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 [Craig Vincent] My general thread and maps
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Posted - 14 Oct 2021 :  07:16:40  Show Profile  Visit Divinity's Homepage Send Divinity a Private Message  Reply with Quote
It's 3/3.5e with later edition additions if those additions would either go back to the 1370's or are part of an area not previously detailed and thus not really overwriting anything 3e.

- Craig Vincent
My Faerūn Continent Map
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Zeromaru X
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2493 Posts

Posted - 14 Oct 2021 :  14:13:21  Show Profile Send Zeromaru X a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I see. The map seems pretty well done, but since I don't play in that time period, I don't have an use for it. Thanks for answering, anyways.

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Great Reader

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Posted - 15 Oct 2021 :  06:26:21  Show Profile Send Brimstone a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I really enjoy looking at that map. Well done. I even saved a copy to my Google Drive.

"These things also I have observed: that knowledge of our world is
to be nurtured like a precious flower, for it is the most precious
thing we have. Wherefore guard the word written and heed
words unwritten and set them down ere they fade . . . Learn
then, well, the arts of reading, writing, and listening true, and they
will lead you to the greatest art of all: understanding."
Alaundo of Candlekeep
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53 Posts

Posted - 01 Dec 2021 :  19:32:26  Show Profile  Visit Divinity's Homepage Send Divinity a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Seravin

Love these maps! Thank you for sharing.

Gang - on the subject of maps, are there any in the public domain of both the Eastern and Western Heartlands that have most cities on them and roads? I am not finding a good one that I can have printed and made into a picture board for my mancave.

Thank you.

I learned something interesting during the creation of this last Faerūn map and that was how different groups perceive the map. Posting the map here was very much about the information on the map - what was right, wrong, missing, its edition, etc; while the feedback I got from the Cartographers' Guild was nearly exclusively how it was made and what it looked like - style, fonts, textures, etc. It's certainly not an artistic masterpiece like the stuff that gets posted there - that stuff is crazy amazing and is more art than useful map in most instances. But I also didn't make it for the art, I made it to be useful so it may not be something that someone prints for their wall as much as uses actively as a resource. That said! I did photoshop it onto one of my walls and I think it looks pretty alright.

I've recently started following a guy called Impractical Cartographer. I'm not sure if he comes here or not but if you do say hi! I love your hand-drawn maps!
@ImpracticalCar1 on Twitter
MapyNiepraktyczne on Deviant Art where you can download some of his things.
He draws Warhammer and FR maps by hand then adds the wording digitally. He works in English and... some other languages(s). He definitely does work worth printing (and people do print it).

All that said, I've started remapping the whole continent again. This time I won't have much of the research since I've already done it! It's still really early in its progress but its style will be more 'drawn' and have a much flatter feel. It should make labels pop more and its 20k wide size will allow me to get into more detail, especially around placing locations.

Here's an example of the very early land progress at 100% view.

- Craig Vincent
My Faerūn Continent Map
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53 Posts

Posted - 15 Dec 2021 :  20:11:45  Show Profile  Visit Divinity's Homepage Send Divinity a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The map is coming along well, however, I've decided on one huge change and that's to map each city individually. It's obviously going to take a lot more time now to research each city's shape and what gates lead to which roads and trails.

Check out the progress here:

- Craig Vincent
My Faerūn Continent Map
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53 Posts

Posted - 24 Dec 2021 :  01:21:45  Show Profile  Visit Divinity's Homepage Send Divinity a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I took a break from drawing roads and cities - I'd only gotten into the Savage Frontier - and I started labeling locations. Connecting roads to gates is actually tricker than I thought. Not everything connects as easily as it'd seem sometimes. I've also found a bunch of mistakes on my first map as I re-research everything. It's going to take forever though. I may do it region by region and break it into smaller regional maps that I put out until I'm done with the whole thing.

- Craig Vincent
My Faerūn Continent Map
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George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 24 Dec 2021 :  23:46:37  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
If you ever need a Realms spellcheck help etc, let me know. Love your work.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Posted - 26 Dec 2021 :  11:36:00  Show Profile Send Grievous a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is just fantastic stuff, Divinity. Thanks for sharing!
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Rakshak the Tall

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Posted - 03 Jan 2022 :  18:47:17  Show Profile Send Rakshak the Tall a Private Message  Reply with Quote
This is beautiful! Your previous Faerun map is one of my all time favorites, and I love the previews of your new ones!

