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 Proceedures for slaying a demipower
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 06 Dec 2002 :  20:41:09  Show Profile Send Artalis a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic

Does anyone know the proper proceedures for slaying a demipower in its own realm (ie. permanently)

I have a really powerfull character with a serious mad-on against Lolth and the Ityak-Ortheel.

Any help would be appreciated.




Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 08 Dec 2002 :  11:07:25  Show Profile Send zemd a Private Message  Reply with Quote
HE wants to KILL the spider queen?!
He gonna die!
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 08 Dec 2002 :  15:50:22  Show Profile Send Artalis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
zemd Posted - 08 Dec 2002 : 11:07:25
HE wants to KILL the spider queen?!
He gonna die!

Not really- he came really close a few years ago. His stats are here

But besides your feelings about his imminent demise do you know where
I can find the listed conditions for slaying a demipower? I have Powers and Pantheons which refers to said conditions but does not list or explain.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks



Edited by - Artalis on 24 Dec 2002 15:54:54
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Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 09 Dec 2002 :  10:35:35  Show Profile Send Mumadar Ibn Huzal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I believe the generic 3e gods book (Deities & Demigods IIRC) holds some answers to your question. The Faiths & Pantheons book has some bits and pieces of said reference in the introduction pages, but the generic book has more complete information for situations as you describe.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 09 Dec 2002 :  17:33:39  Show Profile Send Artalis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Mumadar Ibn Huzal Posted - 09 Dec 2002 : 10:35:35

I believe the generic 3e gods book (Deities & Demigods IIRC) holds some answers to your question. The Faiths & Pantheons book has some bits and pieces of said reference in the introduction pages, but the generic book has more complete information for situations as you describe.


My thanks Mumadar Ibn Huzal, a gentleman and a scholar you are indeed.



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The Great Drizzt
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 10 Dec 2002 :  05:26:31  Show Profile  Visit The Great Drizzt's Homepage Send The Great Drizzt a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well I know a sure fire way to kill anything, even Ao!
If you give your own life essense willingly, with the proper wish spell correctly worded, you can do anything you want!
Also, if you can get someones trapped soul(has to be pure) and present the situation in a prayer to your god, and your need/excuse is valid, you can have your own god slay the other one, and Lloth by your example can't do anything to stop him/her!
This is all true, I've read it in a Nethrese campaign book for 2Ed.
The Great Drizzt
P.S.-"Long live Lloth/Lolth and the Drow!"

"Don't poke Drizzt, 'tis highly unsociable!" Drizzt Do'Urden -BG1
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 10 Dec 2002 :  09:19:54  Show Profile  Visit Echon's Homepage Send Echon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by The Great Drizzt

Well I know a sure fire way to kill anything, even Ao!
If you give your own life essense willingly, with the proper wish spell correctly worded, you can do anything you want!
Also, if you can get someones trapped soul(has to be pure) and present the situation in a prayer to your god, and your need/excuse is valid, you can have your own god slay the other one, and Lloth by your example can't do anything to stop him/her!
This is all true, I've read it in a Nethrese campaign book for 2Ed.
The Great Drizzt
P.S.-"Long live Lloth/Lolth and the Drow!"

That seems rather highpowered... do not tell me that it is possible to be brough back to life after giving one's life away like that?


"If others had not been foolish, we should be so."

-William Blake
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 10 Dec 2002 :  14:44:44  Show Profile Send Artalis a Private Message  Reply with Quote

The Great Drizzt Posted - 10 Dec 2002 : 05:26:31
Well I know a sure fire way to kill anything, even Ao!
If you give your own life essense willingly, with the proper wish spell correctly worded, you can do anything you want!
Also, if you can get someones trapped soul(has to be pure) and present the situation in a prayer to your god, and your need/excuse is valid, you can have your own god slay the other one, and Lloth by your example can't do anything to stop him/her!
This is all true, I've read it in a Nethrese campaign book for 2Ed.
The Great Drizzt
P.S.-"Long live Lloth/Lolth and the Drow!"
Artalis Posted - 09 Dec 2002 : 17:33:39

I dunno, I appreciate the input but I am looking for something a little more balanced. It seems a little easy to just wish it away or have someone else do it. (even if the someone else is a god).

