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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 11 Sep 2005 :  00:28:08  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mumadar Ibn Huzal


On the topic of the Talfir, I believe (iirc) that Krash mentioned you were instrumental in inserting bits and pieces of this topic into published Relamslore. Barring NDA's and such, what more 'unofficial' lore could you share.

Just two of the questions I have on the Talfir are:
- what level of technology/engineering did they have?
- with one of their cities under the canopy of the Reaching Wood, what was their relation with the forest?

Both good questions, but I haven't figured it out yet. I could make a guess, but I'd rather leave it up to the DM for now. If I get another opportunity to revisit the area, I'll try to address this issue.


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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 11 Sep 2005 :  05:06:33  Show Profile  Visit webmanus's Homepage Send webmanus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hi Eric,

You have quoted my Teshar question, but written nothing. Does that meen that you have noticed my question, but you have nothing to add, write, or that you plan to write something? I am a bit confused here.


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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 11 Sep 2005 :  09:08:35  Show Profile  Visit Verghityax's Homepage Send Verghityax a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dear Eric,
I have two questions to You, this time concerning Beshaba:

1. In 2nd edition Faiths & Avatars there is a description of Beshaban funeral - the Passing. It is said there that the body of dead Beshaban cleric is being floated down the river amid floating candles. I would like to know if the body is either being put on a draft or is it thrown into the river just like that?

2. Would You be so kind to spare me some additional info on the Black Fingers' assassins? Anything would be useful since there is so little about them in the sourcebook. I would also like to create a Black Finger assassin prestige class so some guidelines would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any help!
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 11 Sep 2005 :  09:11:13  Show Profile  Visit webmanus's Homepage Send webmanus a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks Eric. I see now that you have updated the quoted post.

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Posted - 12 Sep 2005 :  04:24:31  Show Profile  Visit Arnwyn's Homepage Send Arnwyn a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A question:

Is there a particular reason why, in the "Blood of Malar" adventure (Dungeon #126), Hala Myrt was changed from a fat human male Ftr5 (Volo's Guide to Waterdeep) to a female human commoner?
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Finglas Leaflock

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Posted - 12 Sep 2005 :  16:13:38  Show Profile Send Finglas Leaflock a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I asked this question on Ed's scroll, but now realized that maybe I should've come here first.

How close is the relationship between Mystra and Sehanine Moonbow of the Seldarine, and how closely do their churches work together (if at all)?

I've been wondering about it ever since reading about Aloevan in Demihuman Deities and then about Khelben and the Moonstars in both Cloak & Dagger and the new Waterdeep book. Between their shared Chosen and their joint sponsorship of both the Harpers and Moonstars, I can see they share many goals in common, but am wondering if there's more to it than that. And thanks for all the lore you've given us, it's been a pleasure to read!
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 16 Sep 2005 :  23:50:36  Show Profile Send Foxhelm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have asked this question in the CoS:W section, but have not gotten a reply, so I decided to ask the main author.

In the book there is Eather Heilean, who has been sent to clean the Harpers of those that do not follow the Twilight Trio or are friendly to the Moonstars. Even to the point of what seems to be a banning of them from Harper's Hold. (It might be my mistake.)

So my question is what happens to the Harpers who perfer only doing the greater good, even if it means working with the moonstars? Is there a place that they collect? How big is this conflict over the split affecting the harpers who want to be neutral or better with the moonstars or who do not follow the words of the Trio? Perfering someone like Elminster?

Also what would happen if a Harper of that persation of equal ranks as Ms. Heilean or greater was to try to bring peace with the moonstars or go against the Trio's words?

Just some things I would like to learn more about. Thanks.

