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Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jun 2020 : 02:39:49
Danthos Wavesilver (LN HM Aris4) A young noble of House Wavesilver. Sailed with the crew of the Dreaming Sun for the Far Lands of Anchōromé. Killed in battle with the corsairs of the Sea-Spanning Armada, at the Seige of The Last Harbor.
The Daring Men of Delimbyr Well-known adventuring fellowship. Led by the cavalier Imshrae "Bright-of-Blee." Last seen riding towards the Far Forest and the Nether-hold known as Hänkathra (where spell-sealed doors still hold fast the crumbling riches of an elder realm, and The Maid of Strange Shapes stalks about on what the elves call cenadlatha, or "ill-winds"). The most enthusiastic of the Men, the warrior Hethlorn (far-famed for sporting the starry pelt of the lammasu Nemmernanther Frost-Spangled, which warmed his shoulders and snarled the most monstrous phrases at passerby), famously told the assembled taproom of the Bowels of the Earth that if they did not return in a years time, to mourn them not but, rather, seek their accumulated treasures "by the Standing Fist." Given that incredibly vague hint, it is presumed that their cache still lies undisturbed.
Dulthast Retired sellsword. Had a long and somewhat-profitable (mostly through looting) career in the Western Heartlands. Settled down to a cottage and a wife and a dozen children outside of Amphail. Author of A Well-Worn Whetstone: Twenty Years of Spilled Blood (includes a personal account of fighting at the ruins of Dragonspear).
Dulun Juthboots (LN HaM) Proprietor of Nob Nar Laughed, a Snail Street tankard house named for a line in the famed Hin song, The Ballad of Nob Nar. Has a serving staff of two sons, three daughters, and seven other Hin recently arrived from the Purple Hills of Tethyr. A fourth daughter, Bellithbow, is an acolyte at the Shrines of Nature.
Dumpledown the Red (CN GM B4) The Russet Rakehell, The Demagogue of Dock Ward. One of the most infamous of the city's advocates (paid orators who will appear in Lord's Court with an accused and give advice and speak and engage in debate with the magisters and the assembled court). A close confidant of Mloros Tharvast (the owner and printer of On My Word as a Sage, one of the city's more bawdy and salacious broadsheets).
Darrambur Sultlue [ Source: Ed Greenwood Presents: Elminter's Forgotten Realms, p.130. Name/Description given ]
Dethnar Ruldegost [ Source: A 03/29/13 posting to the message boards by Ed Greenwood. Name/Description given ]
Dundelmer and Trioth Phull [ Source: A 09/21/05 posting to the message boards by Ed Greenwood. Name/Description given ]
Edited by - AJA on 16 Jun 2020 02:41:09 |
Skilled Spell Strategist
11981 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jun 2020 : 15:47:17
quote: Originally posted by AJA
Olaun Utham A native of Chondath and a champion equestrian and "brightlance" (professional jouster). Has a fine-trimmed blond beard and moustache, and wears expensive southern fashions. Noted for his near insatiable love of gambling, food, ale, horses, and women. He has won many jousting titles and races at the Field of Triumph, where he is popularly known as "the Golden Rider." He has lodgings at the villa of his noble patrons, the Bladesemmers.
Olayo of Deneir (LG HM B1) Son of a Velenese sea captain. Olayo was raised by priests of Deneir after his father's death at sea, and trained as a scrivener and initiate of the Lorelord. He is also a passable singer and musician (he prefers the Mintarn twostring). Can be hired at The Swords Rest in Trades Ward, to transcribe/translate documents or as an extra swordarm on an adventure (he knows little of weapons and combat, but has always yearned to see Faerūn and live the tales of great heroes).
Old Greengnaw The animate head of one of the dragon turtles slain in the Battle of Waterdeep Harbor. While its' shell was auctioned to a half-dozen jewelers, the meat sold to the Guild of Butchers and its' innards taken by the Watchful Order, the imposing caput itself was claimed by Calathia Frost of the Mermaid's Arms, as battle-spoils. It was enchanted to snarl and gnash its' beak and hung for a time over the rebuilding festhall but eventually disappeared, stolen by unknown agents. The disembodied head of "Old Greengnaw" still pops up from time to time across the city, frightening fishwives and late-night passerby in what most believe are pranks committed by bardlings from New Olamn.
Old Shadowheart The Witch of the Wards. A popular figure in the folklore of the city. Tales of Old Shadowheart are numerous, and mostly designed to scare young children, or to provide cautionary tales about wandering about in dark alleys or abandoned buildings. "The Witch of the Wards" is a hulking, cackling old crone who haunts the dark places of the city and is always accompanied by creeping fog and wild alleycats. Her lair, where she takes all her captured children, is said to be a cave somewhere on the slopes of Mount Waterdeep.
Old Zzrauldyna The Three-Mawed Terror of the Troll Hills. A creature of common legend in the tales of the city. Mirt the Moneylender often claims to have battled it.
Those last 3 are all great, and I may come back later for them... oh and Mirt lies. |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jun 2020 : 00:42:06
quote: Originally posted by sleyvas Those last 3 are all great, and I may come back later for them... oh and Mirt lies.
The trick is not in knowing that Mirt lies; the trick is in catching him in that lie. 
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jun 2020 : 00:47:04
MISC'LLANEA "I do love these ancient ruins. We never tread upon them but we set Our foot upon some reverend history." (John Webster, The Tragedy of the Dutchesse of Malfy, 1623)
The Lake of the Long Table In the soft, wooded hills of the western High Forest, a ways south-and-east of the remnants of Lost Lothen, is the lake the elves of old named Marlanthorel (and sometimes, in the writings of that age, as "Ylabell's Long-Table"). Close by the western shore here is an ancient sort of stone altar, or table and basin, formed of hardstone and moss-agate, positioned in such a manner to perfectly capture upon itself that first high orange glow of the morning that the elves call anathorein, said to empower enchantments relating to warmth, and silence, and transparity (purity, as relates to springs, and lakes, and rivers). It is carved with ivy and branching tree-trunk, and runes relating to Aerdrie Faenya and Felarathael, and ones referencing it's construction by agents of the Aryvandaar Empire, sometime after the First Crown War.
Splendelwalk Castle That half-toppled mound of old, mossy stones, tall weeds and vibrant fiddle-fern that was once a noble retreat of Phalorm; also once known in song and verse as Bright-Summer (and now better sung of as "Those pale ruins where bright hopes are fled, and courtyard and hall now lie, trod only by the dead"). Many of the still-extant chambers below have been cloaked in lasting antipathy/sympathy spells, seemingly at random, laid down in some sort of bizarre experiment by the beast-melders and naturalists of the Norlathiir (The Followers of Norlath, or "The Shapers In Silence and Seekers of A New Way," cast out of Amn), who made the underground their residence for a time, before they too were slain and scattered by the very creatures they lured here. Aside from whatever paraphernalia the Norlathiir unwillingly left behind, the ruins of Splendelwalk are also said to still keep both The Sere-sword (The Sword of Horrid Wilting) and Nrusker's Fulvid Coat, both of them battle-trophies seized by the ancient lords of Phalorm from their orcish enemies. More recently, there is heavy rumor that the catacombs are also currently host to The Rod of Wond'rous Energy (a potent artifact of the Morninglord's faith), hurriedly stashed there by denizens fleeing the field of battle at Dragonspear.
Hauruluntaur [Horrel-LUN-taur] The Starbridge, Where the Gods Go to Gaze Upon the World. Located on the seventh and final snowy ledge far above the treeline of Mount Vision. Little known outside of the aarakocra of the Star Mounts (who refer to it as the place "Where Chikurra and K'ooriall First Made Roost" and, though a holy place, take care to avoid it, and do not send their elementals there either as they swiftly lose control of them), initiated faithful of both Mystra and Angharradh (who also consider it an elder holy place of their respective faiths), and those fortunate enough to possess an original copy of Rastrarr's Things Not Generally Known (later editions of which including the one housed within Candlekeep all seem to be missing the following passage: "on that high aerial peak where stands the visionary stone, cold and azurine, which presents its sooths, glittering and thin, burnt and blackened, etched forevermore upon the psyche and the soul of those foolhardy enough to survive the journey upwards in search of it").
The Old Woman A steep-sided hillock of deep ravine and grey-green foliage, slumped on the shoulder of Faethuskra, the easternmost mount of the Lost Peaks. High on one side can be found the occurrence known as "The Eyes of the Old Woman" (phantasmal manifestations of gold and red, glimmerings in the dark, visible from afar; unexplained gatherings of will-o-wisps and faerie-flies dancing in the fading light of cool Autumn evenings). Low on the north-western flank of the hill arches the giant green spray of the Mallonmluir [MAL-lon-LOOR], a huge old durmast-oak that has rooted itself in the yellow rock and scree here. Its' roots surface in great tangled loops and knots, forming dark hiding-places for dunstripe (slevvercat) and dire vole. Faint carvings in the rock reveal an ancient dwarf-door, and through that a smoothed shaft hewn in the earth heading down into the depths. This passage soon opens into a square-pillared chamber, bare and blackened, with a low, arched vault overhead. The chamber itself is pierced with a few badger-warrens of the type used by gnomefolk and holds only an altar and a few plundered tombs, marked with the vulgarities of the goblinfolk. Despoilers and seekers alike have sometimes reported of being randomly assaulted by variations of ball lightning; whether this is connected to the nearby will-o-wisps or is a fading defense mechanism of the Stout Folk or something else entirely is thus far unknown.
