself, two-fisted, with more fire, and charged headlong into the room. What I hadn't counted on was the proportion of damage the fire I was rushing through would cause to the amount of hit points I currently possessed. It was just enough to drop me to -1, and unconsciousness. Down I went. Down went the two flasks of alchemist's fire I had in my meaty little hands. And yet another explosion rocked the room, sending me well on my way to whatever afterlife is reserved for halfling bards who bake themselves in fits of boredom.

I was the first to die that day (though the rest of the party never made it out of that room either, all dying in the fiery conflagration I caused).

The only bright spark in this otherwise sad little comedy of errors was that the people I was playing with were impressed enough to vote me the Best Roleplayer of the Day. I was also invited to never play with them again.

Melfius, Pixie-Priest of Puck - Head Chef, The Faerie Kitchen, Candlekeep Inn
"What's in his pockets, besides me?"
Read a tale of my earlier days! - Happiness Comes in Small Packages
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Gerath Hoan
Learned Scribe

United Kingdom
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Posted - 24 Feb 2005 :  00:09:23  Show Profile Send Gerath Hoan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Here's one of my favourite memories from gaming, way back when i was at school...

The character i was playing in this game was a petty little mageling who was a lot of fun to RP, but he tended to upset the party because he was secretly a Zhentarim agent and he was always trying to influence the group into fufilling Zhentish goals.

I decided that i wanted to retire the character and create a new PC who would fit in with the group a lot better (see how thoughtful and kind i am?) and so i asked my DM if he'd arrange things so that my mage could be killed in one of our future battles. I had great visions of my sadistic little spellcaster going down in a blaze of glory, maybe centring a fireball on himself to take down his arch nemesis (another petty Zhent wizard). In the end though, i never got the chance as i got sloppy in a simple dungeon encounter and my DM thought it would be funny to go with the flow... so when i got left behind by the rest of my over-zealous party, I ended up being strangled to death by a lone crawling claw!

Obviously you can't cast too many spells if you can't speak and you can't call for help when you're being throttled either! It was an ignoble death for my most evil character, but somehow i felt cheated!

Still, it served its purpose and i haven't played an evil PC since.

Knight of the Order of the Keen Eye - Granted by Ed Greenwood, 30th January 2005
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Learned Scribe

162 Posts

Posted - 24 Feb 2005 :  13:31:06  Show Profile  Visit EvilKnight's Homepage Send EvilKnight a Private Message  Reply with Quote

I once had memorial character that lasted one session but everyone remembered because of the roleplay. I rolled up a cleric who was very low on strength so the only thing he was really good for was a healing spell or two to the group. Since he was so weak, I made him a senile cleric (doddering 60 year old acting like a loving grandpa to the group) of the goddess Sune, the goddess of love. The group found him very amusing. We had a very risk averse ranger (played by a new guy to the group) who when the rest of the party was ambushed ahead of us and in dire need decided he needed to walk away to save himself. WHERE'S THE LOVE Y'ALL! My weak old cleric goes into a rage at the ranger because he refuses to run forward and save our companions. The ranger knows how weak I am and just defends as he is walking away. With a mace the cleric can barely pick up - Three rolls, three criticals. The ranger decides he really needs to off the cleric before the next roll... Even in the midst of the party being decimated, everyones laughing at the thought of the doddering old man showing the young pup a surprising thing or two.

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Posted - 23 Mar 2005 :  20:12:11  Show Profile  Visit GothWulf's Homepage Send GothWulf a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think the best thing I ever saw happen <and mind you, this was back in 2ed> was the party druid got her hands on oil of invulnerability and oil of Impact then proceeded to pour then over herself in a fit of the time we were in the middle of a rather extensively trapped labrynth and my priest of tymora and the ranger of the group, being INFINATELY unamused, poured a third flask of oil on her....Oil of Slipperynessand proceeded to toss her with all our combined strength <which was quite formidable since the ranger was wearing a girlde of giant str.>, down the hallway.....she goes sliding like a greased trout and sets off every trap in the hallway....and thus the phrase "should we go bowling with druids?" was born in our gaming group when anyone wanted to do something stupid.


