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 Sages of Realmslore
 line of Darakh
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Posted - 15 Nov 2017 :  01:36:11  Show Profile Send FarRider a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
so whatever happened to the line of Darakh of Narfell? This dynasty was heavily infiltrated by Orcus himself, who bore several half-demon spawn through the lineage to rule over the then-mighty empire of Narfell, and not much has been heard of them since the near apocalyptic battle that reduced Narfell back to barbarism. Did the Prince of the Undead just discard this dynasty, or perhaps are there a few survivors, either ignorant of the demonic blood in their veins, or maybe carrying on the "family tradition", so to speak, worshiping the demon prince in secret, waiting for him to utilize them again to bring about a new empire devoted to his worship and ready to carry out his bidding on Faerun?

Just a thought. Would love to hear opinions on this idea...

Mod edit: Relocated from its more ethereal original shelf...

Edited by - Wooly Rupert on 15 Nov 2017 03:09:31

George Krashos
Master of Realmslore

6653 Posts

Posted - 15 Nov 2017 :  06:11:07  Show Profile Send George Krashos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
The Darakh Dynasty wasn't "heavily infiltrated" by Orcus, it was a partnership started by Laernaeril (who may survive still in lich form) for their mutual benefit. The Darakh line didn't die out in the sense that the family was annihilated, but the ruling element (the half-fiends and more powerful tieflings) were systematically culled by Rheligaun - usually by entrusting them with dangerous combat roles and missions in the war with Raumathar. This was because he was masquerading as a half-fiend son of Orcus, when in actual fact his branch of the Darakh family had pledged themselves to Fraz'Urb-Luu (who thought it a massive hoot to subvert one of Orcus' strongest supporter groups on Toril) so as to gain power against the "established order". Whilst Orcus enjoyed the worship, adulation and stream of sacrifices and souls from the Narfelli, he didn't play a personal role in the running of Narfell other than to make himself available to sire half-fiend progeny when the whim took him.

The Great Conflagration slew most of the Darakhs although the bloodline continues through the modern Narfelli tribes (the highest concentration of Darakh blood is thought to exist in the Ragnor tribe). There have been no individuals carrying that name however for centuries.

Of course, you could have a group of Darakh liches nestled in such places as Dun Tharos or the Citadel of Conjurers, as a shadowy "behind the scenes" bad-guy, but really you have a ton of options if you want that family to play a role in your game.

-- George Krashos

"Because only we, contrary to the barbarians, never count the enemy in battle." -- Aeschylus
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Gary Dallison
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Posted - 15 Nov 2017 :  06:37:57  Show Profile Send Gary Dallison a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Very nice stuff as always george. How did the Darakh line persist into the modern Nar is what im wondering.

I assume its the usual master/slave interaction when the Suren conquered Narfell. Although i got the impression from somewhere that the Suren much preferred to slaughter the Nar than enslave them (probably because of superstition and the Nar demon influence).

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Posted - 01 Mar 2020 :  18:12:04  Show Profile  Visit cpthero2's Homepage Send cpthero2 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Master Krashos,

I was also curious if there is any value to that locale for any of those Demon Princes, or their cults remaining, etc.? I mean, beyond the usual baddy stuff that always ensues.

Typical conquerors go and take places for resources (and self-adulation), but it's a whole other thing with Demon Princes. Anything in the dark, nefarious reaches that is still lurking for those power groups?

Best regards,

Originally posted by George Krashos

The Darakh Dynasty wasn't "heavily infiltrated" by Orcus, it was a partnership started by Laernaeril (who may survive still in lich form) for their mutual benefit. The Darakh line didn't die out in the sense that the family was annihilated, but the ruling element (the half-fiends and more powerful tieflings) were systematically culled by Rheligaun - usually by entrusting them with dangerous combat roles and missions in the war with Raumathar. This was because he was masquerading as a half-fiend son of Orcus, when in actual fact his branch of the Darakh family had pledged themselves to Fraz'Urb-Luu (who thought it a massive hoot to subvert one of Orcus' strongest supporter groups on Toril) so as to gain power against the "established order". Whilst Orcus enjoyed the worship, adulation and stream of sacrifices and souls from the Narfelli, he didn't play a personal role in the running of Narfell other than to make himself available to sire half-fiend progeny when the whim took him.

The Great Conflagration slew most of the Darakhs although the bloodline continues through the modern Narfelli tribes (the highest concentration of Darakh blood is thought to exist in the Ragnor tribe). There have been no individuals carrying that name however for centuries.

Of course, you could have a group of Darakh liches nestled in such places as Dun Tharos or the Citadel of Conjurers, as a shadowy "behind the scenes" bad-guy, but really you have a ton of options if you want that family to play a role in your game.

-- George Krashos

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