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 temples of Haela Brightaxe
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 05 Sep 2004 :  01:37:56  Show Profile  Visit Lemernis's Homepage Send Lemernis a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I'm not familiar with the dwarven deity Haela Brightaxe beyond what is written in F&P. I have a question for the resident scholars of dwarvenkind as to whether a particular temple location would be appropriate for this goddess.

F&P states:

Clerics care little for typical dwarven tradition, constructing austere temples wherever seems most convenient to the nearest source of conflict. The cellars of human ruins, abandoned dwarf holds, or even empty gnome warrens make acceptable temples of the Lady of the Fray. Such places usually double as armories; all contain at least one bombastic trap (usually featuring the most violent results imaginable) meant to ensure that no temple ever falls into enemy hands.

It would be reasonable for dwarves to establish temple to Haela Brightaxe in a mine that has been abandoned for some time due ongoing infestations of monsters. But if the mine were to become highly active again (as a mine, that is, not in terms of monster infestations)--and worked by human worshippers of other faiths--would the temple clergy feel that this is no longer a suitable location for the temple? It would no longer be a deserted location. And trapping it would pose a risk to the humans who work there.

Edited by - Lemernis on 05 Sep 2004 15:37:07

Senior Scribe

378 Posts

Posted - 07 Sep 2004 :  01:42:23  Show Profile  Visit Lemernis's Homepage Send Lemernis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Should I have asked this in the Running the Realms forum?
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Posted - 07 Sep 2004 :  01:47:03  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
No, it's in an appropriate place-just the scribes who have looked at it haven't had any answers for you.
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hammer of Moradin
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Posted - 07 Sep 2004 :  03:26:52  Show Profile  Visit hammer of Moradin's Homepage Send hammer of Moradin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
As expert miners and workers of stone, dwarves are able to construct cunning stonework traps. A temple to Haela Brightaxe would easily be workable within a community. Just set it off from the rest of the structure, in an abandoned shaft in the mine, down a corridor away from the hearth, or just in an area where a destructive trap would do little harm to the rest of the dwarves. Many strongholds have a system of traps that can be set off to allow the dwarves to retreat when the community is under attack. Each one will destroy only a specific area. As long as it is underground even the most bombastic trap can be contained, unless the purpose is to destroy an area outside the temple.

"Hurling himself upon his enemies, he terrified them with slaughter!"

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Posted - 07 Sep 2004 :  11:58:35  Show Profile  Visit Lemernis's Homepage Send Lemernis a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Okay, as long as the temple/armory is located far enough away from the rest of the mine that it's destruction (severe enough to absolutely ensure that the temple is utterly destroyed) will be limited to just that area it would keep the human miners safe, the temple could work out there. Or if the trap is very carefully designed to contain the damage and avoid endangering the rest of the mine (though I would think there would always be a risk of miscalculation there).

The other questions I have are as to whether the temple must be located in an abandoned area, and whether lots of human activity resuming next to it would be offensive.

Is there something about these deserted locations that pleases the goddess? In this case, in order for the dwarves to protect the human miners they could tunnel a new shaft in the mine, and excavate an area for their temple. But then they are making a fresh area. Just wondering if that falls in line with what the deity wants of her clergy.

And in the same vein, would it disturb the goddes for the temple to be so close to humans of other faiths, performing mundane rather than sacred activity?

Edited by - Lemernis on 07 Sep 2004 12:02:08
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hammer of Moradin
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Posted - 07 Sep 2004 :  17:21:05  Show Profile  Visit hammer of Moradin's Homepage Send hammer of Moradin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This sounds tricky. I take it the dwarves and humans are allies? If they are in battle then living conditions may not be too much of a concern. If they are clearing out some old mines the humans will just have to be careful! What other information can you give us?

"Hurling himself upon his enemies, he terrified them with slaughter!"