The character in question would not throw his lifeforce away either even for such a purpose, he has far too many other things to take care of to just kamakaze like that. Thanks all for the responses keep 'em coming.



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The Great Drizzt
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 11 Dec 2002 :  06:30:33  Show Profile  Visit The Great Drizzt's Homepage Send The Great Drizzt a Private Message  Reply with Quote
No, you can't be brought back to life, because your soul is trapped elsewhere and can't be brought back to your body.

It's not as easy as I mentioned, It's alot harder if you read it, I will try to find the book and tell you about it or give you a link to where I find it, It's rather hard!
The Great Drizzt

"Don't poke Drizzt, 'tis highly unsociable!" Drizzt Do'Urden -BG1
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 12 Dec 2002 :  17:37:48  Show Profile  Visit lowtech's Homepage Send lowtech a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You realize that Lolth is an Intermediate Power, right? Killing a demipower is completely different. Unless...
In Toril, Lolth has assumed the aspect of Zinzerina, goddess of Assassins as an experiment to see whether having weaker aliases grants her more or less power. You could have your character destroy that aspect of Lolth, possibly weakening her to the (temporary) status of a Lesser Power. At that point, Vhaeraun, Ghuanadar, and any other Drow Power of Lesser status could rebel against her dominance.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 12 Dec 2002 :  17:46:30  Show Profile Send Artalis a Private Message  Reply with Quote
That's actually quite helpful, I thought the proceedures and requirements would be the same to slay any "divine" creature.

Apparently I am misinformed.

Has anyone actually seen these requirements?

I was reading up on the Ityak-Ortheel (the elf-eater) and it says the only way to slay it is to hunt it down on it's own plane and if conditions for slaying a demipower were met. Otherwise it rematerializes in 10 years. I can not find these conditions, are they by individual campaign?



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Mumadar Ibn Huzal
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 12 Dec 2002 :  17:52:24  Show Profile Send Mumadar Ibn Huzal a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'll refer back to my earlier answer on your question. The 'procedure' is more detailed in the 3rd edition 'generic' gods book. It explains the differences in the various powers as well as to how (relatively) powerfull a character/group needs to be to 'kill' a power.

Edited by - Mumadar Ibn Huzal on 12 Dec 2002 17:53:15
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 12 Dec 2002 :  17:57:31  Show Profile  Visit lowtech's Homepage Send lowtech a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't remember the technical aspects, but I think you need to use an extremely powerful artifact on a demipower's home plane. There's probably more to it than that, though.
Have you read the Evermeet novel yet? They did something involving the Elf-Eater and Lolth that was pretty interesting...
I would suggest you manipulate events so that the Elf-Eater and an Orc God are in the same vicinity (its theorized that it has an appettite for Orcs as well). Shortly before the Orc God kills the Elf-Eater, have a wizard banish it back to its home plane, where Nighteyes would follow. It would be weakened and vulnerable on its own plane.
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The Great Drizzt
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 13 Dec 2002 :  06:41:43  Show Profile  Visit The Great Drizzt's Homepage Send The Great Drizzt a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Are the gods laughing at us right now for plotting against them!?
If so, I need to build a bunker somewhere deep underground!
"Run away, run away!" - Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail
The Great Drizzt

"Don't poke Drizzt, 'tis highly unsociable!" Drizzt Do'Urden -BG1
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Salius Kai
Learned Scribe

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Posted - 24 Dec 2002 :  16:48:28  Show Profile  Visit Salius Kai's Homepage Send Salius Kai a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I don't think Its would be right to slay a demi-power. Whole civilizations are based on them and you could throw the whole world into Chaos. Or, in this case just the underworld. But still.

"Welcome to these walls of infinite knowledge."

Salius Kai
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darkflame millithor

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Posted - 03 May 2006 :  10:44:53  Show Profile  Visit darkflame millithor's Homepage Send darkflame millithor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Your blade singer is even mightyer than my own! too bad he's a faery elf. Any way you just need to catch them on their home plane and strike thjem down with an artifact.but that wont work with lolth (she's intermedeate).I know she will kill you blade singer,because she can have muliple avatars attack you a once,plus a whole bunch of feinds,spiders,and artifacts of her own.
Plus she can always act first,pass her saving throws,anticipate your actions. I have fought her,and my character is 20lvlwildmage,3lvlarchmage,2ndlvl epic,I beat her avatars but I used a wish spell to make her divine mind forget the battle,because she said she'd send 100 true tanari to murder me in my revery(sleep)and I knew she would as soon as I slept.Lolth doesn't make idle threats and she never forgives! good luck!if you beat her you dm is not doing his offence.Maybe if you had the cresent blade of the dancing harlot,or godsbane.