Ed Greenwood! The Solution... and Cause of all the Realms Problems!
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 20 Oct 2005 :  10:23:57  Show Profile  Visit Zanan's Homepage Send Zanan a Private Message  Reply with Quote

There has been a fair bit of change to (numbers of) the drow during the Silence of Lolth, e.g. Ched Nasad. Is there anything planned to give more detail on what has happened to the other drow cities? We know a bit about Menzo (because of the novels), some bits and pieces mentioned in the web-enhancement to CotSQ (though sometimes contrary to Underdark), and Skullport, where Kesra is still in command.
But what of the other 35odd drow cities who rarely get a mention, Maeralyn, Jhachalklyn, Orlytlar, and all the others listed in Ed Greenwood's Drow of the Underdark. Obviously, it would be a major undertaking to describe all of them, but some general remarks would be welcomed, now that Lolth ... well, that would be a spoiler.

Speaking of Ched Nasad, there is/was one matron who was actually a vampire, Shyntlara Auvryndar. Can we expect that she escaped the disaster due to her undead powers?

All the best,


Cave quid dicis, quando et cui!

Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel!

In memory of Alura Durshavin.

Visit my "Homepage" to find A Guide to the Drow NPCs of Faerûn, Drow and non-Drow PrC and much more.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 20 Oct 2005 :  14:24:25  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Finglas Leaflock

I asked this question on Ed's scroll, but now realized that maybe I should've come here first.

How close is the relationship between Mystra and Sehanine Moonbow of the Seldarine, and how closely do their churches work together (if at all)?

I've been wondering about it ever since reading about Aloevan in Demihuman Deities and then about Khelben and the Moonstars in both Cloak & Dagger and the new Waterdeep book. Between their shared Chosen and their joint sponsorship of both the Harpers and Moonstars, I can see they share many goals in common, but am wondering if there's more to it than that. And thanks for all the lore you've given us, it's been a pleasure to read!

I think the relationship between Mystra and Sehanine or Mystra and Eilistraee is almost as close as the relationship between Mystra and Selune. In other words, very close.


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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 20 Oct 2005 :  14:27:55  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Zanan
There has been a fair bit of change to (numbers of) the drow during the Silence of Lolth, e.g. Ched Nasad. Is there anything planned to give more detail on what has happened to the other drow cities? We know a bit about Menzo (because of the novels), some bits and pieces mentioned in the web-enhancement to CotSQ (though sometimes contrary to Underdark), and Skullport, where Kesra is still in command.
But what of the other 35odd drow cities who rarely get a mention, Maeralyn, Jhachalklyn, Orlytlar, and all the others listed in Ed Greenwood's Drow of the Underdark. Obviously, it would be a major undertaking to describe all of them, but some general remarks would be welcomed, now that Lolth ... well, that would be a spoiler.

I am unaware of any such plans, but I'm not privy to all of WoTC's plans for FR. If this is of interest, I encourage you to suggest it on the Ask Rich Baker Thread on the WoTC boards.

Speaking of Ched Nasad, there is/was one matron who was actually a vampire, Shyntlara Auvryndar. Can we expect that she escaped the disaster due to her undead powers?

That seems likely, although the novels certainly suggest that few individuals escaped the destruction.


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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 20 Oct 2005 :  15:06:17  Show Profile  Visit Zanan's Homepage Send Zanan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the quick reply! I'll try my luck over at the Wizards then.

Cave quid dicis, quando et cui!

Gæð a wyrd swa hio scel!

In memory of Alura Durshavin.

Visit my "Homepage" to find A Guide to the Drow NPCs of Faerûn, Drow and non-Drow PrC and much more.
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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 20 Oct 2005 :  15:14:24  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Foxhelm

I have asked this question in the CoS:W section, but have not gotten a reply, so I decided to ask the main author.

Sorry. I get distracted sometimes. ;-)

In the book there is Eather Heilean, who has been sent to clean the Harpers of those that do not follow the Twilight Trio or are friendly to the Moonstars. Even to the point of what seems to be a banning of them from Harper's Hold. (It might be my mistake.)

So my question is what happens to the Harpers who perfer only doing the greater good, even if it means working with the moonstars? Is there a place that they collect? How big is this conflict over the split affecting the harpers who want to be neutral or better with the moonstars or who do not follow the words of the Trio? Perfering someone like Elminster?

