I'm running this module now on a PBP on Paizo's forums set in Greyhawk. I acquired the module in electronic form last year (which is why I'm running it). I'd like to run it in the Realms some time.
Any advice on where to set it? I'd like to set it in the South of Faerun. Some place where the winters are softer. I don't want to set it in the Mere of Dead Men.
Yeah, the Mhair and Black Jungles on the Chultan peninsula are rife with snake folk.
I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City would work perfectly in Chult. It's set in a jungle area (originally Hepmonaland in the World of Greyhawk). I1 introduced the yuan-ti. Yeah, I also have the Vilhon Reach accessory for 2e and Serpent Kingdoms for 3e, so I'm aware that Hlondeth is a stronghold for the Yuan-ti, but the Jungles of Chult could have a number of them.
Perhaps I can string both together. Orlane could be a Chondathian outpost in Chult. (I also have the Jungles of Chult FR sourcebook). Other than the pterra-men (pterrafolk) of Chult, it's possible to put a stronghold of Yuan-ti (the forbidden city) in Chult. Chult's big enough (FR is plenty big). Just need to brainstorm an adventure that will take the players from 3rd level to 5th level, so that they could be ready to brave the Forbidden City.