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jun 2020 : 03:49:08
And another nada, zilch, zero, this time to the Z's (Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead)
Zaerth Mellimyn (CN HM) A successful investor and land-owner in the city. Zaerth is currently part-owner in a business importing massive blocks of psaedros from quarries in the Moonshaes. Enamored of the stone's pink-and-mauve coloring (indeed, he habitually wears clothing dyed to match), he aspires to see it replace marble and hardstone (granite) as the city's most commonly used decorative stone. He has, of course, ordered the facade of his own mansion refurbished, entirely sheathing it in psaedros (after which his unfortunate neighbors promptly re-named it the "Mighty Mauve Misfourtune"). Rotund and fat-fingered, with a high, nervous sort of laugh.
Zanph the Gleg Fat, easygoing. Clever and sharp-tongued. Author of the popular lowbrow chapbooks, "Luskan Chamberpots" (references the ancient but still exceedingly popular Waterdhavian joke, "how many Luskars does it take to empty a chamberpot?"). The chapbooks are full of similar simple insults, low limericks and coarse characterizations, and target mainly barbarians, Amnians (especially Amnian merchants) and the aforementioned inhabitants of the City of Sails.
Zanthus Greencloak (LN HM Aris3/W9) Member of the Knights Errant adventuring fellowship. A tall, highly intelligent, scholarly mage, educated in some of Silverymoon's finest schools. Hoplessly in love with Aleena Paladinstar, he could not bring himself to tell her of his affections until he gathered enough money and social respect to ask her father, Piergeiron, for her hand. Unfortunately, his quest for social standing suffered frequent setbacks due to his associations with the Knights. Calm and stoic to the point of bursting, he often took out his pent-up angers out on the foes he fought, with the aid of a pair of Netherese blast scepters named Null and Void. Died in the Dungeon of the Crypt, killed by the mage Maaril.
Zaun Orl A southern spellcaster of fierce powers and fell reputation. Travelled in the company of a guard of no less than seven helmed horrors. Consigned to the Meandering Manyrealms, a theoretically endless string of extra-planar mazes crafted by the mad Netherese archmage Relvrammeth. It is believed that Zaun Orl still remains trapped in the Manyrealms, where he seeks a means of escape and plots revenge against his imprisoners, the sorceress Belshareen Azurean and the rest of the Knights Errant adventurers. His spellbooks, the self-titled Zaun Thaumadex, were stolen after his disappearance by the thief Bexell "Silkenfingers," and sold to an unknown bidder in the eastern Realms.
Zeburon (LN HM F8) The once-and-again guardian of the sorceress Belshareen Azurean, the Lady Mage of Lion Street. Tall and well-muscled, with strong, scarred features. Kept his head shaved, which accented his high forehead and dark, piercing eyes. A former slave and gladiator in the Blood Arena of Manshaka. Had his tongue removed for transgressions against his former masters. Unshakeably loyal to his mistress, who delivered him from his captivity. After his 1372DR death at the hands (and slaying spells) of Thayan death mages he was reconstituted into a (still mute, still towering) construct whose mottled form glows like living coals. He continues to wear his gauntlets of ogre strength and to wield the giant, curved-and-crimson-hilted Blade of Almbrahad (a weapon of ancient Jhaamdathan make which provides clear thought and freedom from outside influences akin to the powers of a ring of free action and an amulet of mind protection).
Zantravas Rolovantar [ Source: The novel Silverfall: Stories of the Seven Sisters, p.115. Name/Occupation given ]
Zarorn Maerklos [ Source: A 02/04/20 Twitter reply to @TheEdVerse by Ed Greenwood. Name/Description given ]
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jun 2020 : 03:57:23
The Water Läl (now better known as "The Grey Ripple" of Mintipur Moonsilver's Back Through the Old Woods) Born from obscure origins in a deep-spring nestled in the wooded highlands south-and-west of fallen Mhiilamniir. First comes to note wending its lazy way through the busy, noisome wood commonly called The Blackbird Broods (or Ilseiyador, the "Shadow Trills" of the elves, where once fought, and fell, Alsūndrae, a hero of the The Seven Citadels' War whose arrows, pinioned by the radiant tresses of a goddess, never failed to find their mark nor slay thrice their number when loosed in battle) before turning sharply eastwards in passing the stony notch of Maélandra's Vault, where the headless figures of elf and dwarf, now worn and defaced, struggle to maintan their lonely guard, and then cascading over the low rocky falls of the Ereglint (The Falls of Light Laughter), where woodland fae of various types still gather, but is now considered a prime hunting and fishing spot for nearby tribes of gnoll (Xul-Ugar, Three-Notch Jawbone, ordered by Gnaagnakh the Great, "Gasher of Flesh and Gnawer of Foe," who bathe in the river here as a show of strength despite dogmatic gnollish views about self-cleansing; and Vruulkug, Banded-Stripes, led by Pack-Mother Zagknashra "Wrinkle-Jaws," whose warrens are secured behind a variety of cunning traps and pits) and swiftly finishing its journey southward again to meet the Delimbyr at Orūlshold, the rocky tor in the low foothills nigh the Greypeaks where The House Between The Waters, mastered by Orūlast (Old Orūl or Orūl Owl-Eyed, who was framed in ebon and silver, gilded and broken, and armed with those pale scrolls that commanded the fates of life and death) once stood proud.
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jun 2020 : 04:46:13
quote: Originally posted by sleyvas
quote: Originally posted by AJA
"What are enchanters?
My lad, enchanters are those who shape the sun as it moves across the sky Those who place flash and sparkle upon the brook as it flows Those who etch patterns on a new blanket of snow, shadowy and faint Those who hurl the stars through the black void of Night
Enchanters are those who bring forth all the sweet of the world And that which would otherwise be but dimming memory in a joyless dream." Dulspiira the Azureous said to one of her apprentices on the eve of the Autumn-Weavings Year of the Old Giant, 1111DR
that was really pretty. Hopefully her apprentice wasn't infatuated with her as young boys are wont to be.
Oh, there were many lads and lasses who were so smitten, especially in her younger and more effervescent days. Unfortunately for them, Dulspiira always maintained strict personal prohibitions against that sort of thing, viewing it as a particular hindrance towards the nurturing and training of those given into her care by the Mother of Magic. "If you really and truly care for them, then use that passion and energy in teaching them to love the Art, not thyself," as she was known to say (while giving a whole lotta side-eye to those wizards who made habit of romancing their younger, highly-impressionable students).
Also, I'm bringing this back up now because I'm in a private discussion on the matter of "that's not what enchanters are," and I'm torn between whether the proper response should be;
Dulspiira is the one who cleared the grey, acid heavens and won the day at The Battle of Bending Skies; Who trained close to three-score whelps in the ways of the Art, with not a-one falling to the dark lures of tyranny or necromancy; Who planted her staff firmly in the burnt and blackened heath at Elkantor and spoke the enchantments which ended in the elven "eleth änna ebran" ("I will not waver"), as she faced down Varaulashtar "The Black Smoke of Ruin" singlehanded; Who, as a weaveghost, circled about the casters at Faer'tel'miir lending them her energy, and, in the final moments, gladly gave up her afterlife in support of the Blackstaff's vision of "A World That Could Be."
So, I trust her words over yours. Your vision of the Art is far too narrow, and revealingly classicist, and obviously tainted by the pervasive brainwashings of rigid old pedants like Vangerdahast and Maskar Wands! Faerūn is larger than your feeble attempts to categorize and bind it!
Sez you. I've got that unreliably-narrating bastard Elminster sitting on my futon right now, and he's eating all my dill pickles and Haribo gummi bears and Ben and Jerry's cinnamon-buns ice cream, and he's giving me two thumbs (and a full-scoop) up, so there.
Skilled Spell Strategist
11981 Posts |
Posted - 28 Jun 2020 : 19:40:07
Hey, AJA, take a look at the "silly contest - bad names" thread. I caught an idea to make one NPC and it turned into a whole team. Its very much based on my idea of ellefolk/arak/shadow elves from the "shadow rift" module as having a different group that escaped to Selune long ago, so I figured I'd put it in a different thread, but there's a little tip to one of your NPC's in there.
Oh, and as to the previous question... definitely the first response
now I'm off to google some of that to figure out which names are yours and which are canon. Faer'tel'miir is so ringing bells, and I know not why. |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Edited by - sleyvas on 28 Jun 2020 19:49:34 |
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 29 Jun 2020 : 03:38:05
quote: Originally posted by sleyvas now I'm off to google some of that to figure out which names are yours and which are canon. Faer'tel'miir is so ringing bells, and I know not why.
Faer'tel'miir was "ringing bells" all across the Weave when it was transformed into Rhymanthiin (Hidden City of Hope) at the end of the novel Blackstaff. The rest are made up. Bending Skies I figured to be a battle against the Army of Darkness. Elkantor was briefly name-dropped back on page 15 (12 Nov 2019 with Eric L. Boyd follow-up). Varaulashtar could be either red or black wyrm (or perhaps planar fiend?).
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 29 Jun 2020 : 03:42:43
(Blame Ed)
There is a place in Waterdeep They call Undermount'n Its been the doom of many a swordhand And Torm I know I'm one
My mother was a spellthief She stole from mage and priest And met her doom on Level Three Downed by spell-less beast
Now the only thing a delver wants Is to plunder and get paid But the honest truth of venturing You'll just end up unmade
Oh mother you didn't tell me Not to do what you had done Spend short life in desperate misery In the halls called Undermount'n
Skilled Spell Strategist
11981 Posts |
Posted - 29 Jun 2020 : 11:52:50
quote: Originally posted by AJA
quote: Originally posted by sleyvas now I'm off to google some of that to figure out which names are yours and which are canon. Faer'tel'miir is so ringing bells, and I know not why.
Faer'tel'miir was "ringing bells" all across the Weave when it was transformed into Rhymanthiin (Hidden City of Hope) at the end of the novel Blackstaff. The rest are made up. Bending Skies I figured to be a battle against the Army of Darkness. Elkantor was briefly name-dropped back on page 15 (12 Nov 2019 with Eric L. Boyd follow-up). Varaulashtar could be either red or black wyrm (or perhaps planar fiend?).