Also what would happen if a Harper of that persation of equal ranks as Ms. Heilean or greater was to try to bring peace with the moonstars or go against the Trio's words?

Just some things I would like to learn more about. Thanks.

The way I think of it, there are three factions:

Moonstars who decide to follow Khelben and find Twilight Hall a nuisance
Reps of Twilight Hall who don't like the Moonstars
All the other Harpers

The first two groups are very small and most Harpers couldn't be bothered to worry about a feud between two factions within the ranks. They'd snort in annoyance and work with whomever they wanted.


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Forgotten Realms Designer

2087 Posts

Posted - 20 Oct 2005 :  15:30:40  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Arnwyn

A question:

Is there a particular reason why, in the "Blood of Malar" adventure (Dungeon #126), Hala Myrt was changed from a fat human male Ftr5 (Volo's Guide to Waterdeep) to a female human commoner?

Not a good one.

I caught the Hala Myrt refs in FR1 - Waterdeep and the North, City of Splendors, and VGtW page 82, but missed VGtW page 221.

As such, I ended up defining Hala in City of Splendors: Waterdeep differently than Ed chose to in VGtW. I went with CoS:W (after the mistake had already been made) in Dungeon #126.

Sigh. Sorry about that.


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Forgotten Realms Designer

2087 Posts

Posted - 20 Oct 2005 :  15:33:16  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Foxhelm

I thought I give Ed Greenwood a break and see if Eric might know this...

Could you tell me more about the noble families of Waterdeep? Especially which ones might have Planetouched and Elven cousins. Or those that might take up the cause of a god such as Finder Wyvernspur.


Hopefully now that the first Waterdeep WE is up, you're question is partially answered.


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Great Reader

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Posted - 23 Oct 2005 :  01:23:24  Show Profile Send Kuje a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Heya Eric,

Maybe you can drop by this thread and help out. :)

For some of us, books are as important as almost anything else on earth. What a miracle it is that out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world, worlds that sing to you, comfort and quiet and excite you... Books are full of the things that you don't get in real life - wonderful, lyrical language, for instance, right off the bat. - Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium

Edited by - Kuje on 23 Oct 2005 01:24:10
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Finglas Leaflock

35 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2005 :  20:29:17  Show Profile Send Finglas Leaflock a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think the relationship between Mystra and Sehanine or Mystra and Eilistraee is almost as close as the relationship between Mystra and Selune. In other words, very close.

Thanks for the answer--and the additional info about Eilistraee and Selune!
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Senior Scribe

592 Posts

Posted - 23 Oct 2005 :  21:15:30  Show Profile Send Foxhelm a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ericlboyd

Originally posted by Arnwyn

A question:

Is there a particular reason why, in the "Blood of Malar" adventure (Dungeon #126), Hala Myrt was changed from a fat human male Ftr5 (Volo's Guide to Waterdeep) to a female human commoner?

Not a good one.

I caught the Hala Myrt refs in FR1 - Waterdeep and the North, City of Splendors, and VGtW page 82, but missed VGtW page 221.

As such, I ended up defining Hala in City of Splendors: Waterdeep differently than Ed chose to in VGtW. I went with CoS:W (after the mistake had already been made) in Dungeon #126.

Sigh. Sorry about that.


There is a simple solution. A malfuctioning Belt of Gender-bending or transformation. Or Hala tends to shift forms like Ashemmi (Who shifts from Gold to Silver Forms).

Ed Greenwood! The Solution... and Cause of all the Realms Problems!
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Great Reader

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Posted - 24 Oct 2005 :  07:42:54  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey Eric how come you didnt include anything on Sir Justin Melenikus and the Church of Helm in City of Splendors?

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

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Forgotten Realms Designer

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Posted - 24 Oct 2005 :  13:36:11  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth

Hey Eric how come you didnt include anything on Sir Justin Melenikus and the Church of Helm in City of Splendors?

Lack of space for the most part. I probably would have done the Church of Tempus if there was more room first, as I think it plays a larger (if fairly standard for the faith) role in the city.

