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Mace Hammerhand
Great Reader

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Posted - 30 Aug 2006 :  21:24:16  Show Profile  Visit Mace Hammerhand's Homepage Send Mace Hammerhand a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well, he could've landed in some opera house and endured an entire 4 hour long performance about peace and love and good happiness stuff. That would've been funny and...well...funny

Mace's not so gentle gamer's journal My rants were harmless compared to this, beware!
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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 01 Sep 2006 :  14:24:29  Show Profile  Visit TobyKikami's Homepage Send TobyKikami a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mace Hammerhand

Well, he could've landed in some opera house and endured an entire 4 hour long performance about peace and love and good happiness stuff. That would've been funny and...well...funny

It has been said that being turned into a drider is the worst punishment that can be exacted on one of Menzoberranzan's drow. Untrue. The high priestesses have perfected the art of uttering unintelligible shrieking sounds that burn the ears and send disrupting shivers through the spine, much like the famed "quivering palm" of some clerical warriors. They call it opera.
-Drizzt Do'Urden, from Tymora's Luck

Personally, I liked this one the least of the series. I'd found interesting scenes in the other books that "made up" for any gripes (i.e. godly slugfest vs. Amazing Planeshifting Jeggred), but I didn't find anything equivalent to make up for nitpicks like Feliane transforming into a drow. Though that might have been because I'd gotten spoilers and was out to find things wrong with it.
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Mace Hammerhand
Great Reader

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Posted - 01 Sep 2006 :  14:35:11  Show Profile  Visit Mace Hammerhand's Homepage Send Mace Hammerhand a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by TobyKikami
It has been said that being turned into a drider is the worst punishment that can be exacted on one of Menzoberranzan's drow. Untrue. The high priestesses have perfected the art of uttering unintelligible shrieking sounds that burn the ears and send disrupting shivers through the spine, much like the famed "quivering palm" of some clerical warriors. They call it opera.
-Drizzt Do'Urden, from Tymora's Luck

There is Drizzt in Tymora's Luck???

Mace's not so gentle gamer's journal My rants were harmless compared to this, beware!
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 01 Sep 2006 :  16:47:05  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Mace Hammerhand

Originally posted by TobyKikami
It has been said that being turned into a drider is the worst punishment that can be exacted on one of Menzoberranzan's drow. Untrue. The high priestesses have perfected the art of uttering unintelligible shrieking sounds that burn the ears and send disrupting shivers through the spine, much like the famed "quivering palm" of some clerical warriors. They call it opera.
-Drizzt Do'Urden, from Tymora's Luck

There is Drizzt in Tymora's Luck???

Only that quote. The book has, in each section, a quote about opera. To quote Jeff Grubb, from something I found somewhere online:


Imagine my surprise that the use of the opera quotes in "Tymora's Luck" would kick off a firestorm of discussion, particularly since Raistlin's quote was one of the few that said something NICE about Opera.

A bit of explanation. When Kate and I started in on Tymora's Luck, we had the idea of being a big Wagnerian sort of to-do, very Sturm and Drang (Now I'll get letters for exploiting Sturm). I should say, very operetic. So we divided up the story much like an opera. Then, as a lark, we contacted all the other original creators for quotes by their characters on opera - Bob, Margaret, Ed, Elaine, Zeb, and Tracy (They're thanked in the book, but thanks again, folks). Rather than make up words for Raistlin, we went to the source and asked MARGARET for a bon mot from our gold-skinned friend.

Anyway, all the quotes were used but one. The editor thought one particular quote was not appropriate for either the Realms or Krynn. Tracy did it, and for the first time anywhere, I will reveal it - The Hickman-written Opera Quote, from our favorite forgetful wizard:

"There is no greater fan of Opera than I! Opera is insightful! Opera explores the human condition! Opera's weight has fluctuated from time to time, but I think that is all part of the fun of watching her. Opera is a powerful force in media. I never miss a show even if the subject is "My dwarven lover hates that I'm an Elf, on the next Opera!" Opera may be an acquired taste (just like chicken) but I'll be her fan so long as her ratings are still good."--Fizban the Fabulous

Have fun, guys.

Jeff G.

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Posted - 08 Jan 2007 :  11:53:21  Show Profile  Visit Carcharoth's Homepage Send Carcharoth a Private Message  Reply with Quote

WUt UP Home BookIES?!! Right well if you do a trace on my net connection you shall find I am out of your reach unless you somehow want to come to my boring state. At any rate I am disappointed I got no feedback on my sage writ... Was it too much of a rant? Did the frankness offend? I hate to say it but it was a WAYYYY **** off novel- And yes I have the right to Dis it Those spoil sports got my Big dollar Hard back clams.