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Jamallo Kreen
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 05 May 2006 :  00:12:27  Show Profile  Visit Jamallo Kreen's Homepage Send Jamallo Kreen a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Artalis

Does anyone know the proper proceedures for slaying a demipower in its own realm (ie. permanently)

I have a really powerfull character with a serious mad-on against Lolth and the Ityak-Ortheel.

Any help would be appreciated.


The easiest way would be to eliminate all of the Power's worshippers. To do that ... hmmmm ... I quote Sir Arthur C. Clark: "Okay kiddies, first you take your uranium hexaflouride...."

I have a mouth, but I am in a library and must not scream.

Feed the poor and stroke your ego, too:

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 10 May 2006 :  12:08:03  Show Profile  Visit Chataro's Homepage Send Chataro a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Would it help first if u try to destroy the god's worshippers and temples?
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 10 May 2006 :  17:20:53  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Chataro

Would it help first if u try to destroy the god's worshippers and temples?

Indeed it would. But that's still a very tall order. Most deities will have thousands of worshippers, if not more... And once someone starts killing off large numbers of those worshippers, you can bet the deity is going to start sending high-level champions and divine servants to stop the offender.

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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 11 May 2006 :  00:51:36  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Chataro

Would it help first if u try to destroy the god's worshippers and temples?

Indeed it would. But that's still a very tall order. Most deities will have thousands of worshippers, if not more... And once someone starts killing off large numbers of those worshippers, you can bet the deity is going to start sending high-level champions and divine servants to stop the offender.

Indeed. Let us also not forget about standard temple defenses (such as wards and other protective magicks) and any militant orders tied to the clergy and/or power who are charged specifically with the protection of holy centres important to that particular deity. Such aspects would present major obstacles to any plan which considers attacking a deity through its worshipper base.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

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Edited by - The Sage on 11 May 2006 00:53:19
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 11 May 2006 :  02:09:25  Show Profile  Visit Shadovar's Homepage Send Shadovar a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Chataro

Would it help first if u try to destroy the god's worshippers and temples?

Yes, it is possible for deities would slowly perish from lack of followers according to Ao's ruling, but it would be a long-term campaign to eliminate the deities by destroying their worshippers and temples, best to influence the worshippers by seeding heretics, creating false beliefs and conflicting ideals and try to make them become faithless in their patron, this is a better way to rob the deity of worshippers than killing them-killing would energize the mob into fighting like fanatics. Desecrating temples are good but temples without followers and priests are almost useless.

We have fostered trust, recruited loyalty, and gathered the faithful. We have trained thousands. Our legions can cover the land, fill the sky and travel through the darkness. We can hunt any and all that would deny our heritage. Now is our time, now is the time of the Dark Reign(Rain) of the Empire of Shadows.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 11 May 2006 :  02:15:16  Show Profile Send Kuje a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'll mention it again. That ruling had to exist before the ToT's, or Amaunator would never had died since we know that he died due to a lack of worship. :) Silly TSR and their retcons.

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The Sage
Procrastinator Most High

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Posted - 11 May 2006 :  02:32:32  Show Profile Send The Sage a Private Message  Reply with Quote

Amaunator died of neglect -- which tells you that the power of worshipper faith was just as integral then as it is post-ToT. We know that people simply stopped worshipping him to the point where he could no longer maintain his "Keep of the Sun" with his divine energy and thus was forced to recede into the Astral.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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Scribe for the Candlekeep Compendium -- Volume IX now available (Oct 2007)

"So Saith Ed" -- the collected Candlekeep replies of Ed Greenwood

Zhoth'ilam Folio -- The Electronic Misadventures of a Rambling Sage
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Mr. Wilson

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Posted - 11 May 2006 :  11:28:54  Show Profile  Visit Mr. Wilson's Homepage Send Mr. Wilson a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm pretty sure that in the Realms, only a deity can slay another deity. So, your first action should be attaining a demi-god status.