Singer of Sharess, Chosen of Selune, and Drinking Buddy of Tymora
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29 Posts

Posted - 27 Mar 2005 :  20:42:17  Show Profile  Visit Nevorick's Homepage Send Nevorick a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In the past year, the thief of our adventuring group managed to get teleported by a magic trap in the dungeon we were exploring. He was alone and unsure of his location when he arrived at the other end, but his greed got him wandering around alone looking for treasure. He looted his way through his new surroundings, until he saw 3 chests sitting alone in a hallway. He went over to loot them, but the floor beneath gave way and deposited him and his precious chests into a cavern below. As our thief picked himself up from his fall, he found he was covered in a slimy green substance. His reaction was to pick up some dirt and try rubbing it on the green slime. This seemed to have no affect on his prediciment, so he proceeded to stand there. When he was informed that his skin was burning from the exposure to the slime, he proceeded to drink a potion of healing. When he was informed that it had no effect, and he was suffering more excruciating pain, he proceeded to do nothing ... nothing at all, until he consumed by the green slime he had fallen into .

This led to a joke in the game when something bad was happening to "rub some dirt on it."

"What happens in Waterdeep, stays in Waterdeep."

Edited by - Nevorick on 27 Mar 2005 22:52:25
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Wood Elf Ranger
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Posted - 28 Mar 2005 :  03:53:01  Show Profile  Visit Wood Elf Ranger's Homepage Send Wood Elf Ranger a Private Message  Reply with Quote
He should have went over to the chests that fell down with him and tried to pick them open before he died so he would have known if it was worth it

~Lee N.

"Breaktime yes?!.. Yes?.. Maybe?.. Noo, baaack to work.." -Grovel the Goblin from NWN: HotU
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24 Posts

Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  00:00:11  Show Profile  Visit Sorenna_Melruth's Homepage Send Sorenna_Melruth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think the most amusing thing to ever happen, happened back in 2nd edition. Our group was going through the adventure the Accursed Tower, and the DM added Wulfgar into it, he got badly mauled by a wolf of all things on an incrediable hit by the wolf, after he had tossed his hammer, one of our group decided to grab his hammer out of the air, and the hammer and his hand continued on its way back to Wulfgar.

Very gruesome when your fighting for your life against a wolf and one of your party members hand lands above your head, while your scrambling to keep your scabbard between your throat and the wolf maw.

History is written by those who survive such terriable times,and every person is a hero, and every person is a villan it depends on who's telling the tale.
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Senior Scribe

785 Posts

Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  02:19:57  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I would suggest another one:
A party member with another tagging along approaches the edge of the basin of stagnant water.
"Whoa, good swim! Can go and dive in!", the first member says.
"really? you think this is in Evereska, Dawnsglory pool where you everyday flirted with those female elves. Come on, we got an objective to accomplish.", the second member tapped the first shoulders.
"No way! You go and do your stupid duty, I need a bath after so much sweat and blood!", protests the first.
The second raises his eyebrows and moved away silently.
The first stripped off his armor and clothes, and dived into the basin of stagnant water with an olympic leap.
Then the second smelled something queer in the air and asked the first,"Do you know this is no ordinary pool?"
The second pointed to a signboard hanging above the pool from a domed ceiling. It read: Necromancer Soul Pool.
The second smiles, "Congrats! You are the next man to join the dead people here!"
before the first can say anything, multple ethereal hands were out of the water to pull him down.
The second laughed as the first was pulled down into the waters.

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
- High Prince Telemont Tanthul, Lord Shadow
In a speech given to the citizens of Shade Enclave
At the celebration of the Shinantra Battle victory when he revealed that he was THE Lord Shadow of legend.
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Learned Scribe