Yeah, I didn't want to say it, but my feelings were that it was Rhymathiin without checking. Thanks because I got sidetracked. I did recognized Elkantor from this thread, but was thinking you had pulled it from something else (it was related to Phalorm, right?).
Oh, and while Varaulashtar could be a wyrm (and that makes perfect descriptive/dramatic sense)
. and I only thought about this AFTER you said "it can be X".... but what if it were literally "The Black SMOKE of Ruin". By that, I'm picturing like a black, smoky cloud of something like witchweed mixed with burning anything it touches. Maybe something that feeds on magic and makes casters find it hard to concentrate. So, she had to face it down and just grind by her will to feed it so much magic that it popped, but the continued strain "pulled into the weave" as a weaveghost. Might be overkill since she also fed herself into Rhymanthiin later, but the idea popped in my head, so I figured I'd mention it. |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jul 2020 : 03:44:03
Ikvern "Eyes" Bolderast (N HM T2/Exp3) The silent partner of Guthlakh "Hands" Imyiir, proprietor of the Sailor's Own tavern of Dock Ward. Once the captain of the Erembeldra's Embrace, a rather successful freebooter. Ikvern has some skill in crafting colorful and precise maps and folios, and is the source of the nautical charts that Guthlakh sells from behind his bar. He is also a local contact for the Red Sashes, and can arrange for an individual who has attracted their attention to fall prey to a hired squad of dockside rowdies, or to be shanghaied by a press gang from an about-to-raise-sails blacksail.
Ilaegros Brandeth (NE ½EM Vampire T5/Sor7/Assassin5) The Cold Cunning, The Night's Dark Embrace. The older half-brother of the deceased adventuress Tcharess Brandeth. Has black hair and eyes, and a well-trimmed moustache and pointed beard. His skin appears cold and bluish ("like that of a frost-rimmed corpse," according to the mage Zenvelym), a result of both his moon elven heritage and his current undead state, and several severe battle scars can be seen from under the cuffs and collar of his clothing. When stalking prey, Ilaegros wears simple leathers and a hooded half-cloak. He saves his extensive wardrobe of southern silk and finery for when he is in his private quarters on the third floor of the Sign of the Silvered Star.
Ilasera "Coldhands" (CE HF F6/Sor4) The daughter of Ilaegros Brandeth and the Uthgardt barbarian Rraeldha of Winterswelf. She now serves her vampiric sire as bodyguard and as his eyes and ears in the daylight hours. Dark of hair and eyes and temperment. Pale, near-flawless skin heavy with freckles on her shoulders and the bridge of her nose. Her elven heritage manifests itself in her long, thin fingers, which wield both whip and wand mercilessly.
Ilighrist of the Commons (LG HM P4 of Ilmater) The current "Master of the House" of The Commons, a South Ward orphanage operated by agents of the Lords (Durnan, in particular, has gained many Red Sash agents through those foundlings raised here). The city watch also recruits extensively from those children taken in here. Fastidious about his dress and personal hygiene, especially his well-manicured fingernails. Large hazel eyes and a soft, lilting speaking voice. Has a rather nasty scar running the left side of his face, from ear to jaw.
Illasrae Eirontalar (N HF Aris2) A young noble of House Eirontalar. Tall, fair-haired, quiet. Owns a magical pendant that can call forth around her vibrant motes of faerie shaped as tiny hummingbirds. The pendant is linked to a larger obelisk in the gardens of the Eirontalar villa with similar properites. Known as The Bejeweled Garden, it was created as a gift from the hierophant Eftoon The Fierce, in recognition of Eirontalar efforts in sustaining the holy grove that would later become known as The Shrines of Nature.
Ieiridauna Amalree [ Source: Character Profile: Ieiridauna Amalree <>, and the novels Elminster's Daughter and City of Splendors: A Waterdeep Novel. Name/Description given ]
Ierithue Steelhawk [ Source: Waterdeep News: Double Wedding On Spindle Street <>. Name/Description given ]
Ilvart Lunth [ Source: A 02/01/20 Twitter reply to @TheEdVerse by Ed Greenwood. Name/Description given ]
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jul 2020 : 03:54:18
Iymbethilspar, The Star-Bright Mirror [Imm-BETHIL-sparr] On Faerang's Doom in the Rauvin Mountains, nestled under the abrupt, sheer hardstone not far from the Hollowstones, that curious clutch of rounded boulders rumored to be the long-petrified eggs of giant land-wyrms (emptied out in the service of fiendish design or wizardly device, most say), is a pebbled tarn-lake of dark, unknowable depths by day and quiet, mirror-smooth surface at night, an immaculate reflection of the bestarred heavens above. This lake, Iymbethilspar, is often said to directly bear the name of the dragon Iymbethelrandygho "Scales of Storm-Tossed Stars," who spent much of her her time perched above or noisily bathing in it (and on whose high authority many wizard-moots were safely held at the Rainbow Gorge), but also bears the same Common-name as the legendary "Star-Bright Mirror," the battle-shield of Sehanine Moonbow, in whose waters it was said to have been quenched during creation (and later lost during the battle of The Hill Below The Mountain, torn from her grasp and sunk into the earth by the great gorgon-duhr of the Ormlaugkh). In elven history from the age of Sharrven and Netheril these waters were the site of The Arching Moon-Bridge where Elandeira and Imbruil, the boon companions of Ostelora Greygrivven (the benignant and splendid Lady of the Laughing Shallows and the Dreaming Pool), implored the goddess Sehanine in their sadness and fierce resolve to aid them in reaching the floating enclave of Irduir Nelm by chaining the starlight fallen on the sorcerous rock overhead with that reflected in the waters below, that they might climb up to reach their goal and satisfy their vengeance.
(Legend follows that once there they found a wondrous paradise full of tiered pavilions and the passing waters of a thousand terrestrial streams, and a ghastly hell of thin, shadowed souls who crouched there upon the staired banks, drained to the fullest by the foul necromancies of the arcanist Irduir Nelm, who would stretch forth his hands and turn the sky dim with dark storm-lashings, where only the slightest crescent of the moon peered through. It was there that the companions gained their vengeance and left the masterless ruins burning and drifting alone, all honor debts paid, and returned long past the dawn, having satisfied their blood-lust but become aged and wrinkled and no longer clear of eye. Imbruil's weapon, the deadly crimson-edged scimitar known as Angūrash ["The Last Rim of of the Sinking Sun"], which separated the youthful head of Irduir Nelm from his hoary skeletal shoulders, was later taken and wielded by the northern hero Rhembrul, before his own ensuing death at the hands of the Black Horde)
Edited by - AJA on 14 Jul 2020 00:44:37 |
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jul 2020 : 07:23:24
Iymbethilspar Addendum (which really doesn't have much to do with Imbethilspar, if we're being honest)
Ostelora Greygrivven (the benignant and splendid lady) was a druid of giantish blood and water genasi heritage, born from the line of the godling Rūk of the Black Club. She defied the arcanist Irduir Nelm and made an enemy of him. Some say this enmity was over his lust for a set of curious moss-covered stones, formally left in her care by The Walker In The Woods, a green-bearded outlander of great age and antlered headdress. Regardless of reason, Ostelora was was whirled away without consent to the Nether-rock overhead, and was there slain by Nelm's foul life-draining spells.
The Laughing Shallows was an independent holding on the shores of the Narrow Sea, whose timber reserves were plentiful, and supplemented by fishing and various low-mines of black copper (redruthite, copper-glance). The main settlement was organized around the gentle eminence of The Dreaming Pool, a holy place of Selūne the Great Portender (Netherese Selūne, as goddess of divination and dreams).
The Dreaming Pool fell victim to the desertification of Anauroch as did all else but still exists today, buried far under the sands, as the warped and feverish maw called The Mouth of Nightmares (brackish and caustic shallows around a roiling and malevolent blow hole which no longer offers up mystic lore or flashes of divination, but instead sucks the foolhardy down into the dark chasms under the Anauroch where only dreadful and gruesome terrors await (and possibly ixan, silt horror, or gauth; reports vary). This unholy place has since become the lair of Haurulcanthra, The Anhydra of fearsome legend, a monstrous mixing of hydra and yellow (salt) dragon [ the latter found in Dragon Magazine #248, "(The Return of) The Missing Dragons," Richard Alan Lloyd, p.27 ]. The dark energies of this place, combined with assault by the Anhydra's breath weapon(s), have also served to create a number of salt-zombies, which range out from their buried place of death to hunt for living nearby.
The enclave of Irduir Nelm, left burned and drifting, went through a series of adventures before being found by faithful of Loviatar (drawn by the echoes of the agonies inflicted upon Nelm's victims), who set great spell-wrought chains upon it and brought it down to Faerūn proper. The waters and their enchantments are now gone, but the pavilions still survive, grounded in the Nether Mountains, rebuilt as the Lady's Hand Monastery.
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jul 2020 : 00:44:02
Harlaglem Wintermist A Master Harpist of Twilight Hall. Author of Talks With Friends Long Lost, an accounting of the master bards and puissant harpists of the Savage Frontier and their works (accurate as of the 1350's DR). The pages of which are also widely considered to be thoroughly entwined with secret notes and information for the benefit of Those Who Harp (the written lyrics for Annätha of the Well, The Hunter's Vow, By The Winter Sea, Dance My Merrilees Dance, and Softly When the Siren Calls, in particular, contain passages not widely sung, which most including the author claim are long-standing regional variations, but others say are proof of coded missive).
