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 Shamanism/Weave Ghosts/Telthors/blueflame ghosts
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Skilled Spell Strategist

11925 Posts

Posted - 23 Jul 2016 :  17:18:01  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote  Delete Topic
I was just thinking about some old analogies we've used in the past while reading portions of the old 2nd edition City of Gold product. Apparently up in Anchorome, large portions of them don't have clerics or focus on a single deity. Rather they follow what they term as "Fetish Magic" but that we'd recognize more readily as "spirit magic" or "shaman magic". Obviously, this magic would also appear to be somewhat similar to binder magic, except that binders call upon being trapped elsewhere and share their souls.

Obviously, this immediately brought me back to Telthors, which is something I've always been intrigued with. It also brought me back to the idea of the "weave ghost", which also reminds me of wizshades, spectral harpists, and watchghosts.

So, in essence, with the weave, we've already got quite a collection of magical "ghosts" that people could call upon to provide them magical aid/power, all without it having to be tribal shamans who are wearing furs and fang necklaces. They could be just as sophisticated as your local wizard, sorcerer, priest, etc...

It would also seem that "blueflame" magic items involved turning people into "blueflame" ghosts. So, might this type of magic be termed "blueflame" magic.

Anyway, it just seems that there's some thematic thing that can be done with this. I've thought about it a little with some of the work I've done with the spirit shaman concept that I made for 5e where I mixed the warlock idea with the spirit shaman, but it might be worth developing a collection of lore on individuals that have become these special types of spirits in canon.

For instance, I know Sylune (who was known as a witch) is what... a spectral harpist or maybe a watchghost or a weave ghost. I expect that the Simbul (also known as a witch) is now some kind of weave ghost. What about Dove? Khelben? Are there any canon examples of say past Magister's giving themselves up?

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas

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3807 Posts

Posted - 23 Jul 2016 :  17:25:16  Show Profile Send Irennan a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Dove is a Weave ghost as well. She is the same as Syluné now, and can communicate with her sisters (it is mentioned by Laeral in Death Masks). Ed has also said that Qilué's soul was dragged into the Weave, so she might be a Weave ghost too (although I think that Laeral would have mentioned her, if it was the case, given how close the two of them are).

Khelben should be in Arvandor now.

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Master of Realmslore

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Posted - 24 Jul 2016 :  10:59:30  Show Profile Send Bladewind a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Might even be that some of the more powerful petitioners on Dweomerhaert survived as weaveghosts. Perhaps people with arcane sight into the weave can see them 'riding spells', getting a fragmented glimpse of the ghostly body chasing the weaves pulses left after a spell.

Also where can I learn more on blueflame items, seem like just the item I need to advance a certain plotline in a campaign of mine. Are they magic items that have been spellwarped by the spellplague, or items made with a deliberate intention to inflict a spellscar that turns you into weave energy to be absorbed into the Aether?

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Skilled Spell Strategist

11925 Posts

Posted - 24 Jul 2016 :  13:48:23  Show Profile Send sleyvas a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Hmmmm, now that's an interesting idea on the dweomerheart and petitioners. Maybe all the spellcasters who died immediately after the spellplague as well. That might mean there's a huge uptick in this type of weave ghosts/magical spirit/telthors across the realms since the spellplague.

blueflame magic items were the ones that were in the Elminster series that housed "the nine". It was like the chalice . Its heavily hinted at (if not outright said, I'd have to research) that Larloch was making a lot of them just prior to the spellplague.

Alavairthae, may your skill prevail

Phillip aka Sleyvas
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