131 Posts

Posted - 04 Apr 2005 :  05:51:22  Show Profile  Visit Rhezarnos's Homepage Send Rhezarnos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
One that just recently happened to my party:
6 of us, one ranger (me), one thief, 2 fighters, a cleric and a mage.
Just finished battling a white dragon. The results were: 1 dead fighter, a thief frozen in a pond, a one legged ranger and a blind cleric.
We all decided to help the thief first, since he needed it most. After a few rounds, we managed to remove him from the pond, though he suffered some cuts (the surviving fighter used his mace to pound the ice). Thief-man was close to death, so we were figuring out how to 'defrost' him. Me and the fighter suggested that the cleric heal his blindness and then take care of the thief. Cleric says no, since there's not much time left for the poor sod. Then mage comes up with a brilliant idea:"Warm him up". We don't have any appropriate materials for a fire, so mr mage made his own. Problem was, the only spell he had left were fireballs. Before we could say anything, he released ALL 3 of them. 2 exploded near the frozen thief, heating him up and burning him to 1 hp. The third went off target because the cleric was thrown by the blast of the 1st fireball towards the wizard. That 3rd fireball hit the ceiling of the cave, causing HUGE chunks of stone and ice to fall on us. We all were told to do saving rolls. Only the thief survived. I almost made it, pinned by some rocks, when a boulder rolls down, squashing me. Cleric fell into the pool and got burried in there. Mage died on the spot. Fighter was crushed to near death, then died when the boulder that squashed me kept on rolling, flattening him too. *sigh* The thief gets away with all the dragon's loot AND most of our equipment.

Playing a winged dwarf with acrophobia is fun.
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Learned Scribe

126 Posts

Posted - 05 Apr 2005 :  22:28:39  Show Profile  Visit elven_songstress's Homepage Send elven_songstress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wow that had to suck.
Yet, on the topic of fireballs...

We had a party of characters a wizard, a ranger a bard (myself) and a Paladin. We encountered a Black Dragon that had abducted local people figuring to get rich quick, they enlisted the help of our group as the Paladin was all gun ho about this.

Now we get to the lair and I set about sneaking in to free the people while the other's attack the dragon. I succeed barely getting all the taken people from the cave out back and to stay there and keep silent.

On my way back in the Dragon drops down into the marshes in hoops of healing.

The Wizard before anyone can stop them, lobs a fireball into the highly flameable material of the marshes, setting the pond aflame, catching the Paladin who had 2 hit points left and killing him. The ranger gets immolated and the wizard falls his saving throw against the burning marsh mud that sets him aflame to, by the time I get out there I have to drag all my companions back to the town, and then have a caravan cart there dead bodies along to get to a town of decent size to have them ressed, I am already annoyed by this, as the fireball also killed all but one of the abducted, and this is a little girl so I adopt her, as her parents and she was abducted and had no one.

We get to Waterdeep and I get the bodies to there respective temples, pay for there ress's out of the gold I had gathered and owned, and the first thing the wizard wants is his share of the treasure because he killed the dragon.

>.< I resisted braining him in that moment but I was very close.

We need to be reminded sometimes that a sunrise lasts but a few minutes,but its beauty can burnin our hearts eternally."
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Learned Scribe

131 Posts

Posted - 06 Apr 2005 :  01:48:49  Show Profile  Visit Rhezarnos's Homepage Send Rhezarnos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Always hated fireball loving wizards LOL. What happened to the girl you adopted?

Playing a winged dwarf with acrophobia is fun.
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Learned Scribe

126 Posts

Posted - 06 Apr 2005 :  06:48:47  Show Profile  Visit elven_songstress's Homepage Send elven_songstress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh she was very safe she stayed with my elf through out her life,finally settling down in Waterdeep to have a family, so I have humans that call my elf grandmama.

Yes the sun elves just LOVE that.

We need to be reminded sometimes that a sunrise lasts but a few minutes,but its beauty can burnin our hearts eternally."
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Senior Scribe

785 Posts

Posted - 06 Apr 2005 :  12:41:34  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yes, thats amazing but pardon my asking, how old is that elf?

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
- High Prince Telemont Tanthul, Lord Shadow
In a speech given to the citizens of Shade Enclave
At the celebration of the Shinantra Battle victory when he revealed that he was THE Lord Shadow of legend.
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Learned Scribe

126 Posts

Posted - 06 Apr 2005 :  22:33:37  Show Profile  Visit elven_songstress's Homepage Send elven_songstress a Private Message  Reply with Quote
My elf is 245 years old the girl(Mylune) was given a potion of longevity mainly because my elf didn't want it, she gave it to her 'daughter' the girl lived to be in her hundreds and my elf is a great great great grandmother.

Mylune is buried in an indisclosed place in the Greycloak Hills.

We need to be reminded sometimes that a sunrise lasts but a few minutes,but its beauty can burnin our hearts eternally."
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