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium

Candlekeep proverb: If a thing is said often enough, fools aplenty will believe it to be true.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 09 Sep 2004 :  02:39:45  Show Profile  Visit Lemernis's Homepage Send Lemernis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The location is the Nashkel mines in 1372 DR.

For a number of years now the the kobold infestations in the mine have been so severe that the mines became unworkable and were abandoned.

Enter a PC, a female dwarven cleric of Haela Brightaxe, who with a company of adventurers clears the monsters out once and for all. She does this in the hope of establishing a temple to her goddess there.

The nearby countryside of the Sword Coast wilderness is teaming with monsters, so this satisfies the condition for combat being readily available nearby to the temple.

The problem that I can see for this temple location is that the mines will become active again, to be worked mostly by the natives of Nashkel. Some miners will have come originally from the other side of the Cloud Peaks, from the Amnish communities Crimmor and Minsor Vale. Most miners will reside in living quarters constructed for workers at the mine site. They will all be human, worshipping the usual assortment of deities from the human pantheon.

The dwarves do not own the land. The mine had been the property of a human merchant who sold it to Nashkel mayor Berrun Ghastkill.

When Mayor Ghastkill heard that adventurers were making the effort to rid the mines of monsters he was happy to hear it. But this adventuring party has not checked with the mayor as to whether they could establish a temple down in the mines.

The temple has yet to be erected. And discussion about that plan between Mayor Ghastkill and the dwarven temple priestess has not yet taken place.

For her part, the PC temple priestess welcomes humans back into the mines. But at this point I'm questioning if such a thing would really in character for a priestess of Haela Brightaxe under such circumstances.

Mayor Ghastkill and the miners would be grateful for the protection of the temple, and would welcome the dwarves' presence.

Edited by - Lemernis on 09 Sep 2004 02:55:16
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hammer of Moradin
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Posted - 09 Sep 2004 :  14:57:47  Show Profile  Visit hammer of Moradin's Homepage Send hammer of Moradin a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I would say that making a permanent, established temple of Haela Brightaxe would require a small community of dwarves, or at least dwarven clergy. A temple in an all human area might be small and personal, but not elaborate. Otherwise I don't see a problem with it. The humans help protect the temple when she's away, she's close to conflict, and it definately goes against tradition.

"Hurling himself upon his enemies, he terrified them with slaughter!"

Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium

Candlekeep proverb: If a thing is said often enough, fools aplenty will believe it to be true.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 14 Sep 2004 :  13:29:36  Show Profile  Visit Lemernis's Homepage Send Lemernis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tnanks again for the response.

I found a bit more on the clergy of Haela Brightaxe in Dwarves Deep, but nothing that clearly indicates that it would fall outside of their ethos and dogma to situate a temple within an active mine worked by humans of other faiths.
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Posted - 01 Oct 2018 :  17:27:04  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Senior Scribe Lemernis,

Here you are:

Best regards,

Originally posted by Lemernis

I'm not familiar with the dwarven deity Haela Brightaxe beyond what is written in F&P. I have a question for the resident scholars of dwarvenkind as to whether a particular temple location would be appropriate for this goddess.

F&P states:

Clerics care little for typical dwarven tradition, constructing austere temples wherever seems most convenient to the nearest source of conflict. The cellars of human ruins, abandoned dwarf holds, or even empty gnome warrens make acceptable temples of the Lady of the Fray. Such places usually double as armories; all contain at least one bombastic trap (usually featuring the most violent results imaginable) meant to ensure that no temple ever falls into enemy hands.

It would be reasonable for dwarves to establish temple to Haela Brightaxe in a mine that has been abandoned for some time due ongoing infestations of monsters. But if the mine were to become highly active again (as a mine, that is, not in terms of monster infestations)--and worked by human worshippers of other faiths--would the temple clergy feel that this is no longer a suitable location for the temple? It would no longer be a deserted location. And trapping it would pose a risk to the humans who work there.

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