Harlammand "The Bold" Burlestar (CN HM Aris1) Trollkiller, The Boldstar. A minor member of the Hawkwinter clan (by marriage to Laeruldra Hawkwinter, grand-niece of Lord Eremos). More known for his prodigious appetites and outlandish claims of martial superiority than for his (self given) appellations. Mockingly referred to as "Lord Swing-A-Sword." He actually did dispatch a troll once, in the southern Evermoors by setting its' quivering remains alight after his guards and hired guidesmen hacked it into manageable pieces. A native of Turmish.
Harlhabban Drost The Maker of Gargoyles. Dark of hair and beard. Slanting, ill-matched eyes. Taciturn and saturnine.
Harlhavvan "Fullwonder" (N HM Adp5 of Azuth) Proprietor of Fullwonder's Wondrous Weals and Wares (Slut Street, Dock Ward. "Charms and cure-alls. Curer of all curable ailments, healer of all healable wounds, prolonger of the natural lifespan. Perfect vigors, sovereign antidotes, universal elixirs, powders of projection, secrets of perpetual life, health and youth & etc."). In truth, most of his "divine remedies" come from his knowledge of how to prepare a bluestone solution: powdered bluestone (sodalite) added to plain water lit by any magical radiance yields a potion that acts either as a neutralize poison (non-magical poisons only) or heals 1d2 points of damage (and if added to any magical healing potion, it adds both a full neutralize poison function and an additional 1d4 points of restorative boon to the draught). Has a standing business relationship with the Xanathar, and often has one or more street toughs laid up in his back rooms with wounds suffered in robbery attempts or back-alley brawls.
Harshnag the Grey (CG Frost Giant Male) Known in Waterdeep mainly through wild tavern tales and urban legend (where he is most often referred to as "The Thunderer on Mount Sar" or "The Watcher on the Peak"). Harshnag is a member of Force Grey and a secretive defender of the City of Splendors. Small for one of his kind, outcast from his clan due to his overly good tendencies and his unusually sharp intellect. Harshang makes his home in the High Hoarfast, a former cloud giant castle now tethered to the heights of Mount Sar. He enjoys sneaking into the city, concealing himself and passively watching, disguised as one of the golem boat-pullers in the harbor, or as one of the countless, nameless pieces of statuary that adorn courtyards and noble demenses, observing the passing populace and their daily routines (a deception thoroughly aided by his ring of illusions). Harshnag is a follower of no particular deity, although his philosophy borrows equally from the giantish faiths of Hiatea ("Defend nature and nurture growing things. Protect the young and defenseless"), Iallanis ("Always strive to do as many good deeds as possible as no good work goes unrewarded"), and Stronmaus ("Celebrate your freedom, and ensure that all deserving of a free existence are able to do so, for freedom is the greatest bounty one can bestow"). [ Source: City of Splendors - Campaign Guide, p.73. Name/Occupation given. Additional detail by me. ]
Harondus Sardgard [ Source: Ed Greenwood Presents: Elminster's Forgotten Realms, p.109. Name/Occupation given ]
Harrigo [ Source: Waterdeep News: Confession in Flavauro Slaying <>. Name/Description given ]
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jul 2020 : 00:21:14
Sharra's Bold Band Local adventuring fellowship. Led by the scarred, grinning Tymorite Dursharra Lanthaen. Reported finding a gate amidst a rockfall deep in the Kryptgarden, to "a realm of beasts under dragon rule." Left the city and vanished not long thereafter, presumably through thier discovered portal.
Sheiraya Blaskarn (LN HF Aris5/SP10 of Red Knight) The current "Sword of the Frozenfar" (roving envoy, and commander of Waterdeep's northern forces in times of war) and highest-ranking priestess of the Red Knight in the North. Stocky, somewhat squat build, harsh, high cheekbones and hawklike nose. Piercing, slate-grey eyes that seem to take in and measure everything and everyone around her. Carries herself with an authoritative (verging on imperious) bearing, but is quite capable of speaking plainly and openly when needed. She prefers simple, functional dress when not engaged in diplomatic affairs, but is never without her signature white sash, trimmed in gold and decorated with the twin sigils of the Red War College and the Order of the Red Falcon. When in battle she is an imposing figure, decked out in full plate armor of the deepest crimson and a full-sized shield to match, both polished to a high sheen. Shieraya is a native of Tethyr and daughter of one of the first instructors at the famed Red War College. She was entered into the priesthood in 1359DR and quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a College instructor herself, a member of the prestigious Order of the Red Falcon, and even an adjutant to the Lady Bloodhawk, highest of the Red Knight's mortal followers. In 1367DR she was sent north to oversee the strength and development of Faithful chapters in Tempusan churches. Using the House of Heroes as her base she helped to train a number of city Guard officers and was an influential figure in planning the 1369DR war with the forces of the Ice Bear. More recently, Shieraya was picked by the Lords to replace the departing ranger Aluar Zendos as commander of Waterdeep's northern forces in return, it is rumored, for an expansion to the House of Heroes and greater say in military matters. There have been grumblings among Tempusans about one "not of the true battle faith" recieving such a high posting, but they have been muted somewhat by the rumored concessions. Shieraya has had little direct field-experience as a commander of men, although she has shown herself to be a master strategist (as one might expect), who never enters into an ill-considered battle. She is keen to strike alliances when possible, but when the odds turn against her such alliances may quickly turn into casualties of war. It is as a diplomat and ambassador that her true talents shine through, and she often uses her abilities to cut through the verbal fencing and skirmishing that often occurs in ambassadorial dialogues. In this regard, she is much better suited than her predecessor Aluar Zendos, whose blunt, rough-edged nature was more suited to addressing troops and settling frontier disputes than navigating the balls and courts of the Lord's Alliance cities. Her favored possession is her scarlet greatshield +2 (The Red Wrath, Sheiraya's Wall), the surface of which has been enchanted with a symbol of hopelessness (can be triggered three times per day, by verbal command ["nauldra"], though Shieraya has attuned herself to the shield to such a degree that she can activate it by simple mental will). Also, her everpresent sash is actually a potent religious item that provides the following powers when worn: immunity to fear and confusion; protection from all forms of ESP or magical mind-scrying; and the ability to analyze opponent (as the spell of the same name), 3x/day. Finally, she wields Narskalar (a longsword +3) and Tslabra's Goad (a footman's flail +1). When riding into combat (or in expectation of it) she rides Brave Boldo, a mountainous, impeccably-trained bay with four white legs and a sword scar on the left hind (this is neither the first nor presumably the last "Brave Boldo"; when a new mount is required she undertakes the selection and training herself). When on foot, Shieraya prefers to fight with longsword or flail, although she is also quite familiar with both the broadsword and handaxe. On horseback she commonly uses a long-chained morningstar and is deadly accurate with the lance.
Shuvaara (NE greater doppelganger Sor9) "Manyskins." The most adept and enthusiastic of Hlaavin's mirrorkin. In her natural form, Shuvaara possesses the thorough upper-body tattooing common to the doppelgangers of the Unseen. When about in the city, she prefers the other-form of Abhalla al Drunys (CE HF F7/T2), a lithe, dark-eyed Calishite sellsword who wields the longsword Velisukhta ("Uktar's Blessing," a frostbrand +2).
Sulzoun el Kuhlhammal (LN HM Exp) An expert in the historical writings and ancient texts of the southern lands, and a member in good standing of the Scribes and Scriveners Guild. Author of the treatises Writings Of A Desolate Place and The Annotated Works of Orlaimmar and Hargleth. His Calishite surname, when uttered in the Common tongue, sounds very similar to "Skullhammer." To keep from being sullied by such a barbaric (not to mention, dwarven) epithet, the fussy Sulzoun chooses to style himself as simply, "Sulzoun the Sage." Not that this deters his fellow guildmembers, who delight in tormenting him with catcalls of "Lo, the dread Southern Skullhammer!" and "'ware, all the Skullhammer comes for thee!"
Summa Tlambusk (N HF) A relatively new arrival to the city, but already famed in highborn and wealthy circles for her abilities as a hire-cook at balls and other such fźtes. A native of far Ormpur. Skilled in shellfish and the use of the rare spice saffron, a cornerstone of her dishes and a main export of that southern city-state.
Sheireera of the Prophecies [ Source: Waterdeep News: Ghost Sightings <>. Name given ]
Shelaerra Blundfeather [ Source: A 01/20/13 posting to the message boards by Ed Greenwood. Name//Description given ]
Superb Splendors [ Source: A 03/27/05 posting to the message boards by Ed Greenwood. Name/Description given ]
Skilled Spell Strategist
11981 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jul 2020 : 13:25:31
quote: Originally posted by AJA
Harlaglem Wintermist A Master Harpist of Twilight Hall. Author of Talks With Friends Long Lost, an accounting of the master bards and puissant harpists of the Savage Frontier and their works (accurate as of the 1350's DR). The pages of which are also widely considered to be thoroughly entwined with secret notes and information for the benefit of Those Who Harp (the written lyrics for Annätha of the Well, The Hunter's Vow, By The Winter Sea, Dance My Merrilees Dance, and Softly When the Siren Calls, in particular, contain passages not widely sung, which most including the author claim are long-standing regional variations, but others say are proof of coded missive).
Curious, because I can see it being either way... is that Dance my Merrilees Dance (and therefore Merrilees is a new word/term for happy folk or something) OR is that Dance my Merriless Dance (and therefore it was a dance that was "not happy"). |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Skilled Spell Strategist
11981 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jul 2020 : 15:58:56
quote: Originally posted by AJA
Harlhabban Drost The Maker of Gargoyles. Dark of hair and beard. Slanting, ill-matched eyes. Taciturn and saturnine.