Also, I'm of mixed feelings about Sir Justin ... (what, couldn't you tell based on what I did to him in Dungeon #73??? ;-) ) ... Waterdeep doesn't have an "Adventurer's Guild" and I don't really want to introduce one into stronger canonity (real word?) than was done in Dungeons #69 - #73.


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Crennen FaerieBane
Master of Realmslore

1378 Posts

Posted - 24 Oct 2005 :  14:52:32  Show Profile Send Crennen FaerieBane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hello Eric,

Question for you (and I apologize if you've already answered): I know that Captain Deudermont is not mentioned in the CoS book, but I was wondering why there might not have been any mention of ships employed by Waterdeep that protect its harbor and seek out pirates? I was just wondering if that was a practice still maintained? Thanks!


Still rockin' the Fey'ri style.
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Skilled Spell Strategist

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Posted - 24 Oct 2005 :  22:57:06  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I figure you or Steven Schend would have the answer to this one. Do you know of any kind of gathered listing of the various groups of elves and their types within the realms (those that are still on teh mainland)? For instance, if I were looking for the communities of those flying targe---- errrr, the winged elves or avariels. Obviously, it doesn't have to be complete, but I know you're a research hog and thought you may have seen such.

Phillip aka Sleyvas
P.S. OMG, I got Champions of Ruin as a birthday present. I truly didn't expect it to be really good. However, I know it had to be your work on those major NPC's in Impiltur and on Eltab. I wanted to cry after reading the research. Damn good job man!

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 25 Oct 2005 :  00:39:31  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sleyvas
P.S. OMG, I got Champions of Ruin as a birthday present. I truly didn't expect it to be really good. However, I know it had to be your work on those major NPC's in Impiltur and on Eltab. I wanted to cry after reading the research. Damn good job man!

You might also want to pick up "Champions of Valor" next month.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Great Reader

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Posted - 25 Oct 2005 :  00:55:30  Show Profile  Visit Dargoth's Homepage Send Dargoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ericlboyd
Lack of space for the most part. I probably would have done the Church of Tempus if there was more room first, as I think it plays a larger (if fairly standard for the faith) role in the city.

Also, I'm of mixed feelings about Sir Justin ... (what, couldn't you tell based on what I did to him in Dungeon #73??? ;-) ) ... Waterdeep doesn't have an "Adventurer's Guild" and I don't really want to introduce one into stronger canonity (real word?) than was done in Dungeons #69 - #73.


Did you write up anything in the CoS WE for Iniarv Tower? (It and the Mere do all within the Borders of Waterdeep as defined on page 99 of the the FRC)

personally I could see the Knights of Samluar taking over and trying to rebuilding Iniarv Tower as seeing as how they where kicked out of Thornhold and Bronwyn wont let them back in....

“I am the King of Rome, and above grammar”

Emperor Sigismund

"Its good to be the King!"

Mel Brooks
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2087 Posts

Posted - 25 Oct 2005 :  03:06:03  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by CrennenFaerieBane

Hello Eric,

Question for you (and I apologize if you've already answered): I know that Captain Deudermont is not mentioned in the CoS book, but I was wondering why there might not have been any mention of ships employed by Waterdeep that protect its harbor and seek out pirates? I was just wondering if that was a practice still maintained? Thanks!


There's a bit under the navy in the organizations write-ups and possibly in the first chapter under defenses. Some of what I wrote on that topic got cut for space I know. For example, I had a table or some text laying out what each of the ship types worked out to be using the Arms & Equipment section, but that didn't make the space cut.


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Forgotten Realms Designer

2087 Posts

Posted - 25 Oct 2005 :  03:09:18  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sleyvas

I figure you or Steven Schend would have the answer to this one. Do you know of any kind of gathered listing of the various groups of elves and their types within the realms (those that are still on teh mainland)? For instance, if I were looking for the communities of those flying targe---- errrr, the winged elves or avariels. Obviously, it doesn't have to be complete, but I know you're a research hog and thought you may have seen such.