If you are willing, I would love to see Valshada and Traispek added to the Calimshan map, near their locations on HandsomeRob's map. The two locations are from the 2e adventure "On Wings of Darkness," from Dungeon magazine #34. Again, though, thank you for your amazing work on this!

> I am in the garden <
> The garden is in the pool <
> The pool is in the box <
> The box is in my hand <
> And I am in the garden <
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53 Posts

Posted - 04 Jan 2022 :  06:30:14  Show Profile  Visit Divinity's Homepage Send Divinity a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Rakshak the Tall

This is beautiful! Your previous Faerun map is one of my all time favorites, and I love the previews of your new ones!

If you are willing, I would love to see Valshada and Traispek added to the Calimshan map, near their locations on HandsomeRob's map. The two locations are from the 2e adventure "On Wings of Darkness," from Dungeon magazine #34. Again, though, thank you for your amazing work on this!

Thank you, I appreciate it. I'll certainly keep these locations in mind for the new map. Thanks for pointing them out.

- Craig Vincent
My Faerūn Continent Map
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 04 Jan 2022 :  06:32:00  Show Profile  Visit PattPlays's Homepage Send PattPlays a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I want to praise this road from Everlund to Silverymoon because the faint white lines I saw on other sources took the traveler off course for miles up and into the mountains, where there was an Inn. I have an NPC booking it on a harper v zhentarim mission and I imagined how much of a hassle it would be setting up a spare horse in the barren fields beneath the elevated terrain. Your map cuts the exact course that I had imagined she would have been bushwhacking through before. Good to know that my impulse was on target!

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Learned Scribe

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Posted - 01 May 2022 :  07:55:30  Show Profile Send deserk a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Really like this map. Not sure if you're still working on it, but I noticed in the Shining South (3E) book, there are some additional features shown in the Shaar and the Shining Lands, which are not present in other maps of Faerun.

Western Shaar: River Firesteap (the name), River Pelevar

Eastern Shaar: River Uthangol, Rift River, River Shaundaular, Toadsquat River, River Azulduth

Shining Lands: Unnamed river from Dustwall Mts. to Huorm, unnamed river from Gundar to Curna Mts., hills around Myrmyr

It seems as well Kolapur & the Gundar river is placed on the wrong side of the Gundar forest on your current map, and that the Dustwall Mts. & Giant's Belt are much larger and closer to the coastline.
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53 Posts

Posted - 13 Jun 2022 :  01:14:11  Show Profile  Visit Divinity's Homepage Send Divinity a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The main map layout I used was mostly based off the 3e continent map. I spent a very long time researching dozens (maybe a hundred or more) maps and sources from canon to non-canon in an effort to place things in the most correct places - and when correct wasn't possible, most likely to be the most correct. I did add one river from the Shining South maps, but I then went back to remove it. Unfortunately, I had already done terrain details that made it look odd with it removed, so I replaced it and moved on. Those other rivers may or may not be there, but I chose not to include them due to them not being other places and some other details on the Shining South Maps that kept me from feeling they were as accurate as other sources.

In regards to the Forest of Gundar and Kolapur, I spent many hours at least two different times studying this part of the world, and as far as I decided, the Shining South maps weren't correct. The 3e Faerun map had the river going to the wrong bay which made a mess of things. When I went back to earlier editions it was much clearer how the river came to the sea. This was verified by pictures I found of Ed's hand-drawn map.

I'm not still working on my first version, but I am poking away here and there at my second version. Most of the northern sword coast to the anauroch is detailed. Long ways to go still as I have to research each place again as I go so I know how big to represent it or how the city needs to be drawn.

Thank you for caring enough to point those things out though. I appreciate people looking for mistakes so I can fix them on the next map or explain why I did what I did.

- Craig Vincent
My Faerūn Continent Map

Edited by - Divinity on 13 Jun 2022 01:16:35
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