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Posted - 07 Jan 2017 :  14:56:29  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
Howdy folks!

So I started playing the Neverwinter MMO game on my new XBox One and one of the plots of the game is to put down unrest that's brewing among the Neverwinter citizenry, especially against the faction of people called The Sons of Alagondar. This group wants to restore the rule of Neverwinter from the so-called usurper Lord Neverember back to the people and the "rightful" heirs of Alagondar, of which there's some questions about their legitimacy.

Now this group, dubbed "The Sons" has separated into two groups: The Nashers (aka Gnashers) and the Grey Cloaks. The Nashers were led by a Harper and have mostly stuck to things like sabotage, larceny, and minor skirmishes resulting in more bruised egos than bloodshed. But now the Harper is gone, presumably dead, and is currently led by a cutthroat who's upped the game to rioting, murder, and assassinations. The Nashers have had recent success but it's costing them valuable political momentum with those in power.

The Grey Cloaks, on the other hand, are far more concerned with the lasting effects and rule of Neverwinter. They're more likely to work with Lord Neverember in making the citizenry a louder voice within the framework of the government. But in achieving this they're not above blackmail, espionage, backstabbing, and bribery to achieve their results. They frown on the Nasher's brutal tactics as it's making their job harder in the long run.

Ok with all that background said here's the discussion: If you were to run a game in Neverwinter with these things going on, how do you handle it? I'm looking into running a 4th edition game using various adventure points around Neverwinter including - Shard of Selūne (Dungeon #193), Baying Hounds (NEVE5-1, Living FR adventure), and Gauntlgrym Gambit (Dungeon #193) as a side quest for anyone with the Heir of Delzoun theme. The PCs can (most likely will) get engaged with the tumultuous events between The Sons and Neverwinter's guards and law enforcement currently going on. I see it as a great role-playing opportunity for the group though potentially fracturing if one of the players has say ties to one of either groups and maybe a Lawful Good character. How would, for example, a LG Paladin who's also a Neverwinter Noble wanting to see The Sons succeed handle a situations in which Nashers are assaulting the Lord's guards OR if he takes on a mission in which he might have to circumvent the truth to maintain the quest's integrity?


Edited by - Diffan on 07 Jan 2017 15:00:03

Master of Realmslore

1280 Posts

Posted - 07 Jan 2017 :  15:15:53  Show Profile Send Bladewind a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Depending on the level of the group, I'd try to focus on the estimated social stratification the players are going to interact with.

At lower levels, this political climate will result in (apparently random) daily events, that can range from minor inconveniences to outright dangerous encounters. They'd probably hear from innkeepers or town-criers a version of the political situation that would eventually chose the side that would benefit their local business, so probably Lord Neverember propaganda.

If they already have some levels and reputation under their belts, they'd probably learn about the organisations at play from the local law, merchant guild or noble that is employing them. Here you'd be able to let intrigue run wild, with false claims of terrorist attacks confusing the players in a wild goose chase. If they pressure one or more of these groups into a disadvantageous position, they'll end up with more enemies than they can handle.

At even higher levels you could bring in the intrigue with the surrounding city states goals of curtailing the meteoric rise of the Lion-
Lord Neverember. He was recently cut from his position in Waterdeep, so at least some of the hidden lords of Waterdeep see him as a rival. They see his military successes rising to his head, a bit like Napoleon, as he did save neverwinter more than once from near disasters.

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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

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Posted - 07 Jan 2017 :  15:54:15  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I think my approach would be to subtly steer the players towards finding or replacing the missing Harper who led the Nashers.

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Great Reader

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Posted - 08 Jan 2017 :  08:54:37  Show Profile Send sfdragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
what wooly said.

Id say kill them all and let Kelemvor sort em out.

umm did you start neverwinter in time for the winter festival??

why is being a wizard like being a drow? both are likely to find a dagger in the back from a rival or one looking to further his own goals, fame and power

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 08 Jan 2017 :  14:21:06  Show Profile Send Bladewind a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Aye. In my campaign the Harpers activities in Neverwinter have been overwhelmed by the far reaching influence of the Thayans, essentially draining all agents from the area to oppose the reactivation of the Dread Ring in Neverwinter Wood, so their presence in the city is marginalised.