Nope, no such list that I know of. Avariels are easy though ... "off to the west (north of Maztica) and the Aerie of the Snow Eagles (see Demihuman Deities, Aedrie Faenya). Oh, there's at least one more tiny community near Impiltur ... see the various Rage of Dragons novels and short stories by Richard Lee Byers.

Phillip aka Sleyvas
P.S. OMG, I got Champions of Ruin as a birthday present. I truly didn't expect it to be really good. However, I know it had to be your work on those major NPC's in Impiltur and on Eltab. I wanted to cry after reading the research. Damn good job man!

Thanks, glad you liked them. I really enjoyed putting them together. Sorry the stats are pretty screwed up ... I wrote them up originally for 3e, and some of the conversion issues didn't get fixed.



Edited by - ericlboyd on 25 Oct 2005 03:09:56
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Forgotten Realms Designer

2087 Posts

Posted - 25 Oct 2005 :  03:11:51  Show Profile  Visit ericlboyd's Homepage Send ericlboyd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Dargoth
Did you write up anything in the CoS WE for Iniarv Tower? (It and the Mere do all within the Borders of Waterdeep as defined on page 99 of the the FRC)

personally I could see the Knights of Samluar taking over and trying to rebuilding Iniarv Tower as seeing as how they where kicked out of Thornhold and Bronwyn wont let them back in....

Nothing on Iniarv's Tower, IIRC. The Mere doesn't really fall much in the region according to the map, but I do discuss it in general. My focus was on stuff south of the Sword Mountains or in the southernmost peaks of that range.


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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 25 Oct 2005 :  03:16:24  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sleyvas

I figure you or Steven Schend would have the answer to this one. Do you know of any kind of gathered listing of the various groups of elves and their types within the realms (those that are still on teh mainland)? For instance, if I were looking for the communities of those flying targe---- errrr, the winged elves or avariels. Obviously, it doesn't have to be complete, but I know you're a research hog and thought you may have seen such.

Don't ask me where those molting tel'quessir are....I slaughter the lot of them when I find `em.

Who truly is responsible for exterminating most of the avariel in Faerun, partly out of game balance in 2E and partly because he thought they were an idea poorly executed and too easily abused...

For current projects and general natter, see
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 25 Oct 2005 :  04:23:18  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hey, Steven and Eric... There's a discussion going on in another thread about the Lords of Waterdeep. Since both of y'all have written about this group, I thought I'd ask if you had any further input on the topic...

Lords of Waterdeep ... secret identity?

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Steven Schend
Forgotten Realms Designer & Author

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Posted - 25 Oct 2005 :  13:34:48  Show Profile  Visit Steven Schend's Homepage Send Steven Schend a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Hey, Steven and Eric... There's a discussion going on in another thread about the Lords of Waterdeep. Since both of y'all have written about this group, I thought I'd ask if you had any further input on the topic...

Lords of Waterdeep ... secret identity?

Didn't have much to add on that discussion, as it's rolling along just fine without me. Some good discussion and thoughts, but nothing overtly in need of correction or clarification, really, IMO.


For current projects and general natter, see
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Master of Realmslore

1073 Posts

Posted - 25 Oct 2005 :  13:39:03  Show Profile  Visit khorne's Homepage Send khorne a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Steven Schend

Originally posted by sleyvas

I figure you or Steven Schend would have the answer to this one. Do you know of any kind of gathered listing of the various groups of elves and their types within the realms (those that are still on teh mainland)? For instance, if I were looking for the communities of those flying targe---- errrr, the winged elves or avariels. Obviously, it doesn't have to be complete, but I know you're a research hog and thought you may have seen such.

Don't ask me where those molting tel'quessir are....I slaughter the lot of them when I find `em.

Who truly is responsible for exterminating most of the avariel in Faerun, partly out of game balance in 2E and partly because he thought they were an idea poorly executed and too easily abused...

So you are the one I can blame for the genocide of my favorite elven race........I will remember this

If I were a ranger, I would pick NDA for my favorite enemy
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