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 FR Interactive Atlas tricky problem
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31 Posts

Posted - 19 Jan 2005 :  22:19:47  Show Profile  Visit oldskool's Homepage Send oldskool a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I have the FR Interactive Atlas (and the 3 expansions) and have had them for a while. However, I do not have CC2 or any "light" version thereof, and am not likely to shell out for something that is hardly better than AutoRealm (a free package), but less stable.

However, I need to figure out how to do the following, and although I'm somewhat good at mucking with this stuff usually, I am kind of at a loss...

I want to print off the "blank continents" so that I can brainstorm and fill in stuff. Yes, I know that I can save bits as .bmp files, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to ensure that I have an 8.5 x 11, full-laser-resolution, well-centered version of each of the blank continents. Also, probably will have to make them black and white outlines (instead of getting deep checkerboard shading in the ocean areas)...

Can anyone help me produce such files?


DM: "You see a gazebo ahead of you."
Player: "What is it doing? I draw my weapon and charge!"
DM: "It's not doing anything. It's a gazebo."
Player: "Oh.. um. Then I'll cast a fireball at it!"

Master of Realmslore

1283 Posts

Posted - 21 Jan 2005 :  03:39:11  Show Profile Send SirUrza a Private Message  Reply with Quote
How about open the atlas. Go to the view you want to "print" out. Hit Print Screen. Open Paint. File, New. Edit, Paste. Save and Print. :)

Also.. if you have the original AD&D Core Rules 2.0 there's a "hidden" bonus. On the CD, there's a directory call "CM" and in that directory is a setup program. Run the setup program and you'll find that it's a slimmed down version Campaign Catagrapher 1.0. Dunno why it wasn't part of the Core Rules installation and don't think the documents for the Core Rules even mention it, but it's still a nifty little secret.

"Evil prevails when good men fail to act."
The original and unapologetic Arilyn, Aribeth, Seoni Fanboy.

Edited by - SirUrza on 21 Jan 2005 03:53:19
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31 Posts

Posted - 21 Jan 2005 :  08:18:36  Show Profile  Visit oldskool's Homepage Send oldskool a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by SirUrza

How about open the atlas. Go to the view you want to "print" out. Hit Print Screen. Open Paint. File, New. Edit, Paste. Save and Print. :)

Also.. if you have the original AD&D Core Rules 2.0 there's a "hidden" bonus. On the CD, there's a directory call "CM" and in that directory is a setup program. Run the setup program and you'll find that it's a slimmed down version Campaign Catagrapher 1.0. Dunno why it wasn't part of the Core Rules installation and don't think the documents for the Core Rules even mention it, but it's still a nifty little secret.

Well, it's not a matter of not being able to save a specific view... I am just unsure about what resolutions to use for clean laser printing and how to get it formatted for 8.5 x 11 paper size.

And I never bought the Core Rules thingie. :(


DM: "You see a gazebo ahead of you."
Player: "What is it doing? I draw my weapon and charge!"
DM: "It's not doing anything. It's a gazebo."
Player: "Oh.. um. Then I'll cast a fireball at it!"
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Master of Realmslore

1283 Posts

Posted - 21 Jan 2005 :  20:20:16  Show Profile Send SirUrza a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The size of your print is directly related to your printer settings, not the file. These aren't photo quality maps so whether the image you have is 640x480 or 1600x1200, the quality of the print out isn't going to change.

To make it a 8x10, it's all about your printer software and telling it to print the picture full page and not whatever it defaults to. Print Priview in your image software will show you the "size" of the print out. Page Setup in your image software will allow you to alter the size of the print.

Further, instead of using Paint, you could...

Open Microsoft Word (or whatever word processor your use).
File, New.

Then just make the picture fit the word document. I think making it an image file is a better idea IMHO.

I've actually done this myself shorta, I couldn't stand the campaign mapper so I put together a map of my own city pasting piece together from other cities. Came out pretty good IMHO. :)

"Evil prevails when good men fail to act."
The original and unapologetic Arilyn, Aribeth, Seoni Fanboy.

Edited by - SirUrza on 21 Jan 2005 20:22:17
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