Harlhavvan "Fullwonder" (N HM Adp5 of Azuth) Proprietor of Fullwonder's Wondrous Weals and Wares (Slut Street, Dock Ward. "Charms and cure-alls. Curer of all curable ailments, healer of all healable wounds, prolonger of the natural lifespan. Perfect vigors, sovereign antidotes, universal elixirs, powders of projection, secrets of perpetual life, health and youth & etc."). In truth, most of his "divine remedies" come from his knowledge of how to prepare a bluestone solution: powdered bluestone (sodalite) added to plain water lit by any magical radiance yields a potion that acts either as a neutralize poison (non-magical poisons only) or heals 1d2 points of damage (and if added to any magical healing potion, it adds both a full neutralize poison function and an additional 1d4 points of restorative boon to the draught). Has a standing business relationship with the Xanathar, and often has one or more street toughs laid up in his back rooms with wounds suffered in robbery attempts or back-alley brawls.
First, I don't know why but I've always found sodalite to be one of the most beautiful natural stones, so it tickled me to see this entry.
On to more game oriented ideas though
Harlhabban Drost is known as "The Maker of Gargoyles", but what's little known is that he is himself a Gargoyle... but not a regular one. He is what is known in Toril as an "Abeiran Gargoyle", where he had been outcast from his clan for thievery and constant deceptions. His actions had led to the death of a young child of his clan, his sister's son, when the young boy had followed his "adventurous uncle" on a clandestine outing into draconic territory. He never forgave himself, and he turned sullen and morose. He traversed from Abeir to Toril oddly enough during start of the Time of Troubles, prior to the later transfer of lands between worlds. He was being chased by lizard folk guards after he had stolen from a tax caravan of a green dragon overlord in an outlying province. He had led the lizard folk into a cave network in which he had been hiding from the sun. As he turned a corner, a small stony skinned dragon offered to whisk him away somewhere safe in return for several gems. In fear for his life, and utterly confused by the appearance of this small creature, Harlhabban agreed.
He stepped through a tunnel entrance which had not existed previously, and found himself stepping out of a node of Faerzress on Toril. Standing before him was a strange black skinned creature with white hair, squatting in a corner with its pants down, who yelled at him in a strange language that he didn't understand. The dark elf did then wiggle his fingers at him, only to have its hands literally explode. Reacting instinctively, Harlhabban used his axe to cleave the dark elf's head from his shoulders. He then donned the dark elf's hat, piwafwi, weapons, chain shirt, and jewelry. When he set the hat upon his head, he was surprised to hear a "voice" speaking to him from it, for it was an intelligent magic item. It explained that its name was Glamourtongue, and it was a hat of disguise with the added benefit of removing any vulnerability to sunlight for a being or its items. It also possessed several other abilities including the ability to cast Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion once per day. It also explained that his previous owner had been a slaver and that his comrades were in the next cavern. They had just been on a surface raid and had taken several humans captive, including nearly a dozen children, as well as having raided a gargoyle den and having recovered a few gargoyles and gargoyle eggs for sale.
Harlhabban thought to act honorably and free the gargoyles, for in truth they must be like himself. So, using the hat, he disguised himself to appear to be a drow closely resembling the one whom he'd just slain. Then using his piwafwi to stalk the half dozen dark elves, he slew the three which guarded the wagon-cage of humans. Then taking human form, he opened the cage and allowed them their freedom if they would help him slay the rest of the dark elves. To his surprise, even the children agreed to help him, taking up the dark elven hand crossbows. Using his hat to draw the various dark elves into traps, soon the slave caravan was freed.
When Harlhabban was done, he confessed to the humans that he had no idea where he was, speaking to them slowly by telepathically communicating to Glamourtongue for translations. They were still near the surface, and the humans quickly offered to lead him out of the underdark, for they themselves were more than happy to have such a capable warrior accompanying them. Harlhabban also spoke to the four female gargoyles, but to his surprise, he found them uncivilized and vicious. However, they agreed to help protect the humans so long as the humans would help protect their eggs and transport the wagons.
Harlhabban spent the next several months in utter confusion, as talk of "gods being cast down" and "magic going awry" was the talk everywhere he went. So, his helping to relocate the gargoyle females to a nearby cave and hunting the surrounding countryside to provide them meat took little notice by the surface world folk. He also took to hunting the surrounding community of goblinoids, slowly amassing a small amount of wealth by a bounty set on goblin ears. Throughout this time, Harlhabban continued to talk with Glamourtongue and learn of this strange world that he found himself in. During this time, he learned of a rich city in the north known as Waterdeep. After some clandestine scouting of the city, he heard that magic had become "safe" again. Using Glamourtongue, he setup an extradimensional mansion within his apartment. He relocated the freed gargoyles there and took them all as mates, all the while secreting himself into Waterdhavian society as a sculptor of modest skill. He soon purchased a workshop in the city, and he began exploring the undercity known as Skullport. He took to the criminal activity of this world with a gusto, and with Glamourtongue as his hidden ally, he soon amassed some modest wealth. Harlhabban also began to study the art of wizardry himself, and soon created several hats of disguise for his mates.
Harlhabban and his mates began taking on mercenary guard jobs for those whom he deemed to be evil. Always they would appear to be disparate individuals come to their benefactor "out of desperation", and always they would act wary of each other. However, whenever the individual presented the proper circumstances, they would turn on their employer and kill them, acquiring his goods, and usually eating the evidence.
Over time, Harlhabban has sought out other gargoyles of this world. To them he makes a plea of joining him, and he has had some modest success, particularly amongst female gargoyles. He has also grown skilled as a wizard, as well as improving his skills as a sculptor. He has created several minor figurines of wondrous power, and he possesses a wand with the ability to petrify an individual. Thus, many of his finest "gargoyle" statues are in fact his fellow gargoyles, who in their last moments had thought to betray him.
Harlhabban has also fathered over a hundred gargoyle young on his mates, many of whom possess more cunning but also their father's sunlight petrification vulnerability. As they've become old enough to be efficient spies, he has begun carving replicas of these children and selling them to nobles of Waterdeep along with the petrified child. Thus, they wait out their days, and then spend their nights exploring, usually using a hat to disguise themselves as a known servant of the noble house. They never act against the house that they have taken residence within, so as to not attract attention to themselves, but rather they relay rumors, documents, and other intelligence to their father, so that he may plan accordingly. |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jul 2020 : 02:28:35
Merrilees as in "happy folk." I should note Ed did briefly mention an NPC named Durth Merrilees back in his 2004 Thread (third post down), but there is no intended connection.
I was always partial to malachite, but I agree sodalite is a beautiful stone. All bluestone/sodalite game information in that description comes from the indispensible Volo's Guide to All Things Magical, of course.
Not the direction I was going with Harlhabban, but interesting. I like the idea of the wand and the figurines, and I like the idea of a Waterdeep that is slowly becoming invaded/infested by sentient statuary, on rooftops and in gardens, ringing the Field of Triumph and decorating the tombs of the City of the Dead, just waiting for the call to rise up and seize the city. Could be a good campaign hook. Especially if the PCs are misdirected first to think the nocturnal activity is due to something like vampires or drow.
Skilled Spell Strategist
11981 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jul 2020 : 15:11:14
quote: Originally posted by AJA
Merrilees as in "happy folk." I should note Ed did briefly mention an NPC named Durth Merrilees back in his 2004 Thread (third post down), but there is no intended connection.
I was always partial to malachite, but I agree sodalite is a beautiful stone. All bluestone/sodalite game information in that description comes from the indispensible Volo's Guide to All Things Magical, of course.
Not the direction I was going with Harlhabban, but interesting. I like the idea of the wand and the figurines, and I like the idea of a Waterdeep that is slowly becoming invaded/infested by sentient statuary, on rooftops and in gardens, ringing the Field of Triumph and decorating the tombs of the City of the Dead, just waiting for the call to rise up and seize the city. Could be a good campaign hook. Especially if the PCs are misdirected first to think the nocturnal activity is due to something like vampires or drow.
Yeah, I don't think anyone would have foreseen the direction I was going there (not even myself until I started writing it). That being said, the second I saw "Maker of Gargoyles", it just hit me that "yeah, he makes gargoyles". I also wanted there to be a "connection" between "regular" gargoyles and my Abeiran gargoyles to allow them to reproduce and "breed true"... as in they are either a regular gargoyle or an Abeiran Gargoyle. Thirdly, while my typically use of Abeiran gargoyles would be a noble people like Goliath from Disney Gargoyles, I wanted to also show the other side (i.e. Demona
In the end, I see him being a bit player on the stage that's Waterdeep, but he could definitely uncover some kind of critical information and his spy network become very important. Maybe even someone like Mirt finds out about them and decides its better to bring them in than run them out. I could also see these guys finding out about the ellefolk that I placed in Waterdeep in another thread, and possibly those two separate "organizations" working together to hunt down the Unseen. |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jul 2020 : 00:26:16
A last, lamentable look at the L's (Alas, poor L's! I knew them, Horatio, letters of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy)
Lorraneen the Warder The Enchanter of Invisible Encasements. A Trades Ward hire-spell. Willowy and weak-chinned. Wavy auburn hair, bright blue eyes. Bright and cheerful except in the course of carrying out her duties, where she leans hard into the solemnity of her "arcane responsibilities." Wears long, flowing garments of pastels and white that accentuate her frame and contrasting, many-beaded necklaces which glint of evening and flicker as flame (one of which, everpresent, fashioned of dark beads of jet, acts to enhance and extend her warding spells). Her castings are not as powerful as the spells of those who ply their trade among the wealthy of the upper Wards, but her sales pitch is no less silvery "Charms of Warding and Sealing both incomparable and ineffable; starlit, majestic, outlined and traced by the deftest of hands. All manner of magical guardianship, barring only the strange effects and adventures of the Necromantic order."