"I've got a plan..."- Dan
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 11 May 2006 :  17:17:40  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mr. Wilson

I'm pretty sure that in the Realms, only a deity can slay another deity. So, your first action should be attaining a demi-god status.

Nope, mortals can slay deities, but they need divine assistance.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

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darkflame millithor

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Posted - 11 May 2006 :  18:14:44  Show Profile  Visit darkflame millithor's Homepage Send darkflame millithor a Private Message  Reply with Quote
heh Artalis, have you slain the Dark Empress of spiders yet? DId you have something to do with her
going silent(black lighten crackles at finger-tips,halo of flames flares at my brow.)
That was being greedy,you shouldn't have hurt her so bad. Some of us wanted to get their shots in too! Oh well I quess I'll have to go after Kiaransalee!

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 18 Oct 2007 :  15:18:33  Show Profile  Visit Chataro's Homepage Send Chataro a Private Message  Reply with Quote
They don't really need any divine assistance, FInder Wyvernspur didn't really have any divine assistance when he destroyed Moander. And i believe Moander was more than a demi power.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 18 Oct 2007 :  15:54:54  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Chataro

They don't really need any divine assistance, FInder Wyvernspur didn't really have any divine assistance when he destroyed Moander. And i believe Moander was more than a demi power.

He had Tymora's assistance. It is speculated that it was her revenge for the corruption of Tyche.

And it has been explicitly stated, more than once, that divine assistance is required for a mortal to slay a deity.

Candlekeep Forums Moderator

Candlekeep - The Library of Forgotten Realms Lore
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I am the Giant Space Hamster of Ill Omen!

Edited by - Wooly Rupert on 18 Oct 2007 15:57:15
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50 Posts

Posted - 18 Oct 2007 :  16:04:35  Show Profile  Visit Kheris's Homepage Send Kheris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Chataro

They don't really need any divine assistance, FInder Wyvernspur didn't really have any divine assistance when he destroyed Moander. And i believe Moander was more than a demi power.

He had Tymora's assistance. It is speculated that it was her revenge for the corruption of Tyche.

And it has been explicitly stated, more than once, that divine assistance is required for a mortal to slay a deity.

Well then, you need a deity willing to help... Perhaps the Seldarine would have someone willing to lend a hand?

You just need that and the Scepter of the Sorcerer Kings hidden in a candy gram...
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Charles Phipps
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 18 Oct 2007 :  16:09:31  Show Profile  Visit Charles Phipps's Homepage Send Charles Phipps a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If you want to slay Lolth, here's the following things you need to do.

* Get the backing of Elistrae or one of the Seldarine (like Shelvaresh)
* Get an artifact like the Scepter of the Sorcerer Kings or other awesomely powerful device.
* either attack her when she's weakest (like during the Silence or Troubles)
* Help raise an army to start destroying her followers. Maybe get an army of Devas to invade the Demonweb pits.

But yeah, Queen of the Demonweb Pits is pretty inaccurate now but the basic gist behind it and Vault of the Drow should allow you to put an end to the Spider Queen.

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50 Posts

Posted - 18 Oct 2007 :  16:19:44  Show Profile  Visit Kheris's Homepage Send Kheris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Charles Phipps

If you want to slay Lolth, here's the following things you need to do.

* Get the backing of Elistrae or one of the Seldarine (like Shelvaresh)
* Get an artifact like the Scepter of the Sorcerer Kings or other awesomely powerful device.
* either attack her when she's weakest (like during the Silence or Troubles)
* Help raise an army to start destroying her followers. Maybe get an army of Devas to invade the Demonweb pits.

But yeah, Queen of the Demonweb Pits is pretty inaccurate now but the basic gist behind it and Vault of the Drow should allow you to put an end to the Spider Queen.

Charles, is it wrong that I picture the Scepter being hidden in a wrapped, spring-loaded giftbox?

Because I am, and that image is making me think of a commercial for Raid.

*Lloth slinks down to a corner of her web, shaking from the addition of a present*

"Don't open until Midwinter? From my secret admirer?" *shaking the gift, looking around*

"Pfft... Like anyone will know..." *Lloth opens the gift*

*sproing* "RAAAAIIID?!" *boom*

Perhaps I need more coffee... Or sleep.
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