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44 Posts

Posted - 23 Dec 2016 :  04:59:41  Show Profile Send kalos72 a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
So I was just reading 4E material and realized they moved Evermeet to the Fey?

Is this one of the mysterious 4E moves with no rhyme or reason or is it written about somewhere?

In my 3.5E campaign my group had become a very highly trusted ally to the Island Nation and we spent weeks in storyline for it.

Did 5 E fix it?

Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

1078 Posts

Posted - 23 Dec 2016 :  05:04:48  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I'm 3.5ed If the Shadowfell is departing, then the Feywild is going as well.
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Copper Elven Vampire
Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 23 Dec 2016 :  05:07:44  Show Profile Send Copper Elven Vampire a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by kalos72

So I was just reading 4E material and realized they moved Evermeet to the Fey?

Is this one of the mysterious 4E moves with no rhyme or reason or is it written about somewhere?

In my 3.5E campaign my group had become a very highly trusted ally to the Island Nation and we spent weeks in storyline for it.

Did 5 E fix it?

Evermeet is tech in another Plane during Spellplague. Part of the Feywild. Shadowfell and Feywild are close enough to pass between the two and the prime.
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Posted - 23 Dec 2016 :  06:20:54  Show Profile Send Diffan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I always played it as it shfits from the material plane and the Feywild.
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Senior Scribe

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Posted - 23 Dec 2016 :  08:26:10  Show Profile Send BenN a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by kalos72
Did 5 E fix it?

According to the SCAG, it's back in the prime.
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11961 Posts

Posted - 23 Dec 2016 :  15:16:00  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Yeah, there was a "shadow" of Evermeet that supposedly moved down near Laerakond (which did they ever give a world map of sorts in 4e at all to show where Laerakond was in relation to Faerun or even more importantly in relation to Evermeet?). The "real" Evermeet was in the Feywild. According to the SCAG, it is back where it was previously. A few weeks back, I stated it might be interesting if Laerakond stayed but it was slightly north and east of Evermeet, just below that little thin tip of Laerakond that drifts off at the top. It opens up northern Anchorome for development, makes Laerakond a viable place for the Northmen of Ruathym and other islands to raid, a new threat to isolationist Evermeet.... and even better this would be a SUDDEN appearance that JUST happened in say the last year because the inhabitants of Evermeet were in the Feywild... the inhabitants of Laerakond were used to an empty Evermeet below them more near the equator... and the Northmen and inhabitants of Anchrome suddenly have both island nations appearing. It could even be that the "echo" of Evermeet that was on Toril was shifted to Abeir, and that there are now portals between Evermeet and Abeir.... which the people of Laerakond would be heavily interested in if they found out they existed. You know, the more I think on this.... yeah, I'm doing this in my stuff.... just to note this makes even more sense if Evermeet were actually southwest of Laerakond during the spellplague, and I'm not sure that anything ever stated their actual position in relation to each other.

From FRCG 4e
An echo of the fey refuge remains in Toril as an isle with the same shape and diameter, lying off the coast of the unfamiliar continent of Returned Abeir. The echo is empty of structures and has few residents. Evermeet fey can step back and forth between the echo and the Feywild’s Evermeet as they choose.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11961 Posts

Posted - 23 Dec 2016 :  15:38:24  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Oh, and on the above idea of Evermeet having portals now to Abeir, my thought is that such portals would exist to the shadow of Evermeet now on Abeir which is uninhabited except for a few elves, half-elves, and fey who lived on said echo. Thus, these residents would be surprised currently about being in Abeir, and they might discover that they can traverse to Evermeet via some portal. The elves of Evermeet might then decide it would behoove them to send a force to Abeir to establish some kind of fortress that's covered by numerous illusions and natural methods to hide this portal and defend it... or they may simply decide to use some kind of magic to make it only usable by elven blooded individuals. The people of Abeir wouldn't know about it, because they may not even know this island is there. The people of Laerakond wouldn't know about it, because they can't access Evermeet. It might take some kind of special thing happening to make folk realize the link now exists.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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Posted - 23 Dec 2016 :  18:58:53  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In 5e Evermeet touches the Feywild, Toril, and Arvandor at the same time, IIRC. However, you can go there physically, and people are sailing towards it in the post-Sundering era.

Mathematics is the art of giving the same name to different things.
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Posted - 04 Jan 2017 :  20:29:34  Show Profile Send CorellonsDevout a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In 4e, it was in the Feywild, but as of 5e, it touches the Feywild, Toril, and Arvandor, as Irennan said. Evermeet ships have been spotted on the Sword Coast. 5e is kind of a mix of pre-and-post Spellplague.

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