Lullannyn Brossfeather (N HM Aris3) The youngest son of House Brossfeather, and an aspiring adventurer. He has taken to wearing two daggers in crossed hip-sheaths, the hilts of which give off an eerie greenish glow. Lullannyn boasts the daggers are powerful magical items, claimed from the depths of a Netherese lich-lord's tomb. His rivals sneer that they are merely the subject of minor glim-magics, such as any backstreet Trades Ward hire-spell can provide.
Lunaven "Moonstar" The founder of what is now noble House Moonstar [b.912/d.1090]. Half-elven cleric/mage. One of the "Touched" of Selūne (bearer of one of the four great rings that form the Moonweb and the heart of the Selūnite faith). With the passing of the priestess Engalathae, Moonseer of Waterdeep, in 985DR, Lunaven received the ring Amglaer and founded the first Waterdhavian temple of Selūne atop his tower. Married the half-elf Yhauldyth [b.941/d.1067]. Five children Tenathan, Alaundae, Valadorn, Athlaunae, Andvarran. Ambushed and slain by Malarites in 1090DR, who then used the magic they plundered from his body to burn and despoil the Selūnite temple. [ Source: Powers & Pantheons, p.154 and Prayers From The Faithful, p.63-64. Name/Occupation given. Additional detail by me. ]
Lustral Blackalbane A late addition to (and now retired member of) the Knights Errant adventuring fellowship. The rare result of a mixed union between a gnomish mother and a halfling father, though her only noticeable halfling characteristics are a light dusting of downy hair on her feet, and a fairer complexion than most gnomes. Short, cheerful, and always bustling about on some project or other, her luminous green eyes sparkling with mirth. She now dwells in a simple third floor domicile in Trades Ward, above Ilstaryn's Alcove (a bookbinder, scribe-for-hire, and seller of used tomes and rare chapbooks), and the floor-level Merryminstrel's Wander-Round ("The Merry-Min," a Hin tankard house whose provender consists solely of the traditional halfling "cakes and ales" [the small midday repasts otherwise known as, in rough order, brunch, noon-tea, highsunfeast, after-lunch, and secondscones]), and keeps a close eye on Shaerendylee, a scullery maid in the kitchens of New Olamn (the daughter of the deceased Knight Tcharess Brandeth, Lustral's former friend and confidant).
Lyratha Talltankard (NG HaF SP6 of Lathander) The Golden Hin, Lathander's Little Maiden. A member of the Buckleswashers adventuring fellowship. Wife of Bungobar Talltankard. Calm and gentle, but possessed of an iron will and furious glare. Her rare (for a Hin) golden hair is widely seen as a sign of favor from the Morninglord. She often holds sunrise prayers to Lathander at the Plinth, and has recently been tasked by high priestess Ghentilara to spread the Morninglord's faith amongst the growing halfling population of the city. [ Source: City of Splendors - Who's Who In Waterdeep, p.67. Name/Description given. Additional detail by me.]
Larondras Brokengulf [ Source: Forging The Realms: I Gloat In Your General Direction!, <>. Name/Description given ]
Edited by - AJA on 11 Aug 2020 00:57:40 |
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jul 2020 : 00:38:05
Ondathra Sells pottery in the Market. Old, toothless, deeply wrinkled. Always arranges her blanket and her wares, a huge pile of pale green earthenware pots of various sizes and shapes, in a way that allows her to sit and bask in the midday sun when unoccupied with customers.
Ondel Orm and Dosta Whorlstone Trade factors to Waterdeep from the gnomish realm of Ulversdeeping (the Forgotten Folk settlements north of Secomber). They supply tin ore, salt, a variety of sturdy and serviceable pots and pans and implements for cooking and eating, and gnomish-made jewelry, fashioned mostly of garnet and the opalescent shells of the Underdark white snail. They also facilitate the trade of svirfneblin fraelim, or crystallized fungus, a sought-after confectionary treat (sarafrae, a type of fraelim which is infused with a variety of surface flavorings, is particularly prized, both above and below) and the rare, bulbous faershak fruit.
Ondzalyn Ilder Master (captain) of the Brave Orlumbor, a freesail merchantman that ferries goods and passengers on the Waterdeep Baldur's Gate Mintarn triangle. Often hired out in service to the maritime-minded members of the Merchant's League. Has a dour, bass voice and thick, wavy, tangled black hair. Wears numerous ringlets of gold and copper braided into his impressive beard. Does not like elves, believes it bad luck to have one aboard his ship.
Onthis Calamourn (LN HM Aris2/F6) From the minor Tethyrian noble house of Calamourn (originating as the Kalamourandra clan of early Calimshan). An equally minor member of House Silmerhelve (by marriage to Faerūne Silmerhelve). Dusky-skinned, dark-eyed, immaculate. A civilar (captain) of the Waterdhavian Griffon Guard (Gold Wing). Rides the griffon named Russet Wing. Haughty and condescending, believes that one day soon the griffonriders will be the paramount defenders of the city.
The Opened Eye Beholder-cult. Members have seen the truth, and the truth is the supremacy of the eye-tyrant. Gold, glory, power by steel or by Art: all things that can be provided by the mighty beholder, provided proper obeisance. Members often wear ring or pendant or gorget carrying the sigil of some god or other, but quietly fashioned underneath in the form of a staring human eye. Was once the concern of the beholder Xullorn, later slaughtered by the rising tyrant-orb known as the Eye (now the Xanathar). The cult itself survived, first under the disguise of the human wizard Ildeth, then the mage Gulshond of the Arcane Brotherhood, and again as a short-lived scheme of the dopplegangers of the Unseen, each slain in turn as they caught the beholder crime-lord's attention anew. The ardent passion displayed by cult members after each "culling," and their increased devotion in atoning to the Opened Eye for their obvious lack of faith, finally amused the Xanathar enough that he installed his own "Mouth of Tyranny," the urbane and smooth-talking Barloun, and now directs the cult as another "stalk" of his many-eyed network.
One-Eyed Jack [ Source: The novel Silverfall: Stories of the Seven Sisters. Name/Description given ]
One-Legged Alram [ Source: Broadcryers of Waterdeep III: Know Thy Sources <>. Name/Description given ]
Ophyl Ramstel [ Source: Waterdeep News: Controversial Book Published <>. Name/Description given ]
Edited by - AJA on 27 Jul 2020 00:38:52 |
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 02 Aug 2020 : 01:47:14
Tammathann "Flying Tamm" Cromhaerl (LG HM F6/P4 of Selūne) Master (captain) of The Lance of the Moon, a small sky-skiff used to ferry important clergy and visiting dignitaries over the rooftops of the city. The Halruuan artisans that crafted the Lance claimed a small fortune from the coffers of the Selūnite church, but its' high, ornately carved railings and gossamer windsails have made it quite a status symbol for the church of the Moonmaiden since it arrived in the city in Mirtul of 1372DR.
Tanlurtukk In common northern legend, the faery or spirit that dances from rock to rock on the River Mirar, capering happily over the rapids that are so treacherous for mortal man and vessel. Takes the form of blue-skinned dwarf or spindly old human, both wild-eyed and wild-bearded, with outsized hands and feet. Said to associate with will-o-wisps and the hwurla, the water weirds unique to the swirls and billows of the Mirar.
Tareskur Nalask Patriarch of the Nalask, one of the saskra (the "Floating Families," twenty-four tightly-intermarried merchant clans who view their ships as most noble families do their manor-holds also the answer to the question of "what happens when Tharsalan far-traders meet and merge with Illuskan long-raiders." The Families range the length of the western coast of Faerūn, hiring themselves out as independent shippers and mercenary privateers, and engage in a bit of both on their own time). He has a sharp mind and a sharp sense of the motivations and weaknessess of those around him, but keeps his own counsel and is a man of few and sour words. Stout, dark-skinned. Keeps his severely receeding hair pulled into a great braid in the back and his magnificent beard flared out into numerous gold-braided dagger-spikes in the front. Constantly surrounded by a cloud (miasma, really) of thick, pungent pipe-smoke. Rumors that the smoke that lazily coils about his head and shoulders and seems to resist even vigorous hand-fanning is actually a defensive spell or bound servitor creature are baseless....probably. His flagship, upon which he raised four sons and eleven daughters (seven adopted) is the grandiosly-titled (even by saskran standards) caravel The Mer-King of the Western Waves. His eldest son Tanglammar can be found captaining the Waveflame, and his second-eldest daughter Asklurra now commands the Lovely Lliira (or 'The Lovverly,' as the spirited and scenery-chewing Asklurra exaggeratedly pronounces it).
Tarhandro Author of A Collection of Voyages (1354DR). "'The Realms Afar' is a word-spell that has charmed many a sail across the seas, from the pale dawn of the First Men, through the far-spanning conquests of the Netherese, till now."
Tarlastra Soap-boiler, active in the soap and candle trades. Rents half a store-front in Trades Ward (Tarlastra's Scented Treasures). Has a tremendous gift for small-talk and dancing. Ally of the Red Sashes (often hides small items encased within her wares for surruptitious delivery). Keeps two needle-thin daggers hidden in her bodice.
Tammert Landral [ Source: City of Splendors: A Waterdeep Novel. Name/Description given ]
Tamsil (CG HF War2) [ Source: Ruins of Undermountain Campaign Guide, p.8 and "The Reports From Undermountain," Steven Schend, Dragon Magazine #227, p.15 and A 05/12/06 posting to the message boards by Ed Greenwood. Name/Description/Stats given ]
Tarlon Tchazzam [ Source: Monsters of Faer#251;n, p.86. Name/Description given ]
Tarm Urmbrusk (LE HM [Illuskan] Aris4/Exp1/merchant prince3) [ Source: A 05/23/12 posting to the message boards by Eric L. Boyd. Name/Description/Stats given ]
Edited by - AJA on 11 Aug 2020 00:59:05 |
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 11 Aug 2020 : 00:55:07
Rathan Ready-Ale (NE HM T2/War2) Proprietor of the Ever-Ready Ale tankard house in Dock Ward. The "Ready Ale" is somewhat famed for its' nightly bawdy-shows. Rathan pays any troupe or raggedy-cast willing to perform a show, the more obscene and bawdy, the better. Satires of the Lords and the noble houses are especially preferred. He is also an agent of the Xanathar, and his cellars are often utilized by the Cold-Bones thieving fellowship.