I want to know why he changes from a unstoppable force who rips through the first book - Only cowardly Magic users can hit him - and then becomes a Fat slow moving clueless fool who is nearly slain by some large forest creature - then later he is wasted by THAT HATEFUL and Disgusting / sick / gross / morbid Demon. ? !!! that was soooo lame!!! I am going to sue Wizards / and the authors for their character defamation of their character that I grew fond of...


Anyhow the book was ok but the first held so much potential then it went up and down and in the end YOU EVESERATED MY BOY

how can I get a Ryld Novel or appearance when you freaks split his guts open on a logger bar room board deck...?

RIght well I do not know where else I can go on this Tirade - If i do it at 'work' it would not get much play...


Hello everyone! Ok let me say I liked the books in some parts very much. And, on the other hand I detested them and quickly skimmed over these sicko portions. But, having made the investment into the character of Ryld I decided to persevere the disgusting, sickening, and all together evil vile parts... but let's just say I may have speed read them a bit...

Right my whole memory is a skewed since it has been a while since I read them, but I think Ryld started as a great hero and ended as a rather ordinary, if moderately skilled, fighter.

In the start he was the Weapon Master the best of the fighters in a city of the hundreds and hundreds of years spanned as a fighter. He slaughtered Hobgoblins like cheesedogs when escaping a house in the poor section of the city. Also, in the first book he went WARRIOR FOCUS KILL CRAZY and wasted some fighters and a Drider that had him cornered unarmed! The first book rocked!

And then the other goof ball writers have him torn by a troll! What are you thinking? A forest troll is faster and out feints a Master of Feints who has fought for hundreds of years?! He should know every subtle guise in the manual! Do you not think in those hundreds of years he did not have to defend his life against hired thugs, summoned monsters, and the best of assassins who wanted to have his job given to another!?!

The book was soooo irritating! He was so much more experienced and better trained then the spaz out Demon. There is no WAY the Ryld of the first book would die to the Drow Half Demon. If they had to kill him they could of at least done so via some great Paladin / Ranger / Group of Goody Powerful Druids who happen upon him after soundly beating the Drow Demon. I don't know- throw in some hidden Cult of the Dragon Wizards building a stronghold in the swamp. Just Give me somebody worthy to kill him! Well, it was too late then; they already insulted him with a troll and pseudo bear thing beating

The book made me sick. It was pulp garbage. Oh and yes I have written better. Sorry my name is not going to be said in this writ. All right all right the book had a few moments it was not sooo bad but come on he gets whipped by a troll and some kind of ridiculous weird bear!

I tell you what- if you had a guy win the Olympics in Judo and then told me the same guy was beat up in a parking lot the next day I'd think:

1- It was at least two criminals with guns. Who then hit him with the butt end of an all metal pistol.


2- You are lying and wanted your country to win the medal.

...and there are no guns in this fantasy.

The Hounds of Hellish Ethos hunger for red splash alone. The open field becomes an open wound a gaping mash of filth and steel hulks with their sweet smelling roasted carcasses- and here you thought war was a sweet white march.

Mod Edit: Please watch your language and observe the "Forum Code of Conduct"

The Hounds of Hellish Ethos hunger for red splash alone. The open field becomes an open wound a gaping mash of filth and steel hulks with their sweet smelling roasted carcasses- and here you thought war was a sweet white march.

Edited by - The Sage on 08 Jan 2007 13:11:14
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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 08 Jan 2007 :  12:06:30  Show Profile Send Ergdusch a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It might not be my place to say so - but you should ease down on your wording a bit and propably read the Code of Conduct again. So much for that....

As for the inconsistency in Ryld fighting provess - it can be explained, to some extent at least, by his new surroundings. He is not used to the world above. He has trained for hundred years to be the best in the underdark after all. that might be some irritating factor.

Besides - in books some heroes just have to die to bring the story along!!!! And moreover - Ryld was not one of the main, or I should rather say, one othe the important characters in this series!


"Das Gras weht im Wind, wenn der Wind weht."

Edited by - Ergdusch on 08 Jan 2007 16:05:07
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Charles Phipps
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 08 Jan 2007 :  13:04:38  Show Profile  Visit Charles Phipps's Homepage Send Charles Phipps a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I liked that Jeggred was as powerful and frightening as he should have been. Its why I was annoyed Quenthel survived.

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