The Sons of Alagondar mainly 'protect' the citizenry of Blacklake (who nobles political views in the past have harbored dangerous ideals), doggedly extending their racket outward from this district in a street by street fashion. Sure, a paladin with sympathy for the Sons is supposed to uphold the law and arrest them when engaging the guard, but when he and his deity/order are convinced the active law is unjustly in power he can resist them with all his divine blessings, smiting a way to a better future for all citizenry.

My campaign sketches

Druidic Groves

Creature Feature: Giant Spiders
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Great Reader

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Posted - 08 Jan 2017 :  17:02:13  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Bladewind

Depending on the level of the group, I'd try to focus on the estimated social stratification the players are going to interact with.

The group is going to start at 3rd level. This will give them some leeway when it comes to establishing themselves in the city and for background purposes.

Originally posted by Bladewind

At lower levels, this political climate will result in (apparently random) daily events, that can range from minor inconveniences to outright dangerous encounters. They'd probably hear from innkeepers or town-criers a version of the political situation that would eventually chose the side that would benefit their local business, so probably Lord Neverember propaganda.

I agree, however there might be a player character who's already been set against such propaganda such as someone with the Neverwinter Noble theme/background.

Originally posted by Bladewind

If they already have some levels and reputation under their belts, they'd probably learn about the organisations at play from the local law, merchant guild or noble that is employing them. Here you'd be able to let intrigue run wild, with false claims of terrorist attacks confusing the players in a wild goose chase. If they pressure one or more of these groups into a disadvantageous position, they'll end up with more enemies than they can handle.

At even higher levels you could bring in the intrigue with the surrounding city states goals of curtailing the meteoric rise of the Lion-Lord Neverember. He was recently cut from his position in Waterdeep, so at least some of the hidden lords of Waterdeep see him as a rival. They see his military successes rising to his head, a bit like Napoleon, as he did save neverwinter more than once from near disasters.

Definitely some interesting points that I'll try to weave into the overall campaign. Good stuff, thanks!

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I think my approach would be to subtly steer the players towards finding or replacing the missing Harper who led the Nashers.

That's also a great avenue and one that's also specifically mentioned in the adventure. They leave her disappearance ambiguous so a DM can device their own ending. I'm on the fence about having Arlon Bladeshapper, the current Nasher's leader, having Cymril (the Harper) killed outright for control OR having her escape after finding out Arlon (second in command) having consorted with Drow, Demons, and other dark forces such as Valindra to enhance his troops. This would definitely be sought after if someone in the group is a Harper Agent themselves.

Originally posted by sfdragon

umm did you start neverwinter in time for the winter festival??

I did! Currently doing the whole Simril thing in Twilight Tor. The stuff is amusing but rather short-lived.

Originally posted by Bladewind

Aye. In my campaign the Harpers activities in Neverwinter have been overwhelmed by the far reaching influence of the Thayans, essentially draining all agents from the area to oppose the reactivation of the Dread Ring in Neverwinter Wood, so their presence in the city is marginalized.

That's a pretty cool idea. That's definitely a good adventure path for their Paragon Levels.

Originally posted by Bladewind

The Sons of Alagondar mainly 'protect' the citizenry of Blacklake (who nobles political views in the past have harbored dangerous ideals), doggedly extending their racket outward from this district in a street by street fashion. Sure, a paladin with sympathy for the Sons is supposed to uphold the law and arrest them when engaging the guard, but when he and his deity/order are convinced the active law is unjustly in power he can resist them with all his divine blessings, smiting a way to a better future for all citizenry.

That's what I'm thinking. A LG Paladin in such a situations might believe Lord Neverember, and his Mintarn mercenary-troops, are basically occupying the city unjustly and help the Sons in any attempt to thwart the occupying force but maybe he eases up and knocks unconscious instead of killing these guards who, for the better part, aren't evil themselves.
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Wooly Rupert
Master of Mischief

36854 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2017 :  17:27:33  Show Profile Send Wooly Rupert a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Diffan

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I think my approach would be to subtly steer the players towards finding or replacing the missing Harper who led the Nashers.

That's also a great avenue and one that's also specifically mentioned in the adventure. They leave her disappearance ambiguous so a DM can device their own ending. I'm on the fence about having Arlon Bladeshapper, the current Nasher's leader, having Cymril (the Harper) killed outright for control OR having her escape after finding out Arlon (second in command) having consorted with Drow, Demons, and other dark forces such as Valindra to enhance his troops. This would definitely be sought after if someone in the group is a Harper Agent themselves.

It'd be even more fun if Arlon didn't know he was consorting with bad guys, and had allowed his zealousness to get the best of his judgement.

Cymril, getting suspicious of Arlon's new allies, starts looking into the matter, and those allies kidnap or kill her to keep Arlon under their thumb.

In this scenario, he had nothing to do with it and would likely be aghast if he found out what really happened, but he's being kept in the dark by his allies. Those allies are deliberately pushing Arlon into causing unrest and instability, and at the same time enjoying how he's undermining his group's credibility with his actions.

Who the group is, what their goal is, and Cymril's fate are all of course left to be customized by the DM.

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Great Reader

4454 Posts

Posted - 08 Jan 2017 :  20:10:47  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

Originally posted by Diffan

Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I think my approach would be to subtly steer the players towards finding or replacing the missing Harper who led the Nashers.

That's also a great avenue and one that's also specifically mentioned in the adventure. They leave her disappearance ambiguous so a DM can device their own ending. I'm on the fence about having Arlon Bladeshapper, the current Nasher's leader, having Cymril (the Harper) killed outright for control OR having her escape after finding out Arlon (second in command) having consorted with Drow, Demons, and other dark forces such as Valindra to enhance his troops. This would definitely be sought after if someone in the group is a Harper Agent themselves.

It'd be even more fun if Arlon didn't know he was consorting with bad guys, and had allowed his zealousness to get the best of his judgement.

Cymril, getting suspicious of Arlon's new allies, starts looking into the matter, and those allies kidnap or kill her to keep Arlon under their thumb.

In this scenario, he had nothing to do with it and would likely be aghast if he found out what really happened, but he's being kept in the dark by his allies. Those allies are deliberately pushing Arlon into causing unrest and instability, and at the same time enjoying how he's undermining his group's credibility with his actions.

Who the group is, what their goal is, and Cymril's fate are all of course left to be customized by the DM.

That's a pretty cool concept. The adventure (or was it in the book Neverwinter Campaign Setting?) had it that he was getting support from Valindra and her undead minions and helping Arlon's men any way she can. At first I believed that Arlon knew she was a lich but now I'm thinking that Valindra is possibly masked as perhaps a noble Eladrin who wants power restored to the Sons of Alagondar.
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Great Reader

2285 Posts

Posted - 09 Jan 2017 :  07:50:41  Show Profile Send sfdragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
next up in Neverwinter: Cult invasion.
rewards: neverwinter archer guard( green companion)
neverwinter charger mount( blue level)
various dyes
battlefield medic( purple companion)
horn( novelty item)

also tyranny of dragon stuff.

why is being a wizard like being a drow? both are likely to find a dagger in the back from a rival or one looking to further his own goals, fame and power

My FR fan fiction
Magister's GAmbit
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Great Reader

4454 Posts

Posted - 09 Jan 2017 :  23:26:55  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sfdragon

next up in Neverwinter: Cult invasion.
rewards: neverwinter archer guard( green companion)
neverwinter charger mount( blue level)
various dyes
battlefield medic( purple companion)
horn( novelty item)

also tyranny of dragon stuff.

That sounds like fun.
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Great Reader

2285 Posts

Posted - 10 Jan 2017 :  08:32:36  Show Profile Send sfdragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
eeeh... to some extent yes.

the tyranny stuff it gives are dragon coins and fangs. thse are required for the tyranny boons and is a great way to get them ahead og time.

that said. you're required to do 2 encounters for the stuff from sedine. days after you can get the charger or the companion. I like the companion better.

but get whichever you want. you likely can get the medic in the auction house right now for a decent price.....

why is being a wizard like being a drow? both are likely to find a dagger in the back from a rival or one looking to further his own goals, fame and power

My FR fan fiction
Magister's GAmbit
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Master of Realmslore

United Kingdom
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Posted - 10 Jan 2017 :  14:06:56  Show Profile  Visit hashimashadoo's Homepage Send hashimashadoo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Wooly Rupert

I think my approach would be to subtly steer the players towards finding or replacing the missing Harper who led the Nashers.

The complication there was that at the time when Cymril was killed, the Sons of Alagondar lost all contact with Moongleam Tower in Everlund since after the shadovar assassinated Eaerlraun Shadowlyn, the Harpers of Luruar upped their game in terms of secrecy.

Now, after the Sundering, the Harpers seem nominally led by Storm Silverhand - which changes things.

The issue I have with the Neverwinter MMO is that there's no clear advancement of time. The events of 1479 DR merge fairly seemlessly into the events post-Sundering as you advance the plot. 12 years have passed in the Realms since the game started.

Is your 4e game set before The Sundering or after while still using the 4e rules?

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Posted - 12 Jan 2017 :  01:09:32  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by hashimashadoo

Is your 4e game set before The Sundering or after while still using the 4e rules?

pre-Sundering and I don't foresee us every adopting the Sundering storyline to "fix" what my group never felt was broken. We like spellplagued people, spellscarred lands, earth motes, etc.
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Great Reader

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Posted - 17 Jan 2017 :  06:23:56  Show Profile Send sfdragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
so did you want any of my spare companions and mount Diffan? otherwise its up to be auctioned off

if you do want them, you'll need to give me your @name there

why is being a wizard like being a drow? both are likely to find a dagger in the back from a rival or one looking to further his own goals, fame and power

My FR fan fiction
Magister's GAmbit

Edited by - sfdragon on 17 Jan 2017 06:28:40
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 17 Jan 2017 :  06:57:12  Show Profile Send KanzenAU a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Sorry if this is a bit off topic... but how much game time do you think it would take to get through the story of the game? I'm only in it for the lore you see...

Regional maps for Waterdeep, Triboar, Ardeep Forest, and Cormyr on DM's Guild, plus a campaign sized map for the North
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Great Reader

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Posted - 17 Jan 2017 :  08:48:50  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by sfdragon

so did you want any of my spare companions and mount Diffan? otherwise its up to be auctioned off

if you do want them, you'll need to give me your @name there

Which name do you need?
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Great Reader

4454 Posts

Posted - 17 Jan 2017 :  08:51:49  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by KanzenAU

Sorry if this is a bit off topic... but how much game time do you think it would take to get through the story of the game? I'm only in it for the lore you see...

I'm not sure, honesty. I'm level 20 and I've only been playing off and on a couple of weeks. I don't get real in depth for things like raids, PvP, and group adventures. I did one in the tower district and it was boring. I was like level 17 and the people I was with were level 12 and they rushed through the whole thing and all I did was run to the end, lol
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Great Reader

2285 Posts

Posted - 18 Jan 2017 :  00:08:31  Show Profile Send sfdragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Diffan

Originally posted by sfdragon

so did you want any of my spare companions and mount Diffan? otherwise its up to be auctioned off

if you do want them, you'll need to give me your @name there

Which name do you need?

check you pmail.

why is being a wizard like being a drow? both are likely to find a dagger in the back from a rival or one looking to further his own goals, fame and power

My FR fan fiction
Magister's GAmbit
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Great Reader

2285 Posts

Posted - 20 Jan 2017 :  00:05:46  Show Profile Send sfdragon a Private Message  Reply with Quote
the cult invasion has started too.
2 HEs there and you're done with it for the day unless you hang around and fight there all day. can get to lvl 60 doing that. might be able to get the archer or the mount that way too.

why is being a wizard like being a drow? both are likely to find a dagger in the back from a rival or one looking to further his own goals, fame and power

My FR fan fiction
Magister's GAmbit
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