Rathurr Street performer, found most often in Caravan Court or the Market. Wears the skeletal, articulated, legs, spine and head of a horse, mounted to a harness. Carries hand-props to simulate hoof-falls and neighs. Prances about "bold and noble knights" in the street, asks them to accompany him on a quest "for the cause of lawful good." When drunk, accosts "fair beautiful maidens" and invites them to mount him and claim a different sort of glory.
Raurlor's Ravens The Black Helm's Handmaidens. A feared adventuring company of "devil-shes," hardened female mercenaries and outcast lesser daughters of local noble houses. They take their name from Raurlor, the "Black Helm" whose great deeds were ended by the jealousies of Ahghairon and his puppet Lords. The leader of the Ravens, Sheraela "Swift-Promise" (CN HF F7/Bar3), is a direct (although unrecognized) descendant of the War Lord, and wields both his standard (a double-horned full helm atop which sits a double-headed raven) and his weapon of choice, Aravil, "The Blade That Slays Orc And Man" (a broadsword +2, +4 vs. Orcs, forged during the dying days of Phalorm for the endless warfare with the goblin races there).
Raven Uthansblood (CE HM F8/T5) Seamaster (captain) of the Ravenous, a "black-sail" that plys the sealanes between Waterdeep and the Moonshaes. Currently wanted in the City of Splendors for a naval skirmish that resulted in the looting and sinking of the merchantman Jhavaen's Pride and the naval raker Swiftsails. Commands a force of some thirty brigands and sea-dogs, including the freestaves Berovhan (LE HM W7) and Gleghast (CN HM Inv7), and the battle-priest Hammerlungs (CN HM P9 of Tempus). The Ravenous winters in Raven's home port of Iskandelve, on the isle of Ruathym.
Raveneyes (CN ½EF F4) A mercenary and hiresword from somewhere east of Calimshan. Raveneyes is a rather unattractive woman of sinew and bone, with piercing eyes and a harsh laugh. She wears patchwork chain-and-plate armor, and is proficient with thrown daggers and dual shortswords in combat. Can be contacted for employment at Virgin's Square.
Raulinvur [ Source: Waterdeep News: Ship Sinks at Docks <>. Name/Description given ]
Raumorthadar "Razorfang" (CN mature adult male fang dragon) [ Source: Dragons of Faerūn, p.35. Name/Description/Stats given ]
Ravithara Silmerhelve [ Source: "Wyrms of the North: The Wyrm Who Watches," Ed Greenwood, Dragon Magazine #250, p.80. Name/Description given ]
The Ready Axe [Source: A 12/03/19 Twitter reply to @TheEdVerse by Ed Greenwood. Name/Description given ]
Rebeleigh [ Source: The novel Elfsong. Name/Description given ]
Edited by - AJA on 11 Aug 2020 00:58:40 |
Skilled Spell Strategist
11981 Posts |
Posted - 11 Aug 2020 : 13:47:18
quote: Originally posted by AJA Rathurr Street performer, found most often in Caravan Court or the Market. Wears the skeletal, articulated, legs, spine and head of a horse, mounted to a harness. Carries hand-props to simulate hoof-falls and neighs. Prances about "bold and noble knights" in the street, asks them to accompany him on a quest "for the cause of lawful good." When drunk, accosts "fair beautiful maidens" and invites them to mount him and claim a different sort of glory.
On occasion, he has been known to be taken up on his offer for a mounting. All reports are that the maidens are forced to wear horse tack with blinders and mounted from behind. The "fair beautiful maidens" have been known to giggle and titter afterwards about his "being hung like one", and to suffer from a waddling walk for days afterward. In one instance, the maiden, a notable wanton, became pregnant shortly afterwards, though was unsure of who the father was as there were at least a dozen prospects. The child delivered had a long mane of black hair, red eyes, cloven hooved feet, and small horns on its forehead, and was said to be stolen by a believed cultist of Gargauth shortly after birth.
In truth, the "horse skeleton" that he wears has taken possession of his mind, for it is the remains of a nightmare (who despite being called "mare" was in fact a stallion) whose wings and hide were ritually removed after being bodily summoned to the plane. Its wings were then used in the creation of a variant "cloak of the bat" that also offered additional abilities such as fire resistance. The summoner, a wizard reportedly using a book named The Libram of Malevolent Manufacturing recovered from Undermountain, did not realize that the nightmare's remains would still be a problem for him and had simply discarded the bones after boiling the flesh off as well and using it to make a sausage which he sold to a night hag in skullport. The nightmare seeks "justice" for the misdeeds visited upon him, and he seeks to corrupt a noble knight into helping him get his vengeance upon the wizard who treated him so ignobly. |
Alavairthae, may your skill prevail
Phillip aka Sleyvas |
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 16 Aug 2020 : 01:15:01
The Haunt of the Hanging Cellars Phantasmal haunting or spectral apparition, South Ward. A hideous face with a lolling, twisted tongue,and a neck that seems to wring and elongate itself more the more one looks upon it. An undead wraith of a long-dead killer of men, who hung his victims from the rafters of his subterranean vaults. His depredations were eventually discovered and he was hung in turn, his body bricked up and forgotten. Steals out to the streets above to hunt on occasion. Cannot be turned when in his crypt.
Hazramn the Tanner Night Mask assassin. Gaunt and balding, with glittering black deep-set eyes. So heavily scarred, burnt, spell-lashed and sun-darkened that his skin resembled well-worn leathers. His epithet referred to the elaborate arcane ceremony used to skin his victims. He could then cloak himself in the enchanted epidermis and pass for the deceased. Tasked with killing the Knights Errant adventurers. He accompanied them for awhile under the guise of the hireling Thulf. Upon discovery, he was left stranded in the Vah-Go Wends (a Netherese pocket-plane created to ape the topography of Golden Age Netheril and populated by descendants of the archmage Vah-Go. After the death of its' creator, the realm was invaded by astral cloakers, who periodically swept down upon the inhabitants and carried them off to the Halls of the Gods and eternal reward, the Vah believed, although the truth was far grimmer).
Hazenlyn Dread Wavelord of Umberlee. Found dead in his chambers on the eve of the 1370DR Fleetswake Festival, consumed by a quantity of green slime enspelled into the mattress of his bed. Master of the junior Umberlants Shalmeira Thelthryn and Meritid Archneie.
The Headsmen One of Waterdeep's many street gangs. Based in Blackcobbles (a neighborhood of Dock Ward). Thier symbol of leadership is the huge meat cleaver "Headcutter," originally the favored weapon of Hevryn the Knife. Rivals with the Hobgoblins. Currently led by Jindrek. Notable Members: Bakkan and Glerd ("Soot" and "Sot"), Gobbo, Lalor Luskalan, Majie "Sour Mouse," Thellae "Little Mouse," Whael "Softwheedle."
Helm Hard Alee Legendary figure in the folklore and tavern-tales of the city (not to be confused with Helm Fullsails). The mythical patron of the Master Mariner's Guild. Master of the great ship Taellvyn. Bond-brother of Valkur Far-Sailor, lover of Selūne Starry-Eyed. Said to have cast his anchor at sea, from which flourished the island of Mintarn; to have wrestled the Great Northern Kraken and bound him as his mount; and to have sailed his ship to the Waters at the Edge of the World (where the wind blows bleak from the stars), whereafter he and his crew were feasted and fźted in the halls of the Wend Perilūne, Selūne's holy redoubt in the heavens. The panoply of the Taellvyn is also claimed to be artifacts in their own right; Mlast (the Mast, the great tree from which sprang the bountiful forests of Orlumbor), Carina (the Keel, reforged into the legendary Cutlass of Valkur), Pūgh (the Deck, whose planks provided the solid foundation for the mighty Free Port of Velen), and Velha (the Sail, the soul of the ship, rebirthed as the foremost of Selūne's Handmaidens of the Moon).
Haunzro Thlam [ Source: Waterdeep News: Monster-Man Found Murdered <>. Name/Description given ]
Edited by - AJA on 16 Aug 2020 01:18:02 |
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 21 Aug 2020 : 00:30:23
Raelar Hosthann (LG HM Pal9 of Tyr/grey guard5 of Tyr) (RAY-larr HOSS-thann) The Most Merciful, The Reborn Hand. A native of Tethyr and renowned paladin of Anachtyr. After falling from his faith and rejecting divine favor, Raelar sought solace in the church of Kelemvor and was appointed head priest of the Lord of the Dead in Waterdeep. Later events involving the Kormallis noble clan and the doppelgangers of the Unseen brought him to the realization that his supposed spiritual crisis was not genuine, but rather a necessary part of a gambit made by the Lord of Justice himself. His faith restored, Raelar was initiated into the secret order of Grey Guards of Tyr. He has since left the city, acting on visions sent by his god. He wields Vishuultyrn, a flanged mace of everbright steel and magical powers, and The Blade of the Righteous, the holy broadsword returned to him by the church.
Raesalra "Hurlstars" (CN HF Inv9/F3) A member of the Swords of the Lucky Lady adventuring fellowship. Hard-drinking, garrulous. Broad-shouldered, fierce-eyed, short dark red hair. Can swear like a sailor and fight like a dockhand (her tavern brawls, aided by an oft-used ring of the ram, are the stuff of legend). Dresses in shabby, shoulder-baring, side-slit floor-length dresses and overlarge footman's boots. Wears abundant copper and bronze bangles, baubles, and wristlets on each arm (the arm decorations aren't magical, but the boots are). At one time the apprentice of the dwarven mage-smith Dunbamn "Bam" Hammerhelm.
Raerivel An inventor of Gond. Famed for his wood-treating oils, which turns the wood a silvery-grey sheen, and makes it quite resistant to rotting and warping. Travels with a company of Gondsmen and Amnian armsmen, fronted by the large, stout, thin-lipped dwarf, Raslemdra.
Ralandra The Rosy Flame. Local Castle Ward table-dancer and festhall girl. Keeps the severed head of her grand-sire (Xemdurr Manthar, though her birth was illegitimate and unacknowledged by the larger Manthar clan) in a curtained alcove, preserved in a foul, pulsating mucus. It converses with her, but not in any sort of spoken manner.
Rassavva Laugharn A noble of House Moonstar (by marriage to Tharan Moonstar). Long, curly, raven-black tresses, a well-rounded figure, and a voice that often erupts into deep, throaty laughter. Rassavva's family hails from the isle of Ruathym, where they have long held reputations for smuggling and wrecking ships for later salvage. She is a true free spirit, whose love of challenge and vibrant attitude towards life drew the young noble Tharan to her. She chose to remain in Waterdeep after Tharan died during the Time of Troubles, and even now her spirit burns bright and her sharp tongue still serves well enough to turn aside any snide comment from her mother-in-law Mauralynn (who still regards her as a "common serving wench"). Has two children, Rober and Feluna.
Edited by - AJA on 23 Aug 2020 01:51:19 |
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 23 Aug 2020 : 01:50:40
I DELVED ELMINSTER'S BACK DOOR (and all I got was this glimpse of his third bookshelf)
* The Lore of the Hamadryad (Lamarlasse of Tethdale, 1312DR) (well-received and considered a definitive effort)
* A Year's Merriments Amongst the Green-Men of Chult, or; My Time Among the Tasloi (Robsyl Crownsilver, 1360DR) (fanciful travelogue and nonsensical naturalism)
* Solitudes and Firesides (Donethra Maradool, 1153DR) (essays and poems on nature and life and companionship)
* 'Starling-Winds' and 'Sea-Blue Elms': The Lore of the Evensong Coast (Namlauvra Storm-Thrush, 1229DR) (well-researched compilation of local lore and superstitions)
* River and Brook: The Shining Roads of the Savage North (Ningask of the Cart-Tracks, 1362DR) (a topic well-trod in in numerous other, better tomes; shamefully omits a host of smaller courses)
* A Song For Wild Mirtul (Tsaunrala Summerflower, 1319DR) (decent collection of springtime field-songs and planter's tunes of the Dalelands)
* Old Brier and Willow-Wren: Feyfancies of the Lower Dessarin, Including Emmer Odd-Ivy and the Night Maids of Spider-Downs; the Winter Gloomworms and Teasel-Swift; Cricket-Winds and Oat-Field Gossamer; and The Eve of Autumn-Dawn and the Berry-Harvest Hunt (Yurlanta Windlespar, Wry Sage of Red Larch, 1283DR) (as it says; a brisk and delightful read)
* In Search of Summertide (Ardaerus Daskember, 1044DR) (volume of the author's collected poems; wistful, mournful, melancholic; still popular along his native Chionthar Valley)
* A Most Mysterious Company, bound whole with such follow-afters as A Company More Mysterious; The Mysterious Company Returns; Song of the Mysterious Company; and The Mysterious Company In Cormyr (Eldren the Lion-Quill, 1351DR) (collection of the middling Mysterious Company chapbook series)
* Talks and Traveller's Tales (Joyvrae of Impiltur, 1118DR) (a mix of travelogue and recorded conversations and a decent collection of useful folk-remedies)
* Delzoun and Dammelthar, and Times More Ancient Still (Faethlaskra Maeruné, 753DR) (ancient Eaerlanni tome on the history and legacies of neighboring dwarven realms)
* I Delved Elminster's Back Door (Volothamp Geddarm, 1352DR) (nonsense, utter nonsense, scurrilous, scandalous, ill-advised, pigeon-pox-worthy nonsense....that bumbling fool never even made it past the Burbur Stairs before turning tail and scurrying back to the taproom of the Old Skull!)
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 26 Aug 2020 : 00:45:02
Thamrick Thindleflavver Dark, stout, old sea dog. Affable, with a wide smile that displays two impressive rows of crooked yellow teeth. Master of Wharf-Shadows Hall, an "old-bones" lodge for retired and infirm members of the Master Mariners Guild. Makes an impressive side-income selling chapbooks and sea charts of dubious accuracy, based off the half-remembered, half-mad mutterings of his charges.
Tharal Waverider of Valkur. Author of To Tame The Faithless Sea (1340DR). "In truth, I have found myself more alone and tempest-tossed amidst the cities of my birth than I ever have under the wild grace of a squalling sea. The faceless waves of men are are just as uncaring, yet far colder and crueler."
Tharan Moonstar A noble of House Moonstar (younger son of Uthglar and Mauralynn / husband of Rassavva / father of Feluna and Rober; deceased). The middle child of Mauralynn and Uthglar. Tharan was less sheltered than his sister and less disciplined than his elder brother, and developed a taste for adventuring early on, touring the lands of the North, Amn, and the High Moor. Married his favorite serving girl at the Blushing Mermaid, something that caused quite a stir in highborn circles (but has died down with the passage of time and the naming of Rober as heir of the House). Died during the Time of Troubles, defending citizens of the city from Myrkul's Minions.
Thardulph Brozz A Castle Ward hedge-mage. Does a brisk business enchanting door-knocks and ornamental wind bells to produce more pleasing sounds than they would otherwise be capable of (faerie's laughter, crystal chimings and burbling brook are currently most popular). Such castings are only temporary, of course, and he is kept busy with regular re-applications. He was once assaulted by a cabal of elven smiths from Silverymoon who were convinced that he had stolen their secret methods of making such devices through physical (non-magical) craftsmanship, and has traveled under armed escort ever since.
The Thelark (LE HM F15/Sor7) (THAY-Lark) The self-styled "Baron of the Waves," a former pirate captain and Scourge of the Sword Coast. His flag, once flown at the scene of many pirate raids, consists of a black claw crushing a golden crown (symbolic of the realms along the coast). The Thelark (and his ship, the Death's Deliverer) were captured by Waterdhavian marines in Ches of 1370DR, but the pirate thane was soon spirited from the city by the former Luskar envoy, Neruudan. He now resides in the City of Sails, having been appointed "High Admiral," and tasked with rebuilding Luskan's naval might.
Thandar Buckblade [ Source: City of Splendors: A Waterdeep Novel. Name/Description given ]
The Thann Guardian [ Source: Realms By Night, Part 8: The Thann Guardian. Name/Description given ]
Senior Scribe
792 Posts |
Posted - 31 Aug 2020 : 00:31:10
Feladadra the Daring "A Lady of All Promising Manner of Delights" (thief, stone-delver, 'handful-of-coins swindler'). Auburn hair, steady blue eyes. Pompous, ostentatious. Has increasingly taken to announcing herself as Feladadra of the Seven Magical Disguises, though in the commission of her crimes she has only ever been identified as (or admitted to) using one. Also known to sometimes call herself 'Felûndra,' or 'Fela Flame-Kissed.' In social situations prefers heavy finger jewelry and also ornate nose-to-ear adornments, in a style native to the southern Sea of Stars. Often described as "an ambitious little emptyhead."
Feldroon Grummerglaun (LG DM) The Hammer of Harpendrún. Adbarran envoy (ambassador) to Waterdeep and the Lord's Alliance. An immense frame (in all directions), ruddy complexion, deep blue-black eyes that blaze when excited. Rugged yet expressive features. Full head and magnificent beard of silver-white hair. Wields the ancient Grummerglaun (and Clan Harpendrún, before them) warhammer Nightaldark (a bluesteel warhammer +2 with the ability to cast globes of darkness and conjure deadly ice storms).
Felglost Gnomish sneak-thief and hiresword (when hired for combat wore chainshirt and helm, and bore shield and war pick). Ill palor and ill manner. Nasty persistent rattling cough, but could move silently enough when needed. Often feigned ignorance of the Common tongue, preferring to communicate mainly through non-verbal harrumphs, tsks and sarcastic snorts. Native of Gorm Odder, on the eastern reaches of Ulversdeeping. Crushed by a falling-block trap somewhere in the Undermountain.
The Fellowship of the Blue Blade A short-lived company of adventurers and crypt-delvers. The Fellowship was last known to be involved in a series of hit-and-run skirmishes with hobgoblins in the mountains north of Silverymoon, although one member, the dwarven warrior Ozstar Baelgrym (CN DM T2/F4), is known to have since travelled to Luskan, seeking employment with the High Captains there.
The Fellowship of the Lifted Lantern Local adventuring fellowship. Also and formerly known as Ieiriglûn's Lantern's Aloft and Littlegeld's Lanterns (and, in the purple odes of the resident bard, The Lighted Lanterns Aloft Against the Despairing Darkness). Led as such by Ieiriglûn [EERIE-gloon] the Bold. Other members include Lamander Littlegeld, Ramrabo Sternthistle and the self-appointed "Black the Sharp-Blade" (Black Bless).
Fell Hatchet [ Source: SSI Official AD&D Computer Product Treasures of the Savage Frontier. Name/Description given ]
Edited by - AJA on 24 Feb 2021 00